/*private*/ partial void InternalDisposeCore() { if (_handlePingV4 != null) { _handlePingV4.Dispose(); _handlePingV4 = null; } if (_handlePingV6 != null) { _handlePingV6.Dispose(); _handlePingV6 = null; } UnregisterWaitHandle(); if (_pingEvent != null) { _pingEvent.Dispose(); _pingEvent = null; } if (_replyBuffer != null) { _replyBuffer.Dispose(); _replyBuffer = null; } }
// Any exceptions that escape synchronously will be caught by the caller and wrapped in a PingException. // We do not need to or want to capture such exceptions into the returned task. private Task <PingReply> SendPingAsyncCore(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions options) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <PingReply>(); _taskCompletionSource = tcs; _ipv6 = (address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6); _sendSize = buffer.Length; // Get and cache correct handle. if (!_ipv6 && _handlePingV4 == null) { _handlePingV4 = Interop.IpHlpApi.IcmpCreateFile(); if (_handlePingV4.IsInvalid) { _handlePingV4 = null; throw new Win32Exception(); // Gets last error. } } else if (_ipv6 && _handlePingV6 == null) { _handlePingV6 = Interop.IpHlpApi.Icmp6CreateFile(); if (_handlePingV6.IsInvalid) { _handlePingV6 = null; throw new Win32Exception(); // Gets last error. } } var ipOptions = new Interop.IpHlpApi.IPOptions(options); if (_replyBuffer == null) { _replyBuffer = SafeLocalAllocHandle.LocalAlloc(MaxUdpPacket); } // Queue the event. int error; try { if (_pingEvent == null) { _pingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); } else { _pingEvent.Reset(); } _registeredWait = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(_pingEvent, (state, _) => ((Ping)state).PingCallback(), this, -1, true); SetUnmanagedStructures(buffer); if (!_ipv6) { SafeWaitHandle pingEventSafeWaitHandle = _pingEvent.GetSafeWaitHandle(); error = (int)Interop.IpHlpApi.IcmpSendEcho2( _handlePingV4, pingEventSafeWaitHandle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)address.GetAddress(), _requestBuffer, (ushort)buffer.Length, ref ipOptions, _replyBuffer, MaxUdpPacket, (uint)timeout); } else { IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(address, 0); SystemNet.Internals.SocketAddress remoteAddr = IPEndPointExtensions.Serialize(ep); byte[] sourceAddr = new byte[28]; SafeWaitHandle pingEventSafeWaitHandle = _pingEvent.GetSafeWaitHandle(); error = (int)Interop.IpHlpApi.Icmp6SendEcho2( _handlePingV6, pingEventSafeWaitHandle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, sourceAddr, remoteAddr.Buffer, _requestBuffer, (ushort)buffer.Length, ref ipOptions, _replyBuffer, MaxUdpPacket, (uint)timeout); } } catch { UnregisterWaitHandle(); throw; } if (error == 0) { error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); // Only skip Async IO Pending error value. if (error != Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // Cleanup. FreeUnmanagedStructures(); UnregisterWaitHandle(); throw new Win32Exception(error); } } return(tcs.Task); }