private void CallTheApi() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtUrl.Text) && !txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/")) txtUrl.Text = txtUrl.Text + "/"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cboPath.Text) && !cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/")) cboPath.Text = "/" + cboPath.Text; var context = new WebApiRequestContext() { PublicKey = txtPublicKey.Text, SecretKey = txtSecretKey.Text, Url = txtUrl.Text + (radioOdata.Checked ? "odata/" : "api/") + txtVersion.Text + cboPath.Text, HttpMethod = cboMethod.Text, HttpAcceptType = (radioJson.Checked ? ApiConsumer.JsonAcceptType : ApiConsumer.XmlAcceptType) }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cboQuery.Text)) context.Url = string.Format("{0}?{1}", context.Url, cboQuery.Text); if (!context.IsValid) { "Please enter Public-Key, Secret-Key, URL and method.".Box(MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); Debug.WriteLine(context.ToString()); return; } var apiConsumer = new ApiConsumer(); var requestContent = new StringBuilder(); var response = new WebApiConsumerResponse(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); lblRequest.Text = "Request: " + context.HttpMethod + " " + context.Url; lblRequest.Refresh(); var webRequest = apiConsumer.StartRequest(context, cboContent.Text, requestContent); txtRequest.Text = requestContent.ToString(); bool result = apiConsumer.ProcessResponse(webRequest, response); lblResponse.Text = "Response: " + response.Status; sb.Append(response.Headers); if (result && radioJson.Checked && radioOdata.Checked) { var customers = apiConsumer.TryParseCustomers(response); if (customers != null) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Parsed {0} customer(s):", customers.Count)); foreach (var customer in customers) sb.AppendLine(customer.ToString()); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } sb.Append(response.Content); txtResponse.Text = sb.ToString(); cboPath.InsertRolled(cboPath.Text, 64); cboQuery.InsertRolled(cboQuery.Text, 64); cboContent.InsertRolled(cboContent.Text, 64); }
private void CallTheApi() { if (txtUrl.Text.HasValue() && !txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/")) txtUrl.Text = txtUrl.Text + "/"; if (cboPath.Text.HasValue() && !cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/")) cboPath.Text = "/" + cboPath.Text; var context = new WebApiRequestContext { PublicKey = txtPublicKey.Text, SecretKey = txtSecretKey.Text, Url = txtUrl.Text + (radioOdata.Checked ? "odata/" : "api/") + txtVersion.Text + cboPath.Text, HttpMethod = cboMethod.Text, HttpAcceptType = (radioJson.Checked ? ApiConsumer.JsonAcceptType : ApiConsumer.XmlAcceptType) }; if (cboQuery.Text.HasValue()) context.Url = string.Format("{0}?{1}", context.Url, cboQuery.Text); if (!context.IsValid) { "Please enter Public-Key, Secret-Key, URL and method.".Box(MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); Debug.WriteLine(context.ToString()); return; } var apiConsumer = new ApiConsumer(); var response = new WebApiConsumerResponse(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder requestContent = null; Dictionary<string, object> multiPartData = null; lblRequest.Text = "Request: " + context.HttpMethod + " " + context.Url; lblRequest.Refresh(); if (radioApi.Checked && txtFile.Text.HasValue()) { var id1 = txtIdentfier1.Text.ToInt(); var id2 = txtIdentfier2.Text; var keyForId1 = "Id"; var keyForId2 = ""; multiPartData = new Dictionary<string, object>(); if (cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/Uploads/ProductImages")) { // only one identifier required: product id, sku or gtin keyForId2 = "Sku"; } else if (cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/Uploads/ImportFiles")) { // only one identifier required: import profile id or profile name keyForId2 = "Name"; // to delete existing import files: //multiPartData.Add("deleteExisting", true); } if (id1 != 0) multiPartData.Add(keyForId1, id1); if (id2.HasValue()) multiPartData.Add(keyForId2, id2); apiConsumer.AddApiFileParameter(multiPartData, txtFile.Text); } var webRequest = apiConsumer.StartRequest(context, cboContent.Text, multiPartData, out requestContent); txtRequest.Text = requestContent.ToString(); var result = apiConsumer.ProcessResponse(webRequest, response); lblResponse.Text = "Response: " + response.Status; sb.Append(response.Headers); if (result && radioJson.Checked && radioOdata.Checked) { var customers = response.TryParseCustomers(); if (customers != null) { sb.AppendLine("Parsed {0} customer(s):".FormatInvariant(customers.Count)); customers.ForEach(x => sb.AppendLine(x.ToString())); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } sb.Append(response.Content); txtResponse.Text = sb.ToString(); cboPath.InsertRolled(cboPath.Text, 64); cboQuery.InsertRolled(cboQuery.Text, 64); cboContent.InsertRolled(cboContent.Text, 64); }