コード例 #1
		public static Handle ImportUsers(string userSheetItemId, string database, bool downloadFile, bool ignoreDate)
			UserImportStatus importStatus = new UserImportStatus();
			UserImportOptions options = new UserImportOptions()
				CsvSheetItemId = userSheetItemId,
				Database = database,
				DownloadLatestFile = downloadFile, 
				IgnoreFileDate = ignoreDate
			JobOptions options1 = new JobOptions("ImportCsvUsers", "UserImportManager", "shell", (object)new UserImportManager(), "DoImport", new object[2]
        (object) options,
        (object) importStatus
			options1.ContextUser = Context.User;
			options1.ClientLanguage = Context.Language;
			options1.AfterLife = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
			options1.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
			options1.ExecuteInManagedThreadPool = true;
			importStatus.State = JobState.Queued;
			Job job = JobManager.Start(options1);
			job.Options.CustomData = (object)importStatus;
			return job.Handle;
コード例 #2
		public void DoImport(UserImportOptions options, UserImportStatus status)
			status.State = JobState.Initializing;
				UserCSVSheetItem userCsvSheetItem = Factory.GetDatabase(options.Database).GetItem(options.CsvSheetItemId);
				status.State = JobState.Running;

				if (options.DownloadLatestFile)
				FileInfo file = new FileInfo(userCsvSheetItem.CsvFileFullPath);
				if (!file.Exists)
					status.ErrorMessage = userCsvSheetItem.FileName + ": File cannot be found.";
				status.CsvFileName = file.FullName;
				status.CsvFileDate = file.LastWriteTime;

				userCsvSheetItem.ImportUsersFromCsv(options.IgnoreFileDate, status);
			catch (Exception e)
				status.ErrorMessage = e.Message;
				Log.Error("Error importing users", e, this);
			status.State = JobState.Finished;
コード例 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="role">The role name to add to users processed.</param>
		/// <param name="profile">The Custom Profile item from the Core DB to use for the user's profile.</param>
		public UserManager(string role, Item profile, UserImportStatus status)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(role))
				throw new ArgumentException("Role must be specified.");
			if (profile == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Custom profile Item must be provided.");
			_roleName = AddDomain(role);
			_customProfileItem = profile;

			Status = status;
		public void ImportUsersFromCsv(bool ignoreDate, UserImportStatus statusObject)
			// Check parameters
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CsvFileFullPath))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("FileName", "File Name must be specified.");

			var loader = new CsvFileLoader(CsvFileFullPath);

			if (!loader.CsvFile.Exists)
				throw new FileNotFoundException("Csv file could not be loaded.", CsvFileFullPath);

			if (LastUpdated.DateTime != DateTime.MinValue && LastUpdated.DateTime >= loader.CsvFile.LastWriteTime)
				Log.Info(string.Format("File {0} not modified since the last import was run. Skipping UserCsvSheet item {1}.", FileName.Raw, this.Name), this);
				if (!ignoreDate)

			// Load the File
			var mapped = loader.GetUsersFromCsv();

			// Parse the mapped users
			var users = LoadMappedUsers(mapped);

			// Take the timestamp
			DateTime editStartTime = loader.CsvFile.LastWriteTime;

			// Load the users
			var um = new UserManager(Role.Raw, CustomProfileItem, statusObject);

			// Update the File Date
			using (new SecurityDisabler())
				LastUpdated.Field.InnerField.SetValue(DateUtil.ToIsoDate(editStartTime, false), false);