public void Run() { CommonClientFunctions.Menuing(MenuOptionsAnalysis(), (actionInput) => { switch (actionInput) { case 1: ItemsReport(); break; } }); }
private void UpdateItem() { Console.WriteLine("Pick an Item to Edit"); var items = CommonClientFunctions.ReadItems(); var hasElements = CommonClientFunctions.EntitySelection(items, out Item item); if (!hasElements) { Console.WriteLine("No Items Available"); return; } if (item is null) { return; } Console.Write($"Name ({item.Name})> "); var newName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Name ({item.Description})> "); var newDescription = Console.ReadLine(); item.Name = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newName) ? item.Name : newName; item.Description = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDescription) ? item.Description : newDescription; using (var db = new ShopContext()) { new DataService(db).Update(item); } CommonClientFunctions.Menuing(MenuOptionsUpdateItemSizeOption(), (actionInput) => { switch (actionInput) { case 1: CreateSizeOption(item); break; case 2: UpdateSizeOption(item); break; case 3: DeleteSizeOption(item); break; } }); }
private void UpdateMaterials() { Console.WriteLine("Pick a Material to Edit"); var materials = CommonClientFunctions.ReadMaterials(); var hasElements = CommonClientFunctions.EntitySelection(materials, out Material material); if (!hasElements) { Console.WriteLine("No Materials Available"); return; } if (material is null) { return; } Console.Write($"Name ({material.FullMaterialName})> "); var newFullMaterialName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write($"Name ({material.FriendlyName})> "); var newFriendlyName = Console.ReadLine(); material.FullMaterialName = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newFullMaterialName) ? material.FullMaterialName : newFullMaterialName; material.FriendlyName = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newFriendlyName) ? material.FriendlyName : newFriendlyName; using (var db = new ShopContext()) { new DataService(db).Update(material); } CommonClientFunctions.Menuing(MenuOptionsUpdateMaterials(), (actionInput) => { switch (actionInput) { case 1: CreateColor(material); break; case 2: UpdateColors(material); break; case 3: DeleteColor(material); break; } }); }
public void Run() { CommonClientFunctions.Menuing(MenuOptionsItem(), (actionInput) => { switch (actionInput) { case 1: CreateItem(); break; case 2: CommonClientFunctions.ListItems(); break; case 3: UpdateItem(); break; case 4: DeleteItem(); break; } }); }
public void UpdateSizeOption(Item item) { var options = item.SizeOptions; var hasElements = CommonClientFunctions.EntitySelection(options, out SizeOption option, 1); if (!hasElements) { Console.WriteLine("No Size Options Available"); return; } if (option is null) { return; } Console.Write($"Size ({option.Size})> "); var newSize = Console.ReadLine(); decimal newPrice; string priceInput; do { newPrice = -1; Console.Write($"Price ({option.Price})> "); priceInput = Console.ReadLine().Replace("$", ""); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(priceInput)) { break; } Decimal.TryParse(priceInput, out newPrice); } while (newPrice <= 0); int newTTM; string timeInput; do { newTTM = -1; Console.Write($"Time To Make In Hours. Must be Non Zero. ({option.TimeToMakeInHours})> "); timeInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(timeInput)) { break; } Int32.TryParse(timeInput, out newTTM); } while (newTTM <= 0); option.Size = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newSize) ? option.Size : newSize; option.Price = newPrice == -1 ? option.Price : newPrice; option.TimeToMakeInHours = newTTM == -1 ? option.TimeToMakeInHours : newTTM; using (var db = new ShopContext()) { new DataService(db).Update(option); } CommonClientFunctions.Menuing(MenuOptionsUpdateSizeOptionMaterialCount(), (actionInput) => { switch (actionInput) { case 1: CreateMaterialCount(option); break; case 2: EditMaterialCount(option); break; case 3: DeleteMaterialCount(option); break; } }); }