public void Set(PathPlanParams planParams, Pool <PathPlanner> .Node pathPlanner, IPathAgent agent) { m_pathPlanParams = planParams; m_pathPlanner = pathPlanner; m_replanTimeRemaining = planParams.ReplanInterval; m_agent = agent; }
public bool RequestPath(PathPlanParams pathPlanParams) { if ( !m_bInitialized ) { return false; } m_pathManager.RemoveRequest(m_query); m_query = m_pathManager.RequestPathPlan(pathPlanParams, this); if ( m_query == null ) { return false; } return true; }
public bool MoveToGameObject(GameObject gameObject, float replanInterval) { NavTargetGameObject navTargetGameObject = new NavTargetGameObject(gameObject, PathTerrain); PathPlanParams planParams = new PathPlanParams(transform.position, navTargetGameObject, replanInterval); return m_pathAgent.RequestPath(planParams); }
public bool MoveToPosition(Vector3 targetPosition, float replanInterval) { NavTargetPos navTargetPos = new NavTargetPos(targetPosition, PathTerrain); PathPlanParams planParams = new PathPlanParams(transform.position, navTargetPos, replanInterval); return m_pathAgent.RequestPath(planParams); }
public IPathRequestQuery RequestPathPlan(PathPlanParams pathPlanParams, IPathAgent agent) { if ( !m_bInitialized ) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("PathManagerComponent isn't yet fully intialized. Wait until Start() has been called. Can't call RequestPathPlan."); return null; } if ( m_requestPool.Count == 0 ) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("RequestPathPlan failed because it is already servicing the maximum number of requests: " + m_maxNumberOfPlanners.ToString()); return null; } if ( m_pathPlannerPool.AvailableCount == 0 ) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("RequestPathPlan failed because it is already servicing the maximum number of path requests: " + m_maxNumberOfPlanners.ToString()); return null; } // Clamp the start and goal positions within the terrain space, and make sure they are on the floor. pathPlanParams.UpdateStartAndGoalPos( m_terrain.GetValidPathFloorPos(pathPlanParams.StartPos) ); // Make sure this agent does not have an active request if ( m_activeRequests.Count > 0 ) { foreach ( PathRequest pathRequest in m_activeRequests ) { if ( pathRequest.Agent.GetHashCode() == agent.GetHashCode() ) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Each agent can only have one path request at a time."); return null; } } } // Make sure this agent does not have a completed request if ( m_activeRequests.Count > 0 ) { foreach ( PathRequest pathRequest in m_completedRequests ) { if ( pathRequest.Agent.GetHashCode() == agent.GetHashCode() ) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Each agent can only have one path request at a time."); return null; } } } // Create the new request Pool<PathPlanner>.Node pathPlanner = m_pathPlannerPool.Get(); PathRequest request = m_requestPool.Dequeue(); request.Set(pathPlanParams, pathPlanner, agent); m_activeRequests.AddFirst(request); // Start the request int startNodeIndex = m_terrain.GetPathNodeIndex(pathPlanParams.StartPos); int goalNodeIndex = m_terrain.GetPathNodeIndex(pathPlanParams.GoalPos); pathPlanner.Item.StartANewPlan(startNodeIndex, goalNodeIndex); return request; }