コード例 #1
        public static void ValidateAllAddedPrincipals()
            SecurityIdentifier[] localAdminSids = null;

            /* string[] addedSids = PrincipalList.GetSIDs(); */
            SecurityIdentifier[] addedSids = PrincipalList.GetSIDs();

            if ((addedSids.Length > 0) && (LocalAdminGroup != null))
                localAdminSids = GetLocalGroupMembers(null, LocalAdminGroup.SamAccountName);

            for (int i = 0; i < addedSids.Length; i++)
                bool sidFoundInAdminsGroup = false;
                if ((addedSids[i] != null) && (localAdminSids != null))
                    foreach (SecurityIdentifier sid in localAdminSids)
                        if (sid == addedSids[i])
                            sidFoundInAdminsGroup = true;

                    if (sidFoundInAdminsGroup)
                    {         // Principal's SID was found in the local administrators group.
                        if (PrincipalList.GetExpirationTime(addedSids[i]).HasValue)
                        {     // The principal's rights expire at some point.
                            if (PrincipalList.GetExpirationTime(addedSids[i]).Value > DateTime.Now)
                            { // The principal's administrator rights expire in the future.
                              // Nothing to do here, since the principal is already in the administrators group.
                            { // The principal's administrator rights have expired.
                                string accountName = GetAccountNameFromSID(addedSids[i]);
                                ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Principal {0} ({1}) has been removed from the Administrators group by an outside process. Removing the principal from Make Me Admin's list.", addedSids[i], string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) ? "unknown account" : accountName), EventID.DebugMessage);
                                LocalAdministratorGroup.RemovePrincipal(addedSids[i], RemovalReason.Timeout);

                        // TODO: This should be put back in, but it needs to account for the fact that
                        // some principals may be added without expiration times.

                         * else
                         * { // The principal's rights never expire. This should never happen.
                         * // Remove the principal from the administrator group.
                         #if DEBUG
                         *  string accountName = GetAccountNameFromSID(addedSids[i]);
                         *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Principal {0} ({1}) has been removed from the Administrators group by an outside process. Removing the principal from Make Me Admin's list.", addedSids[i], string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) ? "unknown account" : accountName), EventID.DebugMessage);
                         *  LocalAdministratorGroup.RemovePrincipal(addedSids[i], RemovalReason.Timeout);
                         *  if (
                         *      (Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed != null) &&
                         *      (Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed.Length > 0) &&
                         *      (Shared.UserIsAuthorized(userIdentity, Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed, Settings.AutomaticAddDenied))
                         *     )
                         *  {
                         #if DEBUG
                         *      ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent("User is allowed to be automatically added!", EventID.DebugMessage);
                         *      LocalAdministratorGroup.AddPrincipal(userIdentity, null, null);
                         *  }
                         * }
                    {         // Principal's SID was not found in the local administrators group.
                        if (PrincipalList.GetExpirationTime(addedSids[i]).HasValue)
                        {     // The principal's rights expire at some point.
                            if (PrincipalList.GetExpirationTime(addedSids[i]).Value > DateTime.Now)
                            { // The principal's administrator rights expire in the future.
                                string accountName = GetAccountNameFromSID(addedSids[i]);
                                if (Settings.OverrideRemovalByOutsideProcess)
                                    // TODO: i18n.
                                    ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Principal {0} ({1}) has been removed from the Administrators group by an outside process. Adding the principal back to the Administrators group.", addedSids[i], string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) ? "unknown account" : accountName), EventID.PrincipalRemovedByExternalProcess);
                                    AddPrincipalToAdministrators(addedSids[i], null);
                                    // TODO: i18n.
                                    ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Principal {0} ({1}) has been removed from the Administrators group by an outside process. Removing the principal from Make Me Admin's list.", addedSids[i], string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) ? "unknown account" : accountName), EventID.PrincipalRemovedByExternalProcess);
                                    Settings.SIDs = PrincipalList.GetSIDs().Select(p => p.Value).ToArray <string>();
                            { // The principal's administrator rights have expired.
                              // No need to remove from the administrators group, as we already know the SID
                              // is not present in the group.
                                ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Removing SID \"{0}\" from the principal list.", addedSids[i]), EventID.DebugMessage);
                                Settings.SIDs = PrincipalList.GetSIDs().Select(p => p.Value).ToArray <string>();

                         * Rights shouldn't need to be removed here, as we already know the SID is not
                         * a member of the local administrator group.
                         * else
                         * { // The principal's rights never expire. This should never happen.
                         * // Remove the principal from the administrator. group.
                         *  LocalAdministratorGroup.RemovePrincipal(addedSids[i], RemovalReason.Timeout);
                         * }
コード例 #2
        protected override void OnSessionChange(SessionChangeDescription changeDescription)
            switch (changeDescription.Reason)
            // The user has logged off from a session, either locally or remotely.
            case SessionChangeReason.SessionLogoff:
                ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Session {0} has logged off.", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.DebugMessage);
                //if (Settings.RemoveAdminRightsOnLogout)
                System.Collections.Generic.List <SecurityIdentifier> sidsToRemove = new System.Collections.Generic.List <SecurityIdentifier>(PrincipalList.GetSIDs());

                 #if DEBUG
                 * ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent("SID to remove list has been retrieved.", EventID.DebugMessage);
                 * for (int i = 0; i < sidsToRemove.Count; i++)
                 * {
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("SID to remove: {0}", sidsToRemove[i]), EventID.DebugMessage);
                 * }

                int[] sessionIds = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetLoggedOnUserSessionIds();
                foreach (int id in sessionIds)
                    SecurityIdentifier sid = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetSidForSessionId(id);
                    if (sid != null)
                        if (sidsToRemove.Contains(sid))

                 #if DEBUG
                 * ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent("SID to remove list has been updated.", EventID.DebugMessage);
                 * for (int i = 0; i < sidsToRemove.Count; i++)
                 * {
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("SID to remove: {0}", sidsToRemove[i]), EventID.DebugMessage);
                 * }

                for (int i = 0; i < sidsToRemove.Count; i++)
                    if (
                        (!(PrincipalList.ContainsSID(sidsToRemove[i]) && PrincipalList.IsRemote(sidsToRemove[i])))
                        (Settings.RemoveAdminRightsOnLogout || !PrincipalList.GetExpirationTime(sidsToRemove[i]).HasValue)
                        LocalAdministratorGroup.RemovePrincipal(sidsToRemove[i], RemovalReason.UserLogoff);

                 * In theory, this code should remove the user associated with the logoff, but it doesn't work.
                 * SecurityIdentifier sid = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetSidForSessionId(changeDescription.SessionId);
                 * if (!(PrincipalList.ContainsSID(sid) && PrincipalList.IsRemote(sid)))
                 * {
                 *  LocalAdministratorGroup.RemovePrincipal(sid, RemovalReason.UserLogoff);
                 * }

                 * else
                 * {
                 #if DEBUG
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent("Removing admin rights on log off is disabled.", EventID.DebugMessage);
                 * }


            // The user has logged on to a session, either locally or remotely.
            case SessionChangeReason.SessionLogon:
                // TODO: i18n.
                ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Session logon. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);

                WindowsIdentity userIdentity = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetWindowsIdentityForSessionId(changeDescription.SessionId);

                if (userIdentity != null)
                     #if DEBUG
                     * ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent("User identity is not null.", EventID.DebugMessage);
                     * ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("user name: {0}", userIdentity.Name), EventID.DebugMessage);
                     * ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("user SID: {0}", userIdentity.User), EventID.DebugMessage);

                    if (
                        (Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed != null) &&
                        (Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed.Length > 0) &&
                        (Shared.UserIsAuthorized(userIdentity, Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed, Settings.AutomaticAddDenied))
                        ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent("User is allowed to be automatically added!", EventID.DebugMessage);
                        LocalAdministratorGroup.AddPrincipal(userIdentity, null, null);
                    // TODO: i18n.
                    ApplicationLog.WriteWarningEvent("User identity is null.", EventID.DebugMessage);


                 * // The user has reconnected or logged on to a remote session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.RemoteConnect:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Remote connect. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;

                 * // The user has disconnected or logged off from a remote session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.RemoteDisconnect:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Remote disconnect. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;

                 * // The user has locked their session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.SessionLock:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Session lock. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;

                 * // The user has unlocked their session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.SessionUnlock:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Session unlock. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;
