DrawBitmapNinePatch() public method

public DrawBitmapNinePatch ( SKBitmap bitmap, SKRectI center, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint = null ) : void
bitmap SKBitmap
center SKRectI
dst SKRect
paint SKPaint
return void
コード例 #1
ファイル: SkiaSharp.Demos.cs プロジェクト: Core2D/SkiaSharp
		public static void BitmapLattice (SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height)
			canvas.Clear (SKColors.White);

			var assembly = typeof (Demos).GetTypeInfo ().Assembly;
			var imageName = assembly.GetName ().Name + ".nine-patch.png";

			// load the image from the embedded resource stream
			using (var resource = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (imageName))
			using (var stream = new SKManagedStream (resource))
			using (var bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode (stream))
				var patchCenter = new SKRectI (33, 33, 256 - 33, 256 - 33);

				// 2x3 for portrait, or 3x2 for landscape
				var land = width > height;
				var min = land ? Math.Min (width / 3f, height / 2f) : Math.Min (width / 2f, height / 3f);
				var wide = SKRect.Inflate (SKRect.Create (0, land ? min : (min * 2f), min * 2f, min), -6, -6);
				var tall = SKRect.Inflate (SKRect.Create (land ? (min * 2f) : min, 0, min, min * 2f), -6, -6);
				var square = SKRect.Inflate (SKRect.Create (0, 0, min, min), -6, -6);
				var text = SKRect.Create (land ? min : 0, land ? 0 : min, min, min / 5f);
				text.Offset (text.Width / 2f, text.Height * 1.5f);
				text.Right = text.Left;

				// draw the bitmaps
				canvas.DrawBitmapNinePatch (bitmap, patchCenter, square);
				canvas.DrawBitmapNinePatch (bitmap, patchCenter, tall);
				canvas.DrawBitmapNinePatch (bitmap, patchCenter, wide);

				// describe what we see
				using (var paint = new SKPaint ())
					paint.TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center;
					paint.TextSize = text.Height * 0.75f;

					canvas.DrawText ("The corners", text.Left, text.Top, paint);
					text.Offset (0, text.Height);
					canvas.DrawText ("should always", text.Left, text.Top, paint);
					text.Offset (0, text.Height);
					canvas.DrawText ("be square", text.Left, text.Top, paint);