コード例 #1
        public void OnLeftButtonDragReleased(object sender, MouseManagerEventArgs e)
            var nodesToBeCommitted = new List<ViewModel.Node>();

            foreach (var nodeControl in Selector.NodeControls)
                var transactionalMouseManagerEventArgs = new TransactionalMouseManagerEventArgs();
                transactionalMouseManagerEventArgs.InnerMouseManagerEventArgs = e;
                transactionalMouseManagerEventArgs.IsTransactional = true;
                transactionalMouseManagerEventArgs.NodesToBeCommitted = nodesToBeCommitted;

                nodeControl.MotionHandler.NodeMotionHandler.OnLeftButtonDragReleased(sender, transactionalMouseManagerEventArgs);

            /// TODO: The following needs to be removed. This should not be in here.
            /// The reason this is bad is because a UI level component is making commands direct into the controller rather than raising it through events.
            /// The issue here is that due to the current architecture, this MupltipleNodeMotionHandler, although it belongs to only one node, it actually performs
            /// operations for EVERY node on the graph. This is very poor encapsulation.