public SortButton(SortButton sb, string text) { this.Text = text; if(sb!=null && sb.Text == this.Text) { this.Ascending = sb.Ascending; this.saved = true; } this.saveButton = sb; }
//private bool AutoButtonHover; public ShipListScreen(Ship_Game.ScreenManager ScreenManager, EmpireUIOverlay empUI) { this.empUI = empUI; base.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.IsPopup = true; this.eui = empUI; base.ScreenManager = ScreenManager; if (base.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth <= 1280) { //this.LowRes = true; } Rectangle titleRect = new Rectangle(2, 44, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth * 2 / 3, 80); this.TitleBar = new Menu2(ScreenManager, titleRect); this.TitlePos = new Vector2((float)(titleRect.X + titleRect.Width / 2) - Fonts.Laserian14.MeasureString(Localizer.Token(190)).X / 2f, (float)(titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height / 2 - Fonts.Laserian14.LineSpacing / 2)); this.leftRect = new Rectangle(2, titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height + 5, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - 10, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - (titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height) - 7); this.EMenu = new Menu2(ScreenManager, this.leftRect); this.close = new CloseButton(new Rectangle(this.leftRect.X + this.leftRect.Width - 40, this.leftRect.Y + 20, 20, 20)); this.eRect = new Rectangle(2, titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height + 25, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - 40, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - (titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height) - 7); while (this.eRect.Height % 80 != 0) { this.eRect.Height = this.eRect.Height - 1; } this.ShipSubMenu = new Submenu(ScreenManager, this.eRect); this.ShipSL = new ScrollList(this.ShipSubMenu, 30); if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(empUI.screen.PlayerLoyalty).GetShips().Count > 0) { foreach (Ship ship in EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(empUI.screen.PlayerLoyalty).GetShips()) { if (!ship.IsPlayerDesign && this.HidePlatforms) { continue; } ShipListScreenEntry entry = new ShipListScreenEntry(ship, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 30, this); this.ShipSL.AddItem(entry); } if (this.ShipSL.Entries.Count<ScrollList.Entry>() > 0) { this.SelectedShip = (this.ShipSL.Entries[this.ShipSL.indexAtTop].item as ShipListScreenEntry).ship; } else this.SelectedShip = null; } Ref<bool> aeRef = new Ref<bool>(() => this.HidePlatforms, (bool x) => { this.HidePlatforms = x; this.ResetList(this.ShowRoles.Options[this.ShowRoles.ActiveIndex].@value); }); this.cb_hide_proj = new Checkbox(new Vector2((float)(this.TitleBar.Menu.X + this.TitleBar.Menu.Width + 10), (float)(this.TitleBar.Menu.Y + 15)), Localizer.Token(191), aeRef, Fonts.Arial12Bold); this.ShowRoles = new DropOptions(new Rectangle(this.TitleBar.Menu.X + this.TitleBar.Menu.Width + 175, this.TitleBar.Menu.Y + 15, 175, 18)); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("All Ships", 1); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Fighters", 2); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Corvettes", 10); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Frigates", 3); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Cruisers", 4); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Capitals", 5); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Civilian", 8); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("All Structures", 9); this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Fleets Only", 6); // Replaced using the tick-box for player design filtering. Platforms now can be browsed with 'structures' // this.ShowRoles.AddOption("Player Designs Only", 7); this.AutoButton = new Rectangle(0, 0, 243, 33); this.SortSystem = new SortButton(,Localizer.Token(192)); this.SortName = new SortButton(, Localizer.Token(193)); this.SortRole = new SortButton(,Localizer.Token(194)); //Localizer.Token(193) this.Maint = new SortButton(, "maint"); this.SB_FTL = new SortButton(, "FTL"); this.SB_STL = new SortButton(, "STL"); this.SB_Troop = new SortButton(, "Troop"); this.SB_STR = new SortButton(, "STR"); //this.Maint.rect = this.MaintRect; ResetList(1); //fbedard: initial filter }
public EmpireScreen(Ship_Game.ScreenManager ScreenManager, EmpireUIOverlay empUI) { base.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.IsPopup = true; this.eui = empUI; base.ScreenManager = ScreenManager; if (base.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth <= 1280) { //this.LowRes = true; } Rectangle titleRect = new Rectangle(2, 44, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth * 2 / 3, 80); this.TitleBar = new Menu2(ScreenManager, titleRect); this.TitlePos = new Vector2((float)(titleRect.X + titleRect.Width / 2) - Fonts.Laserian14.MeasureString(Localizer.Token(383)).X / 2f, (float)(titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height / 2 - Fonts.Laserian14.LineSpacing / 2)); this.leftRect = new Rectangle(2, titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height + 5, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - 10, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - (titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height) - 7); this.close = new CloseButton(new Rectangle(this.leftRect.X + this.leftRect.Width - 40, this.leftRect.Y + 20, 20, 20)); this.EMenu = new Menu2(ScreenManager, this.leftRect); this.eRect = new Rectangle(2, titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height + 25, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - 40, (int)(0.66f * (float)(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - (titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height) - 7))); while (this.eRect.Height % 80 != 0) { this.eRect.Height = this.eRect.Height - 1; } this.ColonySubMenu = new Submenu(ScreenManager, this.eRect); this.ColoniesList = new ScrollList(this.ColonySubMenu, 80); //if (!this.firstSort || this.pop.Ascending !=true) { foreach (Planet p in EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(empUI.screen.PlayerLoyalty).GetPlanets()) { EmpireScreenEntry entry = new EmpireScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 80, this); this.ColoniesList.AddItem(entry); } } this.pop = new SortButton(, "pop"); = new SortButton(, "food"); = new SortButton(, "prod"); this.res = new SortButton(, "res"); = new SortButton(, "money"); this.SelectedPlanet = (this.ColoniesList.Entries[this.ColoniesList.indexAtTop].item as EmpireScreenEntry).p; this.GovernorDropdown = new DropOptions(new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 18)); this.GovernorDropdown.AddOption("--", 1); this.GovernorDropdown.AddOption(Localizer.Token(4064), 0); this.GovernorDropdown.AddOption(Localizer.Token(4065), 2); this.GovernorDropdown.AddOption(Localizer.Token(4066), 4); this.GovernorDropdown.AddOption(Localizer.Token(4067), 3); this.GovernorDropdown.AddOption(Localizer.Token(4068), 5); this.GovernorDropdown.AddOption(Localizer.Token(393), 6); this.GovernorDropdown.ActiveIndex = ColonyScreen.GetIndex(this.SelectedPlanet); if (this.GovernorDropdown.Options[this.GovernorDropdown.ActiveIndex].@value != (int)this.SelectedPlanet.colonyType) { this.SelectedPlanet.colonyType = (Planet.ColonyType)this.GovernorDropdown.Options[this.GovernorDropdown.ActiveIndex].@value; if (this.SelectedPlanet.colonyType != Planet.ColonyType.Colony) { this.SelectedPlanet.FoodLocked = true; this.SelectedPlanet.ProdLocked = true; this.SelectedPlanet.ResLocked = true; this.SelectedPlanet.GovernorOn = true; } else { this.SelectedPlanet.GovernorOn = false; this.SelectedPlanet.FoodLocked = false; this.SelectedPlanet.ProdLocked = false; this.SelectedPlanet.ResLocked = false; } } this.AutoButton = new Rectangle(0, 0, 140, 33); this.firstSort = true; }
public void ResetList() { List<Planet> pList = new List<Planet>(); foreach (ScrollList.Entry entry in this.PlanetSL.Entries) { pList.Add((entry.item as PlanetListScreenEntry).planet); } this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.indexAtTop = 0; if (this.LastSorted == null) { foreach (Planet p in this.planets) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { if (this.LastSorted.Text == this.sb_Sys.Text) // (this.sb_Sys == this.LastSorted) { if (!this.sb_Sys.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.system.Name descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.system.Name select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Name.Text == this.LastSorted.Text) { if (!this.sb_Name.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Name descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Name select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Fert.Text == this.LastSorted.Text) { AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Fert.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Fertility descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Fertility select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.LastSorted.Text == this.sb_Rich.Text )//1this.sb_Rich == this.LastSorted) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Rich; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); //this.sb_Rich.Ascending = !this.sb_Rich.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Rich.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MineralRichness descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MineralRichness select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Pop.Text == this.LastSorted.Text) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Pop; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); //this.sb_Pop.Ascending = !this.sb_Pop.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Pop.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MaxPopulation descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MaxPopulation select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Owned.Text == this.LastSorted.Text) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Owned; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); //this.sb_Owned.Ascending = !this.sb_Owned.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Owned.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.GetOwnerName() descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.GetOwnerName() select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } } if (this.PlanetSL.Entries.Count <= 0) { this.SelectedPlanet = null; return; } this.SelectedPlanet = (this.PlanetSL.Entries[this.PlanetSL.indexAtTop].item as PlanetListScreenEntry).planet; // = this.LastSorted; }
//private bool AutoButtonHover; public PlanetListScreen(Ship_Game.ScreenManager ScreenManager, EmpireUIOverlay empUI) { this.empUI = empUI; base.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.IsPopup = true; base.ScreenManager = ScreenManager; if (base.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth <= 1280) { //this.LowRes = true; } Rectangle titleRect = new Rectangle(2, 44, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth * 2 / 3, 80); this.TitleBar = new Menu2(ScreenManager, titleRect); this.TitlePos = new Vector2((float)(titleRect.X + titleRect.Width / 2) - Fonts.Laserian14.MeasureString(Localizer.Token(1402)).X / 2f, (float)(titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height / 2 - Fonts.Laserian14.LineSpacing / 2)); this.leftRect = new Rectangle(2, titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height + 5, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - 10, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - (titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height) - 7); this.EMenu = new Menu2(ScreenManager, this.leftRect); this.close = new CloseButton(new Rectangle(this.leftRect.X + this.leftRect.Width - 40, this.leftRect.Y + 20, 20, 20)); this.eRect = new Rectangle(2, titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height + 25, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - 40, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - (titleRect.Y + titleRect.Height) - 15); this.sb_Sys = new SortButton(, Localizer.Token(192)); this.sb_Name = new SortButton(, Localizer.Token(389)); this.sb_Fert = new SortButton(,Localizer.Token(386) ); this.sb_Rich = new SortButton(,Localizer.Token(387)); this.sb_Pop = new SortButton(,Localizer.Token(1403)); this.sb_Owned = new SortButton(, "Owner"); while (this.eRect.Height % 40 != 0) { this.eRect.Height = this.eRect.Height - 1; } this.eRect.Height = this.eRect.Height - 20; this.ShipSubMenu = new Submenu(ScreenManager, this.eRect); this.PlanetSL = new ScrollList(this.ShipSubMenu, 40); // this.LastSorted =; foreach (SolarSystem system in UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList.OrderBy(distance => Vector2.Distance(distance.Position, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(empUI.screen.PlayerLoyalty).GetWeightedCenter()))) { foreach (Planet p in system.PlanetList) { if (!p.ExploredDict[EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(empUI.screen.PlayerLoyalty)]) { continue; } this.planets.Add(p); } } //foreach (Planet p in this.planets) //{ // if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) // { // continue; // } // PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); // this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); //} //this.ResetList(); //this.SelectedPlanet = (this.PlanetSL.Entries[this.PlanetSL.indexAtTop].item as PlanetListScreenEntry).planet; Ref<bool> aeRef = new Ref<bool>(() => this.HideOwned, (bool x) => { this.HideOwned = x; this.ResetList(); }); this.cb_hideOwned = new Checkbox(new Vector2((float)(this.TitleBar.Menu.X + this.TitleBar.Menu.Width + 15), (float)(this.TitleBar.Menu.Y + 15)), "Hide Owned", aeRef, Fonts.Arial12Bold); aeRef = new Ref<bool>(() => this.HideUninhab, (bool x) => { this.HideUninhab = x; this.ResetList(); }); this.cb_hideUninhabitable = new Checkbox(new Vector2((float)(this.TitleBar.Menu.X + this.TitleBar.Menu.Width + 15), (float)(this.TitleBar.Menu.Y + 35)), "Hide Uninhabitable", aeRef, Fonts.Arial12Bold); this.AutoButton = new Rectangle(0, 0, 243, 33); }
public override void HandleInput(InputState input) { //this.LastSorted =; if (this.PlanetSL.Entries.Count == 0) this.ResetList(); this.PlanetSL.HandleInput(input); this.cb_hideOwned.HandleInput(input); this.cb_hideUninhabitable.HandleInput(input); if (this.sb_Sys.HandleInput(input)) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Sys; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); this.sb_Sys.Ascending = !this.sb_Sys.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Sys.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.system.Name descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.system.Name select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Name.HandleInput(input)) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Name; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); this.sb_Name.Ascending = !this.sb_Name.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Name.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Name descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Name select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Fert.HandleInput(input)) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Fert; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); this.sb_Fert.Ascending = !this.sb_Fert.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Fert.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Fertility descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.Fertility select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Rich.HandleInput(input)) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Rich; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); this.sb_Rich.Ascending = !this.sb_Rich.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Rich.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MineralRichness descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MineralRichness select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Pop.HandleInput(input)) { //this.LastSorted = this.sb_Pop; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); this.sb_Pop.Ascending = !this.sb_Pop.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Pop.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MaxPopulation descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.MaxPopulation select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } if (this.sb_Owned.HandleInput(input)) { this.LastSorted = this.sb_Owned; AudioManager.PlayCue("blip_click"); this.sb_Owned.Ascending = !this.sb_Owned.Ascending; this.PlanetSL.Entries.Clear(); this.PlanetSL.Copied.Clear(); if (!this.sb_Owned.Ascending) { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.GetOwnerName() descending select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } else { IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in this.planets orderby planet.GetOwnerName() select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (this.HideOwned && p.Owner != null || this.HideUninhab && !p.habitable) { continue; } PlanetListScreenEntry entry = new PlanetListScreenEntry(p, this.eRect.X + 22, this.leftRect.Y + 20, this.EMenu.Menu.Width - 30, 40, this); this.PlanetSL.AddItem(entry); } } } for (int i = this.PlanetSL.indexAtTop; i < this.PlanetSL.Entries.Count && i < this.PlanetSL.indexAtTop + this.PlanetSL.entriesToDisplay; i++) { PlanetListScreenEntry entry = this.PlanetSL.Entries[i].item as PlanetListScreenEntry; entry.HandleInput(input); entry.SetNewPos(this.eRect.X + 22, this.PlanetSL.Entries[i].clickRect.Y); if (!GlobalStats.TakingInput && HelperFunctions.CheckIntersection(entry.TotalEntrySize, input.CursorPosition) && input.CurrentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && input.LastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { if (this.ClickTimer >= this.ClickDelay) { this.ClickTimer = 0f; } else { { this.ExitScreen(); this.empUI.screen.SelectedPlanet = entry.planet; this.empUI.screen.ViewPlanet(null); this.empUI.screen.transitionStartPosition = new Vector3(this.SelectedPlanet.Position.X, this.SelectedPlanet.Position.Y, 10000f); this.empUI.screen.returnToShip = false; } if (this.SelectedPlanet != entry.planet) { AudioManager.PlayCue("sd_ui_accept_alt3"); this.SelectedPlanet = entry.planet; } } } } if (input.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.L) && !input.LastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.L) && !GlobalStats.TakingInput) { AudioManager.PlayCue("echo_affirm"); this.ExitScreen(); return; } if (input.Escaped || input.RightMouseClick || this.close.HandleInput(input) ) { // = this.LastSorted; this.ExitScreen(); } //if(this.LastSorted !=null && != this.LastSorted) }