static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4 && args.Length != 0) { Console.WriteLine("usage: SharpLink [local_port] [target_tox_id] [target_ip] [target_port]"); return; } Skynet.Base.Skynet mSkynet = null; if (args.Length == 0) { // log to file Utils.setLogFile("server.log"); } else { // log to file Utils.setLogFile("client.log"); } // Save tox data for server if (args.Length == 0 && File.Exists("tox.dat")) { mSkynet = new Skynet.Base.Skynet("tox.dat"); } else if (args.Length == 0 && !File.Exists("tox.dat")) { mSkynet = new Skynet.Base.Skynet(); mSkynet.Save("tox.dat"); } else { mSkynet = new Skynet.Base.Skynet(); } if (args.Length == 4) { string localPort = args [0]; string targetToxId = args [1]; string targetIP = args [2]; int targetPort = Convert.ToInt32(args [3]); // create local socket server IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); var serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); serverSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(ip, Convert.ToInt32(localPort))); serverSocket.Listen(1000); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Waiting socket"); List <byte> tempData = new List <byte> (); Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.Accept(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { bool closeFlag = false; LinkClient mlink = null; string tempConnectId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 512]; try { int size = 0; if (clientSocket != null && clientSocket.Connected) { size = clientSocket.Receive(buf); } else { break; } if (mlink == null) { tempData.AddRange(buf.Take(size)); } if (size == 0) { // socket closed if (mlink != null) { mlink.CloseRemote(); } if (!closeFlag && clientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clientSocket.Close(); if (mlink != null) { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); } else { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClinetId: null" + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); } } break; } if (mlink != null) { var res = mlink.Send(buf, size); if (!res && !closeFlag && clientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Tox send message failed, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogUtils("Event: ERROR " + e.Message); Utils.LogUtils(e.StackTrace); if (mlink != null) { mlink.CloseRemote(); } if (!closeFlag && clientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clientSocket.Close(); if (mlink != null) { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); } else { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClinetId: null" + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); } } break; } } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).ForgetOrThrow(); mlink = LinkClient.Connect(mSkynet, targetToxId, IPAddress.Parse(targetIP), Convert.ToInt32(targetPort), // message handler (msg) => { try { if (clientSocket != null && clientSocket.Connected) { clientSocket.Send(msg, SocketFlags.None); } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogUtils("ERROR " + e.Message); Utils.LogUtils(e.StackTrace); mlink.CloseRemote(); if (!closeFlag && clientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); } } }, // close handler () => { if (!closeFlag && clientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); } } ); if (mlink == null) { // connected failed Utils.LogUtils("Event: Connected failed, ClientId: null" + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); if (!closeFlag && clientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClientId: null" + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); } return; } if (tempData.Count != 0) { mlink.Send(tempData.ToArray(), tempData.Count); } // check if socket has closed if (closeFlag) { // socket has closed Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Remote, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId + ", ConnectId: " + tempConnectId); mlink.CloseRemote(); } }).ForgetOrThrow(); } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).ForgetOrThrow(); } mSkynet.addNewReqListener((req) => { // handle if (req.toNodeId == "" && req.url == "/connect") { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Task Connect to " + req.fromNodeId + ", MessageId: " + req.uuid); Task.Run(() => { // connect to server received, create sockets Utils.LogUtils("Event: Task Started Connect to " + req.fromNodeId); try { string reqStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(req.content); string ipstr = reqStr.Split('\n') [0]; string port = reqStr.Split('\n') [1]; Utils.LogUtils("Event: Connect to " + ipstr + " " + port + " " + req.fromNodeId); IPAddress targetIp = IPAddress.Parse(ipstr); Socket mClientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); bool closeFlag = false; mClientSocket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(targetIp, Convert.ToInt32(port))); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Connect to " + ipstr + " " + port + " Success " + req.fromNodeId); var mlink = LinkClient.Connect(mSkynet, req.fromToxId, req.fromNodeId); req.toNodeId = mlink.clientId; Utils.LogUtils("Event: Connect to " + ipstr + " " + port + " Success " + req.fromNodeId + " , mLinkID: " + mlink.clientId); mlink.OnMessage((msg) => { try { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Start Write Message, mLinkID: " + mlink.clientId); if (mClientSocket != null && mClientSocket.Connected) { mClientSocket.Send(msg, SocketFlags.None); } Utils.LogUtils("Event: Write Message Success, mLinkID: " + mlink.clientId); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogUtils("Event: ERROR " + e.Message); Utils.LogUtils(e.StackTrace); mlink.CloseRemote(); if (!closeFlag && mClientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; mClientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); mClientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Socket" + ipstr + " " + port + " mLinkID " + mlink.clientId); } } }); mlink.OnClose(() => { if (!closeFlag && mClientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; mClientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); mClientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Socket" + ipstr + " " + port + " mLinkID " + mlink.clientId); } }); // send response after all handler has been set mSkynet.sendResponse(req.createResponse(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("OK")), new ToxId(req.fromToxId)); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 512]; try { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Start Read Data, Clientid: " + mlink.clientId); int size = 0; if (mClientSocket != null && mClientSocket.Connected) { size = mClientSocket.Receive(buf); } else { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Socket already closed" + ipstr + " " + port + " mLinkID " + mlink.clientId); break; } if (size == 0) { if (!closeFlag && mClientSocket.Connected) { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, Clientid: " + mlink.clientId); closeFlag = true; mClientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); mClientSocket.Close(); } mlink.CloseRemote(); break; } else { Utils.LogUtils("Event: Read Data " + size + ", Clientid: " + mlink.clientId); } var res = mlink.Send(buf, size); if (!res) { // send failed if (!closeFlag && mClientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; mClientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); mClientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Tox send message failed, Clientid: " + mlink.clientId); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { /*if (e.ErrorCode != 10004) // this is not an error * { * Console.WriteLine("Time: " + Utils.UnixTimeNow() + " Event: ERROR " + e.Message); * Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); * }*/ Utils.LogUtils("Event: ERROR " + e.Message); Utils.LogUtils(e.StackTrace); mlink.CloseRemote(); if (!closeFlag && mClientSocket.Connected) { closeFlag = true; mClientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); mClientSocket.Close(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Close Connection, ClientId: " + mlink.clientId); } break; } } }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning).ForgetOrThrow(); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Connect to " + ipstr + " " + port + " All Success " + req.fromNodeId + ", mLinkID: " + mlink.clientId); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogUtils("Event: ERROR " + e.Message); Utils.LogUtils(e.StackTrace); // connected failed string reqStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(req.content); string ipstr = reqStr.Split('\n') [0]; string port = reqStr.Split('\n') [1]; Utils.LogUtils("Event: Connect to " + ipstr + " " + port + " failed"); var response = req.createResponse(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("failed")); mSkynet.sendResponse(response, new ToxId(response.toToxId)); } }).ForgetOrThrow(); } else if (req.toNodeId == "" && req.url == "/handshake") { var response = req.createResponse(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("OK")); Utils.LogUtils("Event: HandShake from " + response.toToxId + ", MessageID: " + req.uuid); Utils.LogUtils("Event: Send HandShake response " + response.uuid + ", ToxId: " + response.toToxId); mSkynet.sendResponse(response, new ToxId(response.toToxId)); } }); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(10); } }