/// <summary> /// Generates the properties. /// </summary> /// <param name='template'> /// if true it will generate only properties that are not included by default, because of the [generate=false] option. /// </param> static void GenerateProperties(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.OptionExternal) cw.WriteLine("//" + GenerateProperty(f) + " // Implemented by user elsewhere"); else { if (f.Comments != null) cw.Summary(f.Comments); cw.WriteLine(GenerateProperty(f)); cw.WriteLine(); } } //Wire format field ID #if DEBUG cw.Comment("ProtocolBuffers wire field id"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { cw.WriteLine("public const int " + f.CsName + "FieldID = " + f.ID + ";"); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Generates the properties. /// </summary> /// <param name='template'> /// if true it will generate only properties that are not included by default, because of the [generate=false] option. /// </param> static void GenerateProperties(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.OptionExternal) { cw.WriteLine("//" + GenerateProperty(f) + " // Implemented by user elsewhere"); } else { if (f.Comments != null) { cw.Summary(f.Comments); } cw.WriteLine(GenerateProperty(f)); cw.WriteLine(); } } //Wire format field ID #if DEBUG cw.Comment("ProtocolBuffers wire field id"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { cw.WriteLine("public const int " + f.CsName + "FieldID = " + f.ID + ";"); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Generates code for writing a class/message /// </summary> static void GenerateWriter(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { cw.Summary("Serialize the instance into the stream"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static void Serialize(Stream stream, " + m.CsType + " instance)"); if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.BeforeSerialize();"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.IsUsingBinaryWriter) { cw.WriteLine("BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(stream);"); } foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { FieldSerializer.FieldWriter(m, f, cw); } if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.IfBracket("instance.PreservedFields != null"); cw.ForeachBracket("var kv in instance.PreservedFields"); cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteKey(stream, kv.Key);"); cw.WriteLine("stream.Write(kv.Value, 0, kv.Value.Length);"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Summary("Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static byte[] SerializeToBytes(" + m.CsType + " instance)"); cw.Using("var ms = new MemoryStream()"); cw.WriteLine("Serialize(ms, instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return ms.ToArray();"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); cw.Summary("Helper: Serialize with a varint length prefix"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static void SerializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream, " + m.CsType + " instance)"); cw.WriteLine("var data = SerializeToBytes(instance);"); cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, (uint)data.Length);"); cw.WriteLine("stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);"); cw.EndBracket(); }
public static void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw, Options options) { //Do not generate class code for external classes if (m.OptionExternal) { cw.Comment("Written elsewhere"); cw.Comment(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType + " {}"); return; } //Default class cw.Summary(m.Comments); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " partial " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType + " : IDisposable, Pool.IPooled, IProto"); GenerateEnums(m, cw); GenerateProperties(m, cw, options); //if(options.GenerateToString... // ... if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.Summary("Values for unknown fields."); cw.WriteLine("public List<global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue> PreservedFields;"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.Comment("protected virtual void BeforeSerialize() {}"); cw.Comment("protected virtual void AfterDeserialize() {}"); cw.WriteLine(); } foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values) { GenerateClass(sub, cw, options); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.EndBracket(); return; }
public static void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw, Options options) { //Do not generate class code for external classes if (m.OptionExternal) { cw.Comment("Written elsewhere"); cw.Comment(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType + " {}"); return; } //Default class cw.Summary(m.Comments); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " partial " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType); GenerateEnums(m, cw); GenerateProperties(m, cw); //if(options.GenerateToString... // ... if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.Summary("Values for unknown fields."); cw.WriteLine("public List<global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue> PreservedFields;"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.Comment("protected virtual void BeforeSerialize() {}"); cw.Comment("protected virtual void AfterDeserialize() {}"); cw.WriteLine(); } foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values) { GenerateClass(sub, cw, options); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.EndBracket(); return; }
public static void GenerateEnum(ProtoEnum me, CodeWriter cw) { cw.Bracket("public class " + me.CsNamespace + "_" + me.CsType + "Enum"); foreach (var epair in me.Enums) { cw.Summary(epair.Comment); cw.WriteLine("public const int " + epair.Name + " = " + epair.Value + ";"); } cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); }
public static void GenerateEnum(ProtoEnum me, CodeWriter cw) { cw.Bracket("public enum " + me.CsType); foreach (var epair in me.Enums) { cw.Summary(epair.Comment); cw.WriteLine(epair.Name + " = " + epair.Value + ","); } cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); }
public static void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { //Do not generate class code for external classes /*if (m.OptionExternal) * { * cw.Comment("Written elsewhere"); * cw.Comment(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsNamespace + "_" + m.CsType + " {}"); * return; * }*/ //Default class cw.Summary(m.Comments); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsNamespace + "_" + m.CsType); GenerateEnums(m, cw); GenerateProperties(m, cw); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.Summary("Values for unknown fields."); cw.WriteLine("public List<KeyValue> PreservedFields;"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.Comment("protected virtual void BeforeSerialize() {}"); cw.Comment("protected virtual void AfterDeserialize() {}"); cw.WriteLine(); } foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values) { GenerateClass(sub, cw); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.EndBracket(); return; }
public static void GenerateEnum(ProtoEnum me, CodeWriter cw) { cw.Bracket("public enum " + me.CsType); foreach (var epair in me.Enums) { if (me.EnumsComments.ContainsKey(epair.Key)) cw.Summary(me.EnumsComments [epair.Key]); cw.WriteLine(epair.Key + " = " + epair.Value + ","); } cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); }
public static void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { //Do not generate class code for external classes /*if (m.OptionExternal) { cw.Comment("Written elsewhere"); cw.Comment(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsNamespace + "_" + m.CsType + " {}"); return; }*/ //Default class cw.Summary(m.Comments); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsNamespace + "_" + m.CsType); GenerateEnums(m, cw); GenerateProperties(m, cw); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.Summary("Values for unknown fields."); cw.WriteLine("public List<KeyValue> PreservedFields;"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.Comment("protected virtual void BeforeSerialize() {}"); cw.Comment("protected virtual void AfterDeserialize() {}"); cw.WriteLine(); } foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values) { GenerateClass(sub, cw); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.EndBracket(); return; }
public void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m) { if (options.NoGenerateImported && m.IsImported) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Skipping imported " + m.FullProtoName); return; } //Do not generate class code for external classes if (m.OptionExternal) { cw.Comment("Written elsewhere"); cw.Comment(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType + " {}"); return; } //Default class cw.Summary(m.Comments); if (options.DataContractAttributes) { cw.Attribute("DataContract"); } cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " partial " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType); if (options.GenerateDefaultConstructors) { GenerateCtorForDefaults(m); } GenerateEnums(m); GenerateProperties(m); //if(options.GenerateToString... // ... if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.Summary("Values for unknown fields."); cw.WriteLine("public List<global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue> PreservedFields;"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.Comment("protected virtual void BeforeSerialize() {}"); cw.Comment("protected virtual void AfterDeserialize() {}"); cw.WriteLine(); } foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values) { GenerateClass(sub); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.EndBracket(); return; }
/// <summary> /// Generates the properties. /// </summary> /// <param name='template'> /// if true it will generate only properties that are not included by default, because of the [generate=false] option. /// </param> static void GenerateProperties(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.OptionExternal) cw.WriteLine("//" + GenerateProperty(f) + " // Implemented by user elsewhere"); else { if (f.Comments != null) cw.Summary(f.Comments); cw.WriteLine(GenerateProperty(f)); cw.WriteLine(); } } // Implement ToString cw.Bracket("public override string ToString()"); string returnStatement = "return \"\""; Dictionary<int, Field>.ValueCollection fields = m.Fields.Values; if (fields.Count > 0) { List<string> fieldElements = new List<string>(); foreach (Field f in fields) { string fieldHeaderCode = "\"" + f.CsName + ": \" + "; string fieldToStringCode; string fieldCommaCode = " + \", \""; if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Optional && f.ProtoType.Nullable) { // Hide optional nullable fields: this makes logging cleaner for union types fieldToStringCode = string.Format("({0} != null ? {1}{0}{2}: \"\")", f.CsName, fieldHeaderCode, fieldCommaCode); } else if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Repeated && f.ProtoTypeName == "bytes") { // Always output repeated fields with [] fieldToStringCode = string.Format("{1}\"[\" + ({0} != null ? string.Join(\", \", {0}.ConvertAll<string>(o => o != null ? BitConverter.ToString(o) : \"\").ToArray()) : \"\") + \"]\"{2}", f.CsName, fieldHeaderCode, fieldCommaCode); } else if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Repeated) { // Always output repeated fields with [] fieldToStringCode = string.Format("{1}\"[\" + ({0} != null ? string.Join(\", \", {0}.ConvertAll<string>(o => o.ToString()).ToArray()) : \"\") + \"]\"{2}", f.CsName, fieldHeaderCode, fieldCommaCode); } else if (f.ProtoTypeName == "bytes") { // Special code to output bytes fieldToStringCode = string.Format("{1}\"[\" + ({0} != null ? BitConverter.ToString({0}) : \"\") + \"]\"{2}", f.CsName, fieldHeaderCode, fieldCommaCode); } else { fieldToStringCode = fieldHeaderCode + f.CsName + fieldCommaCode; } fieldElements.Add(fieldToStringCode); } returnStatement = "return " + string.Join(" + \n", fieldElements) + ";"; } cw.WriteLine(returnStatement); cw.EndBracket(); //Wire format field ID #if DEBUG cw.Comment("ProtocolBuffers wire field id"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { cw.WriteLine("public const int " + f.CsName + "FieldID = " + f.ID + ";"); } #endif }
void GenerateReader(ProtoMessage m) { string mTableParamDefs, mTableParams; FindMessageTableParams(m, out mTableParamDefs, out mTableParams); #region Helper Deserialize Methods string refstr = (m.OptionType == "struct") ? "ref " : ""; if (m.OptionType != "interface") { if (!m.OptionNoInstancing) { cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(Stream stream" + mTableParamDefs + ")"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(stream" + mTableParams + ", " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " DeserializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream" + mTableParamDefs + ")"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream" + mTableParams + ", " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " DeserializeLength(Stream stream" + mTableParamDefs + ", int length)"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLength(stream" + mTableParams + ", length, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(byte[] buffer" + mTableParamDefs + ")"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))"); cw.WriteIndent("Deserialize(ms" + mTableParams + ", " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance when deserializing a JObject"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(global::Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject obj" + mTableParamDefs + ")"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(obj" + mTableParams + ", " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance and deserialize JSON from a string"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(string json" + mTableParamDefs + ")"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(global::Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json)" + mTableParams + ", " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); } if (!m.OptionNoPartials) { cw.Summary("Load this value from a proto buffer"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " void FromProto(Stream stream" + mTableParamDefs + ")"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(stream" + mTableParams + ", this );"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Load this value from a json object"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " void FromJson(global::Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject obj" + mTableParamDefs + ")"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(obj" + mTableParams + ", this );"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); } } cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream before deserializing"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " Deserialize(byte[] buffer" + mTableParamDefs + ", " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); cw.WriteLine("using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))"); cw.WriteIndent("Deserialize(ms" + mTableParams + ", " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); #endregion string[] methods = new string[] { "Deserialize", //Default old one "DeserializeLengthDelimited", //Start by reading length prefix and stay within that limit "DeserializeLength", //Read at most length bytes given by argument }; //Main Deserialize foreach (string method in methods) { if (method == "Deserialize") { cw.Summary("Takes the remaining content of the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream" + mTableParamDefs + ", " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { cw.Summary("Read the VarInt length prefix and the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream" + mTableParamDefs + ", " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.Summary("Read the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream" + mTableParamDefs + ", int length, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (m.IsUsingBinaryWriter) { cw.WriteLine("BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);"); } GenerateDefaults(m); if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("long limit = global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadUInt32(stream);"); cw.WriteLine("limit += stream.Position;"); } if (method == "DeserializeLength") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("long limit = stream.Position + length;"); } cw.WhileBracket("true"); if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited" || method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.IfBracket("stream.Position >= limit"); cw.WriteLine("if (stream.Position == limit)"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); cw.WriteLine("else"); cw.WriteIndent("throw new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolBufferException(\"Read past max limit\");"); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.WriteLine("int keyByte = stream.ReadByte();"); cw.WriteLine("if (keyByte == -1)"); if (method == "Deserialize") { cw.WriteIndent("break;"); } else { cw.WriteIndent("throw new System.IO.EndOfStreamException();"); } //Determine if we need the lowID optimization bool hasLowID = false; foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) { hasLowID = true; break; } } if (hasLowID) { cw.Comment("Optimized reading of known fields with field ID < 16"); cw.Switch("keyByte"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID >= 16) { continue; } cw.Dedent(); cw.Comment("Field " + f.ID + " " + f.WireType); cw.Indent(); cw.Case(((f.ID << 3) | (int)f.WireType)); if (fieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, m.RequiredMessageTables)) { cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } } cw.SwitchEnd(); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.WriteLine("var key = global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadKey((byte)keyByte, stream);"); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Comment("Reading field ID > 16 and unknown field ID/wire type combinations"); cw.Switch("key.Field"); cw.Case(0); cw.WriteLine("throw new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolBufferException(\"Invalid field id: 0, something went wrong in the stream\");"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) { continue; } cw.Case(f.ID); //Makes sure we got the right wire type cw.WriteLine("if(key.WireType != global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.Wire." + f.WireType + ")"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); //This can be changed to throw an exception for unknown formats. if (fieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, m.RequiredMessageTables)) { cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } } cw.CaseDefault(); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.WriteLine("if (instance.PreservedFields == null)"); cw.WriteIndent("instance.PreservedFields = new List<global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue>();"); cw.WriteLine("instance.PreservedFields.Add(new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue(key, global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadValueBytes(stream, key)));"); } else { cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.SkipKey(stream, key);"); } cw.WriteLine("break;"); cw.SwitchEnd(); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.AfterDeserialize();"); } cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); } //JSON deserialize cw.Summary("Deserializes an instance from a JSON object."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " Deserialize(global::Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject obj" + mTableParamDefs + ", " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); GenerateDefaults(m); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Bracket("foreach (var property in obj.Properties())"); cw.Switch("property.Name"); foreach (var f in m.Fields.Values) { cw.Case("\"" + f.CsName + "\""); fieldSerializer.JsonFieldReader(f, m.RequiredMessageTables, "property.Value"); cw.WriteLine("break;"); } cw.SwitchEnd(); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.AfterDeserialize();"); } cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); return; }
/// <summary> /// Generates code for writing a class/message /// </summary> static void GenerateWriter(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw, Options options) { cw.WriteLine("#region [Methods] Writer"); #region [Method] Serialize cw.Summary("Serialize the instance into the stream"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static void Serialize(Stream stream, " + m.CsType + " instance)"); { if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.BeforeSerialize();"); cw.WriteLine(); } //Shared memorystream for all fields cw.WriteLine("var msField = Pool.Get<MemoryStream>();"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { FieldSerializer.FieldWriter(m, f, cw, false); } cw.WriteLine("Pool.FreeMemoryStream(ref msField);"); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.IfBracket("instance.PreservedFields != null"); cw.ForeachBracket("var kv in instance.PreservedFields"); cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteKey(stream, kv.Key);"); cw.WriteLine("stream.Write(kv.Value, 0, kv.Value.Length);"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); } } cw.EndBracketSpace(); #endregion #region [Method] SerializeToBytes cw.Summary("Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static byte[] SerializeToBytes(" + m.CsType + " instance)"); { cw.WriteLine("var ms = Pool.Get<MemoryStream>();"); cw.WriteLine("Serialize(ms, instance);"); cw.WriteLine("var arr = ms.ToArray();"); cw.WriteLine("Pool.FreeMemoryStream(ref ms);"); cw.WriteLine("return arr;"); } cw.EndBracket(); #endregion #region [Method] SerializeLengthDelimited cw.Summary("Helper: Serialize with a varint length prefix"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static void SerializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream, " + m.CsType + " instance)"); { cw.WriteLine("var data = SerializeToBytes(instance);"); cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, (uint)data.Length);"); cw.WriteLine("stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);"); } cw.EndBracketSpace(); #endregion #region [Method] SerializeDelta cw.Bracket($"public static void SerializeDelta(Stream stream, {m.CsType} instance, {m.CsType} previous)"); { cw.WriteLine("var msField = Pool.Get<MemoryStream>();"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { cw.IfBracket($"instance.{f.CsName} != previous.{f.CsName}"); FieldSerializer.FieldWriter(m, f, cw, true); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.WriteLine("Pool.FreeMemoryStream(ref msField);"); } cw.EndBracket(); #endregion #region [Method] WriteToStream if (m.OptionExternal == false) { cw.Bracket("public void WriteToStream(Stream stream)"); { cw.WriteLine("Serialize(stream, this);"); } cw.EndBracket(); } #endregion #region [Method] WriteToStreamDelta if (m.OptionExternal == false) { cw.Bracket($"public void WriteToStreamDelta(Stream stream, {m.CsType} previous)"); { cw.IfBracket("previous != null"); { cw.WriteLine("SerializeDelta(stream, this, previous);"); } cw.EndBracket(); cw.Bracket("else"); { cw.WriteLine("Serialize(stream, this);"); } cw.EndBracket(); } cw.EndBracket(); } #endregion cw.WriteLine("#endregion"); }
static void GenerateReader(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw, Options options) { cw.WriteLine("#region [Methods] Reader"); #region [Method] ReadFromStream if (m.OptionExternal == false) { cw.Bracket("public void ReadFromStream(Stream stream, int size)"); { cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLength(stream, size, this);"); } cw.EndBracketSpace(); } #endregion #region Helper Deserialize Methods string refstr = (m.OptionType == "struct") ? "ref " : ""; if (m.OptionType != "interface") { var newInstance = m.OptionType == "struct" ? $"new {m.CsType}();" : $"Pool.Get<{m.CsType}>();"; cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(Stream stream)"); { cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = " + newInstance); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(stream, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); } cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " DeserializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream)"); { cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = " + newInstance); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); } cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " DeserializeLength(Stream stream, int length)"); { cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = " + newInstance); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLength(stream, length, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); } cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(byte[] buffer)"); { cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = " + newInstance); cw.WriteLine("var ms = Pool.Get<MemoryStream>();"); cw.WriteLine("ms.Write(buffer, 0 ,buffer.Length);"); cw.WriteLine("ms.Position = 0;"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(ms, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("Pool.FreeMemoryStream(ref ms);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); } cw.EndBracketSpace(); } cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream before deserializing"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " Deserialize(byte[] buffer, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); cw.WriteLine("var ms = Pool.Get<MemoryStream>();"); cw.WriteLine("ms.Write(buffer, 0 ,buffer.Length);"); cw.WriteLine("ms.Position = 0;"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(ms, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("Pool.FreeMemoryStream(ref ms);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); #endregion string[] methods = new string[] { "Deserialize", //Default old one "DeserializeLengthDelimited", //Start by reading length prefix and stay within that limit "DeserializeLength", //Read at most length bytes given by argument }; //Main Deserialize foreach (string method in methods) { if (method == "Deserialize") { cw.Summary("Takes the remaining content of the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { cw.Summary("Read the VarInt length prefix and the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.Summary("Read the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream, int length, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } GenerateDefaults(m, cw, options); if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("long limit = global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadUInt32(stream);"); cw.WriteLine("limit += stream.Position;"); } if (method == "DeserializeLength") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("long limit = stream.Position + length;"); } cw.WhileBracket("true"); if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited" || method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.IfBracket("stream.Position >= limit"); cw.WriteLine("if (stream.Position == limit)"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); cw.WriteLine("else"); cw.WriteIndent("throw new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolBufferException(\"Read past max limit\");"); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.WriteLine("int keyByte = stream.ReadByte();"); cw.WriteLine("if (keyByte == -1)"); if (method == "Deserialize") { cw.WriteIndent("break;"); } else { cw.WriteIndent("throw new System.IO.EndOfStreamException();"); } //Determine if we need the lowID optimization bool hasLowID = false; foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) { hasLowID = true; break; } } if (hasLowID) { cw.Comment("Optimized reading of known fields with field ID < 16"); cw.Switch("keyByte"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID >= 16) { continue; } cw.Dedent(); cw.Comment("Field " + f.ID + " " + f.WireType); cw.Indent(); cw.Case(((f.ID << 3) | (int)f.WireType)); if (FieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, cw)) { cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } } cw.SwitchEnd(); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.WriteLine("var key = global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadKey((byte)keyByte, stream);"); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Comment("Reading field ID > 16 and unknown field ID/wire type combinations"); cw.Switch("key.Field"); cw.Case(0); cw.WriteLine("throw new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolBufferException(\"Invalid field id: 0, something went wrong in the stream\");"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) { continue; } cw.Case(f.ID); //Makes sure we got the right wire type cw.WriteLine("if(key.WireType != global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.Wire." + f.WireType + ")"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); //This can be changed to throw an exception for unknown formats. if (FieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, cw)) { cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } } cw.CaseDefault(); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.WriteLine("if (instance.PreservedFields == null)"); cw.WriteIndent("instance.PreservedFields = new List<global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue>();"); cw.WriteLine("instance.PreservedFields.Add(new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue(key, global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadValueBytes(stream, key)));"); } else { cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.SkipKey(stream, key);"); } cw.WriteLine("break;"); cw.SwitchEnd(); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.AfterDeserialize();"); } cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.WriteLine("#endregion"); return; }
public void GenerateClass(ProtoMessage m) { if (options.NoGenerateImported && m.IsImported) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Skipping imported " + m.FullProtoName); return; } //Do not generate class code for external classes if (m.OptionExternal) { cw.Comment("Written elsewhere"); cw.Comment(m.OptionAccess + " " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType + " {}"); return; } //Default class cw.Summary(m.Comments); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " partial " + m.OptionType + " " + m.CsType + " : ProtoBuf.IExtensible, ProtoBuf.IMessage"); cw.WriteLine("global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing){ return null; }"); cw.WriteLine("public byte[] SerializeToBytes(){return SerializeToBytes(this);}"); cw.WriteLine("public void SerializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream){SerializeLengthDelimited(stream, this);}"); cw.WriteLine(@"public struct stMessageOperator : ProtoBuf.IMessageOperator { public ProtoBuf.IMessage New() { return new MessageClass(); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage Deserialize(Stream stream) { return MessageClass.Deserialize(stream); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage DeserializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream) { return MessageClass.DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage DeserializeLength(Stream stream, int length) { return MessageClass.DeserializeLength(stream, length); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage Deserialize(byte[] buffer) { return MessageClass.Deserialize(buffer); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage Deserialize(byte[] buffer, ProtoBuf.IMessage instance) { return MessageClass.Deserialize(buffer, (MessageClass)instance); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage Deserialize(Stream stream, ProtoBuf.IMessage instance) { return MessageClass.Deserialize(stream, (MessageClass)instance); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage DeserializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream, ProtoBuf.IMessage instance) { return MessageClass.DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream, (MessageClass)instance); } public ProtoBuf.IMessage DeserializeLength(Stream stream, int length, ProtoBuf.IMessage instance) { return MessageClass.DeserializeLength(stream, length, (MessageClass)instance); } public void Serialize(Stream stream, ProtoBuf.IMessage instance) { MessageClass.Serialize(stream, (MessageClass)instance); } public byte[] SerializeToBytes(ProtoBuf.IMessage instance) { return MessageClass.SerializeToBytes((MessageClass)instance); } public void SerializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream, ProtoBuf.IMessage instance) { MessageClass.SerializeLengthDelimited(stream, (MessageClass)instance); } } public static ProtoBuf.IMessageOperator MessageOperator = new stMessageOperator(); ".Replace("MessageClass", m.CsType)); if (options.GenerateDefaultConstructors) { GenerateCtorForDefaults(m); } GenerateEnums(m); GenerateProperties(m); //if(options.GenerateToString... // ... if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.Summary("Values for unknown fields."); cw.WriteLine("public List<global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue> PreservedFields;"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.Comment("protected virtual void BeforeSerialize() {}"); cw.Comment("protected virtual void AfterDeserialize() {}"); cw.WriteLine(); } foreach (ProtoMessage sub in m.Messages.Values) { GenerateClass(sub); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.EndBracket(); return; }
/// <summary> /// Generates code for writing a class/message /// </summary> static void GenerateWriter(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { cw.Summary("Serialize the instance into the stream"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static void Serialize(CitoStream stream, " + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.BeforeSerialize();"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.IsUsingBinaryWriter) cw.WriteLine("BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(stream);"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) FieldSerializer.FieldWriter(m, f, cw); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.IfBracket("instance.PreservedFields != null"); cw.ForeachBracket("var kv in instance.PreservedFields"); cw.WriteLine("ProtocolParser.WriteKey(stream, kv.Key);"); cw.WriteLine("stream.Write(kv.Value, 0, kv.Value.Length);"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Summary("Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static byte[] SerializeToBytes(" + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); cw.WriteLine("CitoMemoryStream ms = new CitoMemoryStream();"); cw.WriteLine("Serialize(ms, instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return ms.ToArray();"); //cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); cw.Summary("Helper: Serialize with a varint length prefix"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static void SerializeLengthDelimited(CitoStream stream, " + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); cw.WriteLine("byte[] data = SerializeToBytes(instance);"); cw.WriteLine("ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32_(stream, ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(data));"); cw.WriteLine("stream.Write(data, 0, ProtoPlatform.ArrayLength(data));"); cw.EndBracket(); }
static void GenerateReader(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { #region Helper Deserialize Methods string refstr = (m.OptionType == "struct") ? "ref " : ""; if (m.OptionType != "interface") { cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(Stream stream)"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(stream, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " DeserializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream)"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " DeserializeLength(Stream stream, int length)"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLength(stream, length, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.CsType + " Deserialize(byte[] buffer)"); cw.WriteLine(m.CsType + " instance = new " + m.CsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))"); cw.WriteIndent("Deserialize(ms, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); } cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream before deserializing"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " Deserialize(byte[] buffer, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); cw.WriteLine("using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))"); cw.WriteIndent("Deserialize(ms, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); #endregion string[] methods = new string[] { "Deserialize", //Default old one "DeserializeLengthDelimited", //Start by reading length prefix and stay within that limit "DeserializeLength", //Read at most length bytes given by argument }; //Main Deserialize foreach (string method in methods) { if (method == "Deserialize") { cw.Summary("Takes the remaining content of the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { cw.Summary("Read the VarInt length prefix and the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.Summary("Read the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(Stream stream, int length, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (m.IsUsingBinaryWriter) { cw.WriteLine("BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);"); } //Prepare List<> and default values foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Repeated) { if (f.OptionReadOnly == false) { //Initialize lists of the custom DateTime or TimeSpan type. string csType = f.ProtoType.FullCsType; if (f.OptionCodeType != null) { csType = f.OptionCodeType; } cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.CsName + " == null)"); cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.CsName + " = new List<" + csType + ">();"); } } else if (f.OptionDefault != null) { cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + f.FormatForTypeAssignment() + ";"); } else if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Optional) { if (f.ProtoType is ProtoEnum) { ProtoEnum pe = f.ProtoType as ProtoEnum; //the default value is the first value listed in the enum's type definition foreach (var kvp in pe.Enums) { cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + pe.FullCsType + "." + kvp.Name + ";"); break; } } } } if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("long limit = global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadUInt32(stream);"); cw.WriteLine("limit += stream.Position;"); } if (method == "DeserializeLength") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("long limit = stream.Position + length;"); } cw.WhileBracket("true"); if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited" || method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.IfBracket("stream.Position >= limit"); cw.WriteLine("if (stream.Position == limit)"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); cw.WriteLine("else"); cw.WriteIndent("throw new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolBufferException(\"Read past max limit\");"); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.WriteLine("int keyByte = stream.ReadByte();"); cw.WriteLine("if (keyByte == -1)"); if (method == "Deserialize") { cw.WriteIndent("break;"); } else { cw.WriteIndent("throw new System.IO.EndOfStreamException();"); } //Determine if we need the lowID optimization bool hasLowID = false; foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) { hasLowID = true; break; } } if (hasLowID) { cw.Comment("Optimized reading of known fields with field ID < 16"); cw.Switch("keyByte"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID >= 16) { continue; } cw.Dedent(); cw.Comment("Field " + f.ID + " " + f.WireType); cw.Indent(); cw.Case(((f.ID << 3) | (int)f.WireType)); if (FieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, cw)) { cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } } cw.SwitchEnd(); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.WriteLine("var key = global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadKey((byte)keyByte, stream);"); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Comment("Reading field ID > 16 and unknown field ID/wire type combinations"); cw.Switch("key.Field"); cw.Case(0); cw.WriteLine("throw new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolBufferException(\"Invalid field id: 0, something went wrong in the stream\");"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) { continue; } cw.Case(f.ID); //Makes sure we got the right wire type cw.WriteLine("if(key.WireType != global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.Wire." + f.WireType + ")"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); //This can be changed to throw an exception for unknown formats. if (FieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, cw)) { cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } } cw.CaseDefault(); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.WriteLine("if (instance.PreservedFields == null)"); cw.WriteIndent("instance.PreservedFields = new List<global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue>();"); cw.WriteLine("instance.PreservedFields.Add(new global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.KeyValue(key, global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.ReadValueBytes(stream, key)));"); } else { cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.SkipKey(stream, key);"); } cw.WriteLine("break;"); cw.SwitchEnd(); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.AfterDeserialize();"); } cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); } return; }
/// <summary> /// Generates code for writing a class/message /// </summary> static void GenerateWriter(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { cw.Summary("Serialize the instance into the stream"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static void Serialize(Stream stream, " + m.CsType + " instance)"); if (m.OptionTriggers) { cw.WriteLine("instance.BeforeSerialize();"); cw.WriteLine(); } if (m.IsUsingBinaryWriter) cw.WriteLine("BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(stream);"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) FieldSerializer.FieldWriter(m, f, cw); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.IfBracket("instance.PreservedFields != null"); cw.ForeachBracket("var kv in instance.PreservedFields"); cw.WriteLine("global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteKey(stream, kv.Key);"); cw.WriteLine("stream.Write(kv.Value, 0, kv.Value.Length);"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Summary("Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static byte[] SerializeToBytes(" + m.CsType + " instance)"); cw.Using("var ms = new MemoryStream()"); cw.WriteLine("Serialize(ms, instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return ms.ToArray();"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); }
static void GenerateReader(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { #region Helper Deserialize Methods string refstr = (m.OptionType == "struct") ? "ref " : ""; if (m.OptionType != "interface") {/* cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " Deserialize(CitoStream stream)"); cw.WriteLine(m.FullCsType + " instance = new " + m.FullCsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("Deserialize(stream, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); */ cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " DeserializeLengthDelimitedNew(CitoStream stream)"); cw.WriteLine(m.FullCsType + " instance = new " + m.FullCsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); /* cw.Summary("Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " DeserializeLength(CitoStream stream, int length)"); cw.WriteLine(m.FullCsType + " instance = new " + m.FullCsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("DeserializeLength(stream, length, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " Deserialize(byte[] buffer, int length)"); cw.WriteLine(m.FullCsType + " instance = new " + m.FullCsType + "();"); cw.WriteLine("CitoMemoryStream ms = CitoMemoryStream.Create(buffer, length);"); cw.WriteIndent("Deserialize(ms, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace();*/ } cw.Summary("Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream before deserializing"); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " DeserializeBuffer(byte[] buffer, int length, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); cw.WriteLine("CitoMemoryStream ms = CitoMemoryStream.Create(buffer, length);"); cw.WriteIndent("Deserialize(ms, " + refstr + "instance);"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracketSpace(); #endregion string[] methods = new string[] { "Deserialize", //Default old one "DeserializeLengthDelimited", //Start by reading length prefix and stay within that limit "DeserializeLength", //Read at most length bytes given by argument }; //Main Deserialize foreach (string method in methods) { if (method == "Deserialize") { cw.Summary("Takes the remaining content of the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(CitoStream stream, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { cw.Summary("Read the VarInt length prefix and the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(CitoStream stream, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else if (method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.Summary("Read the given number of bytes from the stream and deserialze it into the instance."); cw.Bracket(m.OptionAccess + " static " + m.FullCsType + " " + method + "(CitoStream stream, int length, " + refstr + m.FullCsType + " instance)"); } else throw new NotImplementedException(); if (m.IsUsingBinaryWriter) cw.WriteLine("BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);"); //Prepare List<> and default values foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Repeated) { cw.WriteLine("if (instance." + f.CsName + " == null)"); cw.WriteLine("{"); cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.CsName + " = new " + f.ProtoType.FullCsType + "[1];"); cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.CsName + "Count = 0;"); cw.WriteIndent("instance." + f.CsName + "Length = 1;"); cw.WriteLine("}"); } else if (f.OptionDefault != null) { if (f.ProtoType is ProtoEnum) cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + f.ProtoType.FullCsType + "Enum." + f.OptionDefault + ";"); else cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + f.OptionDefault + ";"); } else if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Optional) { if (f.ProtoType is ProtoEnum) { ProtoEnum pe = f.ProtoType as ProtoEnum; //the default value is the first value listed in the enum's type definition foreach (var kvp in pe.Enums) { cw.WriteLine("instance." + f.CsName + " = " + pe.FullCsType + "_" + kvp.Name + ";"); break; } } } } if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("int limit = ProtocolParser.ReadUInt32(stream);"); cw.WriteLine("limit += stream.Position();"); } if (method == "DeserializeLength") { //Important to read stream position after we have read the length field cw.WriteLine("int limit = stream.Position() + length;"); } cw.WhileBracket("true"); if (method == "DeserializeLengthDelimited" || method == "DeserializeLength") { cw.IfBracket("stream.Position() >= limit"); cw.WriteLine("if(stream.Position() == limit)"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); cw.WriteLine("else"); cw.WriteIndent("//throw new InvalidOperationException(\"Read past max limit\");"); cw.WriteIndent("return null;"); cw.EndBracket(); } cw.WriteLine("int keyByte = stream.ReadByte();"); cw.WriteLine("if (keyByte == -1)"); if (method == "Deserialize") cw.WriteIndent("break;"); else { cw.WriteIndent("//throw new System.IO.EndOfStreamException();"); cw.WriteIndent("return null;"); } //Determine if we need the lowID optimization bool hasLowID = false; foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) { hasLowID = true; break; } } if (hasLowID) { cw.Comment("Optimized reading of known fields with field ID < 16"); cw.Switch("keyByte"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID >= 16) continue; cw.Comment("Field " + f.ID + " " + f.WireType); cw.Case(((f.ID << 3) | (int)f.WireType)); if (FieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, cw)) cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } cw.WriteLine("default: break;"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); } cw.WriteLine("#if CITO\n Key key = ProtocolParser.ReadKey_(keyByte.LowByte, stream);"); cw.WriteLine("#else\n Key key = ProtocolParser.ReadKey_((byte)keyByte, stream);\n#endif"); cw.WriteLine(); cw.Comment("Reading field ID > 16 and unknown field ID/wire type combinations"); cw.Switch("key.GetField()"); cw.Case(0); cw.WriteLine("//throw new InvalidDataException(\"Invalid field id: 0, something went wrong in the stream\");"); cw.WriteLine("return null;"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.ID < 16) continue; cw.Case(f.ID); //Makes sure we got the right wire type cw.WriteLine("if(key.GetWireType() != Wire." + f.WireType + ")"); cw.WriteIndent("break;"); //This can be changed to throw an exception for unknown formats. if (FieldSerializer.FieldReader(f, cw)) cw.WriteLine("continue;"); } cw.CaseDefault(); if (m.OptionPreserveUnknown) { cw.WriteLine("if (instance.PreservedFields == null)"); cw.WriteIndent("instance.PreservedFields = new List<KeyValue>();"); cw.WriteLine("instance.PreservedFields.Add(new KeyValue(key, ProtocolParser.ReadValueBytes(stream, key)));"); } else { cw.WriteLine("ProtocolParser.SkipKey(stream, key);"); } cw.WriteLine("break;"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); if (m.OptionTriggers) cw.WriteLine("instance.AfterDeserialize();"); cw.WriteLine("return instance;"); cw.EndBracket(); cw.WriteLine(); } return; }
/// <summary> /// Generates the properties. /// </summary> /// <param name='template'> /// if true it will generate only properties that are not included by default, because of the [generate=false] option. /// </param> static void GenerateProperties(ProtoMessage m, CodeWriter cw) { foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { if (f.OptionExternal) { cw.WriteLine("//" + GenerateProperty(f) + " // Implemented by user elsewhere"); } else { if (f.Comments != null) { cw.Summary(f.Comments); } cw.WriteLine(GenerateProperty(f)); cw.WriteLine(); } } // Implement ToString cw.Bracket("public override string ToString()"); string returnStatement = "return \"\""; Dictionary <int, Field> .ValueCollection fields = m.Fields.Values; if (fields.Count > 0) { List <string> fieldElements = new List <string>(); foreach (Field f in fields) { string fieldHeaderCode = "\"" + f.CsName + ": \" + "; string fieldToStringCode; string fieldCommaCode = " + \", \""; if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Optional && f.ProtoType.Nullable) { // Hide optional nullable fields: this makes logging cleaner for union types fieldToStringCode = string.Format("({0} != null ? {1}{0}{2}: \"\")", f.CsName, fieldHeaderCode, fieldCommaCode); } else if (f.Rule == FieldRule.Repeated) { // Always output repeated fields with [] fieldToStringCode = string.Format("{1}\"[\" + ({0} != null ? string.Join(\", \", {0}.ConvertAll<string>(o => o.ToString()).ToArray()) : \"\") + \"]\"{2}", f.CsName, fieldHeaderCode, fieldCommaCode); } else if (f.ProtoTypeName == "bytes") { // Special code to output bytes fieldToStringCode = string.Format("{1}\"[\" + ({0} != null ? BitConverter.ToString({0}) : \"\") + \"]\"{2}", f.CsName, fieldHeaderCode, fieldCommaCode); } else { fieldToStringCode = fieldHeaderCode + f.CsName + fieldCommaCode; } fieldElements.Add(fieldToStringCode); } returnStatement = "return " + string.Join(" + \n", fieldElements) + ";"; } cw.WriteLine(returnStatement); cw.EndBracket(); //Wire format field ID #if DEBUG cw.Comment("ProtocolBuffers wire field id"); foreach (Field f in m.Fields.Values) { cw.WriteLine("public const int " + f.CsName + "FieldID = " + f.ID + ";"); } #endif }