public static int GetFileImageIndex(string path, FileAttributes attr) { ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO shfiSmall = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(path, (ShellAPI.FILE_ATTRIBUTE)attr, ref shfiSmall, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, ShellAPI.SHGFI.USEFILEATTRIBUTES | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SMALLICON | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SYSICONINDEX ); return(shfiSmall.iIcon); }
private void InitVars() { IntPtr tempPidl; ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO info; //My Computer info = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); tempPidl = IntPtr.Zero; ShellAPI.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(IntPtr.Zero, ShellAPI.CSIDL.DRIVES, out tempPidl); ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(tempPidl, 0, ref info, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, ShellAPI.SHGFI.PIDL | ShellAPI.SHGFI.DISPLAYNAME | ShellAPI.SHGFI.TYPENAME); sysfolderName = info.szTypeName; mycompName = info.szDisplayName; Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(tempPidl); // //Dekstop tempPidl = IntPtr.Zero; ShellAPI.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(IntPtr.Zero, ShellAPI.CSIDL.DESKTOP, out tempPidl); IntPtr desktopFolderPtr; ShellAPI.SHGetDesktopFolder(out desktopFolderPtr); desktopItem = new ShellItem(this, tempPidl, desktopFolderPtr); // //My Documents uint pchEaten = 0; ShellAPI.SFGAO pdwAttributes = 0; desktopItem.ShellFolder.ParseDisplayName( IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, "::{450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}", ref pchEaten, out tempPidl, ref pdwAttributes); info = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(tempPidl, 0, ref info, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, ShellAPI.SHGFI.PIDL | ShellAPI.SHGFI.DISPLAYNAME); mydocsName = info.szDisplayName; Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(tempPidl); StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(ShellAPI.MAX_PATH); ShellAPI.SHGetFolderPath( IntPtr.Zero, ShellAPI.CSIDL.PERSONAL, IntPtr.Zero, ShellAPI.SHGFP.TYPE_CURRENT, path); mydocsPath = path.ToString(); // }
static ShellImageList() { imageTable = new Hashtable(); ShellAPI.SHGFI flag = ShellAPI.SHGFI.USEFILEATTRIBUTES | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SYSICONINDEX | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SMALLICON; ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO shfiSmall = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); smallImageListHandle = ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(".txt", ShellAPI.FILE_ATTRIBUTE.NORMAL, ref shfiSmall, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, flag); flag = ShellAPI.SHGFI.USEFILEATTRIBUTES | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SYSICONINDEX | ShellAPI.SHGFI.LARGEICON; ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO shfiLarge = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); largeImageListHandle = ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(".txt", ShellAPI.FILE_ATTRIBUTE.NORMAL, ref shfiLarge, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, flag); }
public static int GetSpecialFolderImageIndex(ShellAPI.CSIDL pidl) { IntPtr tempPidl = IntPtr.Zero; ShellAPI.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(IntPtr.Zero, pidl, out tempPidl); ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO shfiSmall = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(tempPidl, 0, ref shfiSmall, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, ShellAPI.SHGFI.PIDL | ShellAPI.SHGFI.ICON | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SMALLICON | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SYSICONINDEX ); return(shfiSmall.iIcon); }
internal static void SetIconIndex(ShellItem item, int index, bool SelectedIcon) { bool HasOverlay = false; //true if it's an overlay int rVal = 0; //The returned Index ShellAPI.SHGFI dwflag = ShellAPI.SHGFI.SYSICONINDEX | ShellAPI.SHGFI.PIDL | ShellAPI.SHGFI.ICON; ShellAPI.FILE_ATTRIBUTE dwAttr = 0; //build Key into HashTable for this Item int Key = index * 256; if (item.IsLink) { Key = Key | 1; dwflag = dwflag | ShellAPI.SHGFI.LINKOVERLAY; HasOverlay = true; } if (item.IsShared) { Key = Key | 2; dwflag = dwflag | ShellAPI.SHGFI.ADDOVERLAYS; HasOverlay = true; } if (SelectedIcon) { Key = Key | 4; dwflag = dwflag | ShellAPI.SHGFI.OPENICON; HasOverlay = true; //not really an overlay, but handled the same } if (imageTable.ContainsKey(Key)) { rVal = (int)imageTable[Key]; } else if (!HasOverlay && !item.IsHidden) //for non-overlay icons, we already have { rVal = (int)System.Math.Floor((double)Key / 256); // the right index -- put in table imageTable[Key] = rVal; } else //don't have iconindex for an overlay, get it. { if (item.IsFileSystem & !item.IsDisk & !item.IsFolder) { dwflag = dwflag | ShellAPI.SHGFI.USEFILEATTRIBUTES; dwAttr = dwAttr | ShellAPI.FILE_ATTRIBUTE.NORMAL; } PIDL pidlFull = item.PIDLFull; ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO shfiSmall = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(pidlFull.Ptr, dwAttr, ref shfiSmall, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, dwflag | ShellAPI.SHGFI.SMALLICON); ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO shfiLarge = new ShellAPI.SHFILEINFO(); ShellAPI.SHGetFileInfo(pidlFull.Ptr, dwAttr, ref shfiLarge, ShellAPI.cbFileInfo, dwflag | ShellAPI.SHGFI.LARGEICON); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pidlFull.Ptr); lock (imageTable) { rVal = ShellAPI.ImageList_ReplaceIcon(smallImageListHandle, -1, shfiSmall.hIcon); ShellAPI.ImageList_ReplaceIcon(largeImageListHandle, -1, shfiLarge.hIcon); } ShellAPI.DestroyIcon(shfiSmall.hIcon); ShellAPI.DestroyIcon(shfiLarge.hIcon); imageTable[Key] = rVal; } if (SelectedIcon) { item.SelectedImageIndex = rVal; } else { item.ImageIndex = rVal; } }