コード例 #1
        private unsafe object ExportAnimation(ICommandContext commandContext, AssetManager assetManager)
            // Read from model file
            var modelSkeleton = LoadSkeleton(commandContext, assetManager); // we get model skeleton to compare it to real skeleton we need to map to
            var animationClips = LoadAnimation(commandContext, assetManager);
            AnimationClip animationClip = null;

            if (animationClips.Count > 0)
                animationClip = new AnimationClip();

                AnimationClip rootMotionAnimationClip = null;

                // If root motion is explicitely enabled, or if there is no skeleton, try to find root node and apply animation directly on TransformComponent
                if ((AnimationRootMotion || SkeletonUrl == null) && modelSkeleton.Nodes.Length >= 1)
                    // No skeleton, map root node only
                    // TODO: For now, it seems to be located on node 1 in FBX files. Need to check if always the case, and what happens with Assimp
                    var rootNode0 = modelSkeleton.Nodes.Length >= 1 ? modelSkeleton.Nodes[0].Name : null;
                    var rootNode1 = modelSkeleton.Nodes.Length >= 2 ? modelSkeleton.Nodes[1].Name : null;
                    if ((rootNode0 != null && animationClips.TryGetValue(rootNode0, out rootMotionAnimationClip))
                        || (rootNode1 != null && animationClips.TryGetValue(rootNode1, out rootMotionAnimationClip)))
                        foreach (var channel in rootMotionAnimationClip.Channels)
                            var curve = rootMotionAnimationClip.Curves[channel.Value.CurveIndex];

                            // Root motion
                            var channelName = channel.Key;
                            if (channelName.StartsWith("Transform."))
                                animationClip.AddCurve($"[TransformComponent.Key]." + channelName.Replace("Transform.", string.Empty), curve);

                            // Also apply Camera curves
                            // TODO: Add some other curves?
                            if (channelName.StartsWith("Camera."))
                                animationClip.AddCurve($"[CameraComponent.Key]." + channelName.Replace("Camera.", string.Empty), curve);

                        // Take max of durations
                        if (animationClip.Duration < rootMotionAnimationClip.Duration)
                            animationClip.Duration = rootMotionAnimationClip.Duration;

                // Load asset reference skeleton
                if (SkeletonUrl != null)
                    var skeleton = assetManager.Load<Skeleton>(SkeletonUrl);
                    var skeletonMapping = new SkeletonMapping(skeleton, modelSkeleton);

                    // Process missing nodes
                    foreach (var nodeAnimationClipEntry in animationClips)
                        var nodeName = nodeAnimationClipEntry.Key;
                        var nodeAnimationClip = nodeAnimationClipEntry.Value;
                        var nodeIndex = modelSkeleton.Nodes.IndexOf(x => x.Name == nodeName);

                        // Node doesn't exist in skeleton? skip it
                        if (nodeIndex == -1 || skeletonMapping.SourceToSource[nodeIndex] != nodeIndex)

                        // Skip root motion node (if any)
                        if (nodeAnimationClip == rootMotionAnimationClip)

                        // Find parent node
                        var parentNodeIndex = modelSkeleton.Nodes[nodeIndex].ParentIndex;

                        if (parentNodeIndex != -1 && skeletonMapping.SourceToSource[parentNodeIndex] != parentNodeIndex)
                            // Some nodes were removed, we need to concat the anim curves
                            var currentNodeIndex = nodeIndex;
                            var nodesToMerge = new List<Tuple<ModelNodeDefinition, AnimationBlender, AnimationClipEvaluator>>();
                            while (currentNodeIndex != -1 && currentNodeIndex != skeletonMapping.SourceToSource[parentNodeIndex])
                                AnimationClip animationClipToMerge;
                                AnimationClipEvaluator animationClipEvaluator = null;
                                AnimationBlender animationBlender = null;
                                if (animationClips.TryGetValue(modelSkeleton.Nodes[currentNodeIndex].Name, out animationClipToMerge))
                                    animationBlender = new AnimationBlender();
                                    animationClipEvaluator = animationBlender.CreateEvaluator(animationClipToMerge);
                                nodesToMerge.Add(Tuple.Create(modelSkeleton.Nodes[currentNodeIndex], animationBlender, animationClipEvaluator));
                                currentNodeIndex = modelSkeleton.Nodes[currentNodeIndex].ParentIndex;

                            // Put them in proper parent to children order

                            // Find all key times
                            // TODO: We should detect discontinuities and keep them
                            var animationKeysSet = new HashSet<CompressedTimeSpan>();

                            foreach (var node in nodesToMerge)
                                foreach (var curve in node.Item3.Clip.Curves)
                                    foreach (CompressedTimeSpan time in curve.Keys)

                            // Sort key times
                            var animationKeys = animationKeysSet.ToList();

                            var animationOperations = new FastList<AnimationOperation>();

                            var combinedAnimationClip = new AnimationClip();

                            var translationCurve = new AnimationCurve<Vector3>();
                            var rotationCurve = new AnimationCurve<Quaternion>();
                            var scaleCurve = new AnimationCurve<Vector3>();

                            // Evaluate at every key frame
                            foreach (var animationKey in animationKeys)
                                var matrix = Matrix.Identity;

                                // Evaluate node
                                foreach (var node in nodesToMerge)
                                    // Get default position
                                    var modelNodeDefinition = node.Item1;

                                    // Compute
                                    AnimationClipResult animationClipResult = null;
                                    animationOperations.Add(AnimationOperation.NewPush(node.Item3, animationKey));
                                    node.Item2.Compute(animationOperations, ref animationClipResult);

                                    var updateMemberInfos = new List<UpdateMemberInfo>();
                                    foreach (var channel in animationClipResult.Channels)
                                        updateMemberInfos.Add(new UpdateMemberInfo { Name = channel.PropertyName, DataOffset = channel.Offset });

                                    // TODO: Cache this
                                    var compiledUpdate = UpdateEngine.Compile(typeof(ModelNodeDefinition), updateMemberInfos);

                                        fixed (byte* data = animationClipResult.Data)
                                            UpdateEngine.Run(modelNodeDefinition, compiledUpdate, (IntPtr)data, null);

                                    Matrix localMatrix;
                                    TransformComponent.CreateMatrixTRS(ref modelNodeDefinition.Transform.Position, ref modelNodeDefinition.Transform.Rotation, ref modelNodeDefinition.Transform.Scale,
                                        out localMatrix);
                                    matrix = Matrix.Multiply(localMatrix, matrix);

                                // Done evaluating, let's decompose matrix
                                TransformTRS transform;
                                matrix.Decompose(out transform.Scale, out transform.Rotation, out transform.Position);

                                // Create a key
                                translationCurve.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrameData<Vector3>(animationKey, transform.Position));
                                rotationCurve.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrameData<Quaternion>(animationKey, transform.Rotation));
                                scaleCurve.KeyFrames.Add(new KeyFrameData<Vector3>(animationKey, transform.Scale));

                            combinedAnimationClip.AddCurve($"{nameof(ModelNodeTransformation.Transform)}.{nameof(TransformTRS.Position)}", translationCurve);
                            combinedAnimationClip.AddCurve($"{nameof(ModelNodeTransformation.Transform)}.{nameof(TransformTRS.Rotation)}", rotationCurve);
                            combinedAnimationClip.AddCurve($"{nameof(ModelNodeTransformation.Transform)}.{nameof(TransformTRS.Scale)}", scaleCurve);
                            nodeAnimationClip = combinedAnimationClip;

                        foreach (var channel in nodeAnimationClip.Channels)
                            var curve = nodeAnimationClip.Curves[channel.Value.CurveIndex];

                            // TODO: Root motion
                            var channelName = channel.Key;
                            if (channelName.StartsWith("Transform."))
                                animationClip.AddCurve($"[ModelComponent.Key].Skeleton.NodeTransformations[{skeletonMapping.SourceToTarget[nodeIndex]}]." + channelName, curve);

                        // Take max of durations
                        if (animationClip.Duration < nodeAnimationClip.Duration)
                            animationClip.Duration = nodeAnimationClip.Duration;

            if (animationClip == null)
                commandContext.Logger.Info("File {0} has an empty animation.", SourcePath);
                if (animationClip.Duration.Ticks == 0)
                    commandContext.Logger.Warning("File {0} has a 0 tick long animation.", SourcePath);

                // Optimize and set common parameters
                animationClip.RepeatMode = AnimationRepeatMode;
            return animationClip;
コード例 #2
        internal void AddChannel(ref AnimationBlender.Channel channel)
            AnimationClip.Channel clipChannel;
            AnimationCurve curve = null;

            // Try to find curve and create evaluator
            // (if curve doesn't exist, Evaluator will be null).
            bool itemFound = clip.Channels.TryGetValue(channel.PropertyName, out clipChannel);

            if (itemFound)
                var offset = channel.Offset;

                // Object uses array indices, but blittable types are placed after a float that specify if it should be copied
                if (channel.BlendType != AnimationBlender.BlendType.Object)
                    offset += sizeof(float);

                if (clipChannel.CurveIndex != -1)
                    curve = clip.Curves[clipChannel.CurveIndex];

                    // TODO: Optimize this search?
                    var curveEvaluatorGroup = curveEvaluatorGroups.OfType<AnimationCurveEvaluatorDirectGroup>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ElementType == clipChannel.ElementType);
                    if (curveEvaluatorGroup == null)
                        // First time, let's create it
                        curveEvaluatorGroup = curve.CreateEvaluator();

                    curveEvaluatorGroup.AddChannel(curve, offset);
                    // TODO: Optimize this search?
                    var curveEvaluatorGroup = curveEvaluatorGroups.OfType<AnimationCurveEvaluatorOptimizedGroup>().First(x => x.ElementType == clipChannel.ElementType);

                    curveEvaluatorGroup.SetChannelOffset(channel.PropertyName, offset);

            Channels.Add(new EvaluatorChannel { Offset = channel.Offset, BlendType = channel.BlendType, Curve = curve, Factor = itemFound ? 1.0f : 0.0f });