コード例 #1
        private void AddSharesAndCalculateNewAverageCostBasis(string symbol, int quantity, float price_per_share, DateTimeOffset purchased_at)
            //Check if we already have a holding like this
            EquityHolding nh = null;

            foreach (EquityHolding h in EquityHoldings)
                if (h.Symbol.ToUpper() == symbol.ToUpper())
                    nh = h;

            //Create a new one if we couldn't find this holding that already exists.
            if (nh == null)
                nh                  = new EquityHolding();
                nh.Symbol           = symbol.ToUpper().Trim();
                nh.Quantity         = 0;
                nh.AverageCostBasis = 0;

            //Calculate the new Average Per Share Cost basis
            float CurrentTotalCost = nh.AverageCostBasis * nh.Quantity;
            float NewTotalCost     = price_per_share * quantity;
            float NewAvgCostBasis  = (CurrentTotalCost + NewTotalCost) / (quantity + nh.Quantity);

            nh.AverageCostBasis = NewAvgCostBasis;

            //add the shares we are buying to the balane
            nh.Quantity = nh.Quantity + quantity;

            //Log the transaction
            EquityTransaction et = new EquityTransaction();

            et.TransactedOn    = purchased_at;
            et.Quantity        = quantity;
            et.StockSymbol     = symbol.ToUpper().Trim();
            et.OrderType       = TransactionType.Buy;
            et.PriceExecutedAt = price_per_share;
コード例 #2
        public async Task TradeEquityAsync(string symbol, int quantity, TransactionType order_type)
            Equity e = Equity.Create(symbol);

                await e.DownloadSummaryAsync();
                throw new Exception("Critical error while fetching equity '" + symbol + "'.  Does this equity exist?");

            if (order_type == TransactionType.Buy)
                //Be sure we have enough cash to buy
                float cash_needed = e.Summary.Price * quantity;
                if (Cash < cash_needed)
                    throw new Exception("You do not have enough cash to execute this buy order of " + symbol.ToUpper() + ".  Cash needed: $" + cash_needed.ToString("#,##0.00") + ".  Cash balance: $" + Cash.ToString("#,##0.00"));

                AddSharesAndCalculateNewAverageCostBasis(symbol.ToUpper().Trim(), quantity, e.Summary.Price, DateTimeOffset.Now);

                //Edit cash and add the shares we are buying to the balane
                Cash = Cash - cash_needed;
            else if (order_type == TransactionType.Sell)
                //Find our holding
                EquityHolding eh = null;
                foreach (EquityHolding ceh in EquityHoldings)
                    if (ceh.Symbol.ToUpper() == symbol.ToUpper())
                        eh = ceh;

                //Throw an error if we do not have any of those shares.
                if (eh == null)
                    throw new Exception("You do not have any shares of " + symbol.ToUpper() + " to sell.");

                //Throw an error if we do not have enough shares
                if (eh.Quantity < quantity)
                    throw new Exception("You do not have " + quantity.ToString() + " shares to sell!  You only have " + eh.Quantity.ToString() + " shares.");

                //Execute the transaction
                Cash        = Cash + (quantity * e.Summary.Price);
                eh.Quantity = eh.Quantity - quantity;

                //Save the transaction log
                EquityTransaction et = new EquityTransaction();
                et.StockSymbol     = symbol.ToUpper().Trim();
                et.OrderType       = TransactionType.Sell;
                et.Quantity        = quantity;
                et.PriceExecutedAt = e.Summary.Price;

                //Remove the holding if it now 0
                if (eh.Quantity == 0)

            //Take out the commission (if any)
            if (TradeCost > 0)
                EditCash(TradeCost * -1, CashTransactionType.TradingRelatedCharge);