public StoreFront(Address locationAddress) { LocationAddress = locationAddress; routes = new List<Route>(); packages = new List<Package>(); //this.deliveryVehicles = new List<DeliveryVehicle>(); //this.deliveryVehicles.AddRange(deliveryVehicles); }
public StoreFront(string id, Address locationAddress, DeliveryVehicle[] deliveryVehicles) { Id = id; LocationAddress = locationAddress; packages = new List<Package>(); this.deliveryVehicles = new List<DeliveryVehicle>(); this.deliveryVehicles.AddRange(deliveryVehicles); }
public Package(int weight, float[] size, int mailService, bool fragile, bool irregular, bool perishable, Address destination, Address source) { Weight = weight; Size = size; MaileService = mailService; Fragile = fragile; Irregular = irregular; Perishable = perishable; Destination = destination; Source = source; }
private void acceptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { float length = 0; float width = 0; float height = 0; float insuranceAmount = 0; int zip = 0; if (float.TryParse(lengthTextbox.Text, out length) && float.TryParse(widthTextBox.Text, out width) && float.TryParse(heightTextBox.Text, out height) && ( insuranceCheckBox.Checked == float.TryParse(insuranceAmountTextBox.Text, out insuranceAmount)) && destinationZipTextBox.Text.Length == 5 && int.TryParse(destinationZipTextBox.Text, out zip) && sourceZipTextBox.Text.Length == 5 && int.TryParse(sourceZipTextBox.Text, out zip) && (sourceStreetTextbox.Text != "") && (destinationAddresseeTextBox.Text != "") && (sourceStreetTextbox.Text != "") && (destinationStreetTextBox.Text != "")) { //TODO: Add error checking: empty fields, non-numeric, etc... Address source = new Address(sourceAddresseeTextBox.Text, sourceStreetTextbox.Text, sourceZipTextBox.Text); Address destination = new Address(destinationAddresseeTextBox.Text, destinationStreetTextBox.Text, destinationZipTextBox.Text); float[] lhw = { length, width, height}; Package p = shippingSystem.addPackage(weightClassComboBox.SelectedIndex, lhw, (serviceTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) ? Package.SERVICE_TYPE.Economy : Package.SERVICE_TYPE.Air, fragileCheckBox.Checked, irregularCheckBox.Checked, perishableCheckBox.Checked, source, destination); if (p != null) { (parentForm as StoreFrontForm).updatePackageList(); PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog(); PrinterSettings ps = new PrinterSettings(); pd.PrinterSettings = ps; DialogResult dr = pd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection privateFonts = new System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection(); privateFonts.AddFontFile("free3of9.ttf"); Font font = new Font(privateFonts.Families[0], 64); PCPrint printer = new PCPrint(p.TrackingNumber); printer.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; printer.PrinterFont = font; printer.Print(); } Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("There was a problem creating this package. \r\nMaybe the destination zipcode is not in the system."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid input"); } }
public Warehouse(Address a, int volumeCapacity) { VolumeCapacity = volumeCapacity; LocationAddress = a; //this.zipCodesServed = new List<int>(); //this.transports = new List<Transport>(); //this.deliveryVehicles = new List<DeliveryVehicle>(); routes = new List<Route>(); packages = new List<Package>(); //this.zipCodesServed.AddRange(zipCodesServed); //this.transports.AddRange(transports); //this.deliveryVehicles.AddRange(deliveryVehicles); }
public bool addWarehouse(string id, string streetAddress, string zipcode, int volumeCapacity) { Address a = new Address(id, streetAddress, zipcode); Warehouse sf = new Warehouse(a, volumeCapacity); if (locations.Contains(sf)) return false; locations.Add(sf); return true; }
public bool addStoreFront(string id, string streetAddress, string zipcode) { Address a = new Address(id, streetAddress, zipcode); StoreFront sf = new StoreFront(a); if (locations.Contains(sf)) return false; locations.Add(sf); return true; }
public Package addPackage(int weight, float[] size, Package.SERVICE_TYPE mailService, bool fragile, bool irregular, bool perishable, Address source, Address destination) { Location destinationLocation = determineAbroad(destination.Zip); if (destinationLocation == null) return null; StoreFront sf = (LoggedInEmployee as AcceptanceEmployee).CurrentStoreFront; int travelTime = (mailService == Package.SERVICE_TYPE.Economy) ? determineGroundTravelTime(sf, destinationLocation) : determineAirTravelTime(sf, destinationLocation); Package p = new Package(weight, size, mailService, fragile, irregular, perishable, source, destination, sf, destinationLocation, travelTime); sf.addPackage(p); packages.Add(p); p.takeSnapshot("Package Accepted", sf); return p; }
public bool addAbroad(string id, string streetAddress, string zipcode, string[] zipcodesServed) { Address a = new Address(id, streetAddress, zipcode); Abroad sf = new Abroad(a, zipcodesServed); if (locations.Contains(sf)) return false; locations.Add(sf); return true; }
public Abroad(Address locationAddress, string[] zipCodes) { LocationAddress = locationAddress; LocationAddress.StreetAddress = zipCodes[0]; ZipCodes = zipCodes; }
private int generateTrackingNumber(Address sourceAddress, Address destination, DateTime acceptedDate) { //TODO: return 1; }