Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Control
コード例 #1
 public int Add(OutlookBarBand band)
     if (Contains(band)) return -1;
     int index = InnerList.Add(band);
     return index;
コード例 #2
		public void Remove(OutlookBarBand band)
			// Make sure currentBandIndex is always valid
			int currentBandIndex = parentBar.GetCurrentBand();
			bool updateCurrentIndex = currentBandIndex != -1 && currentBandIndex == Count - 1;
			if ( updateCurrentIndex )
				// Since we just removed the currently selected band,
				// set the new selected band to last band
				if ( Count > 0 )

コード例 #3
		public int IndexOf(OutlookBarBand band)
			return InnerList.IndexOf(band);
コード例 #4
ファイル: OutlookBar.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        void DrawItem(Graphics g, int index, Rectangle itemRect, bool hot, bool pressed, Rectangle targetRect, OutlookBarBand drawingBand)
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            if (drawingBand != null)
                band = drawingBand;

            Point pt = new Point(0, 0);
            // Set clip region so that we don't draw outside the viewport
            Rectangle viewPortRect = GetViewPortRect();
            if (targetRect != Rectangle.Empty)
                viewPortRect = targetRect;

            using (Region clippingRegion = new Region(viewPortRect))
                g.Clip = clippingRegion;
                // Clip the arrow buttons

                Color textColor = band.TextColor;
                Color backColor = band.Background;
                Color highLight = band.Background;

                if (ColorUtil.UsingCustomColor)
                    backColor = ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor;
                    highLight = ColorUtil.VSNetControlColor;

                if (hot)
                    backColor = ColorUtil.VSNetSelectionColor;
                    highLight = ColorUtil.VSNetBorderColor;

                if (pressed)
                    backColor = ColorUtil.VSNetPressedColor;

                //john hatton jdh
                if (band.Items[index].Selected)
                    highLight = Color.Blue;

                if (band.IconView == IconView.Large && band.LargeImageList != null)
                    Size largeImageSize = band.LargeImageList.ImageSize;
                    pt.X = itemRect.Left + (viewPortRect.Width - largeImageSize.Width) / 2;
                    pt.Y = itemRect.Top;

                    Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(pt, largeImageSize);
                    using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(backColor))
                        iconRect.Inflate(2, 2);
                        if (backgroundBitmap != null)
                            g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, iconRect, iconRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                            // If we have a background bitmap, draw the item background
                            // only during the hot state
                            if (hot)
                                g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                                    iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);

                            // If we don't have a background, always draw the
                            // item backgound
                            g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                                iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);

                        using (Pen p = new Pen(highLight))
                            if (backgroundBitmap == null || hot == true)
                                g.DrawRectangle(p, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top, iconRect.Width - 1, iconRect.Height - 1);


                    // I dont' use the image list to do the drawing because cliping does not work
                    if (band.Items[index].ImageIndex != -1 && band.LargeImageList != null)
                        // Only if we have a valid image index
                        g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                        g.DrawImage(band.LargeImageList.Images[band.Items[index].ImageIndex], pt);
                        g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.Default;

                    // Draw the label
                    int top = itemRect.Top + largeImageSize.Height + Y_LARGEICON_LABEL_OFFSET;
                    Size textSize = GetLabelSize(g, band, index);
                    int left = itemRect.Left + (viewPortRect.Width - textSize.Width) / 2;
                    using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(textColor))
                        g.DrawString(band.Items[index].Text, Font, b, new Point(left, top));

                    // Reset clip region to the whole rectangle so that the arrows can be painted
                    g.Clip = new Region(viewPortRect);
                else if (band.IconView == IconView.Small && band.SmallImageList != null)

                    Size smallImageSize = band.SmallImageList.ImageSize;
                    pt.X = itemRect.Left;
                    pt.Y = itemRect.Top + (itemRect.Height - smallImageSize.Height) / 2;

                    Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(pt, smallImageSize);
                    using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(backColor))
                        iconRect.Inflate(1, 1);
                        if (backgroundBitmap != null)
                            g.DrawImage(backgroundBitmap, iconRect, iconRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                            // If we have a background bitmap, draw the item background
                            // only during the hot state
                            if (hot)
                                g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                                    iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);
                            // If we don't have a background, always draw the
                            // item backgound
                            g.FillRectangle(b, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top,
                                iconRect.Width, iconRect.Height);

                        using (Pen p = new Pen(highLight))
                            if (backgroundBitmap == null || hot == true)
                                g.DrawRectangle(p, iconRect.Left, iconRect.Top, iconRect.Width - 1, iconRect.Height - 1);

                    // I dont' use the image list to do the drawing because cliping does not work
                    if (band.Items[index].ImageIndex != -1 && band.SmallImageList != null)
                        // Only if we have a valid image index
                        g.DrawImage(band.SmallImageList.Images[band.Items[index].ImageIndex], pt);

                    // Draw the label
                    Size labelSize = GetLabelSize(g, band, index);
                    pt.X = pt.X + smallImageSize.Width + X_SMALLICON_LABEL_OFFSET;
                    pt.Y = itemRect.Top + (itemRect.Height - labelSize.Height) / 2;
                    using (Brush b = new SolidBrush(textColor))
                        g.DrawString(band.Items[index].Text, Font, b, pt);
コード例 #5
ファイル: OutlookBar.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        public Rectangle GetItemRect(Graphics g, OutlookBarBand band, int index, Rectangle targetRect)
            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
            if ( targetRect != Rectangle.Empty ) rc = targetRect;
            Size itemSize = new Size(0,0);
            int top = rc.Top;
            int y = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < index; i++ )
                itemSize = GetItemSize(g, band, i, ItemSizeType.All);
                top += itemSize.Height;
                if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                    top += Y_SMALLICON_SPACING;
                    top += Y_LARGEICON_SPACING;
                if ( i == (firstItem - 1) )
                    // Subtract the hidden items height
                    y = top - rc.Top;

            itemSize = GetItemSize(g, band, index, ItemSizeType.All);
            int margin = SMALL_TOP_MARGIN;
            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Large )
                margin = LARGE_TOP_MARGIN;

            // Work with Windows Rect is easier to change settings
            RECT rcItem = new RECT();
            rcItem.left = rc.Left;
   = top;
            rcItem.right = rc.Left + itemSize.Width;
            rcItem.bottom = top + itemSize.Height;

            // Adjust rectangle
   -= y;
            rcItem.bottom -= y;
   += margin;
            rcItem.bottom += margin;

            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                rcItem.left  = rc.Left + LEFT_MARGIN;
                rcItem.right = rc.Right;

            // Construct final rectangle
            Rectangle actualRect = new Rectangle(rcItem.left,
      , rcItem.right - rcItem.left, rcItem.bottom -;

            return actualRect;
コード例 #6
		public bool Contains(OutlookBarBand band)
			return InnerList.Contains(band);
コード例 #7
ファイル: OutlookBar.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        Size GetItemSize(Graphics g, OutlookBarBand band, int itemIndex, ItemSizeType itemSizeType)
            Size iconSize = new Size(0,0);
            Size labelSize = new Size(0,0);

            if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Icon || itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.All )
                iconSize = GetIconSize(band);
                if (itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Icon)
                    return iconSize;

            if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Label || itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.All )
                labelSize = GetLabelSize(g, band, itemIndex);
                if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.Label )
                    return labelSize;

            if ( itemSizeType == ItemSizeType.All )
                if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small )
                    return new Size(iconSize.Width + labelSize.Width + X_SMALLICON_LABEL_OFFSET,
                        iconSize.Height > labelSize.Height?iconSize.Height:labelSize.Height);
                    return new Size(iconSize.Width>labelSize.Width?iconSize.Width:labelSize.Width, iconSize.Height +
                    labelSize.Height + Y_LARGEICON_LABEL_OFFSET + Y_LARGEICON_SPACING);

            return new Size(0,0);
コード例 #8
ファイル: OutlookBar.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        Size GetLabelSize(Graphics g, OutlookBarBand band, int itemIndex)
            Size textSize = new Size(0,0);
            if ( band.IconView == IconView.Large )
                // Calculate text rectangle including word breaks if needed
                Rectangle rect = GetViewPortRect();
                Rectangle textRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Width, rect.Top);

                // The TextUtil function is going to call GDI, but the Graphics object
                // is already being used by GDI+. Pass a null reference so that the TextUtil
                // function uses the Screen Device to calculate the text size
                if ( band.Items[itemIndex].Text != null )
                    textSize = TextUtil.GetTextSize(null, band.Items[itemIndex].Text,
                        Font, ref textRect, DrawTextFormatFlags.DT_CALCRECT |
                return textSize;
                // Same as above
                // Calculate text rectangle single line
                if ( band.Items[itemIndex].Text != null )
                    textSize = TextUtil.GetTextSize(null, band.Items[itemIndex].Text, Font);
                return textSize;
コード例 #9
ファイル: OutlookBar.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        void DrawItems(Graphics g, Rectangle targetRect, OutlookBarBand drawBand)
            // If we don't have any bands just return
            if ( bands.Count == 0 )	return;

            Rectangle rc = GetViewPortRect();
            OutlookBarBand band = bands[currentBandIndex];
            if ( drawBand != null ) band = drawBand;
            Debug.Assert(band != null);
            for ( int i = firstItem; i < band.Items.Count; i++ )
                Rectangle itemRect = GetItemRect(g, band, i, targetRect);
                if ( itemRect.Top > rc.Bottom )
                    DrawItem(g, i, itemRect, false, false, targetRect, drawBand);
コード例 #10
ファイル: OutlookBar.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
 Size GetIconSize(OutlookBarBand band)
     if ( band.IconView == IconView.Large && band.LargeImageList != null )
         return band.LargeImageList.ImageSize;
     else if ( band.IconView == IconView.Small && band.SmallImageList != null )
         return band.SmallImageList.ImageSize;
     return new Size(0,0);
コード例 #11
ファイル: OutlookBar.cs プロジェクト: sillsdev/CarlaLegacy
        void DrawBandBitmap(IntPtr hDC, OutlookBarBand band, int bandIndex, Rectangle drawingRect)
            // Don't do GDI+ calls since you cannot mix them with GDI calls
            if ( !HasChild(bandIndex))
                Color cb = band.Background;
                IntPtr brush = WindowsAPI.CreateSolidBrush(ColorUtil.RGB(cb.R, cb.G, cb.B));

                RECT rect;
                rect.left = drawingRect.Left;
       = drawingRect.Top;
                rect.right = drawingRect.Left + drawingRect.Width;
                rect.bottom = drawingRect.Top + drawingRect.Height;

                WindowsAPI.FillRect(hDC, ref rect, brush);

            if ( HasChild(bandIndex) )
                // Paint child control into memory device context
                Control child = bands[bandIndex].ChildControl;
                bool visible = child.Visible;
                child.Visible = true;

                // Change viewport if needed
                WindowsAPI.SendMessage( child.Handle,
                    (int)Msg.WM_ERASEBKGND, (int)hDC, 0);
                WindowsAPI.SendMessage( child.Handle,
                    (int)Msg.WM_PAINT, (int)hDC, 0);
                if ( !visible) child.Visible = false;
                DrawItems(Graphics.FromHdc(hDC), drawingRect, bands[bandIndex]);
コード例 #12
ファイル: SidebarAdapter.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		/// <summary>
		/// The OutlookBar calls this when one of its properties changes, specifically, a different band is opened.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="band"></param>
		/// <param name="property"></param>
		public void PropertyChanged(OutlookBarBand band, OutlookBarProperty property)
			if (property == OutlookBarProperty.CurrentBandChanged)
				//int index =m_bar.GetCurrentBand();
				//OutlookBarBand band = m_bar.Bands[index];
				ChoiceGroup group = (ChoiceGroup) band.Tag;
				Debug.Assert(group != null);
				group.OnDisplay(this, null);
コード例 #13
ファイル: SidebarAdapter.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		public void OnItemClicked(OutlookBarBand band, OutlookBarItem item)
			ChoiceBase control = (ChoiceBase)item.Tag;
			control.OnClick(item, null);
コード例 #14
ファイル: SidebarAdapter.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		public void TabOpened(OutlookBarBand band, OutlookBarItem item)
コード例 #15
ファイル: SidebarAdapter.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		protected void MakeButton(OutlookBarBand band , ChoiceBase control)
			UIItemDisplayProperties display = control.GetDisplayProperties();
			display.Text = display.Text.Replace("_", "");
			OutlookBarItem button;
			//			if(m_images!=null && m_images.ImageList.Images.Count>0)
			//			{
			//				button = new OutlookBarItem(display.Text,0,control);
			//			}
			//			else		//no images have been supplied to us!
			button = new OutlookBarItem();
			button.Tag = control;
			control.ReferenceWidget = button;

			if(band.IconView == SidebarLibrary.WinControls.IconView.Large)
					button.ImageIndex = m_largeImages.GetImageIndex(display.ImageLabel);
					button.ImageIndex = m_smallImages.GetImageIndex(display.ImageLabel);

			button.Selected = display.Checked;
			button.Text = display.Text;
//			if(display.Checked)
//				button.Text = button.Text + " (X)";

				button.Text = button.Text + " NA";

			//note that this sidebar library we are using does not provide click events on individual items.
			//So we cannot wire them up here.
			band.Items.Add (button);
コード例 #16
ファイル: SidebarAdapter.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		private void MakeTree(ChoiceGroupCollection groupCollection, string label, out OutlookBarBand band)
			TreeView tree = new TreeView();
			tree.AfterSelect += new TreeViewEventHandler(OnTreeNodeSelected);
			band = new OutlookBarBand(label, tree);
コード例 #17
ファイル: SidebarAdapter.cs プロジェクト: bbriggs/FieldWorks
		public void CreateUIForChoiceGroupCollection(ChoiceGroupCollection groupCollection)
			foreach(ChoiceGroup group in groupCollection)
				// make band
				string label = group.Label;
				label = label.Replace("_", "");
				OutlookBarBand band;
				if (group.HasSubGroups())
					MakeTree(groupCollection, label, out band);
					band = new OutlookBarBand(label);

				group.ReferenceWidget = band;

				//				band.GotFocus += new System.EventHandler(group.OnDisplay);

				band.SmallImageList =  m_smallImages.ImageList;
				band.LargeImageList =  m_largeImages.ImageList;

				object s = m_mediator.PropertyTable.GetValue("SidebarSize");
				if (s ==null || (string)s=="small")
					band.IconView= SidebarLibrary.WinControls.IconView.Small;
					band.IconView= SidebarLibrary.WinControls.IconView.Large;

				band.Background = SystemColors.AppWorkspace;
				band.TextColor = Color.White;
				//note that I had to fix the outlook bar code I downloaded to make this work.
				//so if we download a new one and it stops working, go fix it again.
				band.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12);
