コード例 #1
        public VirtualNode CreateFileNode(string name)
            if (!IsDirectory)
                throw new Exception("Must be a directory to create children!");

            // read current list of children

            // Find the first two FREE_SECTORs on the disk
            int[] freeSectors = drive.GetNextFreeSectors(2);

            // allocate a new FILE_NODE and DATA_SECTOR on the disk

            FILE_NODE fileSector = new FILE_NODE(drive.Disk.BytesPerSector, freeSectors[1], name, 0);

            drive.Disk.WriteSector(freeSectors[0], fileSector.RawBytes);

            DATA_SECTOR dataSector = new DATA_SECTOR(drive.Disk.BytesPerSector, 0, new byte[] { 0 });

            drive.Disk.WriteSector(freeSectors[1], dataSector.RawBytes);

            // Create a new virtual node
            VirtualNode newNode = new VirtualNode(drive, freeSectors[0], fileSector, this);

            // Add it to its parent
            children.Add(name, newNode);


コード例 #2
        public VirtualNode CreateFileNode(string name)
            LoadChildren(); //insure child cached is full
            if (children.ContainsKey(name))
                throw new Exception("Another child with that name already exists");

            //where do we store new file? which sector?
            //find 2 free sectors

            int[] sectors             = drive.GetNextFreeSectors(2);
            int   newFileNodeSectorAt = sectors[0];
            int   newFileDataSectorAt = sectors[1];

            //creat new  on disk
            FILE_NODE newFileNodeSector = new FILE_NODE(drive.Disk.BytesPerSector, newFileDataSectorAt, name, 0);

            drive.Disk.WriteSector(newFileNodeSectorAt, newFileNodeSector.RawBytes);

            //creat a data sector for dir
            DATA_SECTOR newFileDataSector = new DATA_SECTOR(drive.Disk.BytesPerSector, 0, null);

            drive.Disk.WriteSector(newFileDataSectorAt, newFileDataSector.RawBytes);

            //creat virtual node
            VirtualNode newFile = new VirtualNode(drive, newFileNodeSectorAt, newFileNodeSector, this);

            //add dir to parent
            children.Add(name, newFile);

コード例 #3
        public static NODE CreateFromBytes(byte[] raw)
            switch (GetTypeFromBytes(raw))
            case SectorType.DIR_NODE:

            case SectorType.FILE_NODE:

            throw new Exception("Expected a DIR_NODE or FILE_NODE!");
コード例 #4
        private void LoadChildren()
            // Ensure that the children cache is correctly put in memory (i.e. reflects what's on the disk)
            // Assume if the cache exsists, it is correct at the moment
            // So, we need to call CommitChildren()
            if (children == null)
                // Create the cache itself
                children = new Dictionary <string, VirtualNode>();

                // Read the list of children for this directory from disk
                // Instantiate a VirtualNode for each [child?] and add them to the children cache.
                // Read the data sector for this directory
                DATA_SECTOR dataSector = DATA_SECTOR.CreateFromBytes(drive.Disk.ReadSector(sector.FirstDataAt));
                // Extract the list of children from the sata sector
                byte[] rawList = dataSector.DataBytes;

                // Foreach child in the list...
                for (int i = 0; i < ChildCount; i++)
                    // Getthe child's sector address
                    int childSectorAt = BitConverter.ToInt32(rawList, i * 4);

                    // Read its sector from disk
                    // Check if it's a file or directory
                    byte[] childNodeBytes = drive.Disk.ReadSector(childSectorAt);
                    NODE   childSector;
                    if (SECTOR.GetTypeFromBytes(childNodeBytes) == SECTOR.SectorType.DIR_NODE)
                        childSector = DIR_NODE.CreateFromBytes(drive.Disk.ReadSector(childSectorAt));
                    else if (SECTOR.GetTypeFromBytes(childNodeBytes) == SECTOR.SectorType.FILE_NODE)
                        childSector = FILE_NODE.CreateFromBytes(drive.Disk.ReadSector(childSectorAt));
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected sector type whe reading directory's children!");

                    // Construct a VirtualNode
                    VirtualNode childNode = new VirtualNode(drive, childSectorAt, childSector, this);

                    // Add the VirtualNode to the children cache
                    children.Add(childNode.Name, childNode);