public void AddAgentResultNotification(bool Good, string result, Empire Owner) { if (Owner != EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(Ship.universeScreen.PlayerLoyalty)) { return; } Notification cNote = new Notification() { Message = result, IconPath = (Good ? "NewUI/icon_spy_notification" : "NewUI/icon_spy_notification_bad"), ClickRect = new Rectangle(this.NotificationArea.X, this.NotificationArea.Y, 64, 64), DestinationRect = new Rectangle(this.NotificationArea.X, this.NotificationArea.Y + this.NotificationArea.Height - (this.NotificationList.Count + 1) * 70, 64, 64) }; if (!Good) { AudioManager.PlayCue("sd_ui_spy_fail_02"); } else { AudioManager.PlayCue("sd_ui_spy_win_02"); } lock (GlobalStats.NotificationLocker) { this.NotificationList.Add(cNote); } }
public Bomb(Vector3 Position, Empire e) { this.owner = e; this.projTexture = ResourceManager.ProjTextDict[this.TextureName]; this.projModel = ResourceManager.ProjectileModelDict[this.ModelName]; this.WeaponName = "NuclearBomb"; this.Position = Position; }
public Goal(string ShipType, string forWhat, Empire e) { this.ToBuildUID = ShipType; this.empire = e; this.beingBuilt = ResourceManager.ShipsDict[ShipType]; this.GoalName = forWhat; this.Evaluate(); }
public Goal(Planet toColonize, Empire e) { this.empire = e; this.GoalName = "MarkForColonization"; this.type = GoalType.Colonize; this.markedPlanet = toColonize; this.colonyShip = (Ship)null; }
public Goal(Vector2 BuildPosition, string platformUID, Empire Owner) { this.GoalName = "BuildConstructionShip"; this.type = GoalType.DeepSpaceConstruction; this.BuildPosition = BuildPosition; this.ToBuildUID = platformUID; this.empire = Owner; this.DoBuildConstructionShip(); }
public Goal(Troop toCopy, Empire Owner, Planet p) { this.GoalName = "Build Troop"; this.type = GoalType.DeepSpaceConstruction; this.PlanetBuildingAt = p; this.ToBuildUID = toCopy.Name; this.empire = Owner; this.type = GoalType.BuildTroop; }
//private float transitionElapsedTime; public EventScreen(UniverseScreen screen, Empire playerEmpire, ExplorationEvent e, Outcome outcome) { this.outcome = outcome; this.ExpEvent = e; this.screen = screen; base.IsPopup = true; base.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); }
public GSAI(Empire e) { this.EmpireName =; this.empire = e; this.DefensiveCoordinator = new Ship_Game.DefensiveCoordinator(e); if ( != null) { this.numberOfShipGoals = this.numberOfShipGoals +; } // this.desired_ColonyGoals = (int); }
public EventPopup(UniverseScreen s, Empire playerEmpire, ExplorationEvent e, Outcome outcome) { this.screen = s; this.outcome = outcome; this.ExpEvent = e; this.fade = true; base.IsPopup = true; this.FromGame = true; base.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); this.r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 600); }
//private float transitionElapsedTime; public EncounterScreen(UniverseScreen screen, Empire playerEmpire, Empire targetEmp, SolarSystem tarSys, Encounter e) { this.encounter = e; this.encounter.CurrentMessage = 0; this.encounter.SetPlayerEmpire(playerEmpire); this.encounter.SetSys(tarSys); this.encounter.SetTarEmp(targetEmp); this.screen = screen; base.IsPopup = true; base.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); }
public EncounterPopup(UniverseScreen s, Empire playerEmpire, Empire targetEmp, SolarSystem tarSys, Encounter e) { this.screen = s; this.encounter = e; this.encounter.CurrentMessage = 0; this.encounter.SetPlayerEmpire(playerEmpire); this.encounter.SetSys(tarSys); this.encounter.SetTarEmp(targetEmp); this.fade = true; base.IsPopup = true; this.FromGame = true; base.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.25); base.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); this.r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 600); }
public static Mole PlantMole(Empire Owner, Empire Target) { List<Planet> Potentials = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet p in Target.GetPlanets()) { if (!p.ExploredDict[Owner]) { continue; } bool GoodPlanet = true; foreach (Mole m in { if (m.PlanetGuid != p.guid) { continue; } GoodPlanet = false; break; } if (!GoodPlanet) { break; } Potentials.Add(p); } if (Potentials.Count == 0) { Potentials = Target.GetPlanets(); } Mole mole = null; if (Potentials.Count > 0) { int Random = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, (float)Potentials.Count + 0.7f); if (Random > Potentials.Count - 1) { Random = Potentials.Count - 1; } mole = new Mole() { PlanetGuid = Potentials[Random].guid };; } return mole; }
public void AddBeingInvadedNotification(SolarSystem beingInvaded, Empire Invader) { Notification cNote = new Notification() { RelevantEmpire = Invader }; string[] singular = new string[] {, Localizer.Token(1500), "\n", Localizer.Token(1501), beingInvaded.Name, Localizer.Token(1502) }; cNote.Message = string.Concat(singular); cNote.ReferencedItem1 = beingInvaded; cNote.IconPath = "NewUI/icon_planet_terran_01_mid"; cNote.Action = "SnapToSystem"; cNote.ClickRect = new Rectangle(this.NotificationArea.X, this.NotificationArea.Y, 64, 64); cNote.DestinationRect = new Rectangle(this.NotificationArea.X, this.NotificationArea.Y + this.NotificationArea.Height - (this.NotificationList.Count + 1) * 70, 64, 64); AudioManager.PlayCue("sd_notify_alert"); lock (GlobalStats.NotificationLocker) { this.NotificationList.Add(cNote); } }
public void AssignMission(AgentMission mission, Empire Owner, string empname) { this.Initialize(mission, Owner); if (this.Mission == AgentMission.Undercover) { foreach (Mole m in { if (m.PlanetGuid != this.TargetGUID) { continue; }; break; } }; this.Mission = mission; this.TargetEmpire = empname; }
public void Draw(Ship_Game.ScreenManager ScreenManager, Empire e) { Primitives2D.FillRectangle(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, this.NodeRect, new Color(54, 54, 54)); Rectangle underRect = new Rectangle(this.NodeRect.X, this.NodeRect.Y + 28, this.NodeRect.Width, 22); Primitives2D.FillRectangle(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, underRect, new Color(37, 37, 37)); if (!this.isResearched) { Primitives2D.DrawRectangle(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, this.NodeRect, Color.Black); } else { Primitives2D.DrawRectangle(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, this.NodeRect, new Color(243, 134, 53)); } if (e.ResearchTopic == { Primitives2D.DrawRectangle(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, this.NodeRect, new Color(24, 81, 91), 3f); } else if ( { Primitives2D.DrawRectangle(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, this.NodeRect, Color.White, 3f); } Vector2 cursor = new Vector2((float)(this.NodeRect.X + 10), (float)(this.NodeRect.Y + 4)); HelperFunctions.DrawDropShadowText(ScreenManager, Localizer.Token(ResourceManager.TechTree[].NameIndex), cursor, Fonts.Arial12Bold); Rectangle BlackBar = new Rectangle(this.NodeRect.X + 215, this.NodeRect.Y + 1, 1, this.NodeRect.Height - 2); Primitives2D.FillRectangle(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch, BlackBar, Color.Black); Rectangle rIconRect = new Rectangle(BlackBar.X + 4, BlackBar.Y + 4, 19, 20); ScreenManager.SpriteBatch.Draw(ResourceManager.TextureDict["NewUI/icon_science"], rIconRect, Color.White); cursor.X = (float)(rIconRect.X + 24); SpriteBatch spriteBatch = ScreenManager.SpriteBatch; SpriteFont arial12Bold = Fonts.Arial12Bold; int cost = (int)ResourceManager.TechTree[].Cost; spriteBatch.DrawString(arial12Bold, cost.ToString(), cursor, Color.White); float progress = / ResourceManager.TechTree[].Cost; this.pb.Draw(ScreenManager, progress); cursor.X = (float)(this.pb.rect.X + this.pb.rect.Width + 33); cursor.Y = (float)(this.pb.rect.Y - 2); int num = (int)(progress * 100f); string s = string.Concat(num.ToString(), "%"); cursor.X = cursor.X - Fonts.Arial12Bold.MeasureString(s).X; ScreenManager.SpriteBatch.DrawString(Fonts.Arial12Bold, s, cursor, new Color(24, 81, 91)); }
public Vector2 GetPositionOfNearestEnemyWithinRadius(Vector2 Position, float Radius, Empire Us) { List<ThreatMatrix.Pin> Enemies = new List<ThreatMatrix.Pin>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, ThreatMatrix.Pin> pin in this.Pins) { if (Vector2.Distance(Position, pin.Value.Position) >= Radius || EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName) == Us || !Us.isFaction && !EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName).isFaction && !Us.GetRelations()[EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName)].AtWar) { continue; } Enemies.Add(pin.Value); } if (Enemies.Count == 0) { return Vector2.Zero; } IOrderedEnumerable<ThreatMatrix.Pin> sortedList = from pos in Enemies orderby Vector2.Distance(pos.Position, Position) select pos; return sortedList.First<ThreatMatrix.Pin>().Position; }
public SpaceRoad(SolarSystem Origin, SolarSystem Destination, Empire empire, float SSPBudget, float nodeMaintenance) { this.Origin = Origin; this.Destination = Destination; float Distance = Vector2.Distance(Origin.Position, Destination.Position); //int galaxySizeMod = (int)((Empire.universeScreen.Size.X ) / 250); float offset = (Empire.ProjectorRadius * 1.5f);// +galaxySizeMod; this.NumberOfProjectors = (int)(Math.Ceiling(Distance / offset)); if (SSPBudget - nodeMaintenance * this.NumberOfProjectors <= 0) { this.NumberOfProjectors = 0; return ; } for (int i = 0; i < this.NumberOfProjectors; i++) { RoadNode node = new RoadNode(); float angle = HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(Origin.Position, Destination.Position); node.Position = HelperFunctions.GeneratePointOnCircle(angle, Origin.Position, (float)i * (Distance / this.NumberOfProjectors)); bool reallyAdd = true; empire.BorderNodeLocker.EnterReadLock(); { foreach (Empire.InfluenceNode bordernode in empire.BorderNodes) { if (Vector2.Distance(node.Position, bordernode.Position) >= bordernode.Radius) { continue; } reallyAdd = false; } } empire.BorderNodeLocker.ExitReadLock(); if (reallyAdd) { this.RoadNodesList.Add(node); } } return ; }
/** Constructor for MilitaryTask class. @param location - vector specifying game board space @param radius - area of operation radius (bounds of military task) @param GoalsToHold - contains Goals @param Owner - the faction to whom the MilitaryTask targets, i.e. the opposition faction */ public MilitaryTask(Vector2 location, float radius, List<Goal> GoalsToHold, Empire Owner) { this.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.ClearAreaOfEnemies; //enumerated value this.AO = location; this.AORadius = radius; //pools GoalsToHold into this MilitaryTask //by "held," the goal is acknowledge as having been accepted for MilitaryTask to fulfill: this.HeldGoals foreach (Goal g in GoalsToHold) { g.Held = true; this.HeldGoals.Add(g.guid); } //KeyValuePair is an enumarted variable type from System.Collections.Generic //A pin is an embedded sublass of ThreatMatrix; containing details on the threat: location, faction, etc. //This "foreach" loop selects all threats in this Empire's recognized threats foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, ThreatMatrix.Pin> pin in Owner.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.Pins) { //if threat is outside the area of operation (AO), ignore it //"contine" increments the loop to the next threat (pin) if (Vector2.Distance(this.AO, pin.Value.Position) >= this.AORadius || EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName) == Owner) { continue; } //declare new MilitaryTask, assign it equal to this current instance of MiliTaryTask //what is the purpose of assigning initial enemy strength, and enemy strenght? MilitaryTask initialEnemyStrength = this; initialEnemyStrength.InitialEnemyStrength = initialEnemyStrength.InitialEnemyStrength + pin.Value.Strength; MilitaryTask enemyStrength = this; enemyStrength.EnemyStrength = enemyStrength.EnemyStrength + pin.Value.Strength; } //what is MinimumTaskForceStrength used for? //minimum task force must be at least 75% of enemy strength //convential military doctrine requires 3:1 Attackers:Defenders advantage for minimal success potential this.MinimumTaskForceStrength = this.EnemyStrength * 3f;//*.75f; //why by 75%? //Ermenildo V. Castro, Jr. //07/25/15 //Altered to "* 3f", instead of original "* .75f" this.empire = Owner; //Empire specifies the opposition faction }
public void SetTarEmp(Empire e) { this.empToDiscuss = e; }
public static void CreateFleetFromDataAt(FleetDesign data, Empire Owner, Vector2 Position, float facing) { Fleet fleet = new Fleet() { Position = Position, facing = facing, Owner = Owner, DataNodes = new BatchRemovalCollection<FleetDataNode>() }; foreach (FleetDataNode node in data.Data) { fleet.DataNodes.Add(node); } fleet.AssignDataPositions(facing); fleet.Name = data.Name; fleet.FleetIconIndex = data.FleetIconIndex; fleet.DataNodes.thisLock.EnterWriteLock(); foreach (FleetDataNode node in fleet.DataNodes) { Ship s = ResourceManager.CreateShipAtPoint(node.ShipName, Owner, Position + node.OrdersOffset, facing); s.RelativeFleetOffset = node.FleetOffset; node.SetShip(s); fleet.AddShip(s); } fleet.DataNodes.thisLock.ExitWriteLock(); foreach (Ship s in Owner.GetFleetsDict()[1].Ships) { s.fleet = null; } Owner.GetFleetsDict()[1] = fleet; }
public void SetPlayerEmpire(Empire e) { this.playerEmpire = e; }
private float GetMaintCostShipyardProportional(ShipData ship, float fCost, Empire empire) { float maint = 0f; float maintModReduction = 1; string role = ship.Role; // Calculate maintenance by proportion of ship cost, Duh. if (ship.Role == "fighter" || ship.Role == "scout") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepFighter; else if (ship.Role == "corvette") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepCorvette; else if (ship.Role == "frigate" || ship.Role == "destroyer") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepFrigate; else if (ship.Role == "cruiser") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepCruiser; else if (ship.Role == "carrier") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepCarrier; else if (ship.Role == "capital") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepCapital; else if (ship.Role == "freighter") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepFreighter; else if (ship.Role == "platform") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepPlatform; else if (ship.Role == "station") maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepStation; else if (ship.Role == "drone" && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.useDrones) maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepDrone; else maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepBaseline; if (maint == 0f && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepBaseline > 0) maint = fCost * GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepBaseline; else if (maint == 0f && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.UpkeepBaseline == 0) maint = fCost * 0.004f; // Modifiers below here if ((ship.Role == "freighter" || ship.Role == "platform") && empire != null && !empire.isFaction && != 1.0) { maint *=; } if ((ship.Role == "freighter" || ship.Role == "platform") && empire != null && !empire.isFaction && { maint *= 0.5f; } if (GlobalStats.OptionIncreaseShipMaintenance > 1) { maintModReduction = GlobalStats.OptionIncreaseShipMaintenance; maint *= (float)maintModReduction; } return maint; }
public static void CreateFleetAt(string FleetUID, Empire Owner, Vector2 Position) { FileInfo theFleetFI; if (GlobalStats.ActiveMod != null && Directory.Exists(string.Concat(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.WhichModPath, "/FleetDesigns")) && File.Exists(string.Concat(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.WhichModPath, "/FleetDesigns/", FleetUID, ".xml"))) { theFleetFI = new FileInfo(string.Concat(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.WhichModPath, "/FleetDesigns/", FleetUID, ".xml")); } else if (File.Exists(string.Concat("Content/FleetDesigns/", FleetUID, ".xml"))) { theFleetFI = new FileInfo(string.Concat("Content/FleetDesigns/", FleetUID, ".xml")); } else { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); theFleetFI = new FileInfo(string.Concat(path, "/StarDrive/Fleet Designs/", FleetUID, ".xml")); } XmlSerializer serializer1 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FleetDesign)); FleetDesign data = (FleetDesign)serializer1.Deserialize(theFleetFI.OpenRead()); Fleet fleet = new Fleet() { Position = Position, Owner = Owner, DataNodes = new BatchRemovalCollection<FleetDataNode>() }; foreach (FleetDataNode node in data.Data) { fleet.DataNodes.Add(node); } fleet.Name = data.Name; fleet.FleetIconIndex = data.FleetIconIndex; fleet.DataNodes.thisLock.EnterWriteLock(); foreach (FleetDataNode node in fleet.DataNodes) { Ship s = ResourceManager.CreateShipAtPoint(node.ShipName, Owner, Position + node.FleetOffset); s.RelativeFleetOffset = node.FleetOffset; node.SetShip(s); fleet.AddShip(s); } fleet.DataNodes.thisLock.ExitWriteLock(); foreach (Ship s in Owner.GetFleetsDict()[1].Ships) { s.fleet = null; } Owner.GetFleetsDict()[1] = fleet; }
public string AnalyzeOffer(Offer ToUs, Offer FromUs, Empire them, Offer.Attitude attitude) { if (ToUs.Alliance) { if (!ToUs.IsBlank() || !FromUs.IsBlank()) { return "OFFER_ALLIANCE_TOO_COMPLICATED"; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[them].Trust < 90f || this.empire.GetRelations()[them].TotalAnger >= 20f || this.empire.GetRelations()[them].TurnsKnown <= 100) { return "AI_ALLIANCE_REJECT"; } this.SetAlliance(true, them); return "AI_ALLIANCE_ACCEPT"; } if (ToUs.PeaceTreaty) { GSAI.PeaceAnswer answer = this.AnalyzePeaceOffer(ToUs, FromUs, them, attitude); if (!answer.peace) { return answer.answer; } this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, this.empire, them); this.empire.GetRelations()[them].Treaty_Peace = true; this.empire.GetRelations()[them].PeaceTurnsRemaining = 100; them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Treaty_Peace = true; them.GetRelations()[this.empire].PeaceTurnsRemaining = 100; return answer.answer; } Empire us = this.empire; float TotalTrustRequiredFromUS = 0f; DTrait dt =; if (FromUs.TradeTreaty) { TotalTrustRequiredFromUS = TotalTrustRequiredFromUS + (float)dt.Trade; } if (FromUs.OpenBorders) { TotalTrustRequiredFromUS = TotalTrustRequiredFromUS + ((float)dt.NAPact + 7.5f); } if (FromUs.NAPact) { TotalTrustRequiredFromUS = TotalTrustRequiredFromUS + (float)dt.NAPact; int numWars = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<Empire, Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship> Relationship in us.GetRelations()) { if (Relationship.Key.isFaction || !Relationship.Value.AtWar) { continue; } numWars++; } if (numWars > 0 && !us.GetRelations()[them].AtWar) { TotalTrustRequiredFromUS = TotalTrustRequiredFromUS - (float)dt.NAPact; } else if (us.GetRelations()[them].Threat >= 20f) { TotalTrustRequiredFromUS = TotalTrustRequiredFromUS - (float)dt.NAPact; } } foreach (string tech in FromUs.TechnologiesOffered) { TotalTrustRequiredFromUS = TotalTrustRequiredFromUS + ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 50f; } float ValueFromUs = 0f; float ValueToUs = 0f; if (FromUs.OpenBorders) { ValueFromUs = ValueFromUs + 5f; } if (ToUs.OpenBorders) { ValueToUs = ValueToUs + 0.01f; } if (FromUs.NAPact) { ValueFromUs = ValueFromUs + 5f; } if (ToUs.NAPact) { ValueToUs = ValueToUs + 5f; } if (FromUs.TradeTreaty) { ValueFromUs = ValueFromUs + 5f; } if (ToUs.TradeTreaty) { ValueToUs = ValueToUs + 5f; if ((double)this.empire.EstimateIncomeAtTaxRate(0.5f) < 1) { ValueToUs = ValueToUs + 20f; } } foreach (string tech in FromUs.TechnologiesOffered) { ValueFromUs = ValueFromUs + ( == "Technologists" ? ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 50f * 0.25f + ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 50f : ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 50f); } foreach (string artifactsOffered in FromUs.ArtifactsOffered) { ValueFromUs = ValueFromUs + 15f; } foreach (string str in ToUs.ArtifactsOffered) { ValueToUs = ValueToUs + 15f; } foreach (string tech in ToUs.TechnologiesOffered) { ValueToUs = ValueToUs + ( == "Technologists" ? ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 50f * 0.25f + ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 50f : ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 50f); } if (us.GetPlanets().Count - FromUs.ColoniesOffered.Count + ToUs.ColoniesOffered.Count < 1) { us.GetRelations()[them].DamageRelationship(us, them, "Insulted", 25f, null); return "OfferResponse_Reject_Insulting"; } foreach (string planetName in FromUs.ColoniesOffered) { foreach (Planet p in us.GetPlanets()) { if (p.Name != planetName) { continue; } float value = p.Population / 1000f + p.FoodHere / 25f + p.ProductionHere / 25f + p.Fertility + p.MineralRichness + p.MaxPopulation / 1000f; foreach (Building b in p.BuildingList) { value = value + b.Cost / 25f; if (b.Name != "Capital City") { continue; } value = value + 100f; } float multiplier = 0f; foreach (Planet other in p.system.PlanetList) { if (other.Owner != p.Owner) { continue; } multiplier = multiplier + 1.25f; } value = value * multiplier; if (value < 15f) { value = 15f; } ValueFromUs = ValueFromUs + ( == "Expansionists" ? value + value : value + 0.5f * value); } } foreach (string planetName in ToUs.ColoniesOffered) { foreach (Planet p in them.GetPlanets()) { if (p.Name != planetName) { continue; } float value = p.Population / 1000f + p.FoodHere / 50f + p.ProductionHere / 50f + p.Fertility + p.MineralRichness + p.MaxPopulation / 2000f; foreach (Building b in p.BuildingList) { value = value + b.Cost / 50f; } int multiplier = 1; foreach (Planet other in p.system.PlanetList) { if (other.Owner != p.Owner) { continue; } multiplier++; } value = value * (float)multiplier; ValueToUs = ValueToUs + ( == "Expansionists" ? value * 0.5f + value : value); } } ValueToUs = ValueToUs + * ValueToUs; if (ValueFromUs == 0f && ValueToUs > 0f) { us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs, ValueToUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Gift"; } ValueToUs = ValueToUs - ValueToUs * us.GetRelations()[them].TotalAnger / 100f; float offerdifferential = ValueToUs / (ValueFromUs + 0.01f); string OfferQuality = ""; if (offerdifferential < 0.6f) { OfferQuality = "Insulting"; } else if (offerdifferential < 0.9f && offerdifferential >= 0.6f) { OfferQuality = "Poor"; } else if (offerdifferential >= 0.9f && offerdifferential < 1.1f) { OfferQuality = "Fair"; } else if ((double)offerdifferential >= 1.1 && (double)offerdifferential < 1.45) { OfferQuality = "Good"; } else if (offerdifferential >= 1.45f) { OfferQuality = "Great"; } if (ValueToUs == ValueFromUs) { OfferQuality = "Fair"; } switch (attitude) { case Offer.Attitude.Pleading: { if (TotalTrustRequiredFromUS > us.GetRelations()[them].Trust) { if (OfferQuality != "Great") { return "OfferResponse_InsufficientTrust"; } us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs - ValueFromUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_AcceptGreatOffer_LowTrust"; } if (offerdifferential < 0.6f) { OfferQuality = "Insulting"; } else if (offerdifferential < 0.8f && offerdifferential > 0.65f) { OfferQuality = "Poor"; } else if (offerdifferential >= 0.8f && offerdifferential < 1.1f) { OfferQuality = "Fair"; } else if ((double)offerdifferential >= 1.1 && (double)offerdifferential < 1.45) { OfferQuality = "Good"; } else if (offerdifferential >= 1.45f) { OfferQuality = "Great"; } if (OfferQuality == "Poor") { return "OfferResponse_Reject_PoorOffer_EnoughTrust"; } if (OfferQuality == "Insulting") { us.GetRelations()[them].DamageRelationship(us, them, "Insulted", ValueFromUs - ValueToUs, null); return "OfferResponse_Reject_Insulting"; } if (OfferQuality == "Fair") { us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs - ValueFromUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Fair_Pleading"; } if (OfferQuality == "Good") { us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs - ValueFromUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Good"; } if (OfferQuality != "Great") { break; } us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs - ValueFromUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Great"; } case Offer.Attitude.Respectful: { if (TotalTrustRequiredFromUS + us.GetRelations()[them].TrustUsed <= us.GetRelations()[them].Trust) { if (OfferQuality == "Poor") { return "OfferResponse_Reject_PoorOffer_EnoughTrust"; } if (OfferQuality == "Insulting") { us.GetRelations()[them].DamageRelationship(us, them, "Insulted", ValueFromUs - ValueToUs, null); return "OfferResponse_Reject_Insulting"; } if (OfferQuality == "Fair") { us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs - ValueFromUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Fair"; } if (OfferQuality == "Good") { us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs - ValueFromUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Good"; } if (OfferQuality != "Great") { break; } us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs - ValueFromUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Great"; } else { if (OfferQuality == "Great") { us.GetRelations()[them].ImproveRelations(ValueToUs - ValueFromUs, ValueToUs); this.AcceptOffer(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_AcceptGreatOffer_LowTrust"; } if (OfferQuality == "Poor") { return "OfferResponse_Reject_PoorOffer_LowTrust"; } if (OfferQuality == "Fair" || OfferQuality == "Good") { return "OfferResponse_InsufficientTrust"; } if (OfferQuality != "Insulting") { break; } us.GetRelations()[them].DamageRelationship(us, them, "Insulted", ValueFromUs - ValueToUs, null); return "OfferResponse_Reject_Insulting"; } } case Offer.Attitude.Threaten: { if (dt.Name == "Ruthless") { return "OfferResponse_InsufficientFear"; } us.GetRelations()[them].DamageRelationship(us, them, "Insulted", ValueFromUs - ValueToUs, null); if (OfferQuality == "Great") { this.AcceptThreat(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_AcceptGreatOffer_LowTrust"; } if (offerdifferential < 0.95f) { OfferQuality = "Poor"; } else if (offerdifferential >= 0.95f) { OfferQuality = "Fair"; } if (us.GetRelations()[them].Threat <= ValueFromUs || us.GetRelations()[them].FearUsed + ValueFromUs >= us.GetRelations()[them].Threat) { return "OfferResponse_InsufficientFear"; } if (OfferQuality == "Poor") { this.AcceptThreat(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Bad_Threatening"; } if (OfferQuality != "Fair") { break; } this.AcceptThreat(ToUs, FromUs, us, them); return "OfferResponse_Accept_Fair_Threatening"; } } return ""; }
private float GetMaintCostShipyard(ShipData ship, float Size, Empire empire) { float maint = 0f; string role = ship.Role; string str = role; //bool nonCombat = false; //added by gremlin: Maintenance changes float maintModReduction = 1; //Get Maintanence of ship role bool foundMaint = false; if (ResourceManager.ShipRoles.ContainsKey(ship.Role)) { for (int i = 0; i < ResourceManager.ShipRoles[ship.Role].RaceList.Count; i++) { if (ResourceManager.ShipRoles[ship.Role].RaceList[i].ShipType == { maint = ResourceManager.ShipRoles[ship.Role].RaceList[i].Upkeep; foundMaint = true; break; } } if (!foundMaint) maint = ResourceManager.ShipRoles[ship.Role].Upkeep; } else return 0f; //Modify Maintanence by freighter size if (ship.Role == "freighter") { switch ((int)Size / 50) { case 0: { break; } case 1: { maint *= 1.5f; break; } case 2: case 3: case 4: { maint *= 2f; break; } default: { maint *= (int)Size / 50; break; } } } if ((ship.Role == "freighter" || ship.Role == "platform") && != 1.0) { maint *=; } //Apply Privatization if ((ship.Role == "freighter" || ship.Role == "platform") && { maint *= 0.5f; } //Subspace Projectors do not get any more modifiers if (ship.Name == "Subspace Projector") { return maint; } //Maintenance fluctuator //string configvalue1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["countoffiles"]; float OptionIncreaseShipMaintenance = GlobalStats.OptionIncreaseShipMaintenance; if (OptionIncreaseShipMaintenance > 1) { maintModReduction = OptionIncreaseShipMaintenance; maint *= maintModReduction; } return maint; }
public void GetWarDeclaredOnUs(Empire WarDeclarant, WarType wt) { this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].AtWar = true; this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].FedQuest = null; this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Posture = Posture.Hostile; this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].ActiveWar = new War(this.empire, WarDeclarant, this.empire.GetUS().StarDate) { WarType = wt }; if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty) != this.empire) { string name =; if (name != null && name == "Pacifist") { if (this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].ActiveWar.StartingNumContestedSystems <= 0) { this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].ActiveWar.WarType = WarType.DefensiveWar; } else { this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].ActiveWar.WarType = WarType.BorderConflict; } } } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Trust > 0f) { this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Trust = 0f; } this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Treaty_Alliance = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Treaty_NAPact = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Treaty_OpenBorders = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Treaty_Trade = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[WarDeclarant].Treaty_Peace = false; }
private float GetDistance(Empire e) { if (e.GetPlanets().Count == 0 || this.empire.GetPlanets().Count == 0) { return 0f; } Vector2 AvgPos = new Vector2(); foreach (Planet p in e.GetPlanets()) { AvgPos = AvgPos + p.Position; } AvgPos = AvgPos / (float)e.GetPlanets().Count; Vector2 Ouravg = new Vector2(); foreach (Planet p in this.empire.GetPlanets()) { Ouravg = Ouravg + p.Position; } Ouravg = Ouravg / (float)this.empire.GetPlanets().Count; return Vector2.Distance(AvgPos, Ouravg); }
private Vector2 FindAveragePosition(Empire e) { Vector2 AvgPos = new Vector2(); foreach (Planet p in e.GetPlanets()) { AvgPos = AvgPos + p.Position; } if (e.GetPlanets().Count <= 0) { return Vector2.Zero; } Vector2 count = AvgPos / (float)e.GetPlanets().Count; AvgPos = count; return count; }
public void AcceptThreat(Offer ToUs, Offer FromUs, Empire us, Empire Them) { if (ToUs.PeaceTreaty) { this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].AtWar = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].PreparingForWar = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].ActiveWar.EndStarDate = this.empire.GetUS().StarDate; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].WarHistory.Add(this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].ActiveWar); this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].Posture = Posture.Neutral; if (this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].Anger_FromShipsInOurBorders > (float)( / 3)) { this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].Anger_FromShipsInOurBorders = (float)( / 3); } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].Anger_TerritorialConflict > (float)( / 3)) { this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].Anger_TerritorialConflict = (float)( / 3); } this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].Anger_MilitaryConflict = 0f; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].WarnedAboutShips = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].WarnedAboutColonizing = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].HaveRejected_Demand_Tech = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].HaveRejected_OpenBorders = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].HaveRejected_TRADE = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].HasDefenseFleet = false; if (this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].DefenseFleet != -1) { this.empire.GetFleetsDict()[this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].DefenseFleet].Task.EndTask(); } lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList) { if (task.GetTargetPlanet() == null || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == null || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != Them) { continue; } task.EndTask(); } } this.empire.GetRelations()[Them].ActiveWar = null; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].AtWar = false; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].PreparingForWar = false; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].ActiveWar.EndStarDate = Them.GetUS().StarDate; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].WarHistory.Add(Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].ActiveWar); Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Posture = Posture.Neutral; if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(Them.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty) != Them) { if (Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Anger_FromShipsInOurBorders > (float)( / 3)) { Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Anger_FromShipsInOurBorders = (float)( / 3); } if (Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Anger_TerritorialConflict > (float)( / 3)) { Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Anger_TerritorialConflict = (float)( / 3); } Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Anger_MilitaryConflict = 0f; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].WarnedAboutShips = false; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].WarnedAboutColonizing = false; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].HaveRejected_Demand_Tech = false; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].HaveRejected_OpenBorders = false; Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].HaveRejected_TRADE = false; if (Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].DefenseFleet != -1) { Them.GetFleetsDict()[Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].DefenseFleet].Task.EndTask(); } lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in Them.GetGSAI().TaskList) { if (task.GetTargetPlanet() == null || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == null || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != this.empire) { continue; } task.EndTask(); } } } Them.GetRelations()[this.empire].ActiveWar = null; } if (ToUs.NAPact) { us.GetRelations()[Them].Treaty_NAPact = true; FearEntry te = new FearEntry(); if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty) != us) { string name =; string str = name; if (name != null) { if (str == "Pacifist") { te.FearCost = 0f; } else if (str == "Cunning") { te.FearCost = 0f; } else if (str == "Xenophobic") { te.FearCost = 15f; } else if (str == "Aggressive") { te.FearCost = 35f; } else if (str == "Honorable") { te.FearCost = 5f; } else if (str == "Ruthless") { te.FearCost = 50f; } } } us.GetRelations()[Them].FearEntries.Add(te); } if (FromUs.NAPact) { Them.GetRelations()[us].Treaty_NAPact = true; if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty) != Them) { FearEntry te = new FearEntry(); string name1 =; string str1 = name1; if (name1 != null) { if (str1 == "Pacifist") { te.FearCost = 0f; } else if (str1 == "Cunning") { te.FearCost = 0f; } else if (str1 == "Xenophobic") { te.FearCost = 15f; } else if (str1 == "Aggressive") { te.FearCost = 35f; } else if (str1 == "Honorable") { te.FearCost = 5f; } else if (str1 == "Ruthless") { te.FearCost = 50f; } } Them.GetRelations()[us].FearEntries.Add(te); } } if (ToUs.TradeTreaty) { us.GetRelations()[Them].Treaty_Trade = true; us.GetRelations()[Them].Treaty_Trade_TurnsExisted = 0; FearEntry te = new FearEntry() { FearCost = 5f }; us.GetRelations()[Them].FearEntries.Add(te); } if (FromUs.TradeTreaty) { Them.GetRelations()[us].Treaty_Trade = true; Them.GetRelations()[us].Treaty_Trade_TurnsExisted = 0; FearEntry te = new FearEntry() { FearCost = 0.1f }; Them.GetRelations()[us].FearEntries.Add(te); } if (ToUs.OpenBorders) { us.GetRelations()[Them].Treaty_OpenBorders = true; FearEntry te = new FearEntry() { FearCost = 5f }; us.GetRelations()[Them].FearEntries.Add(te); } if (FromUs.OpenBorders) { Them.GetRelations()[us].Treaty_OpenBorders = true; FearEntry te = new FearEntry() { FearCost = 5f }; Them.GetRelations()[us].FearEntries.Add(te); } foreach (string tech in FromUs.TechnologiesOffered) { Them.UnlockTech(tech); if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty) == us) { continue; } FearEntry te = new FearEntry() { FearCost = ( == "Technologists" ? ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 100f * 0.25f + ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 100f : ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 100f), TurnTimer = 40 }; us.GetRelations()[Them].FearEntries.Add(te); } foreach (string tech in ToUs.TechnologiesOffered) { us.UnlockTech(tech); if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty) == Them) { continue; } FearEntry te = new FearEntry() { FearCost = ( == "Technologists" ? ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 100f * 0.25f + ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 100f : ResourceManager.TechTree[tech].Cost / 100f) }; Them.GetRelations()[us].FearEntries.Add(te); } foreach (string Art in FromUs.ArtifactsOffered) { Artifact toGive = ResourceManager.ArtifactsDict[Art]; foreach (Artifact arti in { if (arti.Name != Art) { continue; } toGive = arti; } us.RemoveArtifact(toGive); Them.AddArtifact(toGive); } foreach (string Art in ToUs.ArtifactsOffered) { Artifact toGive = ResourceManager.ArtifactsDict[Art]; foreach (Artifact arti in { if (arti.Name != Art) { continue; } toGive = arti; } Them.RemoveArtifact(toGive); us.AddArtifact(toGive); } foreach (string planetName in FromUs.ColoniesOffered) { List<Planet> toRemove = new List<Planet>(); List<Ship> TroopShips = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Planet p in us.GetPlanets()) { if (p.Name != planetName) { continue; } foreach (PlanetGridSquare pgs in p.TilesList) { if (pgs.TroopsHere.Count <= 0 || pgs.TroopsHere[0].GetOwner() != this.empire) { continue; } TroopShips.Add(pgs.TroopsHere[0].Launch()); } toRemove.Add(p); p.Owner = Them; Them.AddPlanet(p); p.system.OwnerList.Clear(); foreach (Planet pl in p.system.PlanetList) { if (pl.Owner == null || p.system.OwnerList.Contains(pl.Owner)) { continue; } p.system.OwnerList.Add(pl.Owner); } float value = p.Population / 1000f + p.FoodHere / 50f + p.ProductionHere / 50f + p.Fertility + p.MineralRichness + p.MaxPopulation / 10000f; foreach (Building b in p.BuildingList) { value = value + b.Cost / 50f; } FearEntry te = new FearEntry(); if (value < 15f) { value = 15f; } te.FearCost = ( == "Expansionists" ? value + value : value + 0.5f * value); te.TurnTimer = 40; us.GetRelations()[Them].FearEntries.Add(te); } foreach (Planet p in toRemove) { us.GetPlanets().Remove(p); } foreach (Ship ship in TroopShips) { ship.GetAI().OrderRebaseToNearest(); } } foreach (string planetName in ToUs.ColoniesOffered) { List<Planet> toRemove = new List<Planet>(); List<Ship> TroopShips = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Planet p in Them.GetPlanets()) { if (p.Name != planetName) { continue; } toRemove.Add(p); p.Owner = us; us.AddPlanet(p); p.system.OwnerList.Clear(); foreach (Planet pl in p.system.PlanetList) { if (pl.Owner == null || p.system.OwnerList.Contains(pl.Owner)) { continue; } p.system.OwnerList.Add(pl.Owner); } float value = p.Population / 1000f + p.FoodHere / 50f + p.ProductionHere / 50f + p.Fertility + p.MineralRichness + p.MaxPopulation / 10000f; foreach (Building b in p.BuildingList) { value = value + b.Cost / 50f; } foreach (PlanetGridSquare pgs in p.TilesList) { if (pgs.TroopsHere.Count <= 0 || pgs.TroopsHere[0].GetOwner() != Them) { continue; } TroopShips.Add(pgs.TroopsHere[0].Launch()); } if (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(this.empire.GetUS().PlayerLoyalty) == Them) { continue; } FearEntry te = new FearEntry() { FearCost = ( == "Expansionists" ? value + value : value + 0.5f * value), TurnTimer = 40 }; Them.GetRelations()[us].FearEntries.Add(te); } foreach (Planet p in toRemove) { Them.GetPlanets().Remove(p); } foreach (Ship ship in TroopShips) { ship.GetAI().OrderRebaseToNearest(); } } us.GetRelations()[Them].UpdateRelationship(us, Them); }
public void SetAlliance(bool ally, Empire them) { if (ally) { this.empire.GetRelations()[them].Treaty_Alliance = true; this.empire.GetRelations()[them].Treaty_OpenBorders = true; them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Treaty_Alliance = true; them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Treaty_OpenBorders = true; return; } this.empire.GetRelations()[them].Treaty_Alliance = false; this.empire.GetRelations()[them].Treaty_OpenBorders = false; them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Treaty_Alliance = false; them.GetRelations()[this.empire].Treaty_OpenBorders = false; }