public override bool StacksWith(IGameObject other) { FabricSynthetic ingredientFabric = other as FabricSynthetic; if (ingredientFabric != null) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool CreateAndAddToInventory(GameObject obj, int amount) { if (obj != null && obj.Inventory != null) { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { FabricInitParameters initData = new FabricInitParameters(1); IGameObject Knitted = (IngredientFabric)GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld(fabricKnittedRK, null, initData); FabricKnitted ingredientKnitted = Knitted as FabricKnitted; IGameObject Cotton = (IngredientFabric)GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld(fabricCottonRK, null, initData); FabricCotton ingredientCotton = Cotton as FabricCotton; IGameObject leather = (IngredientFabric)GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld(fabricLeatherRK, null, initData); FabricLeather ingredientLeather = leather as FabricLeather; IGameObject synthetic = (IngredientFabric)GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld(fabricSyntheticRK, null, initData); FabricSynthetic ingredientSynthetic = synthetic as FabricSynthetic; IGameObject denim = (IngredientFabric)GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld(fabricDenimRK, null, initData); FabricDenim ingredientDenim = denim as FabricDenim; IGameObject satin = (IngredientFabric)GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld(fabricSatinRK, null, initData); FabricSatin ingredientSatin = satin as FabricSatin; if (ingredientKnitted != null) { if (!obj.Inventory.TryToAdd(ingredientKnitted)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric Knitted, Destroyed item."); ingredientKnitted.Destroy(); return(false); } } if (ingredientLeather != null) { if (!obj.Inventory.TryToAdd(ingredientLeather)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric Leather, Destroyed item."); ingredientLeather.Destroy(); return(false); } } if (ingredientSynthetic != null) { if (!obj.Inventory.TryToAdd(ingredientSynthetic)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric Synthetic, Destroyed item."); ingredientSynthetic.Destroy(); return(false); } } if (ingredientCotton != null) { if (!obj.Inventory.TryToAdd(ingredientCotton)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric Cotton, Destroyed item."); ingredientCotton.Destroy(); return(false); } } if (ingredientDenim != null) { if (!obj.Inventory.TryToAdd(ingredientDenim)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric Denim, Destroyed item."); ingredientDenim.Destroy(); return(false); } } if (ingredientSatin != null) { if (!obj.Inventory.TryToAdd(ingredientSatin)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric Satin, Destroyed item."); ingredientSatin.Destroy(); return(false); } } } return(true); } return(false); }
// If we know the type of fabric, use this one instead public static bool RemoveFabricForProject(GameObject obj, Sim actor, SewingSkill.FabricType type, int amount) { List <FabricCotton> listCotton = actor.Inventory.FindAll <FabricCotton>(true); List <FabricCotton> list2Cotton = obj.Inventory.FindAll <FabricCotton>(true); List <FabricDenim> listDenim = actor.Inventory.FindAll <FabricDenim>(true); List <FabricDenim> list2Denim = obj.Inventory.FindAll <FabricDenim>(true); List <FabricKnitted> listKnitted = actor.Inventory.FindAll <FabricKnitted>(true); List <FabricKnitted> list2Knitted = obj.Inventory.FindAll <FabricKnitted>(true); List <FabricLeather> listLeather = actor.Inventory.FindAll <FabricLeather>(true); List <FabricLeather> list2Leather = obj.Inventory.FindAll <FabricLeather>(true); List <FabricSatin> listSatin = actor.Inventory.FindAll <FabricSatin>(true); List <FabricSatin> list2Satin = obj.Inventory.FindAll <FabricSatin>(true); List <FabricSynthetic> listSynthetic = actor.Inventory.FindAll <FabricSynthetic>(true); List <FabricSynthetic> list2Synthetic = obj.Inventory.FindAll <FabricSynthetic>(true); List <FabricCotton> list3Cotton = new List <FabricCotton>(); List <FabricDenim> list3Denim = new List <FabricDenim>(); List <FabricKnitted> list3Knitted = new List <FabricKnitted>(); List <FabricLeather> list3Leather = new List <FabricLeather>(); List <FabricSatin> list3Satin = new List <FabricSatin>(); List <FabricSynthetic> list3Synthetic = new List <FabricSynthetic>(); if (obj != null && obj.Inventory != null) { if (type == SewingSkill.FabricType.Cotton) { list3Cotton.AddRange(listCotton); list3Cotton.AddRange(list2Cotton); if (list3Cotton.Count < amount) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's Sewing Table: all inventories don't have enough fabric in it"); return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { FabricCotton fabric = list3Cotton[j]; if (!obj.Inventory.TryToRemove(fabric)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric ingredient, Destroyed item."); return(false); } list3Cotton.Remove(fabric); } } if (type == SewingSkill.FabricType.Denim) { list3Denim.AddRange(listDenim); list3Denim.AddRange(list2Denim); if (list3Denim.Count < amount) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's Sewing Table: all inventories don't have enough fabric in it"); return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { FabricDenim fabric = list3Denim[j]; if (!obj.Inventory.TryToRemove(fabric)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric ingredient, Destroyed item."); return(false); } list3Denim.Remove(fabric); } } if (type == SewingSkill.FabricType.Knitted) { list3Knitted.AddRange(listKnitted); list3Knitted.AddRange(list2Knitted); if (list3Knitted.Count < amount) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's Sewing Table: all inventories don't have enough fabric in it"); return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { FabricKnitted fabric = list3Knitted[j]; if (!obj.Inventory.TryToRemove(fabric)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric ingredient, Destroyed item."); return(false); } list3Knitted.Remove(fabric); } } if (type == SewingSkill.FabricType.Leather) { list3Leather.AddRange(listLeather); list3Leather.AddRange(list2Leather); if (list3Leather.Count < amount) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's Sewing Table: all inventories don't have enough fabric in it"); return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { FabricLeather fabric = list3Leather[j]; if (!obj.Inventory.TryToRemove(fabric)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric ingredient, Destroyed item."); return(false); } list3Leather.Remove(fabric); } } if (type == SewingSkill.FabricType.Satin) { list3Satin.AddRange(listSatin); list3Satin.AddRange(list2Satin); if (list3Satin.Count < amount) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's Sewing Table: all inventories don't have enough fabric in it"); return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { FabricSatin fabric = list3Satin[j]; if (!obj.Inventory.TryToRemove(fabric)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric ingredient, Destroyed item."); return(false); } list3Satin.Remove(fabric); } } if (type == SewingSkill.FabricType.Synthetic) { list3Synthetic.AddRange(listSynthetic); list3Synthetic.AddRange(list2Synthetic); if (list3Synthetic.Count < amount) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's Sewing Table: all inventories don't have enough fabric in it"); return(false); } for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { FabricSynthetic fabric = list3Synthetic[j]; if (!obj.Inventory.TryToRemove(fabric)) { SewingTable.print("Lyralei's SewingTable: Couldn't add Fabric ingredient, Destroyed item."); return(false); } list3Synthetic.Remove(fabric); } } } return(true); }