コード例 #1
ファイル: ThemeUrl.cs プロジェクト: zwkjgs/LebiShop
        public static string GetURL(string code, string ParaStr, string url, string langcode)
            Lebi_Site site = new Lebi_Site();

            if (ShopPage.IsAPP() || ShopPage.IsWechat() || ShopPage.IsWap())
                site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel("IsMobile = 1 order by Sort asc");
                if (site == null)
                    site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel("IsMobile = 0 order by Sort asc");
                site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel("IsMobile = 0 order by Sort asc");
                if (site == null)
                    site = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel("IsMobile = 1 order by Sort asc");
            Lebi_Language lang = B_Lebi_Language.GetModel("Site_id =" + site.id + " and Code = '" + langcode + "'");

            if (lang == null)
                lang = new Lebi_Language();
            return(GetURL(code, ParaStr, url, lang));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 关于我们页面/新闻/文章
        /// </summary>
        public static bool Greate_InfoPage(Lebi_Page model, Lebi_Theme_Page page)
            Site site = new Site();

            string[] langcodes = model.Language.Split(',');
            string   urlpath   = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority + site.WebPath;
            string   url       = "";
            string   file      = "";

            foreach (string langcode in langcodes)
                Lebi_Language lang = B_Lebi_Language.GetModel("Code='" + langcode + "'");
                string        path = lang.Path + "/" + page.StaticPath + "/" + page.StaticPageName;
                url  = page.PageName + "?" + page.PageParameter;
                url  = url.Replace("{0}", model.id.ToString());
                url  = urlpath + "/" + url;
                file = path.Replace("{0}", model.id.ToString());
                file = RegexTool.ReplaceRegValue(file, @"{.*?}", "");
                url  = RegexTool.ReplaceRegValue(url, @"{.*?}", "");
                url  = ThemeUrl.CheckURL(url);
                HtmlEngine.Instance.CreatHtml(url, file);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 载入主题
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="themecode"></param>
        /// <param name="siteid"></param>
        /// <param name="languagecode"></param>
        /// <param name="pcode"></param>
        /// <param name="checklogin">是否检查用户登录</param>
        public void LoadTheme(string themecode, int siteid, string languagecode, string pcode, bool checklogin)
            CurrentSite_ = B_Lebi_Site.GetModel(siteid);
            if (ShopCache.GetMainSite().id == CurrentSite_.id || CurrentSite_.Domain == "")
                IsMainSite = true;
            CurrentLanguage_ = B_Lebi_Language.GetModel("Code='" + languagecode + "' and Site_id=" + siteid + "");
            if (CurrentLanguage_ == null)
                CurrentLanguage_ = new Lebi_Language();

            if (IsMainSite)
                CurrentLanguage_.Path = (CurrentSite_.Path + CurrentLanguage_.Path).Replace("//", "/").TrimEnd('/');
            if (checklogin)
                if (CurrentUser.id == 0 || CurrentUser.IsAnonymous == 1)
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(URL("P_Login", "" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain()) + "," + GetUrlToken(RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain()) + ""));
            CurrentTheme_ = B_Lebi_Theme.GetModel("Code='" + themecode + "'");
            CurrentPage   = B_Lebi_Theme_Page.GetModel("Code='" + pcode + "'");
            if (CurrentTheme_ == null)
                CurrentTheme_ = new Lebi_Theme();
            Lebi_Theme_Skin skin = B_Lebi_Theme_Skin.GetModel("Theme_id=" + CurrentTheme_.id + " and Code='" + pcode + "'");

            if (skin != null)
                if (skin.PageSize > 0)
                    PageSize = skin.PageSize;
            if (CurrentSite_ != null)
                SYS.Copyright   = CurrentSite_.Copyright;
                SYS.Domain      = CurrentSite_.Domain;
                SYS.Email       = CurrentSite_.Email;
                SYS.Fax         = CurrentSite_.Fax;
                SYS.Keywords    = CurrentSite_.Keywords;
                SYS.Logoimg     = CurrentSite_.Logoimg;
                SYS.Description = CurrentSite_.Description;
                SYS.Phone       = CurrentSite_.Phone;
                SYS.QQ          = CurrentSite_.QQ;
                SYS.ServiceP    = CurrentSite_.ServiceP;
                SYS.Name        = CurrentSite_.Name;
                SYS.Title       = CurrentSite_.Title;
                SYS.FootHtml    = CurrentSite_.FootHtml;
                SYS.TopAreaid   = CurrentLanguage_.TopAreaid.ToString();
            LBTITLE  = "";
            LBTITLE += " - Powered by LebiShop";
            //if (CurrentPage != null)
            //    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            //    sb.Append("Powered by <a style=\"font-size:12px;color:#00497f\" href=\"http://www.lebi.cn\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"LebiShop多语言网上商店系统\">LebiShop</a> ");
            //    sb.Append("V" + SYS.Version + "." + SYS.Version_Son);
            //    try
            //    {
            //        Label label = (Label)this.Page.FindControl("LeBiLicense");
            //        label.Text = sb.ToString();
            //    }
            //    catch (System.NullReferenceException)
            //    {
            //        Response.Write("<div style=\"height:100px;padding-top:10px;text-align:left;font-size:12;\">内部错误,请到【配置】=》【站点语言】栏目中重新生成网站<br>");
            //        Response.Write(sb.ToString() + "</div>");
            //        Response.End();
            //    }
            Session["CurrentTheme"]    = CurrentTheme_;//session主要是为那些没有LoadTheme方法的页面服务的,如ajax
            Session["CurrentLanguage"] = CurrentLanguage_;
            Session["CurrentSite"]     = CurrentSite_;
            NameValueCollection nvs = new NameValueCollection();

            nvs.Add("theme", CurrentTheme_.Code);
            nvs.Add("language", CurrentLanguage_.Code);
            nvs.Add("site", CurrentSite_.id.ToString());
            CookieTool.WriteCookie("ThemeStatus", nvs, 10);
            if (Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.SiteCount > 1)
                //if (Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("domain3admin"))
                if (DataBase.DBType == "sqlserver")
                    ProductWhere         = "(Charindex('," + CurrentSite_.id + ",',','+Site_ids+',')>0 or Site_ids='') and Product_id = 0 and Type_id_ProductStatus = 101";
                    ProductCategoryWhere = "(Charindex('," + CurrentSite_.id + ",',','+Site_ids+',')>0 or Site_ids='')";
                if (DataBase.DBType == "access")
                    ProductWhere         = "(Instr(','+Site_ids+',','," + CurrentSite_.id + ",')>0 or Site_ids='') and Product_id = 0 and Type_id_ProductStatus = 101";
                    ProductCategoryWhere = "(Instr(','+Site_ids+',','," + CurrentSite_.id + ",')>0 or Site_ids='')";
                //    ProductWhere = "Product_id = 0 and Type_id_ProductStatus = 101";
                ProductWhere         = "Product_id = 0 and Type_id_ProductStatus = 101";
                ProductCategoryWhere = "1=1";
            //ProductWhere += " and (UserLevel_ids_show='' or UserLevel_ids_show is null or ','+UserLevel_ids_show+',' like '%," + CurrentUserLevel.id + ",%'  )";
            ProductWhere += " and (IsDel!=1 or IsDel is null)";