public static bool SaveNewUser(string un, string pw, string rn, string em, string co) { bool b = false; try { string Un = Utils.ToSQL(un); string Pw = Utils.ToSQL(pw); string Rn = Utils.ToSQL(rn); string Em = Utils.ToSQL(em); string Co = Utils.ToSQL(co); User u = new User() { Username = Un, HashedPassword = Pw, RealName = Rn, Email = Em, ComputerType = Co, AccessLevel = 0 }; u.LastConnection = DateTime.Now; u.LastDisconnection = DateTime.Now; BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); bbs.Users.Add(u); bbs.SaveChanges(); b = true; } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.SaveNewUser: " + e.ToString()); b = false; } return(b); }
public static BBSDataContext GetContext() { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); //bbs.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.BBSDataContext; return(bbs); }
public static int FirstUnread(int userid, List <int> messageids) { int i = -1; if (messageids != null) { if (messageids.Count > 0) { try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); i = messageids.FirstOrDefault(q => !( bbs.UserReads.Where(p => p.UserId.Equals(userid)).Select(r => r.MessageHeaderId).Contains(q)) ); if (i == null) { i = -1; } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.FirstUnread(" + userid.ToString() + ",LIST):" + e.ToString()); } } } return(i); }
public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetLast10() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > glist = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); var gl2 = bbs.CallLogs.OrderByDescending(p => p.Connected).Take(10) .Join(bbs.Users, g => g.UserId, u => u.UserId, (g, u) => new { connected = g.Connected, user = u.Username }) .ToList(); foreach (var gl in gl2) { Dictionary <string, string> d = new Dictionary <string, string>(); d.Add("when", gl.connected.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm")); d.Add("user", gl.user); glist.Add(d); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.GetLast10: " + e.ToString()); } return(glist); }
public static bool AddGFile(int areaid, string title, string filename, string description, bool PETSCII) { //filename must include relative path from bbs //determines file size on its own //Will not allow re-add of the same filename to the same area bool b = false; try { if (!GFileExistsInArea(areaid, filename)) { if (File.Exists(filename)) { GFileDetail gfd = new GFileDetail(); gfd.GFileAreaId = areaid; gfd.Filename = filename; gfd.Added = DateTime.Now; gfd.DisplayFilename = title; gfd.Description = description; gfd.PETSCII = PETSCII; gfd.FileSizeInBytes = (int)(new FileInfo(filename).Length); BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); bbs.GFileDetails.Add(gfd); bbs b = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { b = false; } return(b); }
public static void PostReply(int messagebase, string subject, bool anon, int userid, string message, int threadid) { try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); MessageHeader header = new MessageHeader() { MessageBaseId = messagebase, Anonymous = anon, Posted = DateTime.Now, Subject = subject, UserId = userid, MessageThreadId = threadid }; bbs.MessageHeaders.Add(header); bbs.SaveChanges(); MessageBody body = new MessageBody() { Body = message, MessageHeaderId = header.MessageHeaderId }; bbs.MessageBodies.Add(body); bbs.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.PostMessage: " + e.ToString()); } }
public static IdAndKeys MessageBase_ParentArea(int area) { IdAndKeys idak = new IdAndKeys(); idak.Id = -1; idak.Keys.Add("title", "Main"); try { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); MessageBaseArea gfa = bbs.MessageBaseAreas.FirstOrDefault(p => p.MessageBaseAreaId.Equals(area)); if (gfa != null) { idak.Id = gfa.ParentAreaId; if (gfa.ParentAreaId == -1) { idak.Keys["title"] = "Main"; } else { idak.Keys["title"] = gfa.Title; } } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.MessageBase_ParentArea: " + e.Message); } return(idak); }
public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetGraffiti() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > glist = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); var gl2 = bbs.Graffitis.OrderByDescending(p => p.Posted).Take(10) .Join(bbs.Users, g => g.UserId, u => u.UserId, (g, u) => new { graf = g.Content, posted = g.Posted, user = u.Username }) .ToList(); foreach (var gl in gl2) { Dictionary <string, string> d = new Dictionary <string, string>(); d.Add("graf", gl.graf); d.Add("user", gl.user); glist.Add(d); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.GetGraffiti: " + e.ToString()); } return(glist); }
public static bool GFileExistsInArea(int areaid, string filename) { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); int x = bbs.GFileDetails.Count(p => p.GFileAreaId.Equals(areaid) && p.Filename.Equals(filename)); return(x > 0); }
public static BBS_Message GetMessage(int MessageId) { BBS_Message bm = new BBS_Message(); BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); bm.Header = bbs.MessageHeaders.FirstOrDefault(p => p.MessageHeaderId.Equals(MessageId)); bm.Body = bbs.MessageBodies.FirstOrDefault(p => p.MessageHeaderId.Equals(MessageId)); return(bm); }
public static void UpdateCallLog(int callLogId, int userid) //Used after new user reg { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); CallLog cl = bbs.CallLogs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CallLogId.Equals(callLogId)); if (cl != null) { cl.UserId = userid; bbs.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void RecordDisconnection(int callLogId) { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); CallLog cl = bbs.CallLogs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CallLogId.Equals(callLogId)); if (cl != null) { cl.Disconnected = DateTime.Now; bbs.SaveChanges(); } }
public static bool InitializeDatabase() { bool b = true; BBSDataContext bbs = BBSDataContext.GetContext(); SysConfig config = null; try { config = bbs.SysConfigs.First(p => true); } catch (Exception e) { //nada LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DBUpdater.InitializeDatabase (Initial config check): " + e.Message); } if (config == null) { //Create base config config = new SysConfig() { DatabaseVersion = 0 }; bbs.SysConfigs.Add(config); bbs.SaveChanges(); //Create Sysop User User u = new User() { Username = "******", HashedPassword = "******", LastConnection = DateTime.Now, LastConnectionIP = "", LastDisconnection = DateTime.Now }; bbs.Users.Add(u); bbs.SaveChanges(); //Reload to get id in case it didn't autofill u = bbs.Users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Username.Equals("Six")); //Create base bbsconfig BBSConfig bconfig = new BBSConfig() { SysOpUserId = u.UserId, BBS_Name = "The Darkside BBS" }; bbs.BBSConfigs.Add(bconfig); bbs.SaveChanges(); } return(b); }
public static int RecordConnection(int userid) { int i = -1; BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); CallLog cl = new CallLog() { Connected = DateTime.Now, Disconnected = DateTime.Now, UserId = userid }; bbs.CallLogs.Add(cl); bbs.SaveChanges(); return(i); }
public static User GetUserById(int userid) { User u = null; try { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); u = bbs.Users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId.Equals(userid)); } catch (Exception e) { } return(u); }
public static string GetUserDefinedField(int userid, string key) { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); UserDefinedField udf = bbs.UserDefinedFields.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId.Equals(userid) && p.Key.ToUpper().Equals(key.ToUpper())); if (udf != null) { return(udf.FieldValue); } else { return(""); } }
public static bool HasRead(int userid, int messageid) { bool b = false; try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); b = bbs.UserReads.Where(p => p.UserId.Equals(userid)).Select(r => r.MessageHeaderId).Contains(messageid); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.HasRead(" + userid.ToString() + "," + messageid.ToString() + "):" + e.ToString()); } return(b); }
public static List <NewsRow> GetNews(DateTime fromdate) { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); List <NewsRow> newsrows = new List <NewsRow>(); List <News_Item> news = bbs.News.Where(p => p.Posted > fromdate).OrderBy(p => p.Posted).ToList(); foreach (News_Item ni in news) { newsrows.Add(new NewsRow() { Body = ni.Body, Posted = ni.Posted, Subject = ni.Subject }); } return(newsrows); }
public static PFileDetail GetPFileDetailByAreaAndNumber(int area, int number) { PFileDetail pf = null; try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); pf = bbs.PFileDetails.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParentAreaId.Equals(area) && p.PFileNumber.Equals(number)); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.GetPFileDetailByAreaAndNumber: " + e.Message); pf = null; } return(pf); }
public static List <int> MessageIdsInThread(int threadid) { List <int> result = new List <int>(); try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); String Query = "SELECT MessageHeaderId FROM MessageHeaders WHERE MessageThreadId = " + threadid.ToString() + "ORDER BY Posted "; result = bbs.Database.SqlQuery <int>(Query).ToList <int>(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.MessageIdsInThread(" + threadid.ToString() + "):" + e.ToString()); } return(result); }
public static void AddGraffiti(string graffiti, int userid) { try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); Graffiti g = new Graffiti() { Content = graffiti, Posted = DateTime.Now, UserId = userid }; bbs.Graffitis.Add(g); bbs.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.AddGraffiti: " + e.ToString()); } }
public static void NewFeedback(string subject, string body, int fromuser) { try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); Feedback f = new Feedback() { Subject = subject, Body = body, FromUser = fromuser, Sent = DateTime.Now }; bbs.Feedbacks.Add(f); bbs.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.NewFeedback: " + e.ToString()); } }
public static List <PFileDetail> ListPFilesForAreas(int area) { List <PFileDetail> pfilelist = new List <PFileDetail>(); try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); pfilelist = bbs.PFileDetails.Where(p => p.ParentAreaId.Equals(area)).ToList(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.ListPFilesForAreas: " + e.Message); pfilelist = new List <PFileDetail>(); } return(pfilelist); }
public static bool ValidNewUsername(string s) { bool b = false; try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); string uname = Utils.ToSQL(s); b = (bbs.Users.Count(p => p.Username.ToUpper().Equals(uname.ToUpper())) == 0); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.ValidNewUsername: " + e.ToString()); b = false; } return(b); }
public static List <IdAndKeys> GFile_List_Area(int area, int userid) { List <IdAndKeys> response = new List <IdAndKeys>(); try { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); User u = GetUserById(userid); AccessGroup ag = GetAccessGroup(u.AccessLevel); List <GFileArea> arealist = bbs.GFileAreas.Where(p => p.ParentAreaId.Equals(area) && p.AccessLevel <= ag.AccessGroupNumber).ToList(); List <GFileDetail> filelist = bbs.GFileDetails.Where(p => p.GFileAreaId.Equals(area)).ToList(); int listId = 1; foreach (GFileArea gfa in arealist) { IdAndKeys idak = new IdAndKeys(); idak.Id = gfa.GFileAreaId; idak.Keys.Add("title", gfa.Title); idak.Keys.Add("type", "area"); idak.Keys.Add("desc", gfa.LongDescription); idak.Keys.Add("listid", listId.ToString()); listId++; response.Add(idak); } foreach (GFileDetail gfd in filelist) { IdAndKeys idak = new IdAndKeys(); idak.Id = gfd.GFileDetailId; idak.Keys.Add("type", "file"); idak.Keys.Add("title", gfd.DisplayFilename); idak.Keys.Add("filename", gfd.Filename); idak.Keys.Add("desc", gfd.Description); idak.Keys.Add("listid", listId.ToString()); idak.Keys.Add("gfiledetailid", gfd.GFileDetailId.ToString()); idak.Keys.Add("petscii", gfd.PETSCII.ToString()); listId++; response.Add(idak); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.GFile_List_Area(" + area.ToString() + ") : " + e.Message); } return(response); }
public static int GFile_ParentArea(int area) { int i = -1; try { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); GFileArea gfa = bbs.GFileAreas.FirstOrDefault(p => p.GFileAreaId.Equals(area)); if (gfa != null) { i = gfa.ParentAreaId; } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.GFile_ParentArea: " + e.Message); } return(i); }
public static void MarkRead(int userid, int messageid) { try { if (!HasRead(userid, messageid)) { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); UserRead ur = new UserRead() { UserId = userid, MessageHeaderId = messageid }; bbs.UserReads.Add(ur); bbs.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.MarkRead(" + userid.ToString() + "," + messageid.ToString() + "):" + e.ToString()); } }
public static List <IdAndKeys> MessageBase_List_Area(int area, int userid) { List <IdAndKeys> response = new List <IdAndKeys>(); try { BBSDataContext bbs = new BBSDataContext(); User u = bbs.Users.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId.Equals(userid)); AccessGroup ag = bbs.AccessGroups.FirstOrDefault(p => p.AccessGroupNumber.Equals(u.AccessLevel)); List <MessageBaseArea> arealist = bbs.MessageBaseAreas.Where(p => p.ParentAreaId.Equals(area) && p.AccessLevel <= ag.AccessGroupNumber).ToList(); List <MessageBase> baselist = bbs.MessageBases.Where(p => p.ParentArea.Equals(area) && p.AccessLevel <= ag.AccessGroupNumber).ToList(); int listId = 1; foreach (MessageBaseArea gfa in arealist) { IdAndKeys idak = new IdAndKeys(); idak.Id = gfa.MessageBaseAreaId; idak.Keys.Add("title", gfa.Title); idak.Keys.Add("type", "area"); idak.Keys.Add("desc", gfa.LongDescription); idak.Keys.Add("listid", listId.ToString()); listId++; response.Add(idak); } foreach (MessageBase gfd in baselist) { IdAndKeys idak = new IdAndKeys(); idak.Id = gfd.MessageBaseId; idak.Keys.Add("type", "file"); idak.Keys.Add("title", gfd.Title); idak.Keys.Add("desc", gfd.LongDescription); idak.Keys.Add("listid", listId.ToString()); listId++; response.Add(idak); } } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.MessageBase_List_Area(" + area.ToString() + ") : " + e.Message); } return(response); }
public static void SaveUserDefinedField(int userid, string key, string value) { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); UserDefinedField udf = bbs.UserDefinedFields.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId.Equals(userid) && p.Key.ToUpper().Equals(key.ToUpper())); if (udf != null) { //Modify udf.FieldValue = value; } else { //New udf = new UserDefinedField() { Key = key, FieldValue = value, UserId = userid }; bbs.UserDefinedFields.Add(udf); } bbs.SaveChanges(); }
public static List <ThreadListRow> ListThreadsForBase(int messagebase) { List <ThreadListRow> threads = new List <ThreadListRow>(); try { BBSDataContext bbs = GetContext(); string query = "SELECT MT.MessageThreadId AS MessageThreadId, " + " IM.Subject AS Subject, " + " CASE WHEN LM.Posted IS NULL THEN" + " CASE WHEN IM.Posted IS NULL THEN" + " '1970-01-01 00:00:00' " + " ELSE IM.Posted END " + " ELSE LM.Posted END AS LastActivity, " + " U.Username AS Poster, " + " CASE WHEN U.UserId IS NULL THEN -1 ELSE U.UserId END As PosterId, " + " COUNT(RC.MessageHeaderId) AS Replies FROM MessageThreads MT LEFT JOIN MessageHeaders IM ON (MT.InitialMessageHeaderId = IM.MessageHeaderId) LEFT JOIN MessageHeaders LM ON (MT.MessageThreadId = LM.MessageThreadId) LEFT JOIN MessageHeaders RC ON (MT.MessageThreadId = RC.MessageThreadId AND MT.InitialMessageHeaderId != RC.MessageThreadId) LEFT OUTER JOIN MessageHeaders LD ON (LD.MessageThreadId = MT.MessageThreadId AND (LM.Posted < LD.Posted OR LM.Posted = LD.Posted AND LM.MessageHeaderId < LD.MessageHeaderId)) LEFT JOIN Users U ON (LM.UserId = U.UserId) WHERE LD.MessageHeaderId IS NULL GROUP BY MT.MessageThreadId,IM.Subject,IM.Posted,LM.Posted,U.Username, U.Userid" ; threads = bbs.Database.SqlQuery <ThreadListRow>(query).ToList <ThreadListRow>(); //int i = 1; //foreach (ThreadListRow threadinfo in threads) //{ // IdAndKeys idak = new IdAndKeys(); // idak.Id = threadinfo.MessageThreadId; // idak.Keys.Add("subject", threadinfo.Subject); // idak.Keys.Add("activity", threadinfo.LastActivity.ToString("yy-MM-dd hh:mm")); // idak.Keys.Add("poster", threadinfo.Poster); // idak.Keys.Add("posterid", threadinfo.PosterId.ToString()); // idak.Keys.Add("listid", i.ToString()); // i++; // result.Add(idak); //} } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.ListThreadsForBase(" + messagebase.ToString() + "): " + e.ToString()); } return(threads); }