CopyFrom() public method

public CopyFrom ( trace_t src ) : void
src trace_t
return void
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// SV_FlyMove
        /// The basic solid body movement clip that slides along multiple planes
        /// Returns the clipflags if the velocity was modified (hit something solid)
        /// 1 = floor
        /// 2 = wall / step
        /// 4 = dead stop
        /// If steptrace is not NULL, the trace of any vertical wall hit will be stored
        /// </summary>
        static int FlyMove(edict_t ent, float time, trace_t steptrace)
            v3f original_velocity = ent.v.velocity;
            v3f primal_velocity   = ent.v.velocity;

            int numbumps = 4;
            int blocked  = 0;

            Vector3[] planes    = new Vector3[MAX_CLIP_PLANES];
            int       numplanes = 0;
            float     time_left = time;

            for (int bumpcount = 0; bumpcount < numbumps; bumpcount++)
                if (ent.v.velocity.IsEmpty)

                v3f end;
                Mathlib.VectorMA(ref ent.v.origin, time_left, ref ent.v.velocity, out end);

                trace_t trace = Move(ref ent.v.origin, ref ent.v.mins, ref ent.v.maxs, ref end, 0, ent);

                if (trace.allsolid)
                {       // entity is trapped in another solid
                    ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);

                if (trace.fraction > 0)
                {       // actually covered some distance
                    Mathlib.Copy(ref trace.endpos, out ent.v.origin);
                    original_velocity = ent.v.velocity;
                    numplanes         = 0;

                if (trace.fraction == 1)
                    break;              // moved the entire distance
                if (trace.ent == null)
                    Sys.Error("SV_FlyMove: !trace.ent");

                if (trace.plane.normal.Z > 0.7)
                    blocked |= 1;               // floor
                    if (trace.ent.v.solid == Solids.SOLID_BSP)
                        ent.v.flags        = (int)ent.v.flags | EdictFlags.FL_ONGROUND;
                        ent.v.groundentity = EdictToProg(trace.ent);

                if (trace.plane.normal.Z == 0)
                    blocked |= 2;               // step
                    if (steptrace != null)
                        steptrace.CopyFrom(trace);      // save for player extrafriction

                // run the impact function
                Impact(ent, trace.ent);
                if (
                    break;              // removed by the impact function
                time_left -= time_left * trace.fraction;

                // cliped to another plane
                if (numplanes >= MAX_CLIP_PLANES)
                    // this shouldn't really happen
                    ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);

                planes[numplanes] = trace.plane.normal;

                // modify original_velocity so it parallels all of the clip planes
                v3f new_velocity = default(v3f);
                int i, j;
                for (i = 0; i < numplanes; i++)
                    ClipVelocity(ref original_velocity, ref planes[i], out new_velocity, 1);
                    for (j = 0; j < numplanes; j++)
                        if (j != i)
                            float dot = new_velocity.x * planes[j].X + new_velocity.y * planes[j].Y + new_velocity.z * planes[j].Z;
                            if (dot < 0)
                                break;  // not ok
                    if (j == numplanes)

                if (i != numplanes)
                    // go along this plane
                    ent.v.velocity = new_velocity;
                    // go along the crease
                    if (numplanes != 2)
                        ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);
                    Vector3 dir = Vector3.Cross(planes[0], planes[1]);
                    float   d   = dir.X * ent.v.velocity.x + dir.Y * ent.v.velocity.y + dir.Z * ent.v.velocity.z;
                    Mathlib.Copy(ref dir, out ent.v.velocity);
                    Mathlib.VectorScale(ref ent.v.velocity, d, out ent.v.velocity);

                // if original velocity is against the original velocity, stop dead
                // to avoid tiny occilations in sloping corners
                if (Mathlib.DotProduct(ref ent.v.velocity, ref primal_velocity) <= 0)
                    ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// SV_FlyMove
        /// The basic solid body movement clip that slides along multiple planes
        /// Returns the clipflags if the velocity was modified (hit something solid)
        /// 1 = floor
        /// 2 = wall / step
        /// 4 = dead stop
        /// If steptrace is not NULL, the trace of any vertical wall hit will be stored
        /// </summary>
        static int FlyMove(edict_t ent, float time, trace_t steptrace)
            v3f original_velocity = ent.v.velocity;
            v3f primal_velocity = ent.v.velocity;

            int numbumps = 4;
            int blocked = 0;
            Vector3[] planes = new Vector3[MAX_CLIP_PLANES];
            int numplanes = 0;
            float time_left = time;

            for (int bumpcount = 0; bumpcount < numbumps; bumpcount++)
                if (ent.v.velocity.IsEmpty)

                v3f end;
                Mathlib.VectorMA(ref ent.v.origin, time_left, ref ent.v.velocity, out end);

                trace_t trace = Move(ref ent.v.origin, ref ent.v.mins, ref ent.v.maxs, ref end, 0, ent);

                if (trace.allsolid)
                {	// entity is trapped in another solid
                    ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);
                    return 3;

                if (trace.fraction > 0)
                {	// actually covered some distance
                    Mathlib.Copy(ref trace.endpos, out ent.v.origin);
                    original_velocity = ent.v.velocity;
                    numplanes = 0;

                if (trace.fraction == 1)
                    break;		// moved the entire distance

                if (trace.ent == null)
                    Sys.Error("SV_FlyMove: !trace.ent");

                if (trace.plane.normal.Z > 0.7)
                    blocked |= 1;		// floor
                    if (trace.ent.v.solid == Solids.SOLID_BSP)
                        ent.v.flags = (int)ent.v.flags | EdictFlags.FL_ONGROUND;
                        ent.v.groundentity = EdictToProg(trace.ent);

                if (trace.plane.normal.Z == 0)
                    blocked |= 2;		// step
                    if (steptrace != null)
                        steptrace.CopyFrom(trace);	// save for player extrafriction

                // run the impact function
                Impact(ent, trace.ent);
                if (
                    break;		// removed by the impact function

                time_left -= time_left * trace.fraction;

                // cliped to another plane
                if (numplanes >= MAX_CLIP_PLANES)
                    // this shouldn't really happen
                    ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);
                    return 3;

                planes[numplanes] = trace.plane.normal;

                // modify original_velocity so it parallels all of the clip planes
                v3f new_velocity = default(v3f);
                int i, j;
                for (i = 0; i < numplanes; i++)
                    ClipVelocity(ref original_velocity, ref planes[i], out new_velocity, 1);
                    for (j = 0; j < numplanes; j++)
                        if (j != i)
                            float dot = new_velocity.x * planes[j].X + new_velocity.y * planes[j].Y + new_velocity.z * planes[j].Z;
                            if (dot < 0)
                                break;	// not ok
                    if (j == numplanes)

                if (i != numplanes)
                    // go along this plane
                    ent.v.velocity = new_velocity;
                    // go along the crease
                    if (numplanes != 2)
                        ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);
                        return 7;
                    Vector3 dir = Vector3.Cross(planes[0], planes[1]);
                    float d = dir.X * ent.v.velocity.x + dir.Y * ent.v.velocity.y + dir.Z * ent.v.velocity.z;
                    Mathlib.Copy(ref dir, out ent.v.velocity);
                    Mathlib.VectorScale(ref ent.v.velocity, d, out ent.v.velocity);

                // if original velocity is against the original velocity, stop dead
                // to avoid tiny occilations in sloping corners
                if (Mathlib.DotProduct(ref ent.v.velocity, ref primal_velocity) <= 0)
                    ent.v.velocity = default(v3f);
                    return blocked;

            return blocked;