コード例 #1
        public ActionResult UpdateProduct(ProductModel update)
            SIEBUEntities db = new SIEBUEntities();
            Product target_product = db.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.p_id == update.id);

            Product_History history = new Product_History();

            //if no product is found, create one
            bool add_new = false;
            if (target_product == null)
                add_new = true;
                target_product = new Product();
                target_product.dateadded = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"));

            target_product.lastmodified = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"));
            history.datemodified = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"));
            bool change_made = false;
            if (target_product.name != update.name || target_product.sku != update.sku)
                change_made = true;
                history.name = target_product.name;
                history.sku = target_product.sku;
                target_product.name = update.name;
                target_product.sku = update.sku;

            if (!((target_product.cost + target_product.shipping_cost).Equals(update.cost + update.shipping_cost)))
                change_made = true;
                history.cost = target_product.cost;
                history.shipping_cost = target_product.shipping_cost;
                target_product.cost = Convert.ToDecimal(update.cost, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en"));
                target_product.shipping_cost = Convert.ToDecimal(update.shipping_cost, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en"));

            if (target_product.avail_inventory != update.avail_inventory)
                change_made = true;
                history.avail_inventory = target_product.avail_inventory;
                target_product.avail_inventory = update.avail_inventory;

            target_product.short_description = update.short_description;
            target_product.description = update.description;

            if (target_product.status != update.status)
                change_made = true;
                history.status = target_product.status;
                target_product.status = update.status;

            if (target_product.is_featured != update.is_featured)
                change_made = true;
                history.is_featured = target_product.is_featured;
                target_product.is_featured = update.is_featured;
                if (update.is_featured)
                    target_product.featured_since = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"));
                    target_product.featured_since = null;

            if (add_new)
                target_product.store_id = update.store_id;
                db.SaveChanges(); //changes must be saved so that product_id exists for image/tag/history foreign key relationships

            foreach (ProductImageModel pim in update.images)
                Product_Image target_image = db.Product_Image.FirstOrDefault(p => p.pi_id == pim.id);

                //only save up to 8 images per product
                if (db.Product_Image.Count(p => p.product_id == target_product.p_id) <= 8)

                    bool add_new_img = false;
                    if (target_image == null)
                        add_new_img = true;
                        target_image = new Product_Image();

                    target_image.product_id = target_product.p_id;
                    target_image.sort = pim.order;

                    //check to make sure update does not match existing content
                    if ((target_image.url == null || !(pim.url + "").Contains(target_image.url)) && pim.url != null)
                        //if different from original, determine whether value is blank (for purpose of removing images)
                        if (pim.url != null)
                            target_image.url = ImageController.UploadFile(pim.url, target_image.product_id + "" + target_image.pi_id + "" + target_product.lastmodified.Value.ToString("ffffff"));
                        else target_image.url = null;

                    if (add_new_img) db.Product_Image.Add(target_image);

                if (pim.delete) db.Product_Image.Remove(target_image);

            foreach (ProductTagModel ptm in update.tags)
                //create tag if non-existent
                Tag ref_tag = db.Tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.caption == ptm.caption.Trim().ToLower());
                if (ref_tag == null)
                    ref_tag = new Tag();
                    ref_tag.caption = ptm.caption.Trim().ToLower();

                //tolower to compare captions
                Product_Tag target_tag = db.Product_Tag.FirstOrDefault(t => t.product_id == update.id && t.Tag.t_id == ref_tag.t_id);
                bool add_new_tag = false;
                if (target_tag == null)
                    add_new_tag = true;
                    target_tag = new Product_Tag();

                target_tag.product_id = target_product.p_id;
                target_tag.tag_id = ref_tag.t_id;

                if (add_new_tag) db.Product_Tag.Add(target_tag);
                if (ptm.delete) db.Product_Tag.Remove(target_tag);

            if (change_made) db.Product_History.Add(history);
            history.product_id = target_product.p_id;

            return Json(target_product.p_id, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// ProductManagePartial loads the manage partial using the product ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">product id</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ProductManagePartial(int id = 0)
            ProductModel model = new ProductModel();

            SIEBUEntities db = new SIEBUEntities();
            Product cur_product = db.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.p_id == id);
            if (cur_product != null)
                model = new ProductModel(cur_product, db: db);

            return PartialView("_ProductManagePartial", model);