public string UpdateSales(string random, int type, long SalesNo, EntitySalesH entityH, List<EntitySalesD> entityD, EntitySalesH before_entityH, List<EntitySalesD> before_entityD) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return _message; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(認証処理)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } #endregion #region Field StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = null; string accountPeriod = ""; long id = 0; long no = SalesNo; string ret_message = ""; EntityInOutDeliveryH _entityInOutDeliveryH = new EntityInOutDeliveryH(); List<EntityInOutDeliveryD> _entityInOutDeliveryListD = new List<EntityInOutDeliveryD>(); #endregion #region Databese Open try { db = new ExMySQLData(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.DB_CONNECTION_STR])); db.DbOpen(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(DbOpen)", ex); return "UpdateSales(DbOpen) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Invoice Close Check try { if (type <= 1) { // 掛売上 if (entityH.business_division_id == 1) { // 請求締切済チェック if (DataClose.IsInvoiceClose(companyId, db, entityH.invoice_id, entityH.sales_ymd)) { db.DbClose(); return "売上日 : " + entityH.sales_ymd + " は請求締切済の為、計上できません。"; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Invoice Close Check)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Invoice Close Check) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region BeginTransaction try { db.ExBeginTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(BeginTransaction)", ex); return "UpdateSales(BeginTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update or Insert if (type <= 1) { #region Get Accout Period try { accountPeriod = DataAccount.GetAccountPeriod(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ACCOUNT_BEGIN_PERIOD]), entityH.sales_ymd); if (accountPeriod == "") { return "会計年の取得に失敗しました。(期首月日 : " + ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ACCOUNT_BEGIN_PERIOD]) + " 売上日 : " + entityH.sales_ymd + ")"; } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(GetAccountPeriod)", ex); return "UpdateSales(GetAccountPeriod) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Get Slip No try { DataSlipNo.GetSlipNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geSlipKbn.Sales, accountPeriod, ref no, out id, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (no == 0 || id == 0) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); return "伝票番号の取得に失敗しました。(会計年 : " + accountPeriod + ")"; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(GetSlipNo)", ex); db.ExRollbackTransaction(); return "UpdateSales(GetSlipNo) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Set Invoice Data long set_invoice = entityH.invoice_no; bool max_invoice = false; // 追加で取引区分が都度請求 if (type == 1 && entityH.business_division_id == 3) { max_invoice = true; } // 更新で取引区分が都度請求で請求番号が未設定 else if (type == 0 && entityH.business_division_id == 3 && entityH.invoice_no == 0) { max_invoice = true; } #region Get Max Invoice No int get_cnt = 0; long invoice_no = 0; if (max_invoice == true) { for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { try { invoice_no = DataSlipNo.GetMaxSlipNo(companyId, groupId, db, "T_INVOICE", "NO"); break; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } } } if (max_invoice == true && invoice_no == 0) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); return "請求書番号の取得に失敗しました。"; } #endregion #region Invoice Data Insert if (max_invoice == true) { #region 回収予定日設定 string _collect_plan_day = ""; int _collect_day = 0; DataPlanDay.GetPlanDay(entityH.collect_cycle_id, entityH.collect_day, entityH.sales_ymd, ref _collect_plan_day, ref _collect_day); #endregion #region Insert SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO T_INVOICE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVOICE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVOICE_YYYYMMDD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUMMING_UP_GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); //sb.Append(" , BEFORE_INVOICE_YYYYMMDD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COLLECT_CYCLE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COLLECT_DAY" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COLLECT_PLAN_DAY" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , BEFORE_INVOICE_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , RECEIPT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TRANSFER_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO_TAX_SALES_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVOICE_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVOICE_KBN" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + invoice_no + Environment.NewLine); // NO sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityH.invoice_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // INVOICE_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityH.sales_ymd) + Environment.NewLine); // INVOICE_YYYYMMDD sb.Append(" ,''" + Environment.NewLine); // SUMMING_UP_DAY //sb.Append(" ,'0000/00/00'" + Environment.NewLine); // BEFORE_INVOICE_YYYYMMDD sb.Append(" ," + entityH.update_person_id + Environment.NewLine); // PERSON_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityH.collect_cycle_id + Environment.NewLine); // COLLECT_CYCLE_ID sb.Append(" ," + _collect_day + Environment.NewLine); // COLLECT_DAY sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(_collect_plan_day) + Environment.NewLine); // COLLECT_PLAN_DAY sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // BEFORE_INVOICE_PRICE sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // RECEIPT_PRICE sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // TRANSFER_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_price) + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityH.sum_no_tax_price + Environment.NewLine); // NO_TAX_SALES_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityH.sum_tax + Environment.NewLine); // TAX sb.Append(" ," + (ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_no_tax_price) + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_tax)) + Environment.NewLine); // INVOICE_PRICE sb.Append(" ,1" + Environment.NewLine); // INVOICE_KBN sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityH.memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "T_INVOICE", ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), "", ipAdress, userId)); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); set_invoice = invoice_no; } #endregion #region Invoice Data Delete // 更新で取引区分が都度請求以外で請求番号が設定(都度請求から都度請求以外に更新) if (type == 0 && entityH.business_division_id != 3 && entityH.invoice_no != 0) { #region Delete SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("DELETE FROM T_INVOICE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND INVOICE_KBN = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); // 都度請求分のみ sb.Append(" AND NO = " + entityH.invoice_no + Environment.NewLine); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); set_invoice = 0; } #endregion #endregion #region Head Insert try { #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO T_SALES_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , RED_BEFORE_NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ORDER_NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ESTIMATENO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CUSTOMER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVOICE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_CHANGE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUPPLIER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUPPLY_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELIVER_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_ENTER_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_CASE_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_UNIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_SALES_COST" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_NO_TAX_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_PROFITS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PROFITS_PERCENT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVOICE_NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ," + no.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // NO sb.Append(" ," + entityH.red_before_no + Environment.NewLine); // RED_BEFORE_NO sb.Append(" ," + entityH.order_no + Environment.NewLine); // ESTIMATENO sb.Append(" ," + entityH.estimateno + Environment.NewLine); // ESTIMATENO sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(entityH.sales_ymd)) + Environment.NewLine); // Sales_YMD sb.Append(" ," + entityH.update_person_id + Environment.NewLine); // PERSON_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityH.customer_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // CUSTOMER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityH.invoice_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // INVOICE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityH.tax_change_id + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_CHANGE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityH.business_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityH.supplier_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // SUPPLIER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zTimeNullToDefault(entityH.supply_ymd)) + Environment.NewLine); // SUPPLY_YMD sb.Append(" ,1" + Environment.NewLine); // DELIVER_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_enter_number) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_ENTER_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_case_number) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_CASE_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_number) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_unit_price) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_UNIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_sales_cost) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_SALES_COST sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_tax) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_TAX sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_no_tax_price) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_NO_TAX_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_price) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_profits) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_PROFITS sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.profits_percent) + Environment.NewLine); // PROFITS_PERCENT sb.Append(" ," + set_invoice + Environment.NewLine); // INVOICE_NO sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityH.memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO if (type == 0) { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Upd, PG_NM, "T_SALES_H", entityH.update_person_id, SalesNo.ToString(), ipAdress, userId)); } else { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "T_SALES_H", entityH.update_person_id, "0", ipAdress, userId)); } #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Head Insert)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Head Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Detail Insert try { for (int i = 0; i <= entityD.Count - 1; i++) { #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO T_SALES_D " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , REC_NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , BREAKDOWN_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELIVER_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COMMODITY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COMMODITY_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UNIT_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ENTER_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CASE_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UNIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_COST" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO_TAX_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PROFITS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PROFITS_PERCENT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_PERCENT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ORDER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // Sales_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].rec_no + Environment.NewLine); // REC_NO sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].breakdown_id + Environment.NewLine); // BREAKDOWN_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].deliver_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // DELIVER_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityD[i].commodity_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // COMMODITY_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityD[i].commodity_name) + Environment.NewLine); // COMMODITY_NAME sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].unit_id + Environment.NewLine); // UNIT_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].enter_number + Environment.NewLine); // ENTER_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].case_number + Environment.NewLine); // CASE_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].number + Environment.NewLine); // NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].unit_price + Environment.NewLine); // UNIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].sales_cost + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_COST sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].tax + Environment.NewLine); // TAX sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].no_tax_price + Environment.NewLine); // NO_TAX_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].price + Environment.NewLine); // PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].profits + Environment.NewLine); // PROFITS sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityD[i].profits_percent) + Environment.NewLine); // PROFITS_PERCENT sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].tax_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].tax_percent + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_PERCENT sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].order_id + Environment.NewLine); // ORDER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityD[i].memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO if (type == 0) { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Upd, PG_NM, "T_SALES_D", entityH.update_person_id, ExCast.zCStr(, ipAdress, userId)); } else { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "T_SALES_D", entityH.update_person_id, "0", ipAdress, userId)); } #endregion if (entityD[i].breakdown_id <= 3 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityD[i].commodity_id)) { // 摘要以外で商品未選択の場合、登録しない } else { db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region Update Commodity Inventory try { if (entityD[i].inventory_management_division_id == 1) { DataCommodityInventory.UpdCommodityInventory(companyId, groupId, db, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityD[i].commodity_id), entityD[i].number * -1, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Update Commodity Inventory)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Update Commodity Inventory) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Deliver Division try { DataDeliverDivision.UpdDeliverDivision(DataDeliverDivision.gUpdDeliverDivisionKbn.Order, companyId, groupId, ExCast.zCLng(entityD[i].order_id), entityD[i].rec_no, db, entityD[i].deliver_division_id, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(UpdateDeliverDivisio)", ex); return "UpdateSales(UpdateDeliverDivisio) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Set Entity InOutDelivery EntityInOutDeliveryD _entityInOutDeliveryD = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); _entityInOutDeliveryD.rec_no = entityD[i].rec_no; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_id = entityD[i].commodity_id; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_name = entityD[i].commodity_name; _entityInOutDeliveryD.unit_id = entityD[i].unit_id; _entityInOutDeliveryD.enter_number = entityD[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryD.case_number = entityD[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryD.number = entityD[i].number; _entityInOutDeliveryListD.Add(_entityInOutDeliveryD); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Detail Insert)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Detail Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Head Update if (type == 0) { try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_SALES_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Head Update)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Head Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region Detail Update if (type == 0) { try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_SALES_D " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND Sales_ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Detail Update)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Detail Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region Update InOutDelivery try { svcInOutDelivery _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_ymd = entityH.sales_ymd; _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_kbn = 2; // 入出庫区分:出庫 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_proc_kbn = 2; // 入出庫処理区分:売上 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_to_kbn = 2; // 入出庫先区分:得意先 _entityInOutDeliveryH.update_person_id = entityH.update_person_id; _entityInOutDeliveryH.customer_id = entityH.customer_id; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityInOutDeliveryListD.Count - 1; i++) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_enter_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_case_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD[i].number; } long in_out_delivery_no = 0; long in_out_delivery_id = 0; if (type == 0) { DataSlipNo.GetInOutDeliveryNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geInOutDeliverySlipKbn.Sales, no, ref in_out_delivery_no, ref in_out_delivery_id); = in_out_delivery_no; = in_out_delivery_id; } ret_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, type, 2, in_out_delivery_no, no, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD, null, null); if (ret_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret_message)) { return "UpdateSales(Update InOutDelivery) : " + ret_message; } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Update InOutDelivery)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Update InOutDelivery) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Slip No try { if (type == 0) { DataSlipNo.UpdateSlipNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geSlipKbn.Sales, accountPeriod, 0, id); } else { DataSlipNo.UpdateSlipNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geSlipKbn.Sales, accountPeriod, no, id); } if (no == 0 || id == 0) { return "伝票番号の更新に失敗しました。(会計年 : " + accountPeriod + ")"; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(UpdateSlipNo)", ex); return "UpdateSales(UpdateSlipNo) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } #endregion #region Delete if (type == 2) { #region Invoice Data Delete // 請求番号が設定時 if (entityH.invoice_no != 0) { #region Delete SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("DELETE FROM T_INVOICE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND INVOICE_KBN = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); // 締請求分のみ sb.Append(" AND NO = " + entityH.invoice_no + Environment.NewLine); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } #endregion #region Delete InOutDelivery try { svcInOutDelivery _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); long in_out_delivery_no = 0; long in_out_delivery_id = 0; DataSlipNo.GetInOutDeliveryNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geInOutDeliverySlipKbn.Sales, no, ref in_out_delivery_no, ref in_out_delivery_id); = in_out_delivery_no; = in_out_delivery_id; ret_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, type, 2, in_out_delivery_no, no, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD, null, null); if (ret_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret_message)) { return "UpdateSales(Delete InOutDelivery) : " + ret_message; } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Delete InOutDelivery)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Delete InOutDelivery) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Head Delete try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_SALES_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Head Delete)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Head Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Detail Delete try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_SALES_D " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND Sales_ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Detail Delete)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Detail Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } #endregion #region Update Sales Credit try { double _price = 0; switch (type) { case 0: // Update // 前回「掛売上」、または、「都度請求」の場合 if (before_entityH.business_division_id == 1 || before_entityH.business_division_id == 3) { _price = (before_entityH.sum_no_tax_price + before_entityH.sum_tax) * -1; DataCredit.UpdSalesCredit(companyId, groupId, db, before_entityH.invoice_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } // 今回「掛売上」、または、「都度請求」の場合 if (entityH.business_division_id == 1 || entityH.business_division_id == 3) { _price = entityH.sum_no_tax_price + entityH.sum_tax; DataCredit.UpdSalesCredit(companyId, groupId, db, entityH.invoice_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } break; case 1: // Insert // 今回「掛売上」、または、「都度請求」の場合 if (entityH.business_division_id == 1 || entityH.business_division_id == 3) { _price = entityH.sum_no_tax_price + entityH.sum_tax; DataCredit.UpdSalesCredit(companyId, groupId, db, entityH.invoice_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } break; case 2: // Delete // 前回「掛売上」、または、「都度請求」の場合 if (before_entityH.business_division_id == 1 || before_entityH.business_division_id == 3) { _price = (before_entityH.sum_no_tax_price + before_entityH.sum_tax) * -1; DataCredit.UpdSalesCredit(companyId, groupId, db, before_entityH.invoice_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(UpdateSalesCredit)", ex); return "UpdateSales(UpdateSalesCredit) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Commodity Inventory try { // Update or Delete if (type == 0 || type == 2) { for (int i = 0; i <= before_entityD.Count - 1; i++) { if (before_entityD[i].inventory_management_division_id == 1) { DataCommodityInventory.UpdCommodityInventory(companyId, groupId, db, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(before_entityD[i].commodity_id), before_entityD[i].number, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(UpdateCommodityInventory)", ex); return "UpdateSales(UpdateCommodityInventory) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Deliver Division try { // Delete if (type == 2) { for (int i = 0; i <= before_entityD.Count - 1; i++) { // 未納に戻す DataDeliverDivision.UpdDeliverDivision(DataDeliverDivision.gUpdDeliverDivisionKbn.Order, companyId, groupId, ExCast.zCLng(before_entityD[i].order_id), before_entityD[i].rec_no, db, 1, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(UpdateDeliverDivisio)", ex); return "UpdateSales(UpdateDeliverDivisio) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region CommitTransaction try { db.ExCommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(CommitTransaction)", ex); return "UpdateSales(CommitTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Database Close try { db.DbClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(DbClose)", ex); return "UpdateSales(DbClose) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } finally { db = null; } #endregion #region Add Evidence try { switch (type) { case 0: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Sales.SalesInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Update, "NO:" + no.ToString() + ",ID:" + id.ToString()); break; case 1: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Sales.SalesInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Insert, "NO:" + no.ToString() + ",ID:" + id.ToString()); break; case 2: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Sales.SalesInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Delete, "NO:" + no.ToString() + ",ID:" + id.ToString()); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Add Evidence)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Add Evidence) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Return if (type == 1 && SalesNo == 0) { return "Auto Insert success : " + "売上番号 : " + no.ToString().ToString() + "で登録しました。"; } else { return ""; } #endregion }
public string UpdatePurchase(string random, int type, long PurchaseNo, EntityPurchaseH entityH, List<EntityPurchaseD> entityD, EntityPurchaseH before_entityH, List<EntityPurchaseD> before_entityD) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return _message; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(認証処理)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } #endregion #region Field StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = null; string accountPeriod = ""; long id = 0; long no = PurchaseNo; string ret_message = ""; EntityInOutDeliveryH _entityInOutDeliveryH = new EntityInOutDeliveryH(); List<EntityInOutDeliveryD> _entityInOutDeliveryListD = new List<EntityInOutDeliveryD>(); #endregion #region Databese Open try { db = new ExMySQLData(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.DB_CONNECTION_STR])); db.DbOpen(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(DbOpen)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(DbOpen) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Payment Close Check try { if (type <= 1) { // 掛仕入 if (entityH.business_division_id == 1) { // 支払締切済チェック if (DataClose.IsPaymentClose(companyId, db, entityH.purchase_id, entityH.purchase_ymd)) { db.DbClose(); return "仕入日 : " + entityH.purchase_ymd + " は支払締切済の為、計上できません。"; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Payment Close Check)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Payment Close Check) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region BeginTransaction try { db.ExBeginTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(BeginTransaction)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(BeginTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update or Insert if (type <= 1) { #region Get Accout Period try { accountPeriod = DataAccount.GetAccountPeriod(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ACCOUNT_BEGIN_PERIOD]), entityH.purchase_ymd); if (accountPeriod == "") { return "会計年の取得に失敗しました。(期首月日 : " + ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ACCOUNT_BEGIN_PERIOD]) + " 仕入日 : " + entityH.purchase_ymd + ")"; } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(GetAccountPeriod)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(GetAccountPeriod) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Get Slip No try { DataSlipNo.GetSlipNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geSlipKbn.Vendor, accountPeriod, ref no, out id, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (no == 0 || id == 0) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); return "伝票番号の取得に失敗しました。(会計年 : " + accountPeriod + ")"; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(GetSlipNo)", ex); db.ExRollbackTransaction(); return "UpdatePurchase(GetSlipNo) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Head Insert try { #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO T_PURCHASE_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_ORDER_NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_CHANGE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SEND_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CUSTOMER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUPPLIER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUPPLY_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELIVER_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_ENTER_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_CASE_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_UNIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_NO_TAX_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUM_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ," + no.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // NO sb.Append(" ," + entityH.purchase_order_no + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_ORDER_NO sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(entityH.purchase_ymd)) + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_YMD sb.Append(" ," + entityH.update_person_id + Environment.NewLine); // PERSON_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityH.purchase_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityH.tax_change_id + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_CHANGE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityH.business_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityH.send_kbn_id + Environment.NewLine); // SEND_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityH.customer_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // CUSTOMER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityH.supplier_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // SUPPLIER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zTimeNullToDefault(entityH.supply_ymd)) + Environment.NewLine); // SUPPLY_YMD sb.Append(" ,1" + Environment.NewLine); // DELIVER_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_enter_number) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_ENTER_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_case_number) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_CASE_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_number) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_unit_price) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_UNIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_tax) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_TAX sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_no_tax_price) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_NO_TAX_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCDbl(entityH.sum_price) + Environment.NewLine); // SUM_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityH.memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO if (type == 0) { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Upd, PG_NM, "T_PURCHASE_H", entityH.update_person_id, PurchaseNo.ToString(), ipAdress, userId)); } else { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "T_PURCHASE_H", entityH.update_person_id, "0", ipAdress, userId)); } #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Head Insert)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Head Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Detail Insert try { for (int i = 0; i <= entityD.Count - 1; i++) { #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO T_PURCHASE_D " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , REC_NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , BREAKDOWN_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELIVER_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COMMODITY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COMMODITY_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UNIT_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ENTER_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CASE_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UNIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO_TAX_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_PERCENT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_ORDER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].rec_no + Environment.NewLine); // REC_NO sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].breakdown_id + Environment.NewLine); // BREAKDOWN_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].deliver_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // DELIVER_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityD[i].commodity_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // COMMODITY_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityD[i].commodity_name) + Environment.NewLine); // COMMODITY_NAME sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].unit_id + Environment.NewLine); // UNIT_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].enter_number + Environment.NewLine); // ENTER_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].case_number + Environment.NewLine); // CASE_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].number + Environment.NewLine); // NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].unit_price + Environment.NewLine); // UNIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].tax + Environment.NewLine); // TAX sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].no_tax_price + Environment.NewLine); // NO_TAX_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].price + Environment.NewLine); // PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].tax_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].tax_percent + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_PERCENT sb.Append(" ," + entityD[i].purchase_order_id + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_ORDER_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entityD[i].memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO if (type == 0) { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Upd, PG_NM, "T_PURCHASE_D", entityH.update_person_id, ExCast.zCStr(, ipAdress, userId)); } else { sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "T_PURCHASE_D", entityH.update_person_id, "0", ipAdress, userId)); } #endregion if (entityD[i].breakdown_id <= 3 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityD[i].commodity_id)) { // 摘要以外で商品未選択の場合、登録しない } else { db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region Update Commodity Inventory try { if (entityD[i].inventory_management_division_id == 1) { DataCommodityInventory.UpdCommodityInventory(companyId, groupId, db, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entityD[i].commodity_id), entityD[i].number, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(UpdatePurchaseCredit)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(UpdatePurchaseCredit) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Deliver Division try { DataDeliverDivision.UpdDeliverDivision(DataDeliverDivision.gUpdDeliverDivisionKbn.Purchase, companyId, groupId, ExCast.zCLng(entityD[i].purchase_order_id), entityD[i].rec_no, db, entityD[i].deliver_division_id, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(UpdateDeliverDivisio)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(UpdateDeliverDivisio) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Set Entity InOutDelivery EntityInOutDeliveryD _entityInOutDeliveryD = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); _entityInOutDeliveryD.rec_no = entityD[i].rec_no; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_id = entityD[i].commodity_id; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_name = entityD[i].commodity_name; _entityInOutDeliveryD.unit_id = entityD[i].unit_id; _entityInOutDeliveryD.enter_number = entityD[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryD.case_number = entityD[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryD.number = entityD[i].number; _entityInOutDeliveryListD.Add(_entityInOutDeliveryD); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Detail Insert)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Detail Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Head Update if (type == 0) { try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_PURCHASE_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Head Update)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Head Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region Detail Update if (type == 0) { try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_PURCHASE_D " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND PURCHASE_ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Detail Update)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Detail Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region Update InOutDelivery try { svcInOutDelivery _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_ymd = entityH.purchase_ymd; _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_kbn = 1; // 入出庫区分:入庫 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_proc_kbn = 3; // 入出庫処理区分:売上 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_to_kbn = 2; // 入出庫先区分:仕入先 _entityInOutDeliveryH.update_person_id = entityH.update_person_id; _entityInOutDeliveryH.purchase_id = entityH.purchase_id; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityInOutDeliveryListD.Count - 1; i++) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_enter_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_case_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD[i].number; } long in_out_delivery_no = 0; long in_out_delivery_id = 0; if (type == 0) { DataSlipNo.GetInOutDeliveryNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geInOutDeliverySlipKbn.Purchase, no, ref in_out_delivery_no, ref in_out_delivery_id); = in_out_delivery_no; = in_out_delivery_id; } ret_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, type, 3, in_out_delivery_no, no, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD, null, null); if (ret_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret_message)) { return "UpdatePurchase(Update InOutDelivery) : " + ret_message; } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Update InOutDelivery)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Update InOutDelivery) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Slip No try { if (type == 0) { DataSlipNo.UpdateSlipNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geSlipKbn.Vendor, accountPeriod, 0, id); } else { DataSlipNo.UpdateSlipNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geSlipKbn.Vendor, accountPeriod, no, id); } if (no == 0 || id == 0) { return "伝票番号の更新に失敗しました。(会計年 : " + accountPeriod + ")"; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(UpdateSlipNo)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(UpdateSlipNo) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } #endregion #region Delete if (type == 2) { #region Delete InOutDelivery try { svcInOutDelivery _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); long in_out_delivery_no = 0; long in_out_delivery_id = 0; DataSlipNo.GetInOutDeliveryNo(companyId, groupId, db, DataSlipNo.geInOutDeliverySlipKbn.Purchase, no, ref in_out_delivery_no, ref in_out_delivery_id); = in_out_delivery_no; = in_out_delivery_id; ret_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, type, 3, in_out_delivery_no, no, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD, null, null); if (ret_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret_message)) { return "UpdatePurchase(Delete InOutDelivery) : " + ret_message; } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Delete InOutDelivery)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Delete InOutDelivery) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Head Delete try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_PURCHASE_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Head Delete)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Head Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Detail Delete try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE T_PURCHASE_D " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, entityH.update_person_id, ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND PURCHASE_ID = " + + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Detail Delete)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Detail Update) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } #endregion #region Update Payment Credit try { double _price = 0; switch (type) { case 0: // Update // 前回「掛仕入」の場合 if (before_entityH.business_division_id == 1) { _price = (before_entityH.sum_no_tax_price + before_entityH.sum_tax) * -1; DataCredit.UpdPaymentCredit(companyId, groupId, db, before_entityH.purchase_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } // 今回「掛仕入」の場合 if (entityH.business_division_id == 1) { _price = entityH.sum_no_tax_price + entityH.sum_tax; DataCredit.UpdPaymentCredit(companyId, groupId, db, entityH.purchase_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } break; case 1: // Insert // 今回「掛仕入」、または、「都度請求」の場合 if (entityH.business_division_id == 1) { _price = entityH.sum_no_tax_price + entityH.sum_tax; DataCredit.UpdPaymentCredit(companyId, groupId, db, entityH.purchase_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } break; case 2: // Delete // 前回「掛仕入」の場合 if (before_entityH.business_division_id == 1) { _price = (before_entityH.sum_no_tax_price + before_entityH.sum_tax) * -1; DataCredit.UpdPaymentCredit(companyId, groupId, db, before_entityH.purchase_id, _price, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(UpdatePurchaseCredit)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(UpdatePurchaseCredit) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Commodity Inventory try { // Update or Delete if (type == 0 || type == 2) { for (int i = 0; i <= before_entityD.Count - 1; i++) { if (before_entityD[i].inventory_management_division_id == 1) { DataCommodityInventory.UpdCommodityInventory(companyId, groupId, db, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(before_entityD[i].commodity_id), before_entityD[i].number * -1, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(UpdateCommodityInventory)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(UpdateCommodityInventory) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update Deliver Division try { // Delete if (type == 2) { for (int i = 0; i <= before_entityD.Count - 1; i++) { // 未納に戻す DataDeliverDivision.UpdDeliverDivision(DataDeliverDivision.gUpdDeliverDivisionKbn.Purchase, companyId, groupId, ExCast.zCLng(before_entityD[i].purchase_order_id), before_entityD[i].rec_no, db, 1, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(entityH.update_person_id), ipAdress, userId); } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(UpdateDeliverDivisio)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(UpdateDeliverDivisio) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region CommitTransaction try { db.ExCommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(CommitTransaction)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(CommitTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Database Close try { db.DbClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(DbClose)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(DbClose) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } finally { db = null; } #endregion #region Add Evidence try { switch (type) { case 0: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Purchase.PurchaseInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Update, "NO:" + no.ToString() + ",ID:" + id.ToString()); break; case 1: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Purchase.PurchaseInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Insert, "NO:" + no.ToString() + ",ID:" + id.ToString()); break; case 2: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Purchase.PurchaseInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Delete, "NO:" + no.ToString() + ",ID:" + id.ToString()); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdatePurchase(Add Evidence)", ex); return "UpdatePurchase(Add Evidence) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Return if (type == 1 && PurchaseNo == 0) { return "Auto Insert success : " + "仕入番号 : " + no.ToString().ToString() + "で登録しました。"; } else { return ""; } #endregion }
public List<EntityInOutDeliveryD> GetInOutDeliveryListD(string random, long IDFrom, long IDTo) { List<EntityInOutDeliveryD> entityList = new List<EntityInOutDeliveryD>(); #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; int idFigureGoods = 0; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); idFigureGoods = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_GOODS]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { EntityInOutDeliveryD entity = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); entity.message = _message; entityList.Add(entity); return entityList; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetInOutDeliveryListD(認証処理)", ex); EntityInOutDeliveryD entity = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); entity.message = CLASS_NM + ".GetInOutDeliveryListD : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); ; entityList.Add(entity); return entityList; } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT OD.IN_OUT_DELIVERY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.REC_NO " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.COMMODITY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.COMMODITY_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.UNIT_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM3.DESCRIPTION AS UNIT_NM " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.ENTER_NUMBER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.CASE_NUMBER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.NUMBER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.MEMO " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CT.INVENTORY_NUMBER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CT.INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CT.NUMBER_DECIMAL_DIGIT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_IN_OUT_DELIVERY_D AS OD" + Environment.NewLine); #region Join // 現在庫など sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_COMMODITY AS CT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CT.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CT.ID = OD.COMMODITY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 単位 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM3" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM3.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.UNIT_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND OD.UNIT_ID = NM3.ID" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion sb.Append(" WHERE OD.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND OD.GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND OD.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND OD.IN_OUT_DELIVERY_ID >= " + IDFrom.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND OD.IN_OUT_DELIVERY_ID <= " + IDTo.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY OD.COMPANY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.GROUP_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,OD.REC_NO " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" LIMIT 0, 100"); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { EntityInOutDeliveryD entityD = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); #region Set Entity = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[i]["IN_OUT_DELIVERY_ID"]); entityD.rec_no = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["REC_NO"]); entityD.commodity_id = ExCast.zFormatForID(dt.DefaultView[i]["COMMODITY_ID"], idFigureGoods); entityD.commodity_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["COMMODITY_NAME"]); entityD.unit_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["UNIT_ID"]); entityD.unit_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["UNIT_NM"]); entityD.enter_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["ENTER_NUMBER"]); entityD.case_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["CASE_NUMBER"]); entityD.number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["NUMBER"]); entityD.memo = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["MEMO"]); entityD.inventory_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVENTORY_NUMBER"]); entityD.inventory_management_division_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_ID"]); entityD.number_decimal_digit = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["NUMBER_DECIMAL_DIGIT"]); entityList.Add(entityD); #endregion } } return entityList; } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetInOutDeliveryListD", ex); entityList.Clear(); EntityInOutDeliveryD entityD = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); entityD.message = CLASS_NM + ".GetInOutDeliveryListD : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); entityList.Add(entityD); return entityList; } finally { db = null; } }
public string UpdateStockInventory(string random, int type, string ymd, List<EntityStockInventory> entity) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; string personId = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); personId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.PERSON_ID]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return _message; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(認証処理)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } #endregion #region Field StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = null; string _Id = ""; int _classKbn = 0; long rec_cnt = 0; string str_message = ""; EntityInOutDeliveryH _entityInOutDeliveryH = new EntityInOutDeliveryH(); List<EntityInOutDeliveryD> _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus = new List<EntityInOutDeliveryD>(); List<EntityInOutDeliveryD> _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus = new List<EntityInOutDeliveryD>(); #endregion #region Databese Open try { db = new ExMySQLData(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.DB_CONNECTION_STR])); db.DbOpen(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbOpen)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbOpen) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region BeginTransaction try { db.ExBeginTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(BeginTransaction)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(BeginTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update if (type == 0) { try { for (int i = 0; i <= entity.Count - 1; i++) { if (entity[i].exec_flg == true && entity[i].diff_number != 0) { #region Update Commodity Inventory try { DataCommodityInventory.UpdCommodityInventory(companyId, groupId, db, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entity[i].commodity_id), entity[i].diff_number * -1, PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSales(Update Commodity Inventory)", ex); return "UpdateSales(Update Commodity Inventory) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Set Entity InOutDelivery rec_cnt += 1; EntityInOutDeliveryD _entityInOutDeliveryD = new EntityInOutDeliveryD(); _entityInOutDeliveryD.rec_no = rec_cnt; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_id = entity[i].commodity_id; _entityInOutDeliveryD.commodity_name = entity[i].commodity_name; _entityInOutDeliveryD.unit_id = 0; _entityInOutDeliveryD.enter_number = 0; _entityInOutDeliveryD.case_number = 0; if (entity[i].diff_number > 0) { _entityInOutDeliveryD.number = entity[i].diff_number; _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus.Add(_entityInOutDeliveryD); } else { _entityInOutDeliveryD.number = entity[i].diff_number * - 1; _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus.Add(_entityInOutDeliveryD); } #endregion } } #region Update InOutDelivery try { svcInOutDelivery _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); if (_entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus.Count > 0) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_ymd = ymd; _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_kbn = 2; // 入出庫区分:出庫 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_proc_kbn = 4; // 入出庫処理区分:棚卸 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_to_kbn = 1; // 入出庫先区分:グループ _entityInOutDeliveryH.update_person_id = ExCast.zCInt(personId); _entityInOutDeliveryH.group_id_to = groupId; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus.Count - 1; i++) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_enter_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_case_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus[i].number; } // random // update type 1:Insert // procKbn 4:棚卸 // InOutDeliveryNo 入出庫番号 // CauseNo 元伝票番号 str_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, 1, 4, 0, 0, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Minus, null, null); if (str_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_message)) { return "UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery) : " + str_message; } } _svcInOutDelivery = new svcInOutDelivery(); _entityInOutDeliveryH = null; _entityInOutDeliveryH = new EntityInOutDeliveryH(); if (_entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus.Count > 0) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_ymd = ymd; _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_kbn = 1; // 入出庫区分:入庫 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_proc_kbn = 4; // 入出庫処理区分:棚卸 _entityInOutDeliveryH.in_out_delivery_to_kbn = 1; // 入出庫先区分:グループ _entityInOutDeliveryH.update_person_id = ExCast.zCInt(personId); _entityInOutDeliveryH.group_id_to = groupId; for (int i = 0; i <= _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus.Count - 1; i++) { _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_enter_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus[i].enter_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_case_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus[i].case_number; _entityInOutDeliveryH.sum_number += _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus[i].number; } // random // update type 1:Insert // procKbn 4:棚卸 // InOutDeliveryNo 入出庫番号 // CauseNo 元伝票番号 str_message = _svcInOutDelivery.UpdateInOutDeliveryExcExc(random, 1, 4, 0, 0, _entityInOutDeliveryH, _entityInOutDeliveryListD_Plus, null, null); if (str_message.IndexOf("Auto Insert success : ") == -1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_message)) { return "UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery) : " + str_message; } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery)", ex); return "UpdateStockInventory(Update InOutDelivery) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Insert)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region PG排他制御 //try //{ // DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, "", ipAdress, false, db); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // db.ExRollbackTransaction(); // CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DelLockPg)", ex); // return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DelLockPg) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; //} #endregion #region CommitTransaction try { db.ExCommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(CommitTransaction)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(CommitTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Database Close try { db.DbClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbClose)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(DbClose) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } finally { db = null; } #endregion #region Add Evidence try { svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.DeleteAndInsert, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Add Evidence)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateStockInventory(Add Evidence) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion return ""; }