コード例 #1
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: sidby/sklad
        private string CreateRelatedDocument(SkladDataContext datacontextModel, int documentId, string selectedRowsIds)
            Document parentDoc = datacontextModel.Documents.Include("Products").Where(x => x.DocumentId == documentId)

            if(parentDoc == null)
                return Constants.ErrorUrl;

            // TODO: split selectedRowsIds to array of int. Transfer to a new document only items with specified ids.

            int newDocumentTypeId = 0;
            if(parentDoc.DocumentTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.CustomerOrders)
                newDocumentTypeId = (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Shipment;

            if(parentDoc.DocumentTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Shipment)
                newDocumentTypeId = (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Refunds;
            if(newDocumentTypeId == 0)
                return Constants.ErrorUrl;

            DocumentOperation operation = new DocumentOperation();

            string secureFolderName = GenerateFolderName(String.Empty);
            string commonFolderName = GenerateFolderName(secureFolderName);

            Document newDocument = new Document
                Number = parentDoc.Number + "-"
                        + operation.GetDocumentNumber(datacontextModel, DateTime.Now.Year,newDocumentTypeId).ToString(),
                CreatedOf = parentDoc.CreatedOf,
                ContractorId = parentDoc.ContractorId,
                EmployeeId = parentDoc.EmployeeId,
                CreatedAt = DateTime.Now,
                FromWarehouseId = parentDoc.FromWarehouseId,
                ToWarehouseId = parentDoc.ToWarehouseId,
                DocumentTypeId = newDocumentTypeId,
                ParentDocumentId = parentDoc.DocumentId,
                SecureFolderName = secureFolderName,
                CommonFolderName = commonFolderName,
                IsReportOutdated = true,



            newDocument = datacontextModel.Documents.Where(x => x.ParentDocumentId == parentDoc.DocumentId &&
                  x.DocumentTypeId == newDocumentTypeId
                  && x.Number == newDocument.Number
                  && x.CreatedAt.Year == newDocument.CreatedAt.Year
                  && x.CreatedAt.Month == newDocument.CreatedAt.Month
                  && x.CreatedAt.Day == newDocument.CreatedAt.Day


            //Clone list
            newDocument.Products = new List<ProductLine>();
                //parentDoc.Products.Where(x => x.Shipped < x.Quantity)
                //.Select(c => { c.DocumentId = newDocument.DocumentId; c.Document = null;
                //c.Product = null;
                //    return c; }).ToList()
            List<ProductLine> productsToCopy = null;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedRowsIds))
                string[] idsStr = selectedRowsIds.Split(',');
                idsStr = idsStr.Where(x => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
                int[] ids = Array.ConvertAll<string, int>(idsStr, int.Parse);
                productsToCopy = parentDoc.Products.Where(x => x.Shipped < x.Quantity
                    && ids.Contains(x.ProductLineId))
                productsToCopy = parentDoc.Products.Where(x => x.Shipped < x.Quantity)

             * string values = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10";
            string[] tokens = values.Split(',');

            int[] convertedItems = Array.ConvertAll<string, int>(tokens, int.Parse);

             int[] ids = // populate ids
            var query = from e in db.SomeTable
            where ids.Contains(e.SuchID)
            select e

            foreach (var product in productsToCopy)
                newDocument.Products.Add(new ProductLine
                    DocumentId = newDocument.DocumentId,
                    ProductId = product.ProductId,
                    SupplierId = product.SupplierId,
                    ProductArticle = product.ProductArticle,
                    SupplierCode = product.SupplierCode,
                    Quantity = product.Quantity,
                    Discount = product.Discount,
                    Reserve = product.Reserve,
                    Shipped = product.Shipped,
                    Available = product.Available,
                    PurchasePrice = product.PurchasePrice,
                    SalePrice = product.SalePrice,
                    MarginAbs = product.MarginAbs,
                    Sum = product.Sum,
                    SaleSum = product.SaleSum,
                    VAT = product.VAT,
                    IsPriceIncludesVAT = product.IsPriceIncludesVAT,
                    Comment = product.Comment


            return "/Home/Document?documentId=" + newDocument.DocumentId;
            // Cre

                   case (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.CustomerOrders:
                    return "/Sale/CustomerOrders";
                case (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Shipment:
                    return "/Sale/Shipment";
コード例 #2
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: sidby/sklad
          "docContractorId": $("#ContractorDocId").val(),
                        "docEmployeeId": $("#DocumentItem_Employee_UserId").val(),
                        "docPlanDate": $("#planDateDatepicker").datepicker("getDate").toJSONLocal(),
        public string SaveDocument(int documentId, string docNumber,
            DateTime docCreatedOf, string docComment,
            bool docIsComitted, int? docContractorId, int? docEmployeeId,
            DateTime? docPlanDate, bool createRelatedDoc, string selectedRowsIds
            if (documentId <= 0)
                return Constants.ErrorUrl;

            var datacontextModel = new SkladDataContext();

            var document = datacontextModel.Documents.Include("Products").Where(x => x.DocumentId == documentId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (document == null)
                return Constants.ErrorUrl;

            if (document.DocumentTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Posting
                || document.DocumentTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Cancellation)
                docContractorId = null;
                docEmployeeId = null;
                docPlanDate = null;

            if (document.DocumentTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.CustomerOrders
                || document.DocumentTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Refunds
                || document.DocumentTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.DocumentTypeEnum.Shipment)
                if(docContractorId == null || docEmployeeId == null)
                    return Constants.ErrorUrl;

                document.Number = docNumber;

            document.CreatedOf = docCreatedOf;
            document.Comment = docComment;
            document.ContractorId = docContractorId;
            document.EmployeeId = docEmployeeId;
            document.PlannedDate = docPlanDate;
            document.IsReportOutdated = true;

            // calculate sum
            document.Sum = datacontextModel.ProductLines
                .Where(x => x.DocumentId == document.DocumentId).Sum(x => x.Sum);

            document.SaleSum = datacontextModel.ProductLines
                .Where(x => x.DocumentId == document.DocumentId).Sum(x => x.SaleSum);

            DocumentOperation docOperation = new DocumentOperation();
            docOperation.UpdateDocument(datacontextModel, document.DocumentId);

            if (createRelatedDoc)
                docIsComitted = true;

            document.IsCommitted = docIsComitted;


            // TODO: if there was ParentDocumentId than check all productLines
            // and update Shipped.
            if (document.ParentDocumentId != null)
                // get parent document
                var parentDoc = datacontextModel.Documents.Include("Products").Where(x => x.DocumentId == document.ParentDocumentId)
                if (parentDoc != null)
                    // TODO: Check all ProductLines that were shipped
                    if (parentDoc.Products != null)
                        foreach (var product in parentDoc.Products)
                            int? shipped = 0;
                            shipped = datacontextModel.ProductLines
                                .Where(x => x.ProductId == product.ProductId &&
                                    x.DocumentId == documentId)
                                .Select(x => x.Quantity).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (shipped != null)
                                product.Shipped = (int)shipped;


            if (document.Products != null)

            if (createRelatedDoc)
                return CreateRelatedDocument(datacontextModel, documentId, selectedRowsIds);

            return DocumentOperation.UrlToDocumentList(document.DocumentTypeId);
コード例 #3
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: sidby/sklad
        public int AddNewProductLine(int? documentId, int doctypeId, string docNumber,
            DateTime docCreatedOf, string docComment,
            int supplierId,
            string article,
            decimal purchaseprice, decimal marginabs, decimal discount, int quantity, int quantityW, string comment)
            if (supplierId <= 0 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(article) || purchaseprice < 0
                || doctypeId <= 0
                return -1;

            var datacontextModel = new SkladDataContext();
            // check for valid supplier
            var supplier = datacontextModel.Contractors.Where(x => x.ContractorId == supplierId &&
                x.ContractorTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.ContractorTypeEnum.Factory).FirstOrDefault();

            if (supplier == null)
                return -1;

            article = article.Trim().Replace(" ","").ToLower();
            comment = comment.Trim();
            // get product
            Product product = GetOrCreateProduct(datacontextModel, supplierId, purchaseprice, marginabs, article, comment);

            // Add DocumentId if null
            Document document = null;

            if (documentId == null || documentId <= 0)
                DocumentOperation docOp = new DocumentOperation();

                docNumber = String.IsNullOrEmpty(docNumber) ?
                    docOp.GetDocumentNumber(datacontextModel, DateTime.Now.Year, doctypeId).ToString()
                    : docNumber.Trim().Replace(" ", "");

                string secureFolderName = GenerateFolderName(String.Empty);
                string commonFolderName = GenerateFolderName(secureFolderName);
                // Create new document
                document = new Document
                    DocumentTypeId = doctypeId,
                    CreatedOf = docCreatedOf,
                    Comment = docComment,
                    CreatedAt = DateTime.Now,
                    Number = docNumber,
                    IsCommitted = false,
                    SecureFolderName = secureFolderName,
                    CommonFolderName = commonFolderName,
                    IsReportOutdated = true,

                document = datacontextModel.Documents.Where(x => x.Number == docNumber &&
                    x.DocumentTypeId == doctypeId
                    && x.CreatedAt.Year == document.CreatedAt.Year
                    && x.CreatedAt.Month == document.CreatedAt.Month
                    && x.CreatedAt.Day == document.CreatedAt.Day
                    && x.CreatedAt.Hour == document.CreatedAt.Hour
                    && x.CreatedAt.Minute == document.CreatedAt.Minute).FirstOrDefault();
                document = datacontextModel.Documents.Where(x => x.DocumentId == documentId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (document == null)
                logger.ErrorFormat("Ошибка создания документа № {0} от {1}", docNumber, docCreatedOf);
                return -1;

            document.IsReportOutdated = true;

            // Check if this productline already exists in document. if so, just
            // change it value
            ProductLine line = datacontextModel.ProductLines.Where(x => x.ProductId == product.ProductId &&
                 x.DocumentId == document.DocumentId).FirstOrDefault();

            string productComment = comment;
              //  int productQuantity = quantity;
            if (quantityW > 0)
                productComment += "со склада [" + quantityW + "] ед. ";

            if (line == null)
                // Attach productLine to document
                line = new ProductLine
                    ProductArticle = article,
                    SupplierCode = supplier.Code,
                    SupplierId = supplier.ContractorId,
                    Quantity = quantity + quantityW,
                    PurchasePrice = purchaseprice,
                    SalePrice = purchaseprice + marginabs,
                    MarginAbs = marginabs,
                    Discount = discount,
                    Comment = productComment,
                    ProductId = product.ProductId,
                    DocumentId = document.DocumentId,
                    Sum = (quantity + quantityW) * purchaseprice,
                    SaleSum = (quantity + quantityW) * (purchaseprice + marginabs)

                if (document.Products == null)
                    document.Products = new List<ProductLine>();

                line.ProductArticle = article;
                line.SupplierCode = supplier.Code;
                line.SupplierId = supplier.ContractorId;
                line.Quantity = quantity + quantityW;
                line.PurchasePrice = purchaseprice;
                line.MarginAbs = marginabs;
                line.Discount = discount;
                line.SalePrice = purchaseprice + marginabs;
                line.Comment = productComment;
                line.ProductId = product.ProductId;
                line.Sum = (quantity + quantityW) * purchaseprice;
                line.SaleSum = (quantity + quantityW) * (purchaseprice + marginabs);

            // обновить документы оприходования где имеется этот товар
            RemoveProductFromPostingDocument(datacontextModel, product.ProductId, quantityW);


            return document.DocumentId;
コード例 #4
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: sidby/sklad
        public ActionResult DocumentItemEditRows(Document editedItem)
            // Get the grid and database models
            var gridModel = new SkladJqGridModel();
            var datacontextModel = new SkladDataContext();

            // If we are in "Edit" mode
            if (gridModel.DocumentGrid.AjaxCallBackMode == AjaxCallBackMode.EditRow)
                return RedirectToAction("Document", new { documentId = editedItem.DocumentId });

            if (gridModel.DocumentGrid.AjaxCallBackMode == AjaxCallBackMode.DeleteRow)
                Document item = (from x in datacontextModel.Documents
                                    where x.DocumentId == editedItem.DocumentId
                                    select x)

                DocumentOperation operation = new DocumentOperation();
                operation.DeleteDocument(datacontextModel, item);


                logger.InfoFormat("удален документ {0} от {1}", editedItem.Number, editedItem.CreatedOf);

            return RedirectToDocumentList(editedItem.DocumentTypeId);
コード例 #5
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: sidby/sklad
        public ActionResult Document(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files, int? documentId,
            int doctypeId)
            int? contractorId =null;

            string contractorIdStr = Request.Params["contractorId"].ToString();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contractorIdStr))
                int contractorIdInt = 0;
                Int32.TryParse(contractorIdStr, out contractorIdInt);
                if (contractorIdInt <= 0)
                    return Json(new { message = "Сначала выберите контрагента!", documentId = -1 });
                contractorId = contractorIdInt;

            string docNumber = Request.Params["docNumber"];
            DateTime docCreatedOf = DateTime.Now;

            if(Request.Params["docCreatedOf"] != null)
                docCreatedOf = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Params["docCreatedOf"].ToString());

            foreach (var file in files)
                if (file.ContentLength > 0)
                    //Stream uploadFileStream = file.InputStream;

                    // If the file uploaded is "XLSX", convert it's Sheet1 to a NPOI document
                    if (file.FileName.EndsWith("xlsx"))
                        //logger.InfoFormat("Загружается файл:{0}", file.FileName);

                        string extension = ".xlsx";
                        string uploadsPath = Server.MapPath("~/uploads");
                        var filename = Path.Combine(uploadsPath, Session.LCID.ToString() + extension);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(uploadsPath))

                        //logger.InfoFormat("Загружен файл:{0}", filename);

                        var products = ExcelHelper.GetProductsData(filename, extension, "ProductLine-Template");

                        if (products != null)
                            // TODO: dublicated code. Merge with code in AddNewProductLine() method
                            var datacontextModel = new SkladDataContext();

                            // Add DocumentId if null
                            Document document = null;

                            if (documentId == null || documentId <= 0)
                                DocumentOperation docOp = new DocumentOperation();

                                docNumber = String.IsNullOrEmpty(docNumber) ?
                                    docOp.GetDocumentNumber(datacontextModel, DateTime.Now.Year, doctypeId).ToString()
                                    : docNumber.Trim().Replace(" ", "");

                                string secureFolderName = GenerateFolderName(String.Empty);
                                string commonFolderName = GenerateFolderName(secureFolderName);
                                // Create new document
                                document = new Document
                                    DocumentTypeId = doctypeId,
                                    CreatedOf = docCreatedOf,
                                    Comment = String.Empty,
                                    CreatedAt = DateTime.Now,
                                    Number = docNumber,
                                    IsCommitted = false,
                                    SecureFolderName = secureFolderName,
                                    CommonFolderName = commonFolderName,
                                    IsReportOutdated = true,

                                document = datacontextModel.Documents.Where(x => x.Number == docNumber &&
                                    x.DocumentTypeId == doctypeId
                                    && x.CreatedAt.Year == document.CreatedAt.Year
                                    && x.CreatedAt.Month == document.CreatedAt.Month
                                    && x.CreatedAt.Day == document.CreatedAt.Day
                                    && x.CreatedAt.Hour == document.CreatedAt.Hour
                                    && x.CreatedAt.Minute == document.CreatedAt.Minute).FirstOrDefault();
                                document = datacontextModel.Documents.Where(x => x.DocumentId == documentId).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (document == null)
                                return Json(new { message = String.Format("Не найден документ {0}!", documentId), documentId = -1 });

                            var contractor = datacontextModel.Contractors.Where(x => x.ContractorId == contractorId).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (contractor == null)
                                return Json(new { message = String.Format("Не найден контрагент {0}!", contractorId), documentId = -1 });

                            foreach (var productLine in products)
                                string article = productLine.ProductArticle.Trim().ToLower().Replace(" ", "");

                                var supplier = datacontextModel.Contractors.Where(x => x.Code == productLine.SupplierCode.Trim() &&
                                        x.ContractorTypeId == (int)EntityEnum.ContractorTypeEnum.Factory).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (supplier == null)
                                    return Json(new { message = String.Format("Фабрика {0} не найдена!", productLine.SupplierCode.Trim()), documentId = -1 });

                                decimal marginAbs = 0;

                                if (productLine.MarginAbs > 0)
                                    marginAbs = productLine.MarginAbs;
                                else if (productLine.SalePrice > 0)
                                    marginAbs = Math.Abs(productLine.SalePrice - productLine.PurchasePrice);

                                    if (marginAbs == 0)
                                        marginAbs = contractor.MarginAbs;
                                    marginAbs = contractor.MarginAbs;

                                Product product = GetOrCreateProduct(datacontextModel,
                                    article, String.Empty);

                                // Check if this productline already exists in document. if so, just
                                // change it value
                                ProductLine line = datacontextModel.ProductLines.Where(x => x.ProductId == product.ProductId &&
                                    x.DocumentId == document.DocumentId).FirstOrDefault();

                                string comment = productLine.Comment;
                                if (comment != null)
                                    comment = comment.Trim();

                                if (line == null)
                                    // Attach productLine to document
                                    line = new ProductLine
                                        ProductArticle = article,
                                        SupplierCode = supplier.Code,
                                        SupplierId = supplier.ContractorId,
                                        Quantity = productLine.Quantity,
                                        PurchasePrice = productLine.PurchasePrice,
                                        SalePrice = productLine.PurchasePrice + marginAbs,
                                        MarginAbs = marginAbs,
                                        Discount = productLine.Discount,
                                        Comment = comment,
                                        ProductId = product.ProductId,
                                        DocumentId = document.DocumentId,
                                        Sum = productLine.Quantity * productLine.PurchasePrice,
                                        SaleSum = productLine.Quantity * (productLine.PurchasePrice + marginAbs)

                                    if (document.Products == null)
                                        document.Products = new List<ProductLine>();

                                    line.ProductArticle = article;
                                    line.SupplierCode = supplier.Code;
                                    line.SupplierId = supplier.ContractorId;
                                    line.Quantity = productLine.Quantity;
                                    line.PurchasePrice = productLine.PurchasePrice;
                                    line.SalePrice = productLine.PurchasePrice + marginAbs;
                                    line.MarginAbs = marginAbs;
                                    line.Comment = comment;
                                    line.Discount = productLine.Discount;
                                    line.ProductId = product.ProductId;
                                    line.Sum = productLine.Quantity * productLine.PurchasePrice;
                                    line.SaleSum = productLine.Quantity * (productLine.PurchasePrice + marginAbs);
                                document.IsReportOutdated = true;

                            document.IsReportOutdated = true;

                            return Json(new { message = "Документ успешно обновлен/добавлен", documentId = document.DocumentId });
                        return Json(new { message = "Вы можете загружать только файлы Excel 2007-2010!", documentId = -1 });
            return Json(new { message = "Возникла критическая ошибка!", documentId = -1 });