コード例 #1
        /////////////////////////////////////// METHODS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

        //Pre: The map name
        //Post: The map is downloaded
        //Desc: A method for downloading the map
        public void DownloadHighscoresMap(string map)
            //Resets the user names and user times lists
            UserNames = new List <string>();
            UserTimes = new List <float>();

            //If the file was able to be downloaded
            if (onlineHelper.DownloadFile(map + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX, map + FILE_NAME_SUFFIX))
                //Creates a strean reader with the map path
                reader = new StreamReader(map + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX);

                //Gets the score count from the file
                int scoreCount = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());

                //For each score that is saved
                for (int i = 0; i < scoreCount; i++)
                    //Reads the user name and the time for the current user

                //Closes the stream reader
コード例 #2
        //Pre: The map name
        //Post: None
        //Desc: A new map is loaded to be played by the user
        public void LoadNewMap(string mapName)
            //Creates temp data to store everything that is loaded from the server
            Tile[,] tempGameTiles;
            List <Enemy> tempEnemyList = new List <Enemy>();
            Tile         tempStartTile;

            //Downloads the map that is wanted to be played from the server
            onlineHelper.DownloadFile(mapName + NEW_MAP_PATH_SUFFIX, mapName + NEW_MAP_SUFFIX);

            //A stream reader is created with the path of the new map
            reader = new StreamReader(mapName + NEW_MAP_PATH_SUFFIX);

            //Creates the 2D array of game tiles using the sizes from the file
            tempGameTiles = new Tile[Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()), Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine())];

            //Loop for every value for the first dimension of the array
            for (int i = 0; i < tempGameTiles.GetLength(0); i++)
                //Loop for every value of the seocnd dimension of the array
                for (int j = 0; j < tempGameTiles.GetLength(1); j++)
                    //Sets the current tile using the values of the loop and the tile type that is read from the file
                    tempGameTiles[i, j] = new Tile(i, j, (TileType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TileType), reader.ReadLine()));

            //Gets the enemy count from the file
            int enemyCount = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());

            //Calculates the screen width and height
            int screenWidth  = Tile.TILE_X_SIZE * tempGameTiles.GetLength(0);
            int screenHeight = Tile.TILE_Y_SIZE * tempGameTiles.GetLength(1);

            //Loop for every enemy
            for (int i = 0; i < enemyCount; i++)
                //Adds the current enemy using data that is read from the file
                tempEnemyList.Add(new Enemy(tempGameTiles, Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()), Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()), humanWidth, humanHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight));

            //Reads the location of the start tile from the file and sets it
            tempStartTile = tempGameTiles[Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine()), Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine())];

            //Closes the stream reader

            //Sets the game tiles, enemies, and start tile to the properties which can be accessed by other classes which load the game
            GameTiles = tempGameTiles;
            Enemies   = tempEnemyList;
            StartTile = tempStartTile;
コード例 #3
        //Pre: None
        //Post: A boolean for whether the profiles were read
        //Desc: A method for reading all the profiles file
        public bool ReadProfiles()
            //If the file with all the profiles is downloaded
            if (onlineHelper.DownloadFile(FILE_PATH, FILE_NAME))
                //Creates a stream reader to read all the profiles from the file
                reader = new StreamReader(FILE_PATH);

                //Clears the usernames and passwords currently saved

                //While the file still contains usernames and passwords to be read
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    //The current username and password is read from the file and added to the lists

                //The stream reader is closed

                //True is returned representing that the profiles were read

            //False is returned representing that the profiles were not read
コード例 #4
        //Pre: The user profile, the amount of enemies killed, the amount of health lost, whether the player died again, the amount of extra game time, and the amount of projecitles shot
        //Post: A boolean for whether the profile stats were updated
        //Desc: A method for updating the profile stats for a specific profile
        public bool UpdateProfileStats(string userProfile, int extraEnemiesKilled, int extraHealthLost, int extraDeath, float extraGameTime, int extraBulletsShot)
            //If the file for the profile stats exists
            if (onlineHelper.CheckFileExists(userProfile + FILE_NAME_SUFFIX))
                //If the file is downloaded
                if (onlineHelper.DownloadFile(userProfile + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX, userProfile + FILE_NAME_SUFFIX))
                    //A stream reader is created to read the file
                    reader = new StreamReader(userProfile + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX);

                    //All the data from the file is read
                    EnemiesKilled = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                    HealthLost    = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                    DeathAmount   = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());
                    TotalGameTime = (float)Convert.ToDouble(reader.ReadLine());
                    BulletsShot   = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadLine());

                    //The stream reader is closed

                    //All the extra values are added to the total values for the profile
                    EnemiesKilled += extraEnemiesKilled;
                    HealthLost    += extraHealthLost;
                    DeathAmount   += extraDeath;
                    TotalGameTime += extraGameTime;
                    BulletsShot   += extraBulletsShot;

                    //A stream writer is created to save all the data in a new profile stats file
                    writer = new StreamWriter(userProfile + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX);

                    //All the data is writtern to the file

                    //The stream writer is closed

                    //If the new file is uploaded
                    if (onlineHelper.UpdateFile(userProfile + FILE_NAME_SUFFIX, userProfile + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX, FILE_TYPE, FILE_DESCRIPTION))
                        //Returns that the profile stats were updated for the current profile
                //if the file was not downloaded
                    //Returns that the profile stats were not updated for the current profile
            //If the profile stats for the current profile do not exist
                //A stream writer is created to write all the data to a file
                writer = new StreamWriter(userProfile + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX);

                //All the data is written to the profile stats file

                //The stream writer is closed

                //If the file is uploaded onto the server
                if (onlineHelper.UpdateFile(userProfile + FILE_NAME_SUFFIX, userProfile + FILE_PATH_SUFFIX, FILE_TYPE, FILE_DESCRIPTION))
                    //Returns that the profile stats were updated for the current profile

            //Returns that the profile stats were not updated for the current profile