public static DataSet GetPagerData(int intPageSize, int intCurrentPageIndex) { int num = 0; int num2 = 0; return(UserField.GetPagerData(intPageSize, intCurrentPageIndex, ref num, ref num2)); }
public static IList <UserFieldInfo> GetCustomFieldListByModelID(int intGroupID) { IList <UserFieldInfo> list = BizBase.dbo.GetList <UserFieldInfo>(" SELECT * FROM cms_UserField WHERE UserGroupID=" + intGroupID + " AND IsSystem=0 "); list.Add(UserField.GetExistsFieldInfo()); return(list); }
public static IList <UserFieldInfo> GetFieldListWithValue(int intUserID, int intGroupID) { IList <UserFieldInfo> fieldListByModelID = UserField.GetFieldListByModelID(intGroupID, true); IList <UserFieldInfo> usingFieldList = UserField.GetUsingFieldList(intGroupID); UserGroupInfo cacheUserGroupById = UserGroup.GetCacheUserGroupById(intGroupID); if (cacheUserGroupById != null) { DataTable dataTable = BizBase.dbo.GetDataTable(string.Concat(new object[] { "SELECT * FROM cms_User AS A,", cacheUserGroupById.TableName, " AS B WHERE A.AutoID=", intUserID, " AND B.UserID=", intUserID })); if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) { foreach (UserFieldInfo current in fieldListByModelID) { if (dataTable.Columns.Contains(current.FieldName)) { current.Value = dataTable.Rows[0][current.FieldName].ToString(); } else { current.Value = current.DefaultValue; } } } } return(fieldListByModelID); }
public static bool Delete(int fieldID) { UserFieldInfo dataById = UserField.GetDataById(fieldID); UserGroupInfo dataById2 = UserGroup.GetDataById(dataById.UserGroupID); if (BizBase.dbo.DeleteModel <UserFieldInfo>(dataById)) { TableManager.DropTableColumn(dataById2.TableName, dataById.FieldName); } CacheUtils.Del("JsonLeeCMS_CacheForGetUserGroup"); return(true); }
public static bool Update(UserFieldInfo field) { UserGroupInfo dataById = UserGroup.GetDataById(field.UserGroupID); UserFieldInfo dataById2 = UserField.GetDataById(field.AutoID); bool result; if (BizBase.dbo.UpdateModel <UserFieldInfo>(field)) { if (!dataById2.IsSystem) { try { string text = field.DataType; if (string.Compare(text, "nvarchar", true) == 0) { object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "(", field.DataLength, ")" }); } TableManager.AlterTableColumn(dataById.TableName, dataById2.FieldName, field.FieldName, text, true, field.DefaultValue); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } CacheUtils.Del("JsonLeeCMS_CacheForGetUserGroup"); result = true; } else { result = false; } return(result); }
public static bool DeleteByModelID(int modelID) { bool result; if (modelID <= 0) { result = false; } else { IList <UserFieldInfo> fieldListByModelID = UserField.GetFieldListByModelID(modelID); bool flag = BizBase.dbo.ExecSQL(" DELETE FROM cms_UserField WHERE UserGroupID=" + modelID); if (flag) { CacheUtils.Del("JsonLeeCMS_CacheForGetUserGroup"); result = true; } else { result = false; } } return(result); }
public static IList <UserFieldInfo> GetList(int intTopCount, string strCondition) { string strSort = " Sort asc,AutoID desc "; return(UserField.GetList(intTopCount, strCondition, strSort)); }
public static IList <UserFieldInfo> GetTopNList(int intTopCount, string strSort) { return(UserField.GetList(intTopCount, string.Empty, strSort)); }
public static IList <UserFieldInfo> GetAllList() { return(UserField.GetList(0, string.Empty)); }
public static UserFieldInfo GetTopData() { return(UserField.GetTopData(" Sort ASC,AutoID desc ")); }
public static IList <UserFieldInfo> GetUsingFieldList(int modelID) { return(UserField.GetFieldListByModelID(modelID, true)); }
public static IList <UserFieldInfo> GetPagerList(int intCurrentPageIndex, int intPageSize, ref int intTotalCount, ref int intTotalPage) { return(UserField.GetPagerList("", "Sort ASC,AutoID DESC", intCurrentPageIndex, intPageSize, ref intTotalCount, ref intTotalPage)); }
public static DataSet GetPagerData(string strFilter, string strCondition, int intPageSize, int intCurrentPageIndex, ref int intTotalCount, ref int intTotalPage) { return(UserField.GetPagerData(strFilter, strCondition, " Sort asc,AutoID desc ", intPageSize, intCurrentPageIndex, ref intTotalCount, ref intTotalPage)); }
public static DataSet GetPagerData(string strCondition, int intPageSize, int intCurrentPageIndex, ref int intTotalCount, ref int intTotalPage) { return(UserField.GetPagerData("*", strCondition, intPageSize, intCurrentPageIndex, ref intTotalCount, ref intTotalPage)); }
public static UserStatus Update(UserInfo userMain, Dictionary <string, UserFieldInfo> dicField) { userMain.RealName = User.GetStringFromDic("RealName", dicField); userMain.Gender = User.GetStringFromDic("Gender", dicField); userMain.Birthday = User.GetDateTimeFromDic("Birthday", dicField, new DateTime(1900, 1, 1)); userMain.NickName = User.GetStringFromDic("NickName", dicField); userMain.HeaderPhoto = User.GetStringFromDic("HeaderPhoto", dicField); userMain.CreditLine = User.GetDecimalFromDic("CreditLine", dicField, 0.0m); userMain.Area = User.GetStringFromDic("Area", dicField); userMain.Country = User.GetStringFromDic("Country", dicField); userMain.Province = User.GetStringFromDic("Province", dicField); userMain.City = User.GetStringFromDic("City", dicField); userMain.County = User.GetStringFromDic("County", dicField); string[] array = userMain.Area.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (array.Length > 0) { userMain.Province = array[0]; } if (array.Length > 1) { userMain.City = array[1]; } if (array.Length > 2) { userMain.County = array[2]; } userMain.Address = User.GetStringFromDic("Address", dicField); userMain.PostCode = User.GetStringFromDic("PostCode", dicField); userMain.TelePhone = User.GetStringFromDic("TelePhone", dicField); userMain.Remark = User.GetStringFromDic("Remark", dicField); UserStatus result; if (User.IsExistsByName(userMain.UserName, userMain.AutoID)) { result = UserStatus.ExistsUserName; } else if (User.IsExistsByEmail(userMain.Email, userMain.AutoID)) { result = UserStatus.ExistsEmail; } else if (User.IsExistsByMobile(userMain.Mobile, userMain.AutoID)) { result = UserStatus.ExistsMobile; } else if (User.Update(userMain)) { UserGroupInfo cacheUserGroupById = UserGroup.GetCacheUserGroupById(userMain.GroupID); IList <UserFieldInfo> customFieldListByModelID = UserField.GetCustomFieldListByModelID(userMain.GroupID); foreach (UserFieldInfo current in customFieldListByModelID) { if (current.FieldName == "UserID") { current.Value = userMain.AutoID.ToString(); } else { current.Value = User.GetStringFromDic(current.FieldName, dicField); } } User.UpdateCustomUser(userMain.AutoID, cacheUserGroupById.TableName, customFieldListByModelID); result = UserStatus.Success; } else { result = UserStatus.Error; } return(result); }
public static UserStatus Reg(UserInfo userMain, Dictionary <string, UserFieldInfo> dicField, ref int intUserID) { userMain.RealName = User.GetStringFromDic("RealName", dicField); userMain.Gender = User.GetStringFromDic("Gender", dicField); userMain.Birthday = User.GetDateTimeFromDic("Birthday", dicField, new DateTime(1900, 1, 1)); userMain.NickName = User.GetStringFromDic("NickName", dicField); userMain.HeaderPhoto = User.GetStringFromDic("HeaderPhoto", dicField); userMain.CreditLine = User.GetDecimalFromDic("CreditLine", dicField, 0.0m); userMain.Area = User.GetStringFromDic("Area", dicField); userMain.Country = User.GetStringFromDic("Country", dicField); userMain.Province = User.GetStringFromDic("Province", dicField); userMain.City = User.GetStringFromDic("City", dicField); userMain.County = User.GetStringFromDic("County", dicField); userMain.Address = User.GetStringFromDic("Address", dicField); userMain.PostCode = User.GetStringFromDic("PostCode", dicField); userMain.TelePhone = User.GetStringFromDic("TelePhone", dicField); userMain.Remark = User.GetStringFromDic("Remark", dicField); string[] array = userMain.Area.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (array.Length > 0) { userMain.Province = array[0]; } if (array.Length > 1) { userMain.City = array[1]; } if (array.Length > 2) { userMain.County = array[2]; } userMain.Sort = User.MaxSort + 1; userMain.AutoTimeStamp = DateTime.Now; userMain.LastLoginTime = DateTime.Now; if (userMain.FileSpace.Equals(0)) { userMain.FileSpace = ConfigUtils.GetAppSetting <int>("FileCapacity"); } UserStatus result; if (User.IsExistsByName(userMain.UserName)) { result = UserStatus.ExistsUserName; } else if (User.IsExistsByEmail(userMain.Email)) { result = UserStatus.ExistsEmail; } else if (User.IsExistsByMobile(userMain.Mobile)) { result = UserStatus.ExistsMobile; } else { int num = User.Add(userMain); intUserID = num; if (num > 0) { UserGroupInfo cacheUserGroupById = UserGroup.GetCacheUserGroupById(userMain.GroupID); IList <UserFieldInfo> customFieldListByModelID = UserField.GetCustomFieldListByModelID(userMain.GroupID); foreach (UserFieldInfo current in customFieldListByModelID) { if (current.FieldName == "UserID") { current.Value = num.ToString(); } else { current.Value = User.GetStringFromDic(current.FieldName, dicField); } } User.AddCustomContent(cacheUserGroupById, customFieldListByModelID); result = UserStatus.Success; } else { result = UserStatus.Error; } } return(result); }