コード例 #1
ファイル: AlphaBeta2.cs プロジェクト: RAWhitf18/Shutranj
        // a depth limited quiescence to prevent this from going on and on...
        private static int Quiescence_Limited(Board board, sbyte side, int alpha, int beta, int depthLeft)
            int standingPat = Evaluation2.EvaluateFromPerspectiveOf(board, side);

            if (depthLeft == 0)
                return standingPat;

            if (standingPat >= beta)
                return beta;

            if (alpha < standingPat)
                alpha = standingPat;

            sbyte oppositeSide = (sbyte)(-1 * side);

            int movesCount;

            UInt16[] moves = board.GenerateCaptureMoves(out movesCount);
            int score;
            BoardState state;
            for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; i++)
                state = board.GetBoardState();
                if (!board.MakeMove(moves[i]))
                score = -Quiescence_Limited(board, oppositeSide, -beta, -alpha, depthLeft - 1);

                if (score >= beta)
                    return beta;
                if (score > alpha)
                    alpha = score;
            return alpha;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AlphaBeta2.cs プロジェクト: RAWhitf18/Shutranj
        private static int Quiescence(Board board, sbyte side, int alpha, int beta)
            // from: http://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/Quiescence+Search
            int standingPat = Evaluation2.EvaluateFromPerspectiveOf(board, side);

            if (standingPat >= beta)
                return beta;

            if (alpha < standingPat)
                alpha = standingPat;

            sbyte oppositeSide = (sbyte)(-1 * side);

            int movesCount;

            UInt16[] moves = board.GenerateCaptureMoves(out movesCount);
            int score;
            BoardState state;
            for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; i++)
                state = board.GetBoardState();
                if (!board.MakeMove(moves[i]))
                score = -Quiescence(board, oppositeSide, -beta, -alpha);

                if (score >= beta)
                    return beta;
                if (score > alpha)
                    alpha = score;
            return alpha;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AlphaBeta2.cs プロジェクト: RAWhitf18/Shutranj
        public static Tuple<UInt16, int> RootAlphaBetaTTParallel(Board board, sbyte side, int depth, 
            int alpha = Constants.NegativeInfinity, int beta = Constants.PositiveInfinity)
            int movesCount;
            UInt16[] moves = board.GenerateMoves(out movesCount);

            UInt16 bestMove = moves[0];
            int maxScore = Constants.NegativeInfinity;
            sbyte oppositeSide = (sbyte)(side * -1);

            int[] scores = new int[movesCount];
            Board[] boards = new Board[movesCount];
            // Search[] searches = new Search[moves.Count];

            Parallel.For(0, movesCount, i =>
                boards[i] = new Board(board.GetBoardState());

            Parallel.For(0, movesCount, i =>
                if (!boards[i].MakeMove(moves[i]))
                    scores[i] = Constants.NegativeInfinity;

                scores[i] = -AlphaBetaTT(boards[i], -beta, -alpha, (byte)(depth - 1), oppositeSide,
                    new UInt16[depth], 0);


            for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
                if (scores[i] > maxScore)
                    maxScore = scores[i];
                    bestMove = moves[i];

            return new Tuple<UInt16, int>(bestMove, maxScore);
コード例 #4
ファイル: AlphaBeta2.cs プロジェクト: RAWhitf18/Shutranj
        public static Tuple<UInt16, int> RootAlphaBetaTT(Board board, sbyte side, int depth)
            int movesCount;
            UInt16[] moves = board.GenerateMoves(out movesCount);

            //nodesCount = moves.Count;

            UInt16 bestMove = moves[0];
            int maxScore = Constants.NegativeInfinity;
            int score;
            sbyte oppositeSide = (sbyte)(side * -1);
            BoardState state;
            // Search search = new Search();

            for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; i++)
                state = board.GetBoardState();
                if (!board.MakeMove(moves[i]))
                score = -AlphaBetaTT(board, Constants.NegativeInfinity, Constants.PositiveInfinity, (byte)(depth - 1), oppositeSide,
                    new UInt16[depth], 0);

                if (score > maxScore)
                    maxScore = score;
                    bestMove = moves[i];
            return new Tuple<UInt16, int>(bestMove, maxScore);
コード例 #5
ファイル: AlphaBeta2.cs プロジェクト: RAWhitf18/Shutranj
        public static int AlphaBetaTT(Board board, int alpha, int beta, byte depthLeft, sbyte side, UInt16[] killers, int level)
            int score;
            TranspositionTableEntry entry = transpositionTable.Retrieve(board.ZobristHash);

            if (entry.IsValid() && (TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetDepthSearched(entry.Data) >= depthLeft))
                if (TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetEntryType(entry.Data) == TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeExactValue)
                    return TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetScore(entry.Data);
                if ((TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetEntryType(entry.Data) == TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeLowerBound) &&
                    (TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetScore(entry.Data) > alpha))
                    alpha = TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetScore(entry.Data);
                else if ((TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetEntryType(entry.Data) == TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeUpperBound) &&
                    (TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetScore(entry.Data) < beta))
                    beta = TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetScore(entry.Data);
                if (alpha >= beta)
                    return TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetScore(entry.Data);
            if (depthLeft == 0)
                score = Quiescence_Limited(board, side, alpha, beta, (level + 1) % 2); // the last arg ensures that quiescence evaluates opponent's move as the last one.
                    // Quiescence(board, side, alpha, beta);
                    // Evaluation2.EvaluateFromPerspectiveOf(board, side);

                if (score <= alpha)
                    transpositionTable.Add(new TranspositionTableEntry(board.ZobristHash,
                        TranspositionTableEntryHelper.ComposeData(score, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.InvalidMove,
                            depthLeft, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeLowerBound)));
                else if (score >= beta)
                    transpositionTable.Add(new TranspositionTableEntry(board.ZobristHash,
                        TranspositionTableEntryHelper.ComposeData(score, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.InvalidMove,
                            depthLeft, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeUpperBound)));
                    transpositionTable.Add(new TranspositionTableEntry(board.ZobristHash,
                        TranspositionTableEntryHelper.ComposeData(score, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.InvalidMove,
                            depthLeft, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeExactValue)));

                return score;

            int movesCount;
            UInt16[] moves = board.GenerateMoves(out movesCount);

            #region Move Ordering
            // this is the index with which a good move will be swapped with...
            int indexToSwapWith = 0;

            /*************** Transposition Table Reordering **************/
            // NOTE (17 Jul 2013): There appears to be no gain from transposition table re-ordering, therefore
            //              commenting it out.

            //if (entry.IsValid())
            //    UInt16 bestMoveFromTable = TranspositionTableEntryHelper.GetBestMove(entry.Data);
            //    if (bestMoveFromTable != TranspositionTableEntryHelper.InvalidMove)
            //    {
            //        for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; i++)
            //        {
            //            if (moves[i] == bestMoveFromTable)
            //            {
            //                // swap...
            //                UInt16 temp = moves[i];
            //                moves[i] = moves[indexToSwapWith];
            //                moves[indexToSwapWith] = temp;
            //                indexToSwapWith++;
            //                break;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            /*************** End of Transposition Table Reordering **************/

            /*************** Killer Heuristic Reordering *****************/
            if (killers[level] != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; i++)
                    if (killers[level] == moves[i])
                        // if killer move found then swap that with the first move.
                        UInt16 temp = moves[i];
                        moves[i] = moves[indexToSwapWith];
                        moves[indexToSwapWith] = temp;
            // set killer for next level to 0
            killers[level + 1] = 0;
            /*************** End of Killer Heuristic Reordering *****************/

            // NOTE: diluting negative infinity by level so that the farther away the checkmate is from current
            //          board position the lower will be the score. this is to get the engine to checkmate opponent
            //          as soon as possible rather than wasting time in capture or other moves which ultimately lead to
            //          checkmate but are not the fastest route to checkmakte.
            int bestScore = Constants.NegativeInfinity + level;
            UInt16 bestMove = TranspositionTableEntryHelper.InvalidMove;

            BoardState state;
            sbyte oppositeSide = (sbyte)(-1 * side);

            for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; i++)
                state = board.GetBoardState();
                if (!board.MakeMove(moves[i]))
                score = -AlphaBetaTT(board, -beta, -alpha, (byte)(depthLeft - 1), oppositeSide, killers, level + 1);

                if (score > bestScore)
                    bestScore = score;
                    bestMove = moves[i];
                if (bestScore > alpha)
                    alpha = bestScore;
                if (bestScore >= beta)
                    // beta-cutoff, therefore update killer for this level
                    killers[level] = moves[i];

            // following nested ifs check for stalemate.
            if (bestScore == (Constants.NegativeInfinity + level))
                if (!board.IsInCheck(side))
                    bestScore = Constants.DrawScore;

            if (bestScore <= alpha) // lower bound value
                transpositionTable.Add(new TranspositionTableEntry(board.ZobristHash,
                        TranspositionTableEntryHelper.ComposeData(bestScore, bestMove,
                            depthLeft, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeLowerBound)));
            else if (bestScore >= beta) // upper bound value
                transpositionTable.Add(new TranspositionTableEntry(board.ZobristHash,
                        TranspositionTableEntryHelper.ComposeData(bestScore, bestMove,
                            depthLeft, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeUpperBound)));
            else // true minimax value
                transpositionTable.Add(new TranspositionTableEntry(board.ZobristHash,
                        TranspositionTableEntryHelper.ComposeData(bestScore, bestMove,
                            depthLeft, TranspositionTableEntryHelper.EntryTypeExactValue)));

            return bestScore;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: RAWhitf18/Shutranj
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // variables
            sbyte ownSide;
            Board board = new Board();
            Stack<BoardState> undoStack = new Stack<BoardState>();

            // int depth = 6;
            UInt16 move;
            Tuple<UInt16, int, long, int> moveDepthTimeAndScore;

            string opponentMoveString;

            Console.WriteLine("Filthy Mind Chess");

            /*********** Input opponent side ************/
            while (true)
                Console.Write("Choose your side (w/b): ");
                char opponentSideChar = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                if (opponentSideChar == 'w')
                    ownSide = Side.Black;
                else if (opponentSideChar == 'b')
                    ownSide = Side.White;
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid side.");
            /*************** End of input opponent side ******************/

            /*************** Start game *******************/
            Console.WriteLine("Start playing.");
            if (ownSide == Side.White)
                moveDepthTimeAndScore = AlphaBeta2.IDASParallel(board, ownSide);
                    // AlphaBeta2.IterativeDeepeningParallel(board, ownSide);
                    // AlphaBeta2.RootAlphaBetaTTParallel(board, ownSide, depth).Item1;
                move = moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item1;
                if (board.MakeMove(move))
                    Console.WriteLine("Filthy Mind: {0} (Depth: {1} plies; Time: {2}ms; Score: {3})", board.ConvertToAlgebraicNotation(move),
                        moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item2, moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item3, moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item4);
            while (true)
                Console.Write("You: ");
                opponentMoveString = Console.ReadLine();
                if (opponentMoveString.ToLower() == "exit")

                if (opponentMoveString.ToLower() == "fen")
                    Console.WriteLine("Board Position: {0}", board.ToString());

                if (opponentMoveString.Trim().ToLower() == "undo")
                    if (undoStack.Count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Undid last move.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Nothing to undo!");


                    if (!board.MakeUserMove(opponentMoveString))
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to make move. Try again.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", ex.Message);
                // make move for own side
                moveDepthTimeAndScore = AlphaBeta2.IDASParallel(board, ownSide);
                    // AlphaBeta2.IterativeDeepeningParallel(board, ownSide);
                    // AlphaBeta2.RootAlphaBetaTTParallel(board, ownSide, depth).Item1;

                move = moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item1;
                if (board.MakeMove(move))
                    Console.WriteLine("Filthy Mind: {0} (Depth: {1} plies; Time: {2}ms; Score: {3})", board.ConvertToAlgebraicNotation(move),
                        moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item2, moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item3, moveDepthTimeAndScore.Item4);
            Console.WriteLine("End of the game. Press any key to close the window.");
            /*************** End of game ******************/