コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a host to the list of known hosts to communicate with and raise the <see cref="SCHost.OnAdd"/> event.
        /// If there is already a host with the same IP address, then its nickname will be updated, no host will actually added and the <see cref="SCHost.OnAdd"/> event will not be raised.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">Information about the host to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="notifyConflict">If <code>true</code> detects nickname conflicts if any (raising the <see cref="SCHost.OnConflictNotification"/> and sending a conflict notification PDU to the other host).</param>
        /// <returns><code>true</code> if a host has actually been added, <code>false</code> if a nickname has been updated.</returns>
        public bool Add(SCHostInfo info, bool notifyConflict = true)
            bool alreadyInserted = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.others.Count; i++)
                if (this.others[i].Ip.Equals(info.Ip))
                    alreadyInserted = true;
                    this.others[i]  = info;
                else if (notifyConflict && this.others[i].Nickname == info.Nickname)
                    SCPdu notification = new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.NicknameConflictNotification, Encoding.Default, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(info.Ip.ToString()));
                    this.ManualSend(this.others[i].Ip, notification);
                    notification.Payload = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(this.others[i].Ip.ToString());
                    this.ManualSend(info.Ip, notification);
            if (notifyConflict && info.Nickname == this.myself.Nickname)
                SCPdu notification = new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.NicknameConflictNotification, Encoding.Default, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(IPAddress.Any.ToString()));
                this.ManualSend(info.Ip, notification);
                if (this.OnConflictNotification != null)
                    this.OnConflictNotification(this.myself, info);
            if (!alreadyInserted)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Sends a leave PDU to all known hosts.</summary>
        protected virtual void Leave()
            SCPdu pdu = new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.Leave, Encoding.Default, new byte[0]);

            foreach (SCHostInfo item in this.others)
                this.ManualSend(item.Ip, pdu);
コード例 #3
ファイル: SmallChat.cs プロジェクト: Aspie96/SmallChat
 /// <summary>Sends a leave PDU to all known hosts.</summary>
 protected virtual void Leave()
     SCPdu pdu = new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.Leave, Encoding.Default, new byte[0]);
     foreach (SCHostInfo item in this.others)
         this.ManualSend(item.Ip, pdu);
コード例 #4
ファイル: SmallChat.cs プロジェクト: Aspie96/SmallChat
 /// <summary>Sends a unicast PDU to the given host.</summary>
 /// <param name="ip">The IP of the host to be sent the PDU.</param>
 /// <param name="pdu">The PDU to be sent.</param>
 public void ManualSend(IPAddress ip, SCPdu pdu)
     byte[] binaryPdu = pdu.ToBinary(this.key);
     socket.Send(binaryPdu, binaryPdu.Length, new IPEndPoint(ip, this.myself.Port));
コード例 #5
ファイル: SmallChat.cs プロジェクト: Aspie96/SmallChat
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a host to the list of known hosts to communicate with and raise the <see cref="SCHost.OnAdd"/> event.
 /// If there is already a host with the same IP address, then its nickname will be updated, no host will actually added and the <see cref="SCHost.OnAdd"/> event will not be raised.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">Information about the host to be added.</param>
 /// <param name="notifyConflict">If <code>true</code> detects nickname conflicts if any (raising the <see cref="SCHost.OnConflictNotification"/> and sending a conflict notification PDU to the other host).</param>
 /// <returns><code>true</code> if a host has actually been added, <code>false</code> if a nickname has been updated.</returns>
 public bool Add(SCHostInfo info, bool notifyConflict = true)
     bool alreadyInserted = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < this.others.Count; i++)
         if (this.others[i].Ip.Equals(info.Ip))
             alreadyInserted = true;
             this.others[i] = info;
         else if (notifyConflict && this.others[i].Nickname == info.Nickname)
             SCPdu notification = new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.NicknameConflictNotification, Encoding.Default, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(info.Ip.ToString()));
             this.ManualSend(this.others[i].Ip, notification);
             notification.Payload = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(this.others[i].Ip.ToString());
             this.ManualSend(info.Ip, notification);
     if (notifyConflict && info.Nickname == this.myself.Nickname)
         SCPdu notification = new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.NicknameConflictNotification, Encoding.Default, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(IPAddress.Any.ToString()));
         this.ManualSend(info.Ip, notification);
         if (this.OnConflictNotification != null)
             this.OnConflictNotification(this.myself, info);
     if (!alreadyInserted)
     return !alreadyInserted;
コード例 #6
ファイル: SmallChat.cs プロジェクト: Aspie96/SmallChat
 /// <summary>This factory method decrypt a binary PDU and convert it into an instance of the <see cref="SCPdu"/> structure.</summary>
 /// <param name="pdu">The binary content of the PDU.</param>
 /// <param name="key">The encryption key used for encrypting the content of the PDU.</param>
 /// <returns>The parsed PDU.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="MalformedPduException">Thrown when the PDU is broken or the given encryption key is wrong.</exception>
 public static SCPdu FromBinary(byte[] pdu, byte[] key)
     SCPdu retVal = new SCPdu();
     if (key.Length != 16)
         throw new ScedaException("A SCEDA key must be 16 bytes long.");
     if (pdu.Length < 12)
         throw new MalformedPduException("The PDU is too short.");
     if (pdu[0] != 0 || pdu[1] != 1)
         throw new MalformedPduException("Unknown ScedaDigest version.");
         retVal.ChatID = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pdu.Skip(2).TakeWhile(item => item != 0).ToArray());
         int displacement = retVal.ChatID.Length + 3;
         byte[] iv = pdu.Skip(displacement).Take(8).ToArray();
         displacement += 8;
         byte[] msg = SCEDA.Decrypt(pdu.Skip(displacement).ToArray(), key, iv);
         displacement = 0;
         string type = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Take(3).ToArray());
         displacement += 3;
         switch (type)
             case "HLO":
                 retVal.Type = SCPduType.Hello;
             case "ACK":
                 retVal.Type = SCPduType.Welcome;
             case "LEV":
                 retVal.Type = SCPduType.Leave;
             case "MSG":
                 retVal.Type = SCPduType.Message;
             case "BAD":
                 retVal.Type = SCPduType.MalformedPduNotification;
             case "CNF":
                 retVal.Type = SCPduType.NicknameConflictNotification;
                 throw new Exception("PDU Type not known.");
         string encoding = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Skip(displacement).TakeWhile(item => item != 0).ToArray());
         retVal.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(encoding);
         displacement += encoding.Length + 1;
         retVal.Payload = msg.Skip(displacement).ToArray();
         if ((retVal.Type == SCPduType.Hello || retVal.Type == SCPduType.Welcome) && retVal.Payload.Length == 0)
             throw new Exception("Hello and Welcome PDUs must have a non-empty payload.");
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new MalformedPduException(e);
     return retVal;
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>Sends a unicast PDU to the given host.</summary>
 /// <param name="ip">The IP of the host to be sent the PDU.</param>
 /// <param name="pdu">The PDU to be sent.</param>
 public void ManualSend(IPAddress ip, SCPdu pdu)
     byte[] binaryPdu = pdu.ToBinary(this.key);
     socket.Send(binaryPdu, binaryPdu.Length, new IPEndPoint(ip, this.myself.Port));
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SCHost"/> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="nickname">The nickname to be associated with this host.</param>
        /// <param name="chatID">The chat ID of the communication this host will take part into.</param>
        /// <param name="key">The encryption key used in this communication.</param>
        /// <param name="broadcast">The broadcast address of the local network.</param>
        /// <param name="port">The port to be used in this communication.</param>
        /// <param name="firstHello">If <code>true</code>, makes the host send a broadcast hello PDU once initialized.</param>
        public SCHost(string nickname, string chatID, byte[] key, IPAddress broadcast = null, int port = 4412, bool firstHello = true)
            if (key.Length != 16)
                throw new ScedaException("A SCEDA key must be 16 bytes long.");
            this.myself          = new SCHostInfo();
            this.myself.Nickname = nickname;
            this.myself.ChatID   = chatID;
            this.myself.Port     = port;
            this.key             = key;
            this.others          = new List <SCHostInfo>();
            this.socket          = new UdpClient(this.myself.Port);
            this.socket.Client.EnableBroadcast = true;
            this.myself.Ip = IPAddress.Loopback;
            if (broadcast == null)
                this.broadcast = IPAddress.Broadcast;
                this.broadcast = broadcast;
            this.disposed = false;
            this.remainingMalformedNotifications = 4;
            this.malformedTimer          = new System.Timers.Timer(600000);
            this.malformedTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                this.remainingMalformedNotifications = 4;
            this.listener = new Thread(delegate()
                for (; ;)
                    IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, this.myself.Port);
                    byte[] binaryPdu    = this.socket.Receive(ref endPoint);
                    bool local          = endPoint.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Loopback);
                    foreach (IPAddress item in Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()))
                        if (endPoint.Address.Equals(item))
                            local = true;
                    if (!local && SCPdu.CheckChatID(binaryPdu, this.myself.ChatID))
                        SCHostInfo info = new SCHostInfo(endPoint.Address, endPoint.Port, this.GetNicknameFromIp(endPoint.Address), this.myself.ChatID);
                            SCPdu pdu = SCPdu.FromBinary(binaryPdu, this.key);
                            switch (pdu.Type)
                            case SCPduType.Hello:
                                    info.Nickname = pdu.Encoding.GetString(pdu.Payload);
                                    this.ManualSend(endPoint.Address, new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.Welcome, Encoding.Default, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(this.myself.Nickname)));
                                    if (this.Add(info, true) && this.OnHello != null)

                            case SCPduType.Welcome:
                                    info.Nickname = pdu.Encoding.GetString(pdu.Payload);
                                    if (this.Add(info, true) && this.OnWelcome != null)

                            case SCPduType.Leave:
                                    this.others.RemoveAll(item => item.Ip.Equals(info.Ip));
                                    if (this.OnLeave != null)

                            case SCPduType.Message:
                                    if (this.OnReceive != null)
                                        this.OnReceive(info, pdu, pdu.Encoding.GetString(pdu.Payload));

                            case SCPduType.MalformedPduNotification:
                                    if (this.OnMalformedNotification != null)
                                        this.OnMalformedNotification(info, pdu.Payload);

                            case SCPduType.NicknameConflictNotification:
                                    if (this.OnConflictNotification != null)
                                        this.OnConflictNotification(info, new SCHostInfo(IPAddress.Parse(pdu.Encoding.GetString(pdu.Payload)), this.myself.Port, this.myself.Nickname, this.myself.ChatID));
                        catch (MalformedPduException)
                            if (this.remainingMalformedNotifications > -1)
                                this.ManualSend(endPoint.Address, new SCPdu(this.myself.ChatID, SCPduType.Hello, Encoding.Default, new byte[0]));
                            if (this.OnMalformedReceived != null)
                                this.OnMalformedReceived(info, binaryPdu);
            if (firstHello)
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>This factory method decrypt a binary PDU and convert it into an instance of the <see cref="SCPdu"/> structure.</summary>
        /// <param name="pdu">The binary content of the PDU.</param>
        /// <param name="key">The encryption key used for encrypting the content of the PDU.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed PDU.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="MalformedPduException">Thrown when the PDU is broken or the given encryption key is wrong.</exception>
        public static SCPdu FromBinary(byte[] pdu, byte[] key)
            SCPdu retVal = new SCPdu();

            if (key.Length != 16)
                throw new ScedaException("A SCEDA key must be 16 bytes long.");
            if (pdu.Length < 12)
                throw new MalformedPduException("The PDU is too short.");
            if (pdu[0] != 0 || pdu[1] != 1)
                throw new MalformedPduException("Unknown ScedaDigest version.");
                retVal.ChatID = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pdu.Skip(2).TakeWhile(item => item != 0).ToArray());
                int    displacement = retVal.ChatID.Length + 3;
                byte[] iv           = pdu.Skip(displacement).Take(8).ToArray();
                displacement += 8;
                byte[] msg = SCEDA.Decrypt(pdu.Skip(displacement).ToArray(), key, iv);
                displacement = 0;
                string type = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Take(3).ToArray());
                displacement += 3;
                switch (type)
                case "HLO":
                    retVal.Type = SCPduType.Hello;

                case "ACK":
                    retVal.Type = SCPduType.Welcome;

                case "LEV":
                    retVal.Type = SCPduType.Leave;

                case "MSG":
                    retVal.Type = SCPduType.Message;

                case "BAD":
                    retVal.Type = SCPduType.MalformedPduNotification;

                case "CNF":
                    retVal.Type = SCPduType.NicknameConflictNotification;

                    throw new Exception("PDU Type not known.");
                string encoding = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg.Skip(displacement).TakeWhile(item => item != 0).ToArray());
                retVal.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(encoding);
                displacement   += encoding.Length + 1;
                retVal.Payload  = msg.Skip(displacement).ToArray();
                if ((retVal.Type == SCPduType.Hello || retVal.Type == SCPduType.Welcome) && retVal.Payload.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Hello and Welcome PDUs must have a non-empty payload.");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new MalformedPduException(e);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: Aspie96/SmallChat
 static void myself_OnReceive(SCHostInfo info, SCPdu pdu, string message)
     int left;
     int top;
     ConsoleInsertLine(out left, out top);
     if (info.Nickname == "")
         ConsoleWriteInColor("unknown: ", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
         ConsoleWriteInColor(info.Nickname + ": ", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
     Console.SetCursorPosition(left, top);