// GetExtraProperties, GetFullProeperties, GetDeepProperties public static SimpleJSON.JSONClass GetUeoBaseProps(SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj, UserEditableObject ueo, SceneSerializationType serializationType) { // oops -- we are setting "all" the properties including rotation and position. This SHOULD be warpped in USerEditableObject but we didn't do it that way // and a refactor would risk breaking existing levels, // so for now we leave ueo.setprops / ueo.getprops as a "higher level" properties, where as THIS BaseProps is the "full" properties of the object if (obj == null) { Debug.LogError("null obj"); return(obj); } else if (ueo == null) { Debug.LogError("ueo null for " + obj["name"] + ", str;" + obj.ToString()); return(obj); } obj["name"] = ueo.GetName; obj["position"] = JsonUtil.GetTruncatedPosition(ueo.transform); obj["rotation"] = JsonUtil.GetRotation(ueo.transform); obj["active"].AsBool = ueo.gameObject.activeSelf; if (serializationType == SceneSerializationType.Instance) { obj[JsonUtil.scaleKey].AsInt = JsonUtil.GetScaleAsInt(ueo.transform); } obj["properties"] = ueo.GetProperties(); return(obj); }
public void sendAction() { GetComponent<Animator>().Play("Click"); if (buttonType == FLOOR_BUTTON_TYPE.YES || buttonType == FLOOR_BUTTON_TYPE.NO) { GameObject.Find("Debug Text").GetComponent<Text>().text += "Setting Position \n"; HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri("http://run-west.att.io/d9576f027ee8f/6e9234f387c9/9c7023eee2b3b23/in/flow/action"), HTTPMethods.Put, actionSentCallback); JSONClass data = new JSONClass(); data["value"] = ((int)buttonType).ToString(); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); //request.AddHeader("X-M2X-KEY", "9fc7996ea7f03fccc6ef3978f2a4d012"); request.RawData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString()); request.Send(); } else { HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(new Uri("http://run-west.att.io/d9576f027ee8f/6e9234f387c9/9c7023eee2b3b23/in/flow/dlswitch"), HTTPMethods.Put, actionSentCallback); JSONClass data = new JSONClass(); data["value"] = (dlSwitch).ToString(); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); //request.AddHeader("X-M2X-KEY", "9fc7996ea7f03fccc6ef3978f2a4d012"); request.RawData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString()); request.Send(); } }
/// <summary>基础信息录入 - 建筑信息(按区块为单位上传)</summary> public static void UploadBlockInfo(string block_id, string buildings_sinfo, Action <string> callback, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> failCallback = null) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_id"] = block_id; jclass["buildings_info"] = buildings_sinfo; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("block_details/update_detail", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { callback(resp.WwwText); } else { if (failCallback != null) { failCallback(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } else { Debug.LogError("ERROR: " + resp.Error + ", " + resp.WwwText); } } }); }
public void readHosts() { string path = Application.persistentDataPath; if (!path.EndsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } PlayerPrefs.Save(); //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); #if !(UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL) if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) { hostfile.Add("host", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("http://localhost:3000/api/proxy/gleaner/collector/")); hostfile.Add("trackingCode", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("asdasdasdasda")); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("host.cfg", hostfile.ToString()); } else { hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); } #endif PlayerPrefs.SetString("host", hostfile["host"]); PlayerPrefs.SetString("trackingCode", hostfile["trackingCode"]); PlayerPrefs.Save(); //End tracker data loading }
public void addGameVersion(string id) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("gameId", id); net.POST (url + "/" + id + "/versions" , System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new GameVersionCreatorListener ()); }
public static void UpdateBuildingInfo(string _strBlockName, string _strNodeGUID, string _strJsData, Action <string> sCb, Action <string> fCb, SingleTargetType _sType = SingleTargetType.Building) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_name"] = _strBlockName; jclass["build_guid"] = _strNodeGUID; jclass["info"] = _strJsData; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); string strPort = "building_infos/upsert"; Debug.LogWarning("更新,发送的Js:\n" + _strJsData); Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("更新:地块ID:{0}\n建筑gID:{1}", _strBlockName, _strNodeGUID)); WWWManager.Instance.Post(strPort, strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(resp.ToString()); } else { Debug.LogError(string.Format("更新建筑基础信息:{0},失败:{1}", _strNodeGUID, resp.WwwText)); fCb(resp.WwwText); } }); }
void UpdateSession(bool force = false) { // // commented Debug.Log("sending analytics;"); //+N.ToString()); if (!force && ((N[Keys.worldDistanceMoved] == null || N[Keys.mouseMovedDistance] == null || N[Keys.worldDistanceMoved].AsFloat == 0 || N[Keys.mouseMovedDistance].AsFloat == 0 ) && (N[Keys.levelBuilderButtonPress] == null || N[Keys.levelBuilderButtonPress].AsArray.Count == 0))) { // Worldpos and mousepos zero distance, and also no editor buttons pressed -- oh my we must be idle! // Idle is now handled in JS. If a report is not sent (repeatedly) the js will recognize idle, so Unity doesn't need to detect idle // This way is better for a variety of reasons but mainly beacuse Unity will "pause" if user is not focused so no reports will be sent nor will an idle alert be sent. } else { StatsMonitor.StatsMonitor stats = FindObjectOfType <StatsMonitor.StatsMonitor>(); int fps = -1; if (stats) { fps = stats.fps; } N[Keys.fps].AsInt = fps; #if UNITY_EDITOR // Debug.Log("sending:"+N.ToString()); #else WebGLComm.inst.SendAnalytics(N.ToString()); #endif } }
public static void UploadStreet(string city_name, JSONNode city_info, Action <string> callback, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> failCallback = null) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = city_name; jclass["info"] = city_info.ToString(); string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("roads/new_road", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { callback(resp.WwwText); } else { if (failCallback != null) { failCallback(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } else { Debug.LogError("修改街道失败: " + resp.Error + ", " + resp.WwwText); } } }); }
public static void UploadCity(string city_id, string city_name, string prov_id, string isHot, string j_city_id, JSONNode birth_coordinate, Action <string> callback, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> failCallback = null) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = city_name; jclass["city"] = city_id; jclass["prov_id"] = prov_id; jclass["j_city_id"] = j_city_id; jclass["is_hotcity"] = isHot; if (birth_coordinate != null) { jclass["birth_coordinate"] = birth_coordinate.ToString(); } string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("cities/update_city", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { callback(resp.WwwText); } else { if (failCallback != null) { failCallback(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } else { Debug.LogError("ERROR: " + resp.Error + ", " + resp.WwwText); } } }); }
//JSON Format: /* { "session": { "id": "session1234", "player": "user123", "game": "game1", "version": "version 1.0" }, "play_events" : [ { "time": "2015-02-17T22:43:45-5:00", "event": "PowerUp.FireBall", "value": "1.0", "level": "1-1"}, { "time": "2015-02-17T22:45:45-5:00", "event": "PowerUp.Mushroom", "value": "2.0", "level": "1-1"} ] } */ public static string ToJSON(Gloggr_Report r) { JSONNode n = new JSONClass(); n.Add ("session", Gloggr_SessionHeader.ToJSONObject(r.session) ); JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); foreach(Gloggr_PlayEvent e in r.play_events) { a.Add(Gloggr_PlayEvent.ToJSONObject(e)); } n.Add ("play_events", a); return n.ToString(); // string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e, Formatting.Indented); // //from Gloggr_SessionHeader.ToJSON // //json = Gloggr_SessionHeader.FormatJSONKeys(json); // //from Gloggr_PlayEvent.ToJSON // //json = Gloggr_PlayEvent.FormatJSONKeys(json); // return json; }
public void login(string user, string pass) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("username", new JSONData (this.user)); json.Add ("password", new JSONData (this.pass)); www = net.POST (baseurl + loginurl, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new LoginListener ()); }
public void addGame(string title, bool ispublic) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("title", new JSONData (title)); json.Add ("public", new JSONData (ispublic)); net.POST (url, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new GameCreatorListener ()); }
public static byte[] BuildMessageBytes_OppName() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "oppName"); byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
public static byte[] BuildMessageBytes_Move( string piece, int gbi ) { SimpleJSON.JSONClass moveObj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); moveObj.Add("gridBoxIndex", gbi); moveObj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); moveObj.Add("piece", piece); moveObj.Add("type", "move"); return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(moveObj.ToString()); }
public static byte[] BuildBytes_NewMatch() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "new_match"); byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
void DisableRating() { JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data = JSON.Parse(EditorPrefs.GetString(keyName)); data["active"].AsBool = false; data["counter"].AsInt = 0; EditorPrefs.SetString(keyName, data.ToString()); this.Close(); }
public void ReloadSceneWithCallbackWithCallback(CallbackTarget cbt, string callbackMethod) { // callbackTarget = cbt; WebGLComm.inst.Debug("Reloading scene callback fn/mthod: " + cbt + ",/" + callbackMethod); SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); N[SceneManager.callbackKey] = callbackMethod; N[SceneManager.callbackTargetKey] = GetStringFromCalbackTarget(cbt); PlayerPrefs.SetString(prefsKey, N.ToString()); ReloadSceneWithCallback(); }
void SaveClipboardToServer() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); N[clipboardKey] = new SimpleJSON.JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (clipboardSnips[i] != null) { SimpleJSON.JSONClass item = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); item[clipboardIndexKey].AsInt = i; item[clipboardJsonKey] = clipboardSnips[i]; N[clipboardKey].Add(item); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR PlayerPrefs.SetString("Clipboard", N.ToString()); #else WebGLComm.inst.SaveClipboard(N.ToString()); #endif }
void UpdateAI(JSONClass packet) { Debug.Log("Received packet: " + packet.ToString()); xCoord = packet["x"].AsFloat; yCoord = packet["y"].AsFloat; angleFacing = packet["facing"].AsFloat; Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(xCoord, yCoord); transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)angleFacing, Vector3.forward); }
// 保存当前平台类型 static void SavePlatform() { BuildTarget target = EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget; BuildSetting(target); SimpleJSON.JSONClass json = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); json.Add("platform", new SimpleJSON.JSONData((int)target)); json.Add("version", new SimpleJSON.JSONData(ConstantData.mainVersion)); IGG.FileUtil.SaveTextToFile(json.ToString(""), CommandHelper.OutputPath); }
static void Startup() { EditorApplication.update -= Startup; if (!EditorPrefs.HasKey(keyName)) { JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data["active"].AsBool = true; EditorPrefs.SetString(keyName, data.ToString()); } Count(); }
string SetRandomBody() { int bodInd = Random.Range(0, 2); SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); // N["HatIndex"].AsInt = Random.Range(0,4); N["HairIndex"].AsInt = Random.Range(0, 4); N["BodyIndex"].AsInt = bodInd; N["HairColorIndex"].AsInt = Random.Range(0, allMaterials.Length); N["BodyColorIndex"].AsInt = Random.Range(0, allMaterials.Length); N["HeadColorIndex"].AsInt = Random.Range(0, allMaterials.Length); return(N.ToString()); }
public void SaveName() { string path = Application.persistentDataPath; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PreTestEnd", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PostTestEnd", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TeaTestEnd", 0); if (!path.EndsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("username") && PlayerPrefs.GetString("username") != t.text) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "tracesRaw.csv")) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(path + PlayerPrefs.GetString("username") + ".csv.backup", System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path + "tracesRaw.csv")); System.IO.File.Delete(path + "tracesRaw.csv"); } } PlayerPrefs.SetString("username", t.text); PlayerPrefs.SetString("password", t.text); PlayerPrefs.Save(); //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); #if !(UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL) if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) { hostfile.Add("host", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("")); hostfile.Add("trackingCode", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("57d81d5585b094006eab04d6ndecvjlvjss8aor")); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("host.cfg", hostfile.ToString()); } else { hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); } #endif PlayerPrefs.SetString("host", hostfile["host"]); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("ActivitiesTracking") == null) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("trackingCode", hostfile["trackingCode"]); } PlayerPrefs.Save(); TrackerObject.SetActive(true); //End tracker data loading }
public string connectToDb() { //make sure all the paramter has something if (!System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(function) && !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && parameterList.Count > 0 && valueList.Count > 0) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); NameValueCollection formData = new NameValueCollection(); var sendJSON = new JSONClass(); //get the values to be sent to backend for (int i=0; i < parameterList.Count;i++) { string key = (string)parameterList[i]; sendJSON["info"][key] = (string)valueList[i]; } //send to backend sendJSON["function"] = this.function; formData["send"] = sendJSON.ToString(); byte[] responseBytes = webClient.UploadValues(this.url, "POST", formData); string responsefromserver = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes); Debug.Log(responsefromserver); //parse the return values var returnValue = JSONNode.Parse(responsefromserver); int error = Convert.ToInt32(returnValue["error"]); if (error != -1) { //if got error, parse it and return the appropriate error message string errorString = this.parseError(error); return errorString; } else { //if no error, return "SUCCESS NO RETURN" if only "TRUE" is returned by backend this.jsonReturn = returnValue["result"][0].ToString(); if (String.Compare(this.jsonReturn, "\"TRUE\"") == 0) { return "SUCCESS NO RETURN"; } else { return "SUCCESS"; } } //return ""; } return "you did not insert a function/parameter/value"; }
SimpleJSON.JSONClass SaveLevelClass() { WebGLComm.inst.Debug("<color=#09f>Saver:</color>.SaveLevelClass()"); // Construct the json that will be sent to the server. SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = GetSerializedLevelClassJson(); string screenshotData = Screenshotter.inst.GetCurrentScreenshotByteArrayAsString(); #if UNITY_EDITOR // Debug.Log("editor save"); PlayerPrefs.SetString("SavedClass", N.ToString()); SaveLevelClassCallback(); #endif WebGLComm.inst.SaveLevelClassToServer(JsonUtil.GetStringFromJson(N), screenshotData); return(N); }
public static byte[] BuildBytes_OnlineEvent( OnlineGameEvent _ge ) { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "online_event"); obj.Add("gE", (int)_ge.gameEvent); if( _ge.gameEventProperty != null ) { obj.Add("hasEP", true); obj.Add("gEP", _ge.gameEventProperty); } else { obj.Add("hasEP", false); obj.Add("gEP", ""); } byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
public void SaveCompletedQuest(Quest questToSave) { if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey ("CompletedQuests") == true) { JSONNode completedQuests = JSONClass.Parse(PlayerPrefs.GetString("CompletedQuests")); for(int i = 0; i < completedQuests["CompletedQuest"].Count; i++){ if(completedQuests["CompletedQuests"][i] == questToSave.GetID().ToString()){ completedQuests["CompletedQuests"][-1] = questToSave.GetID().ToString(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("CompletedQuests", completedQuests.ToString()); return; } } } JSONClass completedQuestJSONNode = new JSONClass (); completedQuestJSONNode ["CompletedQuests"] [0] = questToSave.GetID ().ToString(); PlayerPrefs.SetString("CompletedQuests", completedQuestJSONNode.ToString()); return; }
static void Count() { JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data = JSON.Parse(EditorPrefs.GetString(keyName)); if(data["active"].AsBool == false) return; double time = GenerateUnixTime(); double diff = time - data["lastCheck"].AsDouble; if(diff < 20) return; data["lastCheck"].AsDouble = time; data["counter"].AsInt = data["counter"].AsInt + 1; EditorPrefs.SetString(keyName, data.ToString()); if(data["counter"].AsInt > 10) Init(); }
public string ToString (){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("Id",new JSONData (id)); j ["Name"] = Name; j.Add ("Rank",new JSONData (Rank)); j.Add ("Era", new JSONData(Era)); j.Add ("Type", new JSONData(Type)); j.Add ("InitialIQ", new JSONData(InitialIQ)); j.Add ("GainIQ", new JSONData(GainIQ)); j.Add ("HighestIQ", new JSONData(HighestIQ)); j.Add ("InitialLeadership", new JSONData(InitialLeadership)); j.Add ("GainLv30Leadership", new JSONData(GainLv30Leadership)); j.Add ("GainLv60Leadership", new JSONData(GainLv60Leadership)); j.Add ("GainLv99Leadership", new JSONData(GainLv99Leadership)); j.Add ("HighestLeadership", new JSONData (HighestLeadership)); j.Add ("InitialPrestige", new JSONData (InitialPrestige)); j.Add ("KnownFormation", new JSONData (KnownFormation)); j.Add ("KnownKnowledge", new JSONData (KnownKnowledge)); return j.ToString (); }
/// <summary> /// Update City Information /// </summary> /// <param name="_strCityName"></param> /// <param name="_strJsData"></param> /// <param name="sCb"></param> /// <param name="fCb"></param> public static void UpdateCityInfo(string _strCityName, string _strJsData, Action sCb, Action <HttpResp.ErrorType, string> fCb) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = _strCityName; jclass["block_file"] = _strJsData; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); WWWManager.Instance.Post("cities/update_city", strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(); } else { fCb(resp.Error, resp.WwwText); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 批量删除组件 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strNames">组件ID字符串</param> /// <param name="_cb"></param> public static void DeleteCompConfig(string _strNames, Action <bool, HttpResp> _cb) { // 转为json var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name_list"] = _strNames; WWWManager.Instance.Post("components/drop_by_list", jclass.ToString(), resp => { Debug.Log("删除结果返回:" + resp.WwwText); if (!HasRespError(resp)) { _cb(true, resp); } else { _cb(false, resp); } }); }
SimpleJSON.JSONClass SaveLevelInstance() { //Note that this was a performance bottleneck, NOT because of serialization (although that is still expensive) // but actually because of gettign a value of "string" out of Json object e.g. SimpleJson.ToString() // Charlie improved performance by replacing tostring methods from string s = ""; s += "nextpiece" to StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); sb.append("nextpiece"); // seems to speed up serialization (from existing complete SimpleJson.JsonCLASS object).ToString() A LOT e.g. 1 second to 0.2 seconds SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); N = GetLevelMetaData(); N = JsonSerializeSceneObjects(N, SceneSerializationType.Instance); #if UNITY_EDITOR PlayerPrefs.SetString("SavedInstance", N.ToString()); #endif WebGLComm.inst.SaveLevelInstanceToServer(JsonUtil.GetStringFromJson(N)); return(N); }
/// <summary> /// 保存组件配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strName"></param> /// <param name="_strInfo"></param> /// <param name="_cb"></param> public static void SaveCompConfig(string _strName, string _strInfo, Action <bool, HttpResp> _cb) { // 转为json var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = _strName; jclass["info"] = _strInfo; WWWManager.Instance.Post("components/set_info", jclass.ToString(), resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { _cb(true, resp); } else { _cb(false, resp); } }); }
public override string ToString() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); jsonObj.Add("AgentCount", new JSONData(AgentCount)); var jsonArray = new JSONArray(); lock (agents) { foreach (var agent in agents) { jsonArray.Add("Agent", agent.Value.GetJsonStatus()); } } jsonObj.Add("Agents", jsonArray); sj.Add("AgentStatus", jsonObj); return(sj.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 保存临时数据接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strName"></param> /// <param name="_strType"></param> /// <param name="_strInfo"></param> /// <param name="_cb"></param> public static void SaveTempData(string _strName, string _strType, string _strInfo, Action <bool, HttpResp> _cb) { // 转为json var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["name"] = _strName; jclass["type"] = _strType; jclass["info"] = _strInfo; WWWManager.Instance.Post("temp_buildings/set_info", jclass.ToString(), resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { _cb(true, resp); } else { _cb(false, resp); } }); }
public static string GetJsonFromList(TimelineItemDataMeta tuple) { var sign = new JSONClass(); foreach (var item in tuple.Data) { var i = new JSONClass(); i["number"] = item.Number.ToString(); i["facialExpression"] = item.FacialExpression.ToString(); i["timestamp"] = item.Timestamp.ToString(); i["duration"] = item.Duration.ToString(); i["leftHand"] = item.LeftHand.ToJson(); i["rightHand"] = item.RightHand.ToJson(); sign["items"][-1] = i; } sign["metadata"] = tuple.MetaData.ToJson(); var root = new JSONClass(); root["sign"] = sign; return root.ToString(); }
//Save each object properties to a JSON file /* JSON format: * { * "ObjectN": { * "Position" : { * "x" : Double, * "y": Double, * "z" : Double * }, * "Rotation" : { * "x" : Double, * "y": Double, * "z" : Double * }, * "Scale" : { * "x" : Double, * "y": Double, * "z" : Double * }, * "Name" : String * } * } */ private void SaveSceneToFile(string mazeName, List <ObjectSet> mazeSet) { SimpleJSON.JSONNode mazeJSON = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); int i = 0; foreach (ObjectSet mazeObj in mazeSet) { //Debug.Log (mazeObj.name + " " + mazeObj.postion + " " + mazeObj.rotation + " " + mazeObj.scale); string objectName = "Object" + i; //JSON Format, creates the JSON format through the mazeJSON Node mazeJSON[objectName]["Position"]["x"].AsDouble = mazeObj.position.x; mazeJSON[objectName]["Position"]["y"].AsDouble = mazeObj.position.y; mazeJSON[objectName]["Position"]["z"].AsDouble = mazeObj.position.z; mazeJSON[objectName]["Rotation"]["x"].AsDouble = mazeObj.rotation.x; mazeJSON[objectName]["Rotation"]["y"].AsDouble = mazeObj.rotation.y; mazeJSON[objectName]["Rotation"]["z"].AsDouble = mazeObj.rotation.z; mazeJSON[objectName]["Scale"]["x"].AsDouble = mazeObj.scale.x; mazeJSON[objectName]["Scale"]["y"].AsDouble = mazeObj.scale.y; mazeJSON[objectName]["Scale"]["z"].AsDouble = mazeObj.scale.z; mazeJSON[objectName]["State"].AsInt = mazeObj.toggleState; mazeJSON[objectName]["Name"] = mazeObj.name; i++; } string fileDest = "Assets/Resources/Mazes/" + mazeName + ".txt"; File.WriteAllText(fileDest, mazeJSON.ToString()); //Writes the JSON file UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //Refresh the Editor, making changes immeadiate }
public static void DeleteSingleBuildingInfoByJson(string _strBlockName, string _strGUID, Action sCb, Action <string> fCb) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_name"] = _strBlockName; jclass["build_guid"] = _strGUID; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); string strPort = "building_infos/delete"; WWWManager.Instance.Post(strPort, strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(); } else { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("删除:{0},失败:{1}", strPort, resp.Error)); fCb(resp.WwwText); } }); }
public override string ToString() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); KeyValuePair <int, Actor>[] ad; lock (actorDict) { ad = actorDict.ToArray(); } jsonObj.Add("ActorCount", new JSONData(ad.Length)); var jsonArray = new JSONArray(); foreach (var actor in ad) { var actorJson = new JSONClass(); actorJson.Add("type", new JSONData(actor.Value.GetType().ToString())); var actorComponents = new JSONClass(); /* * foreach (var compoent in actor.Value.GetComponents().Result) * { * actorComponents.Add("Component", new JSONData(compoent.GetType().ToString())); * } */ actorJson.Add("Components", actorComponents); actorJson.Add("Attribute", actor.Value.GetAttr()); jsonArray.Add("Actor", actorJson); } jsonObj.Add("Actors", jsonArray); sj.Add("AtorStatus", jsonObj); return(sj.ToString()); }
public void exportMethod() { #if UNITY_EDITOR var astar = AstarPath.active; if (astar == null) { astar = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AstarPath>(); } string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Graphs", "", "graph" + Convert.ToString(mapId) + ".zip", "zip"); if (path != "") { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Scan before saving?", "Do you want to scan the graphs before saving" + "\nNot scanning can cause node data to be omitted from the file if Save Node Data is enabled", "Scan", "Don't scan")) { astar.Scan(); } //uint checksum; Pathfinding.Serialization.SerializeSettings settings = Pathfinding.Serialization.SerializeSettings.All; byte[] bytes = null; //uint ch = 0; astar.AddWorkItem(new AstarPath.AstarWorkItem(delegate(bool force) { Pathfinding.Serialization.AstarSerializer sr = new Pathfinding.Serialization.AstarSerializer(astar.astarData, settings); sr.OpenSerialize(); astar.astarData.SerializeGraphsPart(sr); //sr.SerializeEditorSettings (graphEditors); var start = GameObject.Find("PlayerStart").transform.position; var grid = Util.CoordToGrid(start.x, start.z); var yOff = Util.IntYOffset(start.y); SimpleJSON.JSONClass jc = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var arr = jc["playerStart"] = new SimpleJSON.JSONArray(); arr[-1].AsInt = (int)(grid.x); arr[-1].AsInt = yOff; arr[-1].AsInt = (int)(grid.y); /* * System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); * BinaryWriter outfile = new BinaryWriter(stream); * jc.Serialize(outfile); */ Debug.Log("Export " + jc.ToString()); var graph = astar.graphs[0] as Pathfinding.GridGraph; var js = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); js["unclampedSize"]["x"].AsInt = graph.width; js["unclampedSize"]["y"].AsInt = graph.depth; js["center"]["x"].AsFloat = graph.center.x; js["center"]["y"].AsFloat = graph.center.y; js["center"]["z"].AsFloat = graph.center.z; sr.zip.AddEntry("playerStart" + Convert.ToString(mapId) + ".json", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jc.ToString())); sr.zip.AddEntry("graph0.json", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js.ToString())); bytes = sr.CloseSerialize(); //ch = sr.GetChecksum (); return(true); })); Pathfinding.Serialization.AstarSerializer.SaveToFile(path, bytes); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Done Saving", "Done saving graph data.", "Ok"); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// 单粒度更新 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strCityName"></param> /// <param name="_strJsData"></param> /// <param name="sCb"></param> /// <param name="fCb"></param> public static void UpdateSingleTargetByJson(string _strCityName, string _strJsData, Action <string> sCb, Action <string> fCb, SingleTargetType _sType = SingleTargetType.Building) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_name"] = _strCityName; jclass["info"] = _strJsData; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); string strPort = "Error"; switch (_sType) { case SingleTargetType.Building: strPort = "buildings/upsert"; break; case SingleTargetType.Component: strPort = "block_components/upsert"; break; case SingleTargetType.Maps: strPort = "sub_blocks/upsert"; break; case SingleTargetType.Shop: strPort = "shop_signs/upsert"; break; case SingleTargetType.BuildingInfo: strPort = "building_infos/upsert"; break; case SingleTargetType.StreetInfo: strPort = "streets/upsert"; jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["city_name"] = _strCityName; jclass["info"] = _strJsData; strJson = jclass.ToString(); break; default: return; } Debug.LogWarning("更新,发送的Js:\n" + _strJsData); WWWManager.Instance.Post(strPort, strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(resp.ToString()); } else { Debug.LogError(string.Format("更新:{0},失败:{1}", _strCityName, resp.ToString())); fCb(resp.WwwText); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 单粒度删除:_bType: 1-组件 2-建筑 3-九宫格 /// </summary> /// <param name="_strCityName"></param> /// <param name="_strGUID"></param> /// <param name="sCb"></param> /// <param name="fCb"></param> /// <param name="_bType"></param> public static void DeleteSingleTargetByJson(string _strCityName, string _strGUID, Action sCb, Action <string> fCb, SingleTargetType _sType = SingleTargetType.Building, bool _bClearStreetID = false) { var jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["block_name"] = _strCityName; jclass["guid"] = _strGUID; string strJson = jclass.ToString(); string strPort = "Error"; switch (_sType) { case SingleTargetType.Building: strPort = "buildings/delete"; break; case SingleTargetType.Component: strPort = "block_components/delete"; break; case SingleTargetType.Maps: strPort = "sub_blocks/delete"; break; case SingleTargetType.Shop: strPort = "shop_signs/delete"; break; case SingleTargetType.BuildingInfo: strPort = "building_infos/delete"; break; case SingleTargetType.StreetInfo: strPort = "streets/delete"; jclass = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); jclass["city_name"] = _strCityName; jclass["guid"] = _strGUID; jclass["unbind_building"] = _bClearStreetID ? "true" : "false"; strJson = jclass.ToString(); break; default: return; } WWWManager.Instance.Post(strPort, strJson, resp => { if (!HasRespError(resp)) { sCb(); } else { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("删除:{0},失败:{1}", strPort, resp.Error)); fCb(resp.WwwText); } }); }
void OnGUI() { if(reviewWindowImage == null) { var script = MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(this); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script)); reviewWindowImage = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path + imagePath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(31); GUILayout.Label(reviewWindowImage); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(48); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Review Simple IAP System", GUILayout.Width(160)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Please consider giving us a rating on the"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Unity Asset Store. Your support helps us"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("to improve this product. Thank you!"); GUILayout.Space(20); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Rate now!")) { Help.BrowseURL("https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/12343"); DisableRating(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Later")) { JSONNode data = new JSONClass(); data = JSON.Parse(EditorPrefs.GetString(keyName)); data["counter"].AsInt = 5; EditorPrefs.SetString(keyName, data.ToString()); this.Close(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Never")) { DisableRating(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
void Test() { var N = SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse("{\"name\":\"test\", \"array\":[1,{\"data\":\"value\"}]}"); N["array"][1]["Foo"] = "Bar"; P("'nice formatted' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString("")); P(""); P("'normal' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); P("content of member 'name':"); P(N["name"]); P(""); P("content of member 'array':"); P(N["array"].ToString("")); P(""); P("first element of member 'array': " + N["array"][0]); P(""); N["array"][0].AsInt = 10; P("value of the first element set to: " + N["array"][0]); P("The value of the first element as integer: " + N["array"][0].AsInt); P(""); P("N[\"array\"][1][\"data\"] == " + N["array"][1]["data"]); P(""); var data = N.SaveToBase64(); var data2 = N.SaveToCompressedBase64(); N = null; P("Serialized to Base64 string:"); P(data); P("Serialized to Base64 string (compressed):"); P(data2); P(""); N = SimpleJSON.JSONNode.LoadFromBase64(data); P("Deserialized from Base64 string:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); var I = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); I["version"].AsInt = 5; I["author"]["name"] = "Bunny83"; I["author"]["phone"] = "0123456789"; I["data"][-1] = "First item\twith tab"; I["data"][-1] = "Second item"; I["data"][-1]["value"] = "class item"; I["data"].Add("Forth item"); I["data"][1] = I["data"][1] + " 'addition to the second item'"; I.Add("version", "1.0"); P("Second example:"); P(I.ToString()); P(""); P("I[\"data\"][0] : " + I["data"][0]); P("I[\"data\"][0].ToString() : " + I["data"][0].ToString()); P("I[\"data\"][0].Value : " + I["data"][0].Value); P(I.ToString()); }
void Test() { TextAsset file = Resources.Load("CityInfo") as TextAsset; var node = JSON.Parse(file.text); var pl = node[0]["_id"]; Debug.Log("TEST: " + pl); //var versionString = N["longitude"].Value; var N1 = JSONNode.Parse("{\"name\":\"ankara\", \"array\":[1,{\"data\":\"value\"}]}"); N1["array"][1]["x"] = "39.9"; N1["array"][1]["y"] = "32.85"; P(node[0]["_id"].ToString("")); // P("'nice formatted' string representation of the JSON tree:"); // P(N1.ToString("")); // P(""); // // P("'normal' string representation of the JSON tree:"); // P(N1.ToString()); // P(""); // // P("content of member 'name':"); // P(N1["name"]); // P(""); // // P("content of member 'array':"); // P(N1["array"].ToString("")); // P(""); // // P("first element of member 'array': " + N1["array"][1]["x"].Value); // P(""); // // N["array"][0].AsInt = 10; // P("value of the first element set to: " + N1["array"][0]); // P("The value of the first element as integer: " + N1["array"][0].AsInt); // P(""); // // P("N[\"array\"][1][\"data\"] == " + N1["array"][1]["data"]); // P(""); var I = new JSONClass(); I["version"].AsInt = 5; I["author"]["name"] = "Bunny83"; I["author"]["phone"] = "0123456789"; I["data"][-1] = "First item\twith tab"; I["data"][-1] = "Second item"; I["data"][-1]["value"] = "class item"; I["data"].Add("Forth item"); I["data"][1] = I["data"][1] + " 'addition to the second item'"; I.Add("version", "1.0"); P("Second example:"); P(I.ToString()); P(""); P("I[\"data\"][0] : " + I["data"][0]); P("I[\"data\"][0].ToString() : " + I["data"][0].ToString()); P("I[\"data\"][0].Value : " + I["data"][0].Value); P (I.ToString()); }
private IEnumerator UploadToServer() { JSONNode json = new JSONClass(); json ["id"].AsInt = 2; json ["name"] = "Chicago Demo"; json ["elements"].AsInt = quests.Count; //Add quests JSONArray questArray = new JSONArray (); int i = 0; foreach(Quest q in quests) { JSONNode questNode = new JSONClass(); questNode["id"].AsInt = i+1; questNode["name"] = q.name; questNode["object"] = q.portal; questNode["type"].AsInt = q.type; questNode["media"] = q.media; questNode["points"].AsInt = q.points; questNode["scale"].AsInt = 1; questNode["map"] = "yes"; questNode["pre"] = q.pre; questNode["answer"] = q.answer; questNode["post"] = q.post; questNode["lat"].AsFloat = q.location.lat; questNode["lon"].AsFloat = q.location.lon; questArray[i] = questNode; i++; } json ["objects"] = questArray; Debug.Log(json.ToString()); //Debug.Log (json.SaveToBase64()); string url = "http://www.mastercava.it/digitalquest/save_quest.php?data=" + WWW.EscapeURL (Convert.ToBase64String (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()))); Debug.Log (url); WWW www = new WWW (url); while (!www.isDone) { SetLoadingBar(www.progress); yield return null; } SetLoadingBar (1f); }
public IEnumerator writeSkinStats(int id, int kills) { JSONClass root = new JSONClass(); JSONClass weapon = new JSONClass(); weapon.Add("skin_id", "" + id); weapon.Add("kill_count", "" + kills); root.Add("skin_params", weapon); Debug.Log(root.ToString()); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(root.ToString()); WWW www = new WWW(ROOT_URL + POST_SKIN_URL, data); yield return WaitForRequest(www); }
void Test() { var N = JSONNode.Parse("{\"name\":\"test\", \"array\":[1,{\"data\":\"value\"}]}"); N["array"][1]["Foo"] = "Bar"; P("'nice formatted' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString("")); P(""); P("'normal' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); P("content of member 'name':"); P(N["name"]); P(""); P("content of member 'array':"); P(N["array"].ToString("")); P(""); P("first element of member 'array': " + N["array"][0]); P(""); N["array"][0].AsInt = 10; P("value of the first element set to: " + N["array"][0]); P("The value of the first element as integer: " + N["array"][0].AsInt); P(""); P("N[\"array\"][1][\"data\"] == " + N["array"][1]["data"]); P(""); var data = N.SaveToBase64(); var data2 = N.SaveToCompressedBase64(); N = null; P("Serialized to Base64 string:"); P(data); P("Serialized to Base64 string (compressed):"); P(data2); P(""); N = JSONNode.LoadFromBase64(data); P("Deserialized from Base64 string:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); var I = new JSONClass(); I["version"].AsInt = 5; I["author"]["name"] = "Bunny83"; I["author"]["phone"] = "0123456789"; I["data"][-1] = "First item\twith tab"; I["data"][-1] = "Second item"; I["data"][-1]["value"] = "class item"; I["data"].Add("Forth item"); I["data"][1] = I["data"][1] + " 'addition to the second item'"; I.Add("version", "1.0"); P("Second example:"); P(I.ToString()); P(""); P("I[\"data\"][0] : " + I["data"][0]); P("I[\"data\"][0].ToString() : " + I["data"][0].ToString()); P("I[\"data\"][0].Value : " + I["data"][0].Value); P (I.ToString()); }
public void SavePlayerLocation() { JSONClass playerLocation = new JSONClass (); GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player"); playerLocation["Coordinates"][-1] = player.transform.position.x.ToString(); playerLocation["Coordinates"][-1] = player.transform.position.y.ToString(); playerLocation["Coordinates"][-1] = player.transform.position.z.ToString(); PlayerPrefs.SetString ("SaveLocation", playerLocation.ToString()); return; }
//! Saves player data as json string to PlayerPrefs \todo pseudo code -> code public void SavePlayerInventory(List <InventoryItem> inputInventory) { //create new list that will be saved to store the recieved list List <InventoryItem> inventorySave = new List <InventoryItem>(); inventorySave = inputInventory; //if the inventory list is empty return if(inventorySave == null) { return; } //create jsonclass to store the inventory into JSONClass inventoryJsonNode = new JSONClass(); int temp_count = 0; //iterate through each item and add its contents to the jsonclass foreach(InventoryItem item in inventorySave) { //saves out the inventory in order the setter functions appear in the inventory item script inventoryJsonNode["Inventory"][item.GetItemName()][0] = item.GetItemName(); inventoryJsonNode["Inventory"][item.GetItemName()][1] = item.GetItemType().ToString(); inventoryJsonNode["Inventory"][item.GetItemName()][2] = item.GetItemDescription(); inventoryJsonNode["Inventory"][item.GetItemName()][3] = item.GetItemValue().ToString(); inventoryJsonNode["Inventory"][item.GetItemName()][4] = item.GetItemAmount().ToString(); inventoryJsonNode["Inventory"][item.GetItemName()][5] = item.GetItemID().ToString(); temp_count++; } //save the inventory to the playerprefs PlayerPrefs.SetString("PlayerInventory", inventoryJsonNode.ToString()); Debug.Log ("Inventory saved!"); }
public IEnumerator writeWeaponStats(int id, int damage, int ammo, float rate, int kills) { JSONClass root = new JSONClass(); JSONClass weapon = new JSONClass(); weapon.Add("weapon_id", "" + id); weapon.Add("damage", "" + damage); weapon.Add("ammo", "" + ammo); weapon.Add("fire_rate", "" + rate); weapon.Add("kill_count", "" + kills); root.Add("weapon_params", weapon); Debug.Log(root.ToString()); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(root.ToString()); WWW www = new WWW(ROOT_URL + POST_WEAPON_URL, data); yield return WaitForRequest(www); }
// My facebook feed. internal void MyProfile() { String name = null; String id = null; var fb = new FacebookClient(GlobalContext.FacebookAccessToken); fb.GetCompleted += (o, ex) => { var feed = (IDictionary<String, object>)ex.GetResultData(); name = feed["name"].ToString(); id = feed["id"].ToString(); DBManager.getInstance().saveData(DBManager.DB_Profile, feed); var fbprofiledata = DBManager.getInstance().getDBData(DBManager.DB_Profile); JSONNode jsonObj = JSON.Parse(fbprofiledata); GlobalContext.localUsername = jsonObj["name"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' })[0].Substring(1); GlobalContext.UserFacebookId = id; GlobalContext.GameRoomId = ""; JSONNode AuthObj = new JSONClass(); AuthObj.Add("FacebookId", id); AuthObj.Add("AccessToken", GlobalContext.FacebookAccessToken); String authString = AuthObj.ToString(); Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate() { messageGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; WarpClient.GetInstance().Connect(GlobalContext.localUsername, authString); }); }; var parameters = new Dictionary<String, object>(); parameters["fields"] = "id,name"; fb.GetAsync("me", parameters); }
//it's static so we can call it from anywhere public void Save() { Debug.Log ("SAVING"); JSONClass newSave = new JSONClass(); JSONArray itemSave = new JSONArray (); JSONArray runeSave = new JSONArray (); newSave.Add ("item", itemSave); newSave.Add ("rune", runeSave); newSave.Add ("discovered", new JSONData (discovered)); for (int i = 0; i < itemUnlock.Length; i++) { newSave ["item"].Add(new JSONData(itemUnlock[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < runeUnlock.Length; i++) { newSave ["rune"].Add(new JSONData(runeUnlock[i])); } //Application.persistentDataPath is a string, so if you wanted you can put that into debug.log if you want to know where save games are located FileStream file = File.Create (Application.persistentDataPath + "/savedData.json"); //you can call it anything you want file.Close(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/savedData.json", newSave.ToString("")); }
void sensor_to_json() { var I = new JSONClass (); I["pitch"].AsDouble = pitch; I["yaw"].AsDouble = yaw; I["roll"].AsDouble = roll; writeSocket(I.ToString()); }
void Update() { if (dummyMessageTimer >= 0) { if(Mathf.Abs(dummyMessageTimer - Time.time) >= 0.3f) { string msgJson = "MESG{\"channel_id\": \"0\", \"message\": \"Dummy Text on Editor Mode - " + Time.time + "\", \"user\": {\"image\": \"http://url\", \"name\": \"Sender\"}, \"ts\": 1418979273365, \"scrap_id\": \"\"}"; _OnMessageReceived(msgJson); dummyMessageTimer = Time.time; } } if (dummyChannelListFlag1) { dummyChannelListFlag1 = false; JSONClass root = new JSONClass(); JSONArray channels = new JSONArray(); JSONClass channel = new JSONClass(); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(1)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.channel_url")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Sample")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(2)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Unity3d")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Unity3d")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(3)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Lobby")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Lobby")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(4)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Cocos2d")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Cocos2d")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(5)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.GameInsight")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("GameInsight")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); root.Add ("has_next", new JSONData(true)); root.Add ("channels", channels); _OnQueryChannelList(root.ToString()); } if (dummyChannelListFlag2) { dummyChannelListFlag2 = false; JSONClass root = new JSONClass(); JSONArray channels = new JSONArray(); JSONClass channel = new JSONClass(); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(6)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.iOS")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("iOS")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(7)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Android")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Android")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(8)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.News")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("News")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(9)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Lobby")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Lobby")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(10)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.iPad")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("iPad")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); root.Add ("has_next", new JSONData(false)); root.Add ("channels", channels); _OnQueryChannelList(root.ToString()); } }
public IEnumerator writePlayerPrefs() { JSONClass root = new JSONClass(); JSONClass users = new JSONClass(); JSONClass wep = new JSONClass(); JSONClass wep2 = new JSONClass(); JSONArray weapons = new JSONArray(); users.Add("user_id", ""+ PlayerPrefs.GetInt("user_id")); users.Add("total_kills", ""+ PlayerPrefs.GetInt("total_kills")); users.Add("total_points", ""+ PlayerPrefs.GetInt("total_points")); users.Add("red", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("BaseRed")); users.Add("green", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("BaseGreen")); users.Add("blue", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("BaseBlue")); users.Add("highest_round_reached", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("highestRound")); users.Add("points_available", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("points_available")); root.Add("user_params", users); Debug.Log(root.ToString()); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(root.ToString()); WWW www = new WWW(ROOT_URL + POST_USER_URL, data); yield return WaitForRequest(www); }