private void chr_13_renderer_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); foreach (string filePath in files) { if (filePath.ToLower().EndsWith(".dds")) { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(filePath)); if (sender == chr_13_renderer) { chr_13 = ReplaceTexture(dds.ToNutTexture(), 416, 416, chr_13); if (chr_13_loc != null) { chr_13.Save(chr_13_loc); } } if (sender == chr_00_renderer) { chr_00 = ReplaceTexture(dds.ToNutTexture(), 128, 128, chr_00); if (chr_00_loc != null) { chr_00.Save(chr_00_loc); } } if (sender == chr_11_renderer) { chr_11 = ReplaceTexture(dds.ToNutTexture(), 384, 384, chr_13); if (chr_11_loc != null) { chr_11.Save(chr_11_loc); } } } if (filePath.ToLower().EndsWith(".png")) { if (sender == stock_90_renderer) { stock_90 = ReplaceTexture(NUTEditor.fromPNG(filePath, 0), 64, 64, chr_13); if (stock_90_loc != null) { stock_90.Save(stock_90_loc); } } } } ((GLControl)sender).Invalidate(); } }
private void importBack(string filename) { if (dontModify) { return; } NutTexture tex = textureFromFile[filename]; try { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(filename)); NutTexture ntex = dds.ToNutTexture(); tex.Height = ntex.Height; tex.Width = ntex.Width; tex.pixelInternalFormat = ntex.pixelInternalFormat; tex.surfaces = ntex.surfaces; tex.pixelFormat = ntex.pixelFormat; //GL.DeleteTexture(NUT.glTexByHashId[tex.HASHID]); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Remove(tex.HashId); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex)); FillForm(); textureListBox.SelectedItem = tex; glControl1.Invalidate(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not be open for editing"); } }
private void replaceToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentNut == null || textureListBox.SelectedItem == null) { return; } using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { NutTexture texture = (NutTexture)(textureListBox.SelectedItem); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds;*.png|" + "DirectDraw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics (.png)|*.png|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { NutTexture newTexture = null; string extension = Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName).ToLowerInvariant(); if (extension == ".dds") { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(ofd.FileName)); newTexture = dds.ToNutTexture(); } else if (extension == ".png") { newTexture = fromPNG(ofd.FileName, 1); } else { return; } texture.Height = newTexture.Height; texture.Width = newTexture.Width; texture.pixelInternalFormat = newTexture.pixelInternalFormat; texture.surfaces = newTexture.surfaces; texture.pixelFormat = newTexture.pixelFormat; Edited = true; //GL.DeleteTexture(NUT.glTexByHashId[texture.HASHID]); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Remove(texture.HashId); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Add(texture.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(texture)); FillForm(); } } }
public void ConvertToDdsNut(bool regenerateMipMaps = true) { for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++) { NutTexture originalTexture = (NutTexture)Nodes[i]; // Reading/writing mipmaps is only supported for DDS textures, // so we will need to convert all the textures. DDS dds = new DDS(originalTexture); NutTexture ddsTexture = dds.ToNutTexture(); ddsTexture.HashId = originalTexture.HashId; if (regenerateMipMaps) { RegenerateMipmapsFromTexture2D(ddsTexture); } Nodes[i] = ddsTexture; } }
private void importNutFromFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (FolderSelectDialog f = new FolderSelectDialog()) { if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Edited = true; if (!Directory.Exists(f.SelectedPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(f.SelectedPath); } NUT nut; nut = currentNut; foreach (var texPath in Directory.GetFiles(f.SelectedPath)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(texPath).ToLowerInvariant(); if (!(extension == ".dds" || extension == ".png")) { continue; } int texId; bool isTex = int.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(texPath), NumberStyles.HexNumber, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out texId); NutTexture texture = null; if (isTex) { foreach (NutTexture tex in nut.Nodes) { if (tex.HashId == texId) { texture = tex; } } } if (texture == null) { //new texture NutTexture tex = null; if (extension == ".dds") { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(texPath)); tex = dds.ToNutTexture(); } else if (extension == ".png") { tex = fromPNG(texPath, 1); } if (isTex) { tex.HashId = texId; } else { tex.HashId = nut.Nodes.Count; } nut.Nodes.Add(tex); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex)); FillForm(); } else { //existing texture NutTexture tex = texture; NutTexture ntex = null; if (extension == ".dds") { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(texPath)); ntex = dds.ToNutTexture(); } else if (extension == ".png") { ntex = fromPNG(texPath, 1); } tex.Height = ntex.Height; tex.Width = ntex.Width; tex.pixelInternalFormat = ntex.pixelInternalFormat; tex.surfaces = ntex.surfaces; tex.pixelFormat = ntex.pixelFormat; //GL.DeleteTexture(NUT.glTexByHashId[tex.HASHID]); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Remove(tex.HashId); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex)); FillForm(); } } if (!Runtime.TextureContainers.Contains(nut)) { Runtime.TextureContainers.Add(nut); } } } FillForm(); }
private void importToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentNut == null) { return; } using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.dds;*.png|" + "DirectDraw Surface (.dds)|*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics (.png)|*.png|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { int texId; bool isTex = int.TryParse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ofd.FileName), NumberStyles.HexNumber, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out texId); if (isTex) { foreach (NutTexture te in currentNut.Nodes) { if (texId == te.HashId) { isTex = false; } } } NutTexture tex = null; string extension = Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName).ToLowerInvariant(); if (extension == ".dds") { DDS dds = new DDS(new FileData(ofd.FileName)); tex = dds.ToNutTexture(); } else if (extension == ".png") { tex = fromPNG(ofd.FileName, 1); } else { return; } Edited = true; if (isTex) { tex.HashId = texId; } else { tex.HashId = 0x40FFFF00 | (currentNut.Nodes.Count); } if (currentNut.glTexByHashId.ContainsKey(tex.HashId)) { currentNut.glTexByHashId.Remove(tex.HashId); } currentNut.Nodes.Add(tex); currentNut.glTexByHashId.Add(tex.HashId, NUT.CreateTexture2D(tex)); FillForm(); } } }