public void StartMatch() { // TextAsset gameJson = Resources.Load(filePath) as TextAsset; // Debug.Log(gameJson); // game = JsonUtility.FromJson<SlippiGame>(gameJson.text); //Debug.Log(game.settings.stageId); foreach (Transform child in world.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(child.gameObject); } if (game == null) { Debug.LogWarning("You need to set a game in order to play it back"); } player1Index = game.settings.players[0].playerIndex; player2Index = game.settings.players[1].playerIndex; string stageName = SlippiLookupTable.GetStageName(game.settings.stageId); string p1Name = SlippiLookupTable.GetCharacterName(game.settings.players[0].characterId); string p2Name = SlippiLookupTable.GetCharacterName(game.settings.players[1].characterId); Debug.Log(stageName); Debug.Log(p1Name); Debug.Log(p2Name); // Load Stage UnityEngine.Object stagePrefab = Resources.Load("StagePrefabs/" + stageName + "/" + stageName); GameObject stage = Instantiate(stagePrefab) as GameObject; stage.transform.parent = world; world.transform.position = new Vector3(0, -1, 7); stage.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); stage.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); // Load Characters UnityEngine.Object p1Prefab = Resources.Load("CharacterPrefabs/" + p1Name + "/" + p1Name); GameObject p1; if (p1Prefab == null) { p1 = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); } else { p1 = Instantiate(p1Prefab) as GameObject; } Animation _1Animation = p1.AddComponent(typeof(Animation)) as Animation; p1Animation = _1Animation; GameObject p1G = new GameObject(); player1 = p1G.transform; GameObject p2G = new GameObject(); player2 = p2G.transform; player1.parent = world; player2.parent = world; p1.transform.parent = player1; p1.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); p1.transform.localScale = new Vector3(100, 100, 100); // Apply Red Material to P1 Material p1Material = Resources.Load("Materials/Player1Material") as Material; foreach (Transform child in p1.transform) { SkinnedMeshRenderer meshRenderer = child.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (meshRenderer == null) { continue; } meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = p1Material; } UnityEngine.Object p2Prefab = Resources.Load("CharacterPrefabs/" + p2Name + "/" + p2Name); GameObject p2; if (p2Prefab == null) { p2 = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); } else { p2 = Instantiate(p2Prefab) as GameObject; } Animation _2Animation = p2.AddComponent(typeof(Animation)) as Animation; p2Animation = _2Animation; p2.transform.parent = player2; p2.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); p2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(100, 100, 100); // Apply Blue Material to P2 Material p2Material = Resources.Load("Materials/Player2Material") as Material; foreach (Transform child in p2.transform) { SkinnedMeshRenderer meshRenderer = child.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (meshRenderer == null) { continue; } meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = p2Material; } // ================= Initiate Shield Stuff UnityEngine.Object shieldPrefab = Resources.Load("CharacterPrefabs/" + p2Name + "/" + p2Name); player1Shield = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); player2Shield = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); Material p1ShieldMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/Player1ShieldMaterial") as Material; Material p2ShieldMaterial = Resources.Load("Materials/Player2ShieldMaterial") as Material; player1Shield.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = p1ShieldMaterial; player2Shield.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = p2ShieldMaterial; player1Shield.transform.parent = p1.transform; player2Shield.transform.parent = p2.transform; = "Shield"; = "Shield"; player1Shield.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, .07f, 0); player2Shield.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, .07f, 0); player1Shield.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.12f, .12f, .12f); player2Shield.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.12f, .12f, .12f); player1Shield.SetActive(false); player2Shield.SetActive(false); // ================ End Shield Stuff DirectoryInfo p1Dir = new DirectoryInfo("Assets/Resources/CharacterPrefabs/" + p1Name + "/Animation/"); FileInfo[] p1files = p1Dir.GetFiles("*.fbx"); foreach (FileInfo f in p1files) { string animationName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.ToString()); AnimationClip clip = Resources.Load <AnimationClip>("CharacterPrefabs/" + p1Name + "/Animation/" + animationName); clip.legacy = true; p1Animation.AddClip(clip, animationName); } // Prepare Animations DirectoryInfo p2Dir = new DirectoryInfo("Assets/Resources/CharacterPrefabs/" + p2Name + "/Animation/"); FileInfo[] p2files = p2Dir.GetFiles("*.fbx"); foreach (FileInfo f in p2files) { string animationName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.ToString()); AnimationClip clip = Resources.Load <AnimationClip>("CharacterPrefabs/" + p2Name + "/Animation/" + animationName); clip.legacy = true; p2Animation.AddClip(clip, animationName); } // Lock Animations for offending objects that change entire model location foreach (Transform child in p1.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>()) { if ( == "JOBJ_1") { PositionConstraint pc = child.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(PositionConstraint)) as PositionConstraint; ConstraintSource constraintSource = new ConstraintSource(); constraintSource.sourceTransform = child.parent; pc.AddSource(constraintSource); pc.constraintActive = true; } if ( == "JOBJ_2") { p1RotationToReset = child; } } ; foreach (Transform child in p2.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>()) { if ( == "JOBJ_1") { PositionConstraint pc = child.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(PositionConstraint)) as PositionConstraint; ConstraintSource constraintSource = new ConstraintSource(); constraintSource.sourceTransform = child.parent; pc.AddSource(constraintSource); pc.constraintActive = true; } if ( == "JOBJ_2") { p2RotationToReset = child; } } ; SlippiPost post1 = game.frames[0].players[player1Index].post; stockHolder = new GameObject("Stocks"); stockHolder.transform.parent = world.transform; player1Stocks = new List <GameObject>(); player2Stocks = new List <GameObject>(); InstantiateStocks(post1.stocksRemaining, 1, p1Material, player1Stocks); InstantiateStocks(post1.stocksRemaining, 2, p2Material, player2Stocks); stockHolder.transform.localScale = new Vector3(5, 5, 2); stockHolder.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -28); player1Stock = post1.stocksRemaining; player2Stock = post1.stocksRemaining; world.localScale = new Vector3(1 * worldScale, 1 * worldScale, 1 * worldScale); matchStarted = true; // Tell Hypersdk players to reload hsdkc = GetComponent <HyperSDKController>(); sceneID++; hsdkc.sceneID = sceneID; }
void FixedUpdate() { Debug.Log("matchStarted: " + matchStarted); Debug.Log(game); if (game != null) { Debug.Log(game.gameFinished); } //Debug.Log(game.frames.Count); if (!matchStarted) { if (game != null && game.frames.Count != 0) { StartMatch(); } return; } if (manualMode) { if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { if (counter > 0) { counter = counter - 1; counterText.text = "Counter: " + counter; } } return; } } counterText.text = "Counter: " + counter; if (game.frames.Count <= counter) { if (game.gameFinished) { Debug.Log("Ending match"); EndMatch(); return; } Debug.Log("Out of frames:" + game.gameFinished); return; } if (game.frames[counter].players.Count != 2) { counter++; return; } SlippiPre pre1 = game.frames[counter].players[player1Index].pre; SlippiPre pre2 = game.frames[counter].players[player2Index].pre; SlippiPost post1 = game.frames[counter].players[player1Index].post; SlippiPost post2 = game.frames[counter].players[player2Index].post; player1.localPosition = new Vector3((float)pre1.positionX, (float)pre1.positionY, 0); player2.localPosition = new Vector3((float)pre2.positionX, (float)pre2.positionY, 0); player1.eulerAngles = new Vector3( player1.eulerAngles.x, 90 * pre1.facingDirection, player1.eulerAngles.x); player2.eulerAngles = new Vector3( player2.eulerAngles.x, 90 * pre2.facingDirection, player2.eulerAngles.x); if (player1ASID != pre1.actionStateId) { player1ASID = pre1.actionStateId; if (player1ASID >= 178 && player1ASID <= 182) { player1Shield.SetActive(true); } else { player1Shield.SetActive(false); } string p1AnimationClip = SlippiLookupTable.GetAnimationName(player1ASID); //Debug.Log("P1: " + p1AnimationClip + "|| " + pre1.actionStateId); var anim = p1Animation[p1AnimationClip]; if (anim != null) { p1RotationToReset.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, p1RotationToReset.localRotation.y, p1RotationToReset.localRotation.z, p1RotationToReset.localRotation.w); p1Animation.Play(p1AnimationClip); player1Action.text = "P1(Red) Animation: " + p1AnimationClip; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Missing Animation: " + p1AnimationClip + " - p1"); } //Debug.Log("P1ASID: " + player1ASID); } if (player2ASID != pre2.actionStateId) { player2ASID = pre2.actionStateId; if (player2ASID >= 178 && player2ASID <= 182) { player2Shield.SetActive(true); } else { player2Shield.SetActive(false); } string p2AnimationClip = SlippiLookupTable.GetAnimationName(player2ASID); // Debug.Log("P2: " + p2AnimationClip + "|| " + pre2.actionStateId); var anim = p2Animation[p2AnimationClip]; if (anim != null) { p2RotationToReset.localRotation = new Quaternion(0, p2RotationToReset.localRotation.y, p2RotationToReset.localRotation.z, p2RotationToReset.localRotation.w); p2Animation.Play(p2AnimationClip); player2Action.text = "P2(Blue) Animation: " + p2AnimationClip; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Missing Animation: " + p2AnimationClip + " - p2"); } } // Adjust Stock Count if (player1Stock != post1.stocksRemaining) { AdjustStockCount(post1.stocksRemaining, player1Stocks); } if (player2Stock != post2.stocksRemaining) { AdjustStockCount(post2.stocksRemaining, player2Stocks); } frameText.text = "Frame: " + pre1.frame; counter++; }