public static void RunExample(string[] arg) { try { //Create a new JSch instance JSch jsch = new JSch(); //Prompt for username and server host Console.WriteLine("Please enter the user and host info at the popup window..."); string host = InputForm.GetUserInput("Enter username@hostname", Environment.UserName + "@localhost"); string user = host.Substring(0, host.IndexOf('@')); host = host.Substring(host.IndexOf('@') + 1); //Create a new SSH session Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host, SharpSsh.SshBase.SSH_TCP_PORT); // username and password will be given via UserInfo interface. UserInfo ui = new UserInfoAES(); session.setUserInfo(ui); //Add AES128 as default cipher in the session config store StringDictionary config = new StringDictionary(2); config.Add("cipher.s2c", "aes128-cbc,3des-cbc"); config.Add("cipher.c2s", "aes128-cbc,3des-cbc"); session.setConfig(config); //Connect to remote SSH server session.Connect(); //Open a new Shell channel on the SSH session Channel channel = session.openChannel("shell"); //Redirect standard I/O to the SSH channel channel.setInputStream(Console.OpenStandardInput()); channel.setOutputStream(Console.OpenStandardOutput()); //Connect the channel channel.connect(); Console.WriteLine("-- Shell channel is connected using the {0} cipher", session.Cipher); //Wait till channel is closed while (!channel.IsClosed) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //Disconnect from remote server channel.disconnect(); session.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public static void RunExample(string[] arg) { try { JSch jsch = new JSch(); InputForm inForm = new InputForm(); inForm.Text = "Enter username@hostname"; string host = null, user; while(true) { inForm.SetText(""); if (!inForm.PromptForInput()) { Console.WriteLine("Cancelled"); return; } user = inForm.GetText(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user) && user.IndexOf('@') >= 0 && user.IndexOf('@') < user.Length - 1) { host = user.Substring(user.IndexOf('@') + 1); break; } } Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host, SharpSsh.SshBase.SSH_TCP_PORT); // username and password will be given via UserInfo interface. UserInfo ui = new UserInfoSftp(); session.setUserInfo(ui); session.Connect(); Channel channel = session.openChannel("sftp"); channel.connect(); ChannelSftp c = (ChannelSftp)channel; Stream ins = Console.OpenStandardInput(); TextWriter outs = Console.Out; List<string> cmds = new List<string>(); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int i; string str; int level = 0; while (true) { outs.Write("sftp> "); cmds.Clear(); i = ins.Read(buf, 0, 1024); if (i <= 0) break; i--; if (i > 0 && buf[i - 1] == 0x0d) i--; int s = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < i; ii++) { if (buf[ii] == ' ') { if (ii - s > 0) cmds.Add(Util.getString(buf, s, ii - s)); while (ii < i) { if (buf[ii] != ' ') break; ii++; } s = ii; } } if (s < i) cmds.Add(Util.getString(buf, s, i - s)); if (cmds.Count == 0) continue; string cmd = cmds[0]; if (cmd.Equals("quit")) { c.quit(); break; } if (cmd.Equals("exit")) { c.exit(); break; } if (cmd.Equals("rekey")) { session.rekey(); continue; } if (cmd.Equals("compression")) { if (cmds.Count < 2) { outs.WriteLine("compression level: " + level); continue; } try { level = int.Parse((String)cmds[1]); StringDictionary config = new StringDictionary(2); if (level == 0) { config.Add("compression.s2c", "none"); config.Add("compression.c2s", "none"); } else { config.Add("compression.s2c", "zlib,none"); config.Add("compression.c2s", "zlib,none"); } session.setConfig(config); } catch { } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("cd") || cmd.Equals("lcd")) { if (cmds.Count < 2) continue; string path = (String)cmds[1]; try { if (cmd.Equals("cd")); else c.lcd(path); } catch (SftpException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("rm") || cmd.Equals("rmdir") || cmd.Equals("mkdir")) { if (cmds.Count < 2) continue; string path = (String)cmds[1]; try { if (cmd.Equals("rm")) c.rm(path); else if (cmd.Equals("rmdir")) c.rmdir(path); else c.mkdir(path); } catch (SftpException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("chgrp") || cmd.Equals("chown") || cmd.Equals("chmod")) { if (cmds.Count != 3) continue; string path = (String)cmds[2]; int foo = 0; if (cmd.Equals("chmod")) { byte[] bar = Util.getBytes((String)cmds[1]); int k; for (int j = 0; j < bar.Length; j++) { k = bar[j]; if (k < '0' || k > '7') { foo = -1; break; } foo <<= 3; foo |= (k - '0'); } if (foo == -1) continue; } else { try { foo = int.Parse((String)cmds[1]); } catch { }//(Exception e){continue;} } try { if (cmd.Equals("chgrp")) { c.chgrp(foo, path); } else if (cmd.Equals("chown")) { c.chown(foo, path); } else if (cmd.Equals("chmod")) { c.chmod(foo, path); } } catch (SftpException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("pwd") || cmd.Equals("lpwd")) { str = (cmd.Equals("pwd") ? "Remote" : "Local"); str += " working directory: "; if (cmd.Equals("pwd")) str += c.Pwd; else str += c.LPwd; outs.WriteLine(str); continue; } if (cmd.Equals("ls") || cmd.Equals("dir")) { string path = "."; if (cmds.Count == 2) path = (String)cmds[1]; try { ArrayList vv =; if (vv != null) { for (int ii = 0; ii < vv.Count; ii++) { object obj = vv[ii]; if (obj is ChannelSftp.LsEntry) outs.WriteLine(vv[ii]); } } } catch (SftpException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("lls") || cmd.Equals("ldir")) { string path = "."; if (cmds.Count == 2) path = (String)cmds[1]; try { if (!File.Exists(path)) { outs.WriteLine(path + ": No such file or directory"); continue; } if (Directory.Exists(path)) { string[] list = Directory.GetDirectories(path); for (int ii = 0; ii < list.Length; ii++) { outs.WriteLine(list[ii]); } continue; } outs.WriteLine(path); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("get") || cmd.Equals("get-resume") || cmd.Equals("get-append") || cmd.Equals("put") || cmd.Equals("put-resume") || cmd.Equals("put-append") ) { if (cmds.Count != 2 && cmds.Count != 3) continue; string p1 = (string)cmds[1]; string p2 = "."; if (cmds.Count == 3) p2 = (String)cmds[2]; try { SftpProgressMonitor monitor = new MyProgressMonitor(); if (cmd.StartsWith("get")) { ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes mode = ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes.OVERWRITE; if (cmd.Equals("get-resume")) mode = ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes.RESUME; else if (cmd.Equals("get-append")) mode = ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes.APPEND; c.get(p1, p2, monitor, mode); } else { ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes mode = ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes.OVERWRITE; if (cmd.Equals("put-resume")) mode = ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes.RESUME; else if (cmd.Equals("put-append")) mode = ChannelSftp.ChannelSftpModes.APPEND; c.put(p1, p2, monitor, mode); } } catch (SftpException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("ln") || cmd.Equals("symlink") || cmd.Equals("rename") ) { if (cmds.Count != 3) continue; string p1 = (string)cmds[1]; string p2 = (string)cmds[2]; try { if (cmd.Equals("rename")) c.rename(p1, p2); else c.symlink(p1, p2); } catch (SftpException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } continue; } if (cmd.Equals("stat") || cmd.Equals("lstat")) { if (cmds.Count != 2) continue; string p1 = (String)cmds[1]; SftpATTRS attrs = null; try { if (cmd.Equals("stat")) attrs = c.stat(p1); else attrs = c.lstat(p1); } catch (SftpException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } if (attrs != null) outs.WriteLine(attrs); continue; } if (cmd.Equals("version")) { outs.WriteLine("SFTP protocol version " + c.Version); continue; } if (cmd.Equals("help") || cmd.Equals("?")) { outs.WriteLine(help); continue; } outs.WriteLine("unimplemented command: " + cmd); } session.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public static void Init() { m_config = new StringDictionary(30); // config.Add("kex", "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1"); m_config.Add("kex", "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1"); m_config.Add("server_host_key", "ssh-rsa,ssh-dss"); // config.Add("server_host_key", "ssh-dss,ssh-rsa"); // config.Add("cipher.s2c", "3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc"); // config.Add("cipher.c2s", "3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc"); m_config.Add("cipher.s2c", "3des-cbc,aes128-cbc"); m_config.Add("cipher.c2s", "3des-cbc,aes128-cbc"); // config.Add("mac.s2c", "hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96"); // config.Add("mac.c2s", "hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96"); m_config.Add("mac.s2c", "hmac-md5,hmac-sha1"); m_config.Add("mac.c2s", "hmac-md5,hmac-sha1"); m_config.Add("compression.s2c", "none"); m_config.Add("compression.c2s", "none"); m_config.Add("lang.s2c", ""); m_config.Add("lang.c2s", ""); m_config.Add("diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1", "SharpSsh.jsch.DHGEX"); m_config.Add("diffie-hellman-group1-sha1", "SharpSsh.jsch.DHG1"); m_config.Add("dh", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.DH"); m_config.Add("3des-cbc", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.TripleDESCBC"); //config.Add("blowfish-cbc", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.BlowfishCBC"); m_config.Add("hmac-sha1", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.HMACSHA1"); m_config.Add("hmac-sha1-96", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.HMACSHA196"); m_config.Add("hmac-md5", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.HMACMD5"); m_config.Add("hmac-md5-96", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.HMACMD596"); m_config.Add("sha-1", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.SHA1"); m_config.Add("md5", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.MD5"); m_config.Add("signature.dss", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.SignatureDSA"); m_config.Add("signature.rsa", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.SignatureRSA"); m_config.Add("keypairgen.dsa", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.KeyPairGenDSA"); m_config.Add("keypairgen.rsa", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.KeyPairGenRSA"); m_config.Add("random", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.Random"); m_config.Add("aes128-cbc", "SharpSsh.jsch.jce.AES128CBC"); //config.Add("zlib", "com.jcraft.jsch.jcraft.Compression"); m_config.Add("StrictHostKeyChecking", "ask"); }
protected virtual void ConnectSession(int port) { m_session = m_jsch.getSession(m_user, m_host, port); if (Password != null) m_session.setUserInfo(new KeyboardInteractiveUserInfo(Password)); StringDictionary config = new StringDictionary(); config.Add("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); m_session.setConfig(config); m_session.Connect(); }