public async Task <SearchResultPage> Search( string terms, string author, string parentAuthor, string category, int page, bool oldestFirst = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) { category = "all"; } var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(""); query.Add("chatty", "1"); query.Add("type", "4"); query.Add("chatty_term", terms); query.Add("chatty_user", author); query.Add("chatty_author", parentAuthor); query.Add("chatty_filter", category); query.Add("page", $"{page}"); query.Add("result_sort", oldestFirst ? "postdate_asc" : "postdate_desc"); var html = await _downloadService.DownloadWithSharedLogin( "" + query.ToString()); var p = new Parser(html); var searchResultPage = new SearchResultPage { Results = new List <SearchResult>(), CurrentPage = page }; if (p.Peek(1, "<h2 class=\"search-num-found\"") != -1) { searchResultPage.TotalResults = int.Parse(p.Clip( new[] { "<h2 class=\"search-num-found\"", ">" }, " ").Replace(",", "")); } while (p.Peek(1, "<li class=\"result") != -1 && p.Peek(1, "<span class=\"chatty-author\">") != -1) { var result = new SearchResult(); result.Author = p.Clip( new[] { "<span class=\"chatty-author\">", "<a class=\"more\"", ">" }, ":</a></span>"); result.Date = DateParser.Parse(p.Clip( new[] { "<span class=\"postdate\"", ">", " " }, "</span>")); result.Id = int.Parse(p.Clip( new[] { "<a href=\"/chatty", "chatty/", "/" }, "\"")); result.Preview = p.Clip( new[] { ">" }, "</a>"); searchResultPage.Results.Add(result); } return(searchResultPage); }
public async Task <List <FrontPageArticle> > GetStories() { var html = await _downloadService.DownloadWithSharedLogin("", verifyLoginStatus : false); var list = new List <FrontPageArticle>(); var p = new Parser(html); p.Seek(1, "<channel>"); while (p.Peek(1, "<item>") != -1) { p.Seek(1, "<item>"); var endPos = p.Peek(1, "</item>"); var title = p.Clip( new[] { "<title><![CDATA[", "CDATA[", "[" }, "]]></title>"); var link = p.Clip( new[] { "<link>", ">" }, "</link>"); var pubDateStr = p.Clip( new[] { "<pubDate>", ">" }, "</pubDate>"); var time = DateParser.Parse(pubDateStr); // the time zone offset in this time is a lie. this is really UTC. time = new DateTimeOffset(time.DateTime, TimeSpan.Zero); var description = p.Clip( new[] { "<description><![CDATA[", "CDATA[", "[" }, "]]></description>"); var linkParts = link.Split('/'); var id = int.Parse(linkParts[linkParts.Length - 2]); list.Add( new FrontPageArticle { Body = description, Date = time, Id = id, Name = title, Preview = description, Url = link }); } return(list); }
// if the ID doesn't exist, the returned list will be empty public async Task <List <ChattyPost> > GetThreadBodies(int threadId) { var url = $"{threadId}"; var html = await _downloadService.DownloadWithSharedLogin(url, verifyLoginStatus : false); if (!html.Contains("</html>", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw new ParsingException("Shacknews thread tree HTML ended prematurely."); } var p = new Parser(html); var list = new List <ChattyPost>(); while (p.Peek(1, "<div id=\"item_") != -1) { var reply = new ChattyPost(); reply.Id = int.Parse(p.Clip( _threadBodiesReplyIdStart, "\">")); reply.Category = V2ModerationFlagConverter.Parse(p.Clip( new[] { "<div class=\"fullpost", "fpmod_", "_" }, " ")); var authorSection = p.Clip(_threadBodiesAuthorSectionStart, "\""); reply.AuthorId = int.Parse(authorSection.Replace("fpfrozen", "")); reply.IsFrozen = authorSection.Contains("fpfrozen", StringComparison.Ordinal); reply.Author = HtmlDecodeExceptLtGt(p.Clip( _threadBodiesReplyAuthorStart, "</a>")).Trim(); reply.AuthorFlair = ParseUserFlair(p.Clip(_threadBodiesAuthorFlairStart, "</span>")); reply.Body = MakeSpoilersClickable(HtmlDecodeExceptLtGt(RemoveNewlines(p.Clip( _threadBodiesReplyBodyStart, "</div>")))); reply.Date = DateParser.Parse(StripTags(p.Clip( _threadBodiesReplyDateStart, "T</div")).Replace("Flag", "") + "T"); list.Add(reply); } return(list); }
public async Task <(string Json, ChattyLolCounts LolCounts)> DownloadChattyLolCounts( string previousJson = null, ChattyLolCounts previousChattyLolCounts = null) { var json = await _downloadService.DownloadWithSharedLogin( "", verifyLoginStatus : false); if (json == previousJson) { return(json, previousChattyLolCounts); } var response = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > > >( json); return(json, new ChattyLolCounts { CountsByThreadId = ( from threadPair in response let threadId = int.Parse(threadPair.Key) let threadTagsDict = ( from postPair in threadPair.Value let postId = int.Parse(postPair.Key) let postLols = ( from x in postPair.Value select new LolModel { Tag = x.Key, Count = int.Parse(x.Value) } ).ToList() select(PostId: postId, PostTags: postLols) ).ToDictionary(x => x.PostId, x => x.PostTags) let threadLolCounts = new ThreadLolCounts { CountsByPostId = threadTagsDict } select(ThreadId: threadId, ThreadLolCounts: threadLolCounts) ).ToDictionary(x => x.ThreadId, x => x.ThreadLolCounts) }); }
public async Task <CortexUserData> GetCortexUserData(int userId) { var page = await _downloadService.DownloadWithSharedLogin($"{userId}"); var parser = new Parser(page); var userData = new CortexUserData(); userData.UserId = userId; userData.Username = parser.Clip(new string[] { "<span class=\"user-name\"", ">" }, "</span>"); //Order matters, because we're lazy here. userData.Points = int.Parse(parser.Clip(new string[] { "<span class=\"stat-number\"", ">" }, "</span>"), NumberStyles.Any); userData.Comments = int.Parse(parser.Clip(new string[] { "<span class=\"stat-number\"", ">" }, "</span>"), NumberStyles.Any); userData.CortexPosts = int.Parse(parser.Clip(new string[] { "<span class=\"stat-number\"", ">" }, "</span>"), NumberStyles.Any); userData.Wins = int.Parse(parser.Clip(new string[] { "<span class=\"stat-number\"", ">" }, "</span>"), NumberStyles.Any); userData.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Parse(parser.Clip(new string[] { "<span class=\"stat-number\"", ">" }, "</span>")); return(userData); }
public async Task <(string Html, ChattyPage Page)> GetChattyPage(StepStopwatch stopwatch, int page, string previousHtml = null, ChattyPage previousChattyPage = null) { stopwatch?.Step($"Download_{page}"); var url = $"{page}"; var html = await _downloadService.DownloadWithSharedLogin(url); stopwatch?.Step($"Parse_{page}"); // remove the progress meter which changes on every load, so that we'll get identical html when nothing // has changed html = _progressMeterRegex.Replace(html, ""); // remove the comment count too, it appears on all pages even though some pages haven't changed html = _commentCountRegex.Replace(html, ""); return(html, html == previousHtml ? previousChattyPage : ParseChattyPage(html)); }