public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { form.picwrapper = wrapper; PictureBox pb = form.pb; Image img = ((SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Picture)wrapper).Image; pb.Image = img; }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { Wrapper.ExtFamilyTies famt = (Wrapper.ExtFamilyTies)wrapper; form.wrapper = famt; form.cbLock.Checked = false; form.pool.SelectedElement = null; form.pool.Package = null; form.pool_SelectedSimChanged(null, null, null); form.pool.Package = wrapper.Package; }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { Wrapper.FamilyTies famt = (Wrapper.FamilyTies)wrapper; form.wrapper = famt; ResetPanel(famt); FamilyTieSim[] sims = famt.Sims; form.cbtiesims.Items.Clear(); //form.cbtiesims.Sorted = false; foreach (FamilyTieSim sim in sims) { form.cbtiesims.Items.Add(sim); } //form.cbtiesims.Sorted = true; }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { Wrapper.Fami fami = (Wrapper.Fami)wrapper; form.wrapper = fami; form.tbname.Text = fami.Name; form.tbmoney.Text = fami.Money.ToString(); form.tbfamily.Text = fami.Friends.ToString(); form.tblotinst.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(fami.LotInstance); form.tbalbum.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(fami.AlbumGUID); form.tbflag.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(fami.Flags); form.tbsubhood.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(fami.SubHoodNumber); form.tbvac.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(fami.VacationLotInstance); form.tbblot.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(fami.CurrentlyOnLotInstance); form.tbbmoney.Text = fami.BusinessMoney.ToString(); form.lbmembers.Items.Clear(); form.tbcafood1.Text = fami.CastAwayFood.ToString(); form.tbcares.Text = fami.CastAwayResources.ToString(); form.tbcaunk.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(fami.CastAwayFoodDecay); form.tbcaunk.ReadOnly = !SimPe.Helper.WindowsRegistry.HiddenMode; form.tbbmoney.Enabled = (int)fami.Version >= (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.FamiVersions.Business; form.tbblot.Enabled = (int)fami.Version >= (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.FamiVersions.Business; form.tbvac.Enabled = (int)fami.Version >= (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.FamiVersions.Voyage; form.tbsubhood.Enabled = (int)fami.Version >= (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.FamiVersions.University; form.gbCastaway.Visible = (int)fami.Version >= (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.FamiVersions.Castaway; form.tbmoney.Enabled = (int)fami.Version < (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.FamiVersions.Castaway; form.tbbmoney.Enabled = (int)fami.Version < (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.FamiVersions.Castaway; string[] names = fami.SimNames; for (int i = 0; i < fami.Members.Length; i++) { Data.Alias a = new SimPe.Data.Alias(fami.Members[i], fami.SimNames[i]); form.lbmembers.Items.Add(a); } form.cbsims.Items.Clear(); form.cbsims.Sorted = false; foreach (IAlias a in fami.NameProvider.StoredData.Values) { form.cbsims.Items.Add(a); } form.cbsims.Sorted = true; }
/// <summary> /// Fixes SubType and Instance hashes of the RCOL /// </summary> public override void Fix(Interfaces.IWrapperRegistry registry) { if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList(); } base.Fix(registry); //first we need to fix all referenced Files for (int i = 0; i < this.ReferencedFiles.Length; i++) { Interfaces.Files.IPackedFileDescriptor lpfd = this.ReferencedFiles[i]; Interfaces.Files.IPackedFileDescriptor pfd = this.Package.FindFile(lpfd); if (pfd != null) { //make sure we don't get into an Endless Loop if (list.Contains(pfd)) { continue; } list.Add(pfd); SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper = (SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper)registry.FindHandler(pfd.Type); if (wrapper != null) { wrapper.ProcessData(pfd, package); wrapper.Fix(registry); lpfd.SubType = wrapper.FileDescriptor.SubType; lpfd.Group = wrapper.FileDescriptor.Group; lpfd.Instance = wrapper.FileDescriptor.Instance; } list.Remove(pfd); } } //so now we do fix the Instances this.FileDescriptor.SubType = Hashes.SubTypeHash(Hashes.StripHashFromName(this.FileName)); this.FileDescriptor.Instance = Hashes.InstanceHash(Hashes.StripHashFromName(this.FileName)); //commit this.SynchronizeUserData(); }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { Wrapper.SRel srel = (Wrapper.SRel)wrapper; form.wrapper = srel; form.tbshortterm.Text = srel.Shortterm.ToString(); form.tblongterm.Text = srel.Longterm.ToString(); List <CheckBox> ltcb = new List <CheckBox>(new CheckBox[] { form.cbcrush, form.cblove, form.cbengaged, form.cbmarried, form.cbfriend, form.cbbuddie, form.cbsteady, form.cbenemy, null, null, null, null, null, null, form.cbfamily, form.cbbest, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, /*form.cbBFF*/ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, }); Boolset bs1 = srel.RelationState.Value; Boolset bs2 = srel.RelationState2.Value; for (int i = 0; i < ltcb.Count; i++) { if (ltcb[i] != null) { ltcb[i].Checked = ((Boolset)(i < 16 ? bs1 : bs2))[i & 0x0f]; } } form.cbfamtype.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 1; i < form.cbfamtype.Items.Count; i++) { if (form.cbfamtype.Items[i] == new Data.LocalizedRelationshipTypes(srel.FamilyRelation)) { form.cbfamtype.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { Wrapper.Xml xml = (Wrapper.Xml)wrapper; form.wrapper = xml; form.rtb.Text = xml.Text; }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { Wrapper.Objd objd = (Wrapper.Objd)wrapper; form.wrapper = objd; form.tbsimid.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(objd.SimId); form.tbsimname.Text = objd.FileName; form.tblottype.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(objd.Type); form.lbtypename.Text = ((Data.ObjectTypes)objd.Type).ToString().Trim(); form.tborgguid.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(objd.OriginalGuid); form.tbproxguid.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(objd.ProxyGuid); Hashtable list = objd.Attributes; form.pnelements.Controls.Clear(); int top = 4; ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(); foreach (string k in list.Keys) { keys.Add("0x" + Helper.HexString((ushort)objd.GetAttributePosition(k)) + ": " + k); } keys.Sort(); foreach (string k in keys) { string[] s = k.Split(":".ToCharArray(), 2); Label lb = new Label(); lb.Parent = form.pnelements; lb.AutoSize = true; lb.Text = k + " = "; lb.Top = top; lb.Visible = true; TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; tb.Parent = form.pnelements; tb.Left = lb.Left + lb.Width; tb.Top = lb.Bottom - tb.Height; tb.Width = 50; tb.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(objd.GetAttributeShort(s[1].Trim())); tb.Tag = s[1].Trim(); tb.Visible = true; tb.TextChanged += new EventHandler(HexTextChanged); TextBox tb2 = new TextBox(); tb2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; tb2.Parent = form.pnelements; tb2.Left = tb.Left + tb.Width + 4; tb2.Top = lb.Bottom - tb.Height; tb2.Width = 100; tb2.Text = ((short)objd.GetAttributeShort(s[1].Trim())).ToString(); tb2.Tag = null; tb2.Visible = true; tb2.TextChanged += new EventHandler(DecTextChanged); top += Math.Max(lb.Height, tb.Height) + 2; } }
public new void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic generic = (SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic)wrapper; form.mytree.Visible = true; IPackedFileDescriptor pfd = wrapper.FileDescriptor; form.mytree.Nodes.Clear(); form.treeBanner.Text = "[Can't process unknown type 0x" + pfd.Type.ToString("X") + "]"; SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic.CreateFileObject cfo = (SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic.CreateFileObject)generic.Subhandlers[pfd.Type]; SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic file = null; //no Type Handler, so try to load a Signature Based Handler if (cfo == null) { file = generic.CreateSignatureBasedFileObject(wrapper); } //neither signature Based Handler nor Type SubHandler -> return if ((cfo == null) && (file == null)) { return; } //found a type based SubHander, so load it. Otherwise an existing Signature //Based filehandler will be used if (cfo != null) { file = cfo(wrapper); } form.treeBanner.Text = file.GetTypeName(pfd.Type) + " Viewer"; //clear the Item Panel form.treeItemPanel.Controls.Clear(); //create Columns in Item Panel SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.GenericCommon common = file.Attributes; if (file.Count > 0) { common = file.GetItem(0); } string[] names = common.Names; //int size = 0; if (names.Length == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { string s = names[i]; Label lb = new Label(); lb.Parent = form.treeItemPanel; lb.Location = new Point(0, i * 21 + 4); lb.Text = names[i]; lb.AutoSize = true; lb.BackColor = Color.Transparent; TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.Parent = form.treeItemPanel; tb.Location = new Point(lb.Width + 8, i * 21); tb.Text = ""; tb.Width = form.treeItemPanel.ClientRectangle.Width - tb.Left; tb.Tag = i; } if (file.Count > 0) //we have FileItems { AddTreeNodes(file.Items, null, names); } if (form.listList.Items.Count == 1) { form.listBanner.Text += " (" + form.listList.Items.Count.ToString() + " Item)"; } }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic generic = (SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic)wrapper; if (wrapper.GetType().GetInterface("SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapperSaveExtension", true) != null) { form.wrapper = (SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapperSaveExtension)wrapper; form.lllvcommit.Enabled = true; } else { form.wrapper = null; form.lllvcommit.Enabled = false; } //visualStyleLinkLabel1 IPackedFileDescriptor pfd = wrapper.FileDescriptor; form.listList.Items.Clear(); form.listList.Columns.Clear(); form.listBanner.Text = "[Can't process unknown type 0x" + pfd.Type.ToString("X") + "]"; try { SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic.CreateFileObject cfo = (SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic.CreateFileObject)generic.Subhandlers[pfd.Type]; SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.Generic file = generic; form.listBanner.Text = file.GetTypeName(pfd.Type) + " " + Localization.Manager.GetString("viewer"); //clear the Item Panel form.itemPanel.Controls.Clear(); //create Columns SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.GenericCommon common = file.Attributes; if (file.Count > 0) { common = file.GetItem(0); } string[] names = common.Names; int size = 0; if (names.Length == 0) { return; } int[] lengths = new int[names.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { string s = names[i]; int thissize = Math.Max(190, s.Length * 15); size += thissize; if (i == names.Length - 1) { thissize = Math.Max(thissize, form.listList.Width - size); } form.listList.Columns.Add(s, thissize, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); Label lb = new Label(); lb.Parent = form.itemPanel; lb.Location = new Point(0, i * 21 + 4); lb.Text = names[i]; lb.AutoSize = true; lb.BackColor = Color.Transparent; TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.Parent = form.itemPanel; tb.Location = new Point(lb.Width + 8, i * 21); tb.Text = ""; tb.Width = form.itemPanel.ClientRectangle.Width - tb.Left; tb.Tag = i; lengths[i] = 0; } if (file.Count > 0) //we have FileItems { for (uint i = 0; i < file.Count; i++) { SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.GenericItem fileitem = file.GetItem(i); if (fileitem != null) { string name = ToString(names[0], fileitem, fileitem.Properties[names[0]]); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(name); lengths[0] = (int)Math.Max(lengths[0], name.Length); for (int k = 1; k < names.Length; k++) { name = ToString(names[k], fileitem, fileitem.Properties[names[k]]); item.SubItems.Add(name); lengths[k] = (int)Math.Max(lengths[k], name.Length); } item.Tag = fileitem; form.listList.Items.Add(item); } } } for (int i = 0; i < form.listList.Columns.Count; i++) { ColumnHeader h = form.listList.Columns[i]; h.Width = (int)Math.Min(200, lengths[i] * 10); } if (form.listList.Items.Count == 1) { form.listBanner.Text += " (" + form.listList.Items.Count.ToString() + " Item)"; } else { form.listBanner.Text += " (" + form.listList.Items.Count.ToString() + " Items)"; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Helper.DebugMode) { form.listBanner.Text += " [" + ex.Message + "]"; } } //form.listList.Sort(); form.listList.ListViewItemSorter = null; }
public void UpdateGUI(SimPe.Interfaces.Plugin.IFileWrapper wrapper) { Wrapper.SDesc sdesc = (Wrapper.SDesc)wrapper; form.wrapper = sdesc; ResetUI(sdesc); form.tbmajor.Visible = true; form.tbmajor.ReadOnly = !Helper.WindowsRegistry.HiddenMode; //Relations form.lbrelations.Items.Clear(); foreach (ushort u in sdesc.Relations.SimInstances) { Wrapper.SDesc simdesc = sdesc.Relations.GetSimDescription(u); if (simdesc != null) { SimRelations rel = sdesc.Relations.GetSimRelationships(u); if (rel != null) { rel.NameTag = "(0x" + Helper.HexString(u) + ")"; rel.NameTag = simdesc.SimName + " " + simdesc.SimFamilyName + " " + rel.NameTag; form.lbrelations.Items.Add(rel); } } } //Filename if (sdesc.CharacterFileName != null) { form.lbfilename.Text = sdesc.CharacterFileName + " (" + Localization.Manager.GetString("rightclickcopy") + ")"; form.lbfilename.Tag = sdesc.CharacterFileName; } else { form.lbfilename.Text = Localization.Manager.GetString("filenotfound"); form.lbfilename.Tag = null; } form.tbage.Text = sdesc.CharacterDescription.Age.ToString(); form.tbsimdescname.Text = sdesc.SimName; form.tbsimdescfamname.Text = sdesc.SimFamilyName; form.tbsim.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(sdesc.SimId); form.tbsim.ReadOnly = !Helper.WindowsRegistry.HiddenMode; form.tbprevdays.Text = sdesc.CharacterDescription.PrevAgeDays.ToString(); form.tbagedur.Text = sdesc.CharacterDescription.AgeDuration.ToString(); form.tbunlinked.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(sdesc.Unlinked); form.pbImage.Image = sdesc.Image; //Aspiration form.cbaspiration.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < form.cbaspiration.Items.Count; i++) { Data.MetaData.AspirationTypes at = (LocalizedAspirationTypes)form.cbaspiration.Items[i]; if (at == sdesc.CharacterDescription.Aspiration) { form.cbaspiration.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } //Lifesection form.cblifesection.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < form.cblifesection.Items.Count; i++) { Data.MetaData.LifeSections at = (LocalizedLifeSections)form.cblifesection.Items[i]; if (at == sdesc.CharacterDescription.LifeSection) { form.cblifesection.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } //Career form.tbcareervalue.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString((uint)sdesc.CharacterDescription.Career); form.cbcareer.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < form.cbcareer.Items.Count; i++) { object o = form.cbcareer.Items[i]; Data.MetaData.Careers at; if (o.GetType() == typeof(Alias)) { at = (Data.LocalizedCareers)((uint)((Alias)o).Id); } else { at = (Data.LocalizedCareers)o; } if (at == sdesc.CharacterDescription.Career) { form.cbcareer.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } form.pbcarrerlevel.Value = Math.Min((ushort)form.pbcarrerlevel.Maximum, sdesc.CharacterDescription.CareerLevel); //grades and school form.cbgrade.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < form.cbgrade.Items.Count; i++) { Data.MetaData.Grades grade; object o = form.cbgrade.Items[i]; if (o.GetType() == typeof(Alias)) { grade = (Data.LocalizedGrades)((uint)((Alias)o).Id); } else { grade = (Data.LocalizedGrades)o; } if (sdesc.CharacterDescription.Grade == (Data.MetaData.Grades)grade) { form.cbgrade.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } //University if ((int)sdesc.Version >= (int)SimPe.PackedFiles.Wrapper.SDescVersions.University) { if (!form.tcsdesc.TabPages.Contains(form.tbuni)) { form.tcsdesc.TabPages.Add(form.tbuni); } form.cbmajor.SelectedIndex = 0; form.tbmajor.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString((uint)sdesc.University.Major); form.tbmajor.Visible = Helper.WindowsRegistry.HiddenMode; form.cbmajor.SelectedIndex = form.cbmajor.Items.Count - 1; for (int i = 0; i < form.cbmajor.Items.Count; i++) { object o = form.cbmajor.Items[i]; Data.Majors at; if (o.GetType() == typeof(Alias)) { at = (Data.Majors)((uint)((Alias)o).Id); } else { at = (Data.Majors)o; } if (at == sdesc.University.Major) { form.cbmajor.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } form.cboncampus.Checked = (sdesc.University.OnCampus == 0x1); form.pbeffort.Value = Math.Max(form.pbeffort.Minimum, Math.Min(form.pbeffort.Maximum, sdesc.University.Effort)); form.pblastgrade.Value = Math.Max(form.pblastgrade.Minimum, Math.Min(form.pblastgrade.Maximum, form.pblastgrade.Maximum - (sdesc.University.Grade / (1000 / (form.pblastgrade.Maximum - form.pblastgrade.Minimum))))); form.pbunitime.Value = Math.Max(form.pbunitime.Minimum, Math.Min(form.pbunitime.Maximum, sdesc.University.Time)); form.tbinfluence.Text = sdesc.University.Influence.ToString(); form.tbsemester.Text = sdesc.University.Semester.ToString(); } else { if (form.tcsdesc.TabPages.Contains(form.tbuni)) { form.tcsdesc.TabPages.Remove(form.tbuni); } } form.cbschooltype.SelectedIndex = 0; form.tbschooltype.Visible = Helper.WindowsRegistry.HiddenMode; for (int i = 0; i < form.cbschooltype.Items.Count; i++) { Data.LocalizedSchoolType type; object o = form.cbschooltype.Items[i]; if (o.GetType() == typeof(Alias)) { type = (Data.LocalizedSchoolType)((uint)((Alias)o).Id); } else { type = (Data.LocalizedSchoolType)o; } if (sdesc.CharacterDescription.SchoolType == (Data.MetaData.SchoolTypes)type) { form.cbschooltype.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } //ghostflags form.cbisghost.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.GhostFlag.IsGhost; form.cbpassobject.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.GhostFlag.CanPassThroughObjects; form.cbpasswalls.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.GhostFlag.CanPassThroughWalls; form.cbpasspeople.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.GhostFlag.CanPassThroughPeople; form.cbignoretraversal.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.GhostFlag.IgnoreTraversalCosts; //body flags form.cbfit.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.BodyFlag.Fit; form.cbfat.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.BodyFlag.Fat; form.cbpregfull.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.BodyFlag.PregnantFull; form.cbpreghalf.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.BodyFlag.PregnantHalf; form.cbpreginv.Checked = sdesc.CharacterDescription.BodyFlag.PregnantHidden; //Random Data form.cbzodiac.SelectedIndex = ((ushort)sdesc.CharacterDescription.ZodiacSign - 1); form.rbfemale.Checked = (sdesc.CharacterDescription.Gender == Data.MetaData.Gender.Female); form.rbmale.Checked = (sdesc.CharacterDescription.Gender == Data.MetaData.Gender.Male); form.pblifelinepoints.Value = sdesc.CharacterDescription.LifelinePoints + 600; form.pbblizlifelinepoints.Value = sdesc.CharacterDescription.BlizLifelinePoints; form.tblifelinescore.Text = sdesc.CharacterDescription.LifelineScore.ToString(); form.tbschooltype.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString((uint)sdesc.CharacterDescription.SchoolType); form.pbjobperformance.Value = sdesc.CharacterDescription.CareerPerformance + 1000; form.tbfaminst.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(sdesc.FamilyInstance); form.tbvoice.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(sdesc.CharacterDescription.VoiceType); form.tbautonomy.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(sdesc.CharacterDescription.AutonomyLevel); form.tbnpc.Text = "0x" + Helper.HexString(sdesc.CharacterDescription.NPCType); //Decay form.pbhunger.Value = sdesc.Decay.Hunger + 1000; form.pbcomfort.Value = sdesc.Decay.Comfort + 1000; form.pbbladder.Value = sdesc.Decay.Bladder + 1000; form.pbenergy.Value = sdesc.Decay.Energy + 1000; form.pbhygiene.Value = sdesc.Decay.Hygiene + 1000; form.pbsocial.Value = sdesc.Decay.Social + 1000; form.pbfun.Value = sdesc.Decay.Fun + 1000; //Character form.pbneat.Value = sdesc.Character.Neat / 100; form.pboutgoing.Value = sdesc.Character.Outgoing / 100; form.pbactive.Value = sdesc.Character.Active / 100; form.pbplayful.Value = sdesc.Character.Playful / 100; form.pbnice.Value = sdesc.Character.Nice / 100; //Genetic Character form.pbgenneat.Value = sdesc.GeneticCharacter.Neat / 100; form.pbgenoutgoing.Value = sdesc.GeneticCharacter.Outgoing / 100; form.pbgenactive.Value = sdesc.GeneticCharacter.Active / 100; form.pbgenplayful.Value = sdesc.GeneticCharacter.Playful / 100; form.pbgennice.Value = sdesc.GeneticCharacter.Nice / 100; //Skills form.pbbody.Value = sdesc.Skills.Body; form.pbcharisma.Value = sdesc.Skills.Charisma; form.pbcleaning.Value = sdesc.Skills.Cleaning; form.pbcooking.Value = sdesc.Skills.Cooking; form.pbcreativity.Value = sdesc.Skills.Creativity; form.pblogic.Value = sdesc.Skills.Logic; form.pbmechanical.Value = sdesc.Skills.Mechanical; form.pbfatness.Value = sdesc.Skills.Fatness; form.pbromance.Value = sdesc.Skills.Romance; //Interests form.pbman.Value = sdesc.Interests.FemalePreference + 1000; form.pbwoman.Value = sdesc.Interests.MalePreference + 1000; form.pbanimals.Value = sdesc.Interests.Animals / 100; form.pbcrime.Value = sdesc.Interests.Crime / 100; form.pbculture.Value = sdesc.Interests.Culture / 100; form.pbentertainment.Value = sdesc.Interests.Entertainment / 100; form.pbenvironment.Value = sdesc.Interests.Environment / 100; form.pbfashion.Value = sdesc.Interests.Fashion / 100; form.pbfood.Value = sdesc.Interests.Food / 100; form.pbhealth.Value = sdesc.Interests.Health / 100; form.pbmonei.Value = sdesc.Interests.Money / 100; form.pbparanormal.Value = sdesc.Interests.Paranormal / 100; form.pbpolitics.Value = sdesc.Interests.Politics / 100; form.pbschool.Value = sdesc.Interests.School / 100; form.pbscifi.Value = sdesc.Interests.Scifi / 100; form.pbsports.Value = sdesc.Interests.Sports / 100; form.pbtoys.Value = sdesc.Interests.Toys / 100; form.pbtravel.Value = sdesc.Interests.Travel / 100; form.pbweather.Value = sdesc.Interests.Weather / 100; form.pbwork.Value = sdesc.Interests.Work / 100; form.UpdateAllProgressTextValues(); form.simnamechanged = false; //this has to be set after the PB-Update form.tbcarrerlevel.Text = sdesc.CharacterDescription.CareerLevel.ToString(); }