internal ImbueEffectPreset Internal_ApplyTemplate() { if (this.NewStatusID == -1) { this.NewStatusID = this.TargetStatusID; } var preset = CustomStatusEffects.CreateCustomImbue(this); SLPackManager.AddLateApplyListener(OnLateApply, preset); CustomStatusEffects.SetImbueLocalization(preset, Name, Description); // check for custom icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SLPackName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SubfolderName) && SL.GetSLPack(SLPackName) is SLPack pack) { var dir = $@"{pack.GetPathForCategory<StatusCategory>()}\{SubfolderName}"; if (pack.FileExists(dir, "icon.png")) { var tex = pack.LoadTexture2D(dir, "icon.png"); var sprite = CustomTextures.CreateSprite(tex, CustomTextures.SpriteBorderTypes.NONE); preset.ImbueStatusIcon = sprite; } } return(preset); }
public override void ApplyToItem(Item item) { base.ApplyToItem(item); var comp = item as LevelAttackSkill; if (this.WatchedStatusIdentifier != null) { var status = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetStatusEffectPrefab(this.WatchedStatusIdentifier); if (status) { comp.WatchedStatus = status; } else { SL.LogWarning("SL_LevelAttackSkill: could not find a status by the name of '" + this.WatchedStatusIdentifier + "'"); } } var stages = At.GetField(comp, "m_skillStages") as LevelAttackSkill.SkillStage[]; int newMax = this.Stages?.Length ?? stages.Length; if (this.Stages != null) { if (stages.Length != newMax) { Array.Resize(ref stages, newMax); } for (int i = 0; i < stages.Length; i++) { var stage = stages[i]; stage.StageDefaultName = Stages[i].Name; stage.StageLocKey = null; stage.StageAnim = Stages[i].Animation; if (!stage.StageIcon) { stage.StageIcon = comp.ItemIcon; } } } // check for custom level icons if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SLPackName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SubfolderName) && SL.GetSLPack(SLPackName) is SLPack pack) { var dir = $@"{pack.GetPathForCategory<ItemCategory>()}\{SubfolderName}\Textures"; for (int i = 0; i < newMax; i++) { //var path = dir + $@"\icon{i + 2}.png"; if (pack.FileExists(dir, $@"icon{i + 2}.png")) { var tex = pack.LoadTexture2D(dir, $@"icon{i + 2}.png"); var sprite = CustomTextures.CreateSprite(tex, CustomTextures.SpriteBorderTypes.NONE); stages[i].StageIcon = sprite; } } } At.SetField(comp, "m_skillStages", stages); }
private SkillSchool CreateSchool(bool applyRowsInstantly = false) { var template = (Resources.Load("_characters/CharacterProgression") as GameObject).transform.Find("Test"); // instantiate a copy of the dev template m_object = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(template).gameObject; var school = m_object.GetComponent <SkillSchool>(); // set the name to the gameobject and the skill tree name/uid = this.Name; At.SetField(school, "m_defaultName", this.Name); At.SetField(school, "m_nameLocKey", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.UID)) { this.UID = this.Name; } At.SetField(school, "m_uid", new UID(this.UID)); // TODO set currency and icon // fix the breakthrough int At.SetField(school, "m_breakthroughSkillIndex", -1); // set the sprite if (this.Sigil) { school.SchoolSigil = this.Sigil; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SigilIconName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SLPackName)) { var pack = SL.GetSLPack(this.SLPackName); if (pack != null) { if (pack.Texture2D.TryGetValue(this.SigilIconName, out Texture2D sigilTex)) { var sprite = CustomTextures.CreateSprite(sigilTex); school.SchoolSigil = sprite; } else { SL.LogWarning("Applying an SL_SkillTree, could not find any loaded Texture by the name of '" + this.SigilIconName + "'"); } } else { SL.LogWarning("Applying an SL_SkillSchool, could not find any loaded SLPack with the name '" + this.SLPackName + "'"); } } // add it to the game's skill tree holder. var list = (At.GetField(SkillTreeHolder.Instance, "m_skillTrees") as SkillSchool[]).ToList(); list.Add(school); At.SetField(SkillTreeHolder.Instance, "m_skillTrees", list.ToArray()); if (applyRowsInstantly) { ApplyRows(); } return(school); }
internal virtual void Internal_ApplyTemplate(StatusEffect status) { SL.Log("Applying Status Effect template: " + Name ??; SLPackManager.AddLateApplyListener(OnLateApply, status); CustomStatusEffects.SetStatusLocalization(status, Name, Description); if (status.StatusData == null) { status.StatusData = new StatusData(); } if (Lifespan != null) { status.StatusData.LifeSpan = (float)Lifespan; } if (RefreshRate != null) { status.RefreshRate = (float)RefreshRate; } if (this.Priority != null) { At.SetField(status, "m_priority", (int)this.Priority); } if (this.Purgeable != null) { At.SetField(status, "m_purgeable", (bool)this.Purgeable); } if (this.DelayedDestroyTime != null) { status.DelayedDestroyTime = (int)this.DelayedDestroyTime; } if (BuildupRecoverySpeed != null) { status.BuildUpRecoverSpeed = (float)BuildupRecoverySpeed; } if (IgnoreBuildupIfApplied != null) { status.IgnoreBuildUpIfApplied = (bool)IgnoreBuildupIfApplied; } if (DisplayedInHUD != null) { status.DisplayInHud = (bool)DisplayedInHUD; } if (IsHidden != null) { status.IsHidden = (bool)IsHidden; } if (IsMalusEffect != null) { status.IsMalusEffect = (bool)this.IsMalusEffect; } if (this.ActionOnHit != null) { At.SetField(status, "m_actionOnHit", (StatusEffect.ActionsOnHit) this.ActionOnHit); } if (this.RemoveRequiredStatus != null) { status.RemoveRequiredStatus = (bool)this.RemoveRequiredStatus; } if (this.NormalizeDamageDisplay != null) { status.NormalizeDamageDisplay = (bool)this.NormalizeDamageDisplay; } if (this.IgnoreBarrier != null) { status.IgnoreBarrier = (bool)this.IgnoreBarrier; } if (this.StatusIdentifier != this.TargetStatusIdentifier) { At.SetField(status, "m_effectType", new TagSourceSelector(Tag.None)); } if (Tags != null) { var tagSource = CustomTags.SetTagSource(status.gameObject, Tags, true); At.SetField(status, "m_tagSource", tagSource); } else if (!status.GetComponent <TagSource>()) { var tagSource = status.gameObject.AddComponent <TagSource>(); At.SetField(status, "m_tagSource", tagSource); } if (this.PlayFXOnActivation != null) { status.PlayFXOnActivation = (bool)this.PlayFXOnActivation; } if (this.VFXInstantiationType != null) { status.FxInstantiation = (StatusEffect.FXInstantiationTypes) this.VFXInstantiationType; } if (this.VFXPrefab != null) { if (this.VFXPrefab == SL_PlayVFX.VFXPrefabs.NONE) { status.FXPrefab = null; } else { var clone = GameObject.Instantiate(SL_PlayVFX.GetVfxSystem((SL_PlayVFX.VFXPrefabs) this.VFXPrefab)); GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(clone); status.FXPrefab = clone.transform; } } if (this.FXOffset != null) { status.FxOffset = (Vector3)this.FXOffset; } if (this.PlaySpecialFXOnStop != null) { status.PlaySpecialFXOnStop = (bool)this.PlaySpecialFXOnStop; } // setup family if (this.FamilyMode == null && this.StatusIdentifier != this.TargetStatusIdentifier) { // Creating a new status, but no unique bind family was declared. Create one. var family = new StatusEffectFamily { Name = this.StatusIdentifier + "_FAMILY", LengthType = StatusEffectFamily.LengthTypes.Short, MaxStackCount = 1, StackBehavior = StatusEffectFamily.StackBehaviors.IndependantUnique }; At.SetField(status, "m_bindFamily", family); At.SetField(status, "m_familyMode", StatusEffect.FamilyModes.Bind); } if (this.FamilyMode == StatusEffect.FamilyModes.Bind) { At.SetField(status, "m_familyMode", StatusEffect.FamilyModes.Bind); if (this.BindFamily != null) { At.SetField(status, "m_bindFamily", this.BindFamily.CreateAsBindFamily()); } } else if (this.FamilyMode == StatusEffect.FamilyModes.Reference) { At.SetField(status, "m_familyMode", StatusEffect.FamilyModes.Reference); if (this.ReferenceFamilyUID != null) { At.SetField(status, "m_stackingFamily", new StatusEffectFamilySelector() { SelectorValue = this.ReferenceFamilyUID }); } } // check for custom icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SerializedSLPackName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SerializedSubfolderName) && SL.GetSLPack(SerializedSLPackName) is SLPack pack) { var dir = $@"{pack.GetPathForCategory<StatusCategory>()}\{SerializedSubfolderName}"; if (pack.FileExists(dir, "icon.png")) { var tex = pack.LoadTexture2D(dir, "icon.png"); var sprite = CustomTextures.CreateSprite(tex, CustomTextures.SpriteBorderTypes.NONE); status.OverrideIcon = sprite; At.SetField(status, "m_defaultStatusIcon", new StatusTypeIcon(Tag.None) { Icon = sprite }); } } }
/// <summary> /// Apply the SL_ItemVisual prefab to the Item. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The Item to set to.</param> public void ApplyToItem(Item item) { if (CustomItemVisuals.GetOrigItemVisuals(item, Type) is Transform origPrefab) { bool setPrefab = false; // Check for AssetBundle Prefabs first if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Prefab_SLPack) && SL.GetSLPack(Prefab_SLPack) is SLPack pack) { if (pack.AssetBundles.ContainsKey(Prefab_AssetBundle)) { var newVisuals = pack.AssetBundles[Prefab_AssetBundle].LoadAsset <GameObject>(Prefab_Name); origPrefab = SetCustomVisualPrefab(item, this.Type, newVisuals.transform, origPrefab).transform; SL.Log("Loaded custom visual prefab: " +; setPrefab = true; } } // Not using AssetBundle, check for ResourcesPrefabPath. else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResourcesPrefabPath)) { // Only set this if the user has defined a different value than what exists on the item. bool set = false; switch (Type) { case VisualPrefabType.VisualPrefab: set = item.VisualPrefabPath == ResourcesPrefabPath; break; case VisualPrefabType.SpecialVisualPrefabDefault: set = item.SpecialVisualPrefabDefaultPath == ResourcesPrefabPath; break; case VisualPrefabType.SpecialVisualPrefabFemale: set = item.SpecialVisualPrefabFemalePath == ResourcesPrefabPath; break; } if (!set) { // Get the original visual prefab to clone from var orig = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemVisualPrefab(ResourcesPrefabPath); if (!orig) { SL.Log("SL_ItemVisual: Could not find an Item Visual at the Resources path: " + ResourcesPrefabPath); } else { CustomItemVisuals.CloneAndSetVisuals(item, orig.gameObject, Type); switch (Type) { case VisualPrefabType.VisualPrefab: At.SetField(item, "m_visualPrefabPath", ResourcesPrefabPath); break; case VisualPrefabType.SpecialVisualPrefabDefault: At.SetField(item, "m_specialVisualPrefabDefaultPath", ResourcesPrefabPath); break; case VisualPrefabType.SpecialVisualPrefabFemale: At.SetField(item, "m_specialVisualPrefabFemalePath", ResourcesPrefabPath); break; } setPrefab = true; } } } // If we didn't change the Visual Prefab in any way, clone the original to avoid conflicts. if (!setPrefab) { origPrefab = CustomItemVisuals.CloneVisualPrefab(item, Type).transform; } // Get the actual visuals (for weapons and a lot of items, this is not the base prefab). Transform actualVisuals = origPrefab.transform; if (this.Type == VisualPrefabType.VisualPrefab) { if (origPrefab.childCount > 0) { foreach (Transform child in origPrefab) { if (child.gameObject.activeSelf && child.GetComponent <BoxCollider>() && child.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>()) { actualVisuals = child; break; } } } } if (actualVisuals) { var visualComp = origPrefab.GetComponent <ItemVisual>(); ApplyItemVisualSettings(visualComp, actualVisuals); } } }
private void OnLateApply(object[] obj) { var comp = obj[0] as LevelStatusEffect; int origMax = (int)At.GetField(comp, "m_maxLevel"); int newMax = MaxLevel ?? origMax; At.SetField(comp, "m_maxLevel", newMax); Sprite[] origIcons = new Sprite[origMax - 1]; // prepare the level data array and get current icons if (comp.StatusLevelData == null) { comp.StatusLevelData = new LevelStatusEffect.LevelData[newMax - 1]; } else if (comp.StatusLevelData.Length > 0) { comp.StatusLevelData = comp.StatusLevelData.OrderBy(it => it.LevelIndex).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < origMax - 1; i++) { origIcons[i] = comp.StatusLevelData[i].Icon; } } if (origMax != newMax) { Array.Resize(ref comp.StatusLevelData, newMax - 1); } // set the level datas for (int i = 0; i < newMax - 1; i++) { if (comp.StatusLevelData[i] == null) { comp.StatusLevelData[i] = new LevelStatusEffect.LevelData(); } var level = comp.StatusLevelData[i]; level.LevelIndex = i; level.StatusData = new StatusData(comp.StatusData) { EffectsData = GenerateEffectsData(comp.StatusEffectSignature.Effects, i + 2) }; } // check for custom level icons if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SerializedSLPackName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SerializedSubfolderName) && SL.GetSLPack(SerializedSLPackName) is SLPack pack) { var dir = $@"{pack.GetPathForCategory<StatusCategory>()}\{SerializedSubfolderName}"; for (int i = 0; i < newMax - 1; i++) { if (pack.FileExists(dir, $@"icon{i + 2}.png")) { var tex = pack.LoadTexture2D(dir, $@"icon{i + 2}.png"); var sprite = CustomTextures.CreateSprite(tex, CustomTextures.SpriteBorderTypes.NONE); //list.Add(sprite); comp.StatusLevelData[i].Icon = sprite; } } } // ensure all levels at least have some icon for (int i = 0; i < newMax - 1; i++) { if (!comp.StatusLevelData[i].Icon) { comp.StatusLevelData[i].Icon = comp.StatusIcon; } } }