コード例 #1
        public List <VelodynePoint> ReadNextFrame()
            List <VelodynePoint> points = new List <VelodynePoint>();

            bool isGo = true;

            while (isGo)
                VelodynePacket packet = ReadNext();

                if (packet is VelodynePacket)
                    VelodynePointPacket pointPacket = packet as VelodynePointPacket;
                    foreach (VelodynePoint pt in pointPacket.Points)
                        if ((lastPoint != null) && ((pt.Hz - lastPoint.Hz) < 0))
                            isGo = false;

                    lastPoint = pointPacket.Points.Last();

コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">Copy object</param>
 protected VelodynePoint(VelodynePoint obj) : base(obj)
     this.InternalTime = obj.InternalTime;
     this.Timestamp    = obj.Timestamp;
     this.Distance     = obj.Distance;
     this.Hz           = obj.Hz;
     this.Vz           = obj.Vz;
     this.Intensity    = obj.Intensity;
     this.ReturnType   = obj.ReturnType;
コード例 #3
        // ref: http://velodynelidar.com/docs/manuals/VLP-16%20User%20Manual%20and%20Programming%20Guide%2063-9243%20Rev%20A.pdf
        public override VelodynePacket ReadRecord(byte[] packet, DateTime?baseTime = null)
            if (packet.Length == 554)
            else if (packet.Length == 1248)
                DateTime?dateTopOfTheHour = null;
                if (baseTime != null)
                    dateTopOfTheHour = new DateTime(baseTime.Value.Year, baseTime.Value.Month, baseTime.Value.Day, baseTime.Value.Hour, 0, 0);
                //byte[] packet = reader.ReadBytes(1248);
                VelodynePointPacket pointPacket = new VelodynePointPacket();

                // Get timestamp and factory bytes
                int    l  = packet.Length - 6; // this is the end of the pack!
                double ts = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new byte[] { packet[l], packet[l + 1], packet[l + 2], packet[l + 3] }, 0) / 1000000.00;
                factoryByte1 = packet[l + 4];
                factoryByte2 = packet[l + 5];

                if (ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte2) != "VLP-16")
                    throw new Exception("Packet seems to come from other than VLP-16 sensor!");

                if ((factoryByte1 == 0x38) && (this.ReturnMode == ReturnMode.StrongestReturnOnly))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Asked for StrongestReturnOnly but the factory byte indicates that the sensor was set to last return mode!");

                if ((factoryByte1 == 0x37) && (this.ReturnMode == ReturnMode.LastReturnOnly))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Asked for StrongestReturnOnly but the factory byte indicates that the sensor was set to last return mode!");

                // settigns for all returns
                int      i           = 42; // header bytes
                int      k_iter      = 2;
                int      j_iter      = 16 * 3;
                double[] firingAngle = firingAngleVLP16; // angles for vertical firing sequence

                // Data packet
                for (int datai = 0; datai < 12; datai++)
                    if ((packet[i] == 0xFF) && (packet[i + 1] == 0xEE))
                        byte   lower_azimuth = packet[i + 2];
                        byte   upper_azimuth = packet[i + 3];
                        double azimuth       = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] { lower_azimuth, upper_azimuth }, 0) / 100.00;
                        //Console.WriteLine(i + " Azimuth: " + azimuth);
                        i = i + 4;

                        ReturnType returnType = datai % 2 == 0 ? ReturnType.StrongestReturn : ReturnType.LastReturn;
                        if (factoryByte1 == 0x39) // sensor in dual return, but we need only strongest or last returns
                            // skip all odd data block for strongest return
                            if ((ReturnMode == ReturnMode.StrongestReturnOnly) && (returnType == ReturnType.LastReturn))
                                i += j_iter * k_iter;
                            else if ((ReturnMode == ReturnMode.LastReturnOnly) && (returnType == ReturnType.StrongestReturn)) // skip all even data block for strongest return
                                i += j_iter * k_iter;
                        else if (factoryByte1 == 0x37) // strongest return
                            returnType = ReturnType.StrongestReturn;
                        else if (factoryByte1 == 0x38) // last return
                            returnType = ReturnType.LastReturn;

                        for (int k = 0; k < k_iter; k++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < j_iter; j = j + 3)
                                byte   lower_distance = packet[i + j];
                                byte   upper_distance = packet[i + j + 1];
                                double distance       = (double)BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] { lower_distance, upper_distance }, 0) * 2.0 / 1000.00;
                                byte   intensity      = packet[i + j + 2];

                                double omega       = firingAngle[j / 3];
                                double omega_rad   = omega / 180.0 * Math.PI;
                                double azimuth_rad = azimuth / 180.0 * Math.PI;

                                // VLP-16
                                double x = Math.Cos(azimuth_rad) * Math.Sin(omega_rad) * distance;
                                double y = Math.Cos(azimuth_rad) * Math.Cos(omega_rad) * distance;
                                double z = Math.Sin(azimuth_rad) * distance;

                                VelodynePoint pt = new VelodynePoint(x, y, z, distance, azimuth_rad, omega_rad, intensity, returnType);

                                pt.InternalTime = ts;
                                if (dateTopOfTheHour != null)
                                    pt.Timestamp = dateTopOfTheHour.Value.AddSeconds(pt.InternalTime);


                                //if (factoryByte1 != 0x39)
                                //if (distance != 0)
                                //if (azimuth == 318.78)
                                //if (k == 0)
                                    /*Console.WriteLine("Time (past the hour): " + ts + " s " + ts / 60 + "min \nFactory bytes: " + factoryByte1.ToString("X") + ": " + ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte1) + ", "
                                     + factoryByte2.ToString("X") + ": " + ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte2));
                                     + Console.WriteLine("Azimuth: " + azimuth + " Omega: " + omega + " Distance: " + distance);*/
                                    //Console.WriteLine(datai + " " + k + " " + (j / 3) + " Azimuth: " + azimuth.ToString("0.00000") + " Omega: " + omega + " Distance: " + distance + " " + returnType + " " + ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte1));
                            i += j_iter;
                        throw new Exception("Error in the point data packet structure!");

                pointPacket.PacketTimestamp = pointPacket.Points[0].Timestamp;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Render view with a given sampling
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampling">Number of skipped objects</param>
        private void Render(int sampling)
            if ((viewPoints == null) || (viewPoints.Count == 0))

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            int width  = viewPort.Width;
            int height = viewPort.Height;

            cam.cx = width / 2.0;
            cam.cy = height / 2.0;

            double R11 = Math.Cos(cam.phi) * Math.Cos(cam.kappa);
            double R12 = -Math.Cos(cam.phi) * Math.Sin(cam.kappa);
            double R13 = Math.Sin(cam.phi);
            double R21 = Math.Cos(cam.omega) * Math.Sin(cam.kappa) + Math.Sin(cam.omega) * Math.Sin(cam.phi) * Math.Cos(cam.kappa);
            double R22 = Math.Cos(cam.omega) * Math.Cos(cam.kappa) - Math.Sin(cam.omega) * Math.Sin(cam.phi) * Math.Sin(cam.kappa);
            double R23 = -Math.Sin(cam.omega) * Math.Cos(cam.phi);
            double R31 = Math.Sin(cam.omega) * Math.Sin(cam.kappa) - Math.Cos(cam.omega) * Math.Sin(cam.phi) * Math.Cos(cam.kappa);
            double R32 = Math.Sin(cam.omega) * Math.Cos(cam.kappa) + Math.Cos(cam.omega) * Math.Sin(cam.phi) * Math.Sin(cam.kappa);
            double R33 = Math.Cos(cam.omega) * Math.Cos(cam.phi);

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
            long   ptk = 0;

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                for (int i = 0; i < viewPoints.Count(); i += sampling)

                    if ((worker != null) && (worker.CancellationPending))

                    ViewPoint pti = viewPoints[i];
                    if (pti == null)
                    PointLikeObject pt = Transfrom(pti.PointObject, cloudTransform);

                    double pti_x = cam.f * (R11 * (pt.X - cam.x) + R12 * (pt.Y - cam.y) + R13 * (pt.Z - cam.z)) / (R31 * (pt.X - cam.x) + R32 * (pt.Y - cam.y) + R33 * (pt.Z - cam.z)) + cam.cx;
                    double pti_y = -cam.f * (R21 * (pt.X - cam.x) + R22 * (pt.Y - cam.y) + R23 * (pt.Z - cam.z)) / (R31 * (pt.X - cam.x) + R32 * (pt.Y - cam.y) + R33 * (pt.Z - cam.z)) + cam.cy;

                    if ((pti_x > 0) && (pti_x < width) && (pti_y > 0) && (pti_y < height))
                        if (pti.PointObject is VelodynePoint)
                            VelodynePoint veloPoint = pti.PointObject as VelodynePoint;
                            SimpleVelodyneViewerColorMap colorMap = pti.ColorMap;

                            if (pti.IsSelected)
                                colorMap = SimpleVelodyneViewerColorMap.Selection;

                            Color clr = default(Color);
                            switch (colorMap)
                            case SimpleVelodyneViewerColorMap.Default:
                                clr = MapRainbowColor(255 - veloPoint.Intensity, 0, 255);

                            case SimpleVelodyneViewerColorMap.Selection:
                                clr = MapRainbowColor(255 - veloPoint.Intensity, 0, 255);
                                clr = Color.FromArgb(255, clr.G, clr.B);


                            Brush brush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(clr);
                            g.FillEllipse(brush, (int)pti_x, (int)pti_y, PointSize, PointSize);
                        else if (pti.PointObject is VelodyneAnnotation)
                            VelodyneAnnotation annot = pti.PointObject as VelodyneAnnotation;
                            Brush brush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Red);
                            g.FillEllipse(brush, (int)pti_x, (int)pti_y, PointSize * 2, PointSize * 2);
                            var str = annot.ID.ToString();
                            if (annot.Text != "")
                                str += ": " + annot.Text;
                            g.DrawString(str, new Font("Arial", 12), brush, new PointF((float)pti_x + 3, (float)pti_y + 3));
                            Brush brush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.Red);
                            g.FillEllipse(brush, (int)pti_x, (int)pti_y, PointSize * 2, PointSize * 2);

                        // update view coordinates
                        pti.ViewX = pti_x;
                        pti.ViewY = pti_y;

                    int refreshRate = Convert.ToInt32((double)viewPoints.Count() / 20.0);
                    if ((sampling == 1) && (ptk % 10 == 0))
                        lblStatus.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => lblStatus.Text = ((double)ptk / (double)viewPoints.Count() * 100.0).ToString("0.0") + "%"));

            if (viewPort.Image != null)
            viewPort.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => viewPort.Image = bmp));

            if (viewPoints[0].PointObject is VelodynePoint)
                VelodynePoint veloPoint = viewPoints[0].PointObject as VelodynePoint;
                DateTime      endTime   = DateTime.Now;
                TimeSpan      tsPan     = new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt64(veloPoint.InternalTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));

                String timeStamp = "???";
                if (veloPoint.Timestamp != null)
                    timeStamp = veloPoint.Timestamp.Value.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");

                String its = tsPan.ToString(@"mm\:ss\.fff");
                lblStatus.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => lblStatus.Text = "" + (endTime - startTime).TotalSeconds + "s (" + ptk / 1000 + "k)" +
                                                                        " x: " + (cloudTransform.alpha / Math.PI * 180.0).ToString("0.0") + " y: " + (cloudTransform.beta / Math.PI * 180.0).ToString("0.0") + " z: " + (cloudTransform.kappa / Math.PI * 180.0).ToString("0.0") + " (" + its + "s) " + timeStamp));
コード例 #5
        // Ref: http://velodynelidar.com/docs/manuals/VLP-16%20User%20Manual%20and%20Programming%20Guide%2063-9243%20Rev%20A.pdf
        public override VelodynePacket ReadRecord(byte[] packet, DateTime?baseTime = null)
            if (packet.Length == 554)
            else if (packet.Length == 1248)
                // Get timestamp and factory bytes
                int    l  = packet.Length - 6; // this is the end of the pack!
                double ts = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new byte[] { packet[l], packet[l + 1], packet[l + 2], packet[l + 3] }, 0) / 1000000.00;
                factoryByte1 = packet[l + 4];
                factoryByte2 = packet[l + 5];

                if (ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte2) != "HDL-32E")
                    throw new Exception("Packet seems to come from other then HDL sensor!");

                //byte[] packet = reader.ReadBytes(1248);
                VelodynePointPacket pointPacket = new VelodynePointPacket();

                // Data packet
                int i = 42;
                for (int datai = 0; datai < 12; datai++)
                    if ((packet[i] == 0xFF) && (packet[i + 1] == 0xEE))
                        //i += 0;
                        byte   lower_azimuth = packet[i + 2];
                        byte   upper_azimuth = packet[i + 3];
                        double azimuth       = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] { lower_azimuth, upper_azimuth }, 0) / 100.00;

                        i = i + 4;
                        int      k_iter      = 2;
                        int      j_iter      = 16 * 3;
                        int      i_jump      = 16;
                        double[] firingAngle = firingAngleHDL32;

                        k_iter      = 1;
                        j_iter      = 32 * 3;
                        i_jump      = 32;
                        firingAngle = firingAngleHDL32;

                        for (int k = 0; k < k_iter; k++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < j_iter; j = j + 3)
                                byte   lower_distance = packet[i + j];
                                byte   upper_distance = packet[i + j + 1];
                                double distance       = (double)BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] { lower_distance, upper_distance }, 0) * 2.0 / 1000.00;
                                byte   intensity      = packet[i + j + 2];

                                double omega       = firingAngle[j / 3];
                                double omega_rad   = omega / 180.0 * Math.PI;
                                double azimuth_rad = azimuth / 180.0 * Math.PI;

                                double x = Math.Cos(omega_rad) * Math.Sin(azimuth_rad) * distance;
                                double y = Math.Cos(omega_rad) * Math.Cos(azimuth_rad) * distance;
                                double z = Math.Sin(omega_rad) * distance;

                                VelodynePoint pt = new VelodynePoint(x, y, z, distance, azimuth_rad, omega_rad, intensity, ReturnType.StrongestReturn);
                                pt.InternalTime = ts;

                                if (baseTime != null)
                                    pt.Timestamp = baseTime.Value.AddSeconds(pt.InternalTime);


                                //if (ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte2) == "HDL-32E")
                                //    Console.WriteLine("Time (past the hour): " + ts + " s " + ts / 60 + "min \nFactory bytes: " + factoryByte1.ToString("X") + ": " + ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte1) + ", "
                                //          + factoryByte2.ToString("X") + ": " + ConvertFactroyByteToString(factoryByte2));
                                //Console.WriteLine("Azimuth: " + azimuth + " Omega: " + omega + " Distance: " + distance);
                            i = i + i_jump * 3;
                        throw new Exception("Error in the point data packet structure!");

                pointPacket.PacketTimestamp = pointPacket.Points[0].Timestamp;
