Information on the destination of the rows that were copied or moved.
 private static void CopyRowToCreatedSheet(SmartsheetClient smartsheet, long sheetId, long rowId)
     long tempSheetId = smartsheet.SheetResources.CreateSheet(new Sheet.CreateSheetBuilder("tempSheet", new Column[] { new Column.CreateSheetColumnBuilder("col1", true, ColumnType.TEXT_NUMBER).Build() }).Build()).Id.Value;
     CopyOrMoveRowDestination destination = new CopyOrMoveRowDestination { SheetId = tempSheetId };
     CopyOrMoveRowDirective directive = new CopyOrMoveRowDirective { RowIds = new long[] { rowId }, To = destination };
     CopyOrMoveRowResult result = smartsheet.SheetResources.RowResources.CopyRowsToAnotherSheet(sheetId, directive, new CopyRowInclusion[] { CopyRowInclusion.CHILDREN }, false);