/// <summary> /// Can you save the polling cards for this polling venue on the harddrive? /// </summary> /// <param name="pollingVenue">The polling venue</param> /// <param name="electionName">The name of the election</param> /// <param name="electionDate">The date of the election</param> public void SavePollingCards(PollingVenue pollingVenue, string electionName, string electionDate) { Contract.Requires(pollingVenue != null); Contract.Ensures(File.Exists(this.path + "\\PollingCards.pdf")); var pollingCards = new PollingCards(electionName, electionDate, "09.00 - 20.00"); foreach (var person in pollingVenue.Persons){ pollingCards.CreatePollingCard(person, pollingVenue.MunicipalityAddress, pollingVenue.PollingVenueAddress); } pollingCards.SaveToDisk(this.path+"\\PollingCards.pdf"); }
public void TestPollingCards() { PollingCards pollingCards = new PollingCards("test election", "01-01-01-2011", "09.00 - 20.00"); Person person = new Person{ FirstName = "Hans", LastName = "Sørensen", Street = "Hovedgaden 10", City = "2300 København S", PollingTable = "1", }; Address pollingVenue = new Address { Name = "Byskolen", Street = "Lærervej 8", City = "2300 København S" }; Address sender = new Address { Name = "Rådhuset", Street = "Ministervej 8", City = "2100 København Ø" }; pollingCards.CreatePollingCard(person, sender, pollingVenue); Assert.False(File.Exists("testpollingcard.pdf")); pollingCards.SaveToDisk("testpollingcard.pdf"); Assert.True(File.Exists("testpollingcard.pdf")); File.Delete("testpollingcard.pdf"); }