コード例 #1
        private static void StrongConnect(Vertex firstVertex)
            Stack<Vertex> stack = new Stack<Vertex>();

            while (stack.Count > 0) {
                Vertex v = stack.Pop();
                v.index = index;
                v.lowlink = index;

                foreach (Vertex w in v.Adj) {
                    if (w.index < 0) {
                        v.lowlink = Math.Min(v.lowlink, w.lowlink);
                    else if (S.Contains(w)) {
                        v.lowlink = Math.Min(v.lowlink, w.index);

                if (v.lowlink == v.index) {
                    var scc = new List<Vertex>();
                    Vertex w;
                    do {
                        w = S.Pop();
                    } while (v != w);
コード例 #2
 public DTuple Prog(StrategySet rho, Vertex v, Vertex w)
     var rho_w = rho[w];
     var ret = new DTuple(rho_w.Count);
     if (v.PriorityEven) {
         // return the least m >= (up to p(v)) rho
         // easily constructed by copying values up to p(v) and padding with 0
         if (rho_w.IsTop) ret = MTop;
         else for (int i = 0; i < v.Priority; i++)
                 ret[i] = rho_w[i];
     else {
         // return the least m > (up to p(v)) rho[w]
         // constructed by taking the first elem before p(v) that can be incremented, MTop otherwise
         for (int i = v.Priority; i >= 0; i--) {
             if (rho_w[i] < MMaxEven[i]) {
                 ret[i] = rho_w[i] + 1;
                 // leave stuff in front same as rho_w
                 for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                     ret[j] = rho_w[j];
                 // and set remainder to 0
                 for (int j = i + 1; j < d; j++)
                     ret[j] = 0;
             else if (i == 0) // nothing could be incremented
                 ret = MTop;
             else // copy this val, try to incr. next
                 ret[i] = rho_w[i];
     return ret;
コード例 #3
        static void tarjan_iter(Vertex u, ref int index)
            u.index = index;
            u.lowlink = index;
            u.vindex = 0;
            u.caller = null;           //Equivalent to the node from which the recursive call would spawn.
            _onStack[u] = true;
            Vertex last = u;
            while (true) {
                if (last.vindex < last.Adj.Count) {       //Equivalent to the check in the for-loop in the recursive version
                    Vertex w = last.Adj[last.vindex];
                    last.vindex++;                                   //Equivalent to incrementing the iterator in the for-loop in the recursive version
                    if (w.index == -1) {
                        w.caller = last;
                        w.vindex = 0;
                        w.index = index;
                        w.lowlink = index;
                        _onStack[w] = true;
                        last = w;
                    else if (_onStack[w] == true) {
                        last.lowlink = Math.Min(last.lowlink, w.index);
                else {  //Equivalent to the nodeSet iterator pointing to end()
                    if (last.lowlink == last.index) {
                        Vertex top = _tarStack.Pop();
                        var scc = new List<Vertex>() { top };
                        top.SCC = scc;
                        _onStack[top] = false;
                        int size = 1;

                        while (top.Id != last.Id) {
                            top = _tarStack.Pop();
                            top.SCC = scc;
                            _onStack[top] = false;

                    Vertex newLast = last.caller;   //Go up one recursive call
                    if (newLast != null) {
                        newLast.lowlink = Math.Min(newLast.lowlink, last.lowlink);
                        last = newLast;
                    else {
                        //We've seen all the nodes
コード例 #4
 public Vertex GetV(int id)
     var v = V[id];
     if (v == null) {
         v = new Vertex(id);
         V[id] = v;
     return v;
コード例 #5
 public Edge(Vertex from, Vertex to)
     From = from;
     To = to;
コード例 #6
 private void Lift(Vertex v, StrategySet rho)
     var ps = v.Adj.Select(w => Prog(rho, v, w)).OrderBy(d => d);
     rho[v] = v.OwnerEven ? ps.First() : ps.Last();