コード例 #1
ファイル: EvolutionManager.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
            //generic neat params, if need to change, just create a function that swaps them in
            neatParams = new NeatParameters();
            //neatParams.noveltySearch = true;
            //neatParams.noveltyFloat = true;
            neatParams.multiobjective = true;
            neatParams.archiveThreshold = 0.5;
            //neatParams.archiveThreshold = 300000.0;

            //maybe we load this idgenerator from server or local database, just keep that in mind
            idgen = new IdGenerator();

            //we just default to this, but it doesn't have to be so
            this.setDefaultCPPNs(4, 3);

            genomeListDictionary.Add(CurrentGenomePool, new GenomeList());
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: tansey/poker
        //private static Random random;
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var idgen = new IdGenerator();
            IExperiment experiment = new LimitExperiment();

            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings));
            //Settings settings = new Settings()
            //    SmallBlind = 1,
            //    BigBlind = 2,
            //    GamesPerIndividual = 100,
            //    LogFile = "mutlithreaded_log.txt",
            //    MaxHandsPerTourney = 200,
            //    PlayersPerGame = 6,
            //    StackSize = 124,
            //    Threads = 4
            //ser.Serialize(new StreamWriter("settings.xml"), settings);
            Settings settings = (Settings)ser.Deserialize(new StreamReader("settings.xml"));
            var eval = new PokerPopulationEvaluator<SimpleLimitNeuralNetPlayer2, RingGamePlayerEvaluator>(settings);

            var ea = new EvolutionAlgorithm(
                new Population(idgen,
                                              idgen, experiment.InputNeuronCount,

            Console.WriteLine("Starting real evolution");
            for (int i = 0; true; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Generation {0}", i + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Champion Fitness={0}", ea.BestGenome.Fitness);
                var doc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlGenomeWriterStatic.Write(doc, (NeatGenome)ea.BestGenome);
                FileInfo oFileInfo = new FileInfo("genomes_simple\\" + "bestGenome" + i.ToString() + ".xml");
コード例 #3
ファイル: GenomeFactory.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        public static GenomeList CreateGenomeListPreserveIDs(GenomeList seedGenomes, int length, NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, AssessGenotypeFunction assess)
            //Eventually, WIN will be brought in to maintain the genomes, for now, no need

            //Build the list.
            GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();

            if (length < seedGenomes.Count)
                throw new Exception("Attempting to generate a population that is smaller than the number of seeds (i.e. some seeds will be lost). Please change pop size to accomodate for all seeds.");
            NeatGenome newGenome;

            for (int i = 0; i < seedGenomes.Count; i++)
                // Use each seed directly just once.
                newGenome = new NeatGenome((NeatGenome)seedGenomes[i], idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

            int testCount = 0; int maxTests = 5;

            // For the remainder we alter the weights.
            //for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
            while (genomeList.Count < length)
                newGenome = new NeatGenome((NeatGenome)seedGenomes[Utilities.Next(seedGenomes.Count)], idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

                // Reset the connection weights

                //in this particular instance, we would take a snapshot of the genome AFTER mutation for WIN purposes. But we don't track genomes yet
                foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in newGenome.ConnectionGeneList)
                    connectionGene.Weight += (0.1 - Utilities.NextDouble() * 0.2);

                //!connectionGene.Weight = (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0;
                //Console.WriteLine((0.1 - Utilities.NextDouble() * 0.2));
                //newGenome.ConnectionGeneList.Add(new ConnectionGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId,5,newGenome.NeuronGeneList[Utilities.Next(newGenome.NeuronGeneList.Count-7)+7].InnovationId ,(Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0));
                //newGenome.ConnectionGeneList.Add(new ConnectionGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, 6, newGenome.NeuronGeneList[Utilities.Next(newGenome.NeuronGeneList.Count - 7) + 7].InnovationId, (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0));
                //if we have an assess function, it should be used for generating this individual!

                if (assess != null && assess(newGenome) && testCount++ < maxTests)
                    //after adding the genome, reset test count
                    testCount = 0;
                else if (assess == null)
                else if (testCount >= maxTests)
                    testCount = 0;


            return genomeList;
コード例 #4
ファイル: EvoManager.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        public void initializeEvolution(int populationSize)
            if (logOutput != null)

            logOutput = new StreamWriter(outputFolder + "logfile.txt");
            IdGenerator idgen = new IdGenerator();
            ea = new EvolutionAlgorithm(new Population(idgen, GenomeFactory.CreateGenomeList(neatParams, idgen, cppnInputs, cppnOutputs, neatParams.pInitialPopulationInterconnections, populationSize)), populationEval, neatParams);
コード例 #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Create an IdGeneratoy by interrogating the provided population of Genomes.
		/// This routine also fixes any duplicate IDs that are found in the
		/// population.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pop"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public IdGenerator CreateIdGenerator(GenomeList genomeList)
			uint maxGenomeId=0;
			uint maxInnovationId=0;

			// First pass: Determine the current maximum genomeId and innovationId.
			foreach(NeatGenome genome in genomeList)
				if(genome.GenomeId > maxGenomeId)
					maxGenomeId = genome.GenomeId;

				// Neuron IDs actualy come from the innovation IDs generator, so although they 
				// aren't used as historical markers we should count them as innovation IDs here.
				foreach(NeuronGene neuronGene in genome.NeuronGeneList)
					if(neuronGene.InnovationId > maxInnovationId)
						maxInnovationId = neuronGene.InnovationId;

				foreach(ConnectionGene connectionGene in genome.ConnectionGeneList)
					if(connectionGene.InnovationId > maxInnovationId)
						maxInnovationId = connectionGene.InnovationId;

			{	 //reset to zero.
			{	// Increment to next available ID.

			{	 //reset to zero.
			{	// Increment to next available ID.

			// Create an IdGenerator using the discovered maximum IDs.
			IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGenerator(maxGenomeId, maxInnovationId);

			// Second pass: Check for duplicate genome IDs.
			Hashtable genomeIdTable = new Hashtable();
			Hashtable innovationIdTable = new Hashtable();
			foreach(NeatGenome genome in genomeList)
				{	// Assign this genome a new Id.
					genome.GenomeId = idGenerator.NextGenomeId;
				//Register the ID.
				genomeIdTable.Add(genome.GenomeId, null);
			return idGenerator;
コード例 #6
 public Population(IdGenerator idGenerator, GenomeList genomeList)
     this.idGenerator = idGenerator;
     this.genomeList = genomeList;
     this.populationSize = genomeList.Count;
コード例 #7
		public static GenomeList CreateGenomeList(Population seedPopulation, int length, NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator)
			//Build the list.
			GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();
			int seedIdx=0;
			for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
				NeatGenome newGenome = new NeatGenome((NeatGenome)seedPopulation.GenomeList[seedIdx], idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

				// Reset the connection weights
				foreach(ConnectionGene connectionGene in newGenome.ConnectionGeneList)
					connectionGene.Weight = (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0;


				if(++seedIdx >= seedPopulation.GenomeList.Count)
				{	// Back to first genome.
			return genomeList;
コード例 #8
        public static GenomeList CreateGenomeListAddedInputs(NeatGenome seedGenome, int length, NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator)
            //Build the list.
            GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();

            // Use the seed directly just once.
            NeatGenome newGenome = new NeatGenome(seedGenome, idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

            // For the remainder we alter the weights.
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                newGenome = new NeatGenome(seedGenome, idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

                // Reset the connection weights
                foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in newGenome.ConnectionGeneList)
                    connectionGene.Weight = (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0;
                newGenome.ConnectionGeneList.Add(new ConnectionGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, 5, newGenome.NeuronGeneList[Utilities.Next(newGenome.NeuronGeneList.Count - 7) + 7].InnovationId, (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0));
                newGenome.ConnectionGeneList.Add(new ConnectionGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, 6, newGenome.NeuronGeneList[Utilities.Next(newGenome.NeuronGeneList.Count - 7) + 7].InnovationId, (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0));


            return genomeList;
コード例 #9
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new node to the Genome. We do this by removing a connection at random and inserting 
        /// a new node and two new connections that make the same circuit as the original connection.
        /// This way the new node is properly integrated into the network from the outset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ea"></param>
        private void Mutate_AddNode(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGen, Hashtable NewNeuronGeneStructTable)

            // Select a connection at random.
            int connectionToReplaceIdx = (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * connectionGeneList.Count);
            ConnectionGene connectionToReplace = connectionGeneList[connectionToReplaceIdx];

            // Delete the existing connection. JOEL: Why delete old connection?

            // Check if this connection has already been split on another genome. If so then we should re-use the
            // neuron ID and two connection ID's so that matching structures within the population maintain the same ID.
            object existingNeuronGeneStruct = NewNeuronGeneStructTable[connectionToReplace.InnovationId];

            NeuronGene newNeuronGene;
            ConnectionGene newConnectionGene1;
            ConnectionGene newConnectionGene2;
            IActivationFunction actFunct;

            WINManager win = WINManager.SharedWIN;
            WINNode node;
            WINConnection connection;

            {	// No existing matching structure, so generate some new ID's.

                //TODO: DAVID proper random activation function
                // Replace connectionToReplace with two new connections and a neuron.
                //newNeuronGene = new NeuronGene(ea.NextInnovationId, NeuronType.Hidden, actFunct);

                //we should be making a call to WIN anytime we call for a new innovationID

                //here we create a new node, and two new connections
                //we don't send in a genomeID here, so we get it set for us!
                node = win.createWINNode(new PropertyObject() { { WINNode.SNodeString, NeuronType.Hidden.ToString()}});
                newNeuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, node.UniqueID, (neuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(connectionToReplace.SourceNeuronId).Layer + neuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(connectionToReplace.TargetNeuronId).Layer) / 2.0, NeuronType.Hidden, actFunct);

                //we don't send in any uniqueIDs so they are generated for us, and we update our idGen object
                connection = win.createWINConnection(WINConnection.ConnectionWithProperties(connectionToReplace.SourceNeuronId, newNeuronGene.InnovationId), idGen);
                newConnectionGene1 = new ConnectionGene(connection.UniqueID, connection.SourceID,  connection.TargetID , 1.0);

                //we don't send in any uniqueIDs so they are generated for us, and we update our idGen object
                connection = win.createWINConnection(WINConnection.ConnectionWithProperties(newNeuronGene.InnovationId, connectionToReplace.TargetNeuronId), idGen);
                newConnectionGene2 = new ConnectionGene(connection.UniqueID, connection.SourceID, connection.TargetID, connectionToReplace.Weight);

                // Register the new ID's with NewNeuronGeneStructTable.
                                                new NewNeuronGeneStruct(newNeuronGene, newConnectionGene1, newConnectionGene2));
            {	// An existing matching structure has been found. Re-use its ID's

                //Since we don't call idGen.nextinnovationID,  we don't have to create anything new
                //however, we need to note the change in weights override previous weight values
                //this should be documented in WIN - either explicitly (calling a function to note changes) or implicitly (by scanning the changes in a saved genome)
                //Probably explicitly, calling a mutate function for a SingleStep (since we are in the SingleStep process of creating new individuals)

                //TODO: DAVID proper random activation function
                // Replace connectionToReplace with two new connections and a neuron.
                actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetRandomActivationFunction(neatParameters);
                NewNeuronGeneStruct tmpStruct = (NewNeuronGeneStruct)existingNeuronGeneStruct;
                //newNeuronGene = new NeuronGene(tmpStruct.NewNeuronGene.InnovationId, NeuronType.Hidden, actFunct);
                newNeuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, tmpStruct.NewNeuronGene.InnovationId, tmpStruct.NewNeuronGene.Layer, NeuronType.Hidden, actFunct);

                newConnectionGene1 = new ConnectionGene(tmpStruct.NewConnectionGene_Input.InnovationId, connectionToReplace.SourceNeuronId, newNeuronGene.InnovationId, 1.0);
                newConnectionGene2 = new ConnectionGene(tmpStruct.NewConnectionGene_Output.InnovationId, newNeuronGene.InnovationId, connectionToReplace.TargetNeuronId, connectionToReplace.Weight);

            // Add the new genes to the genome.
コード例 #10
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        private void Mutate_AddModule(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGen, Hashtable NewConnectionGeneTable)
            // Find all potential inputs, or quit if there are not enough.
            // Neurons cannot be inputs if they are dummy input nodes created for another module.
            NeuronGeneList potentialInputs = new NeuronGeneList();
            foreach (NeuronGene n in neuronGeneList) {
                if (!(n.ActivationFunction is ModuleInputNeuron)) {
            if (potentialInputs.Count < 1)

            // Find all potential outputs, or quit if there are not enough.
            // Neurons cannot be outputs if they are dummy input or output nodes created for another module, or network input or bias nodes.
            NeuronGeneList potentialOutputs = new NeuronGeneList();
            foreach (NeuronGene n in neuronGeneList) {
                if (n.NeuronType != NeuronType.Bias && n.NeuronType != NeuronType.Input
                        && !(n.ActivationFunction is ModuleInputNeuron)
                        && !(n.ActivationFunction is ModuleOutputNeuron)) {
            if (potentialOutputs.Count < 1)

            // Pick a new function for the new module.
            IModule func = ModuleFactory.GetRandom();

            WINManager win = WINManager.SharedWIN;
            WINNode node;
            WINConnection connection;

            // Choose inputs uniformly at random, with replacement.
            // Create dummy neurons to represent the module's inputs.
            // Create connections between the input nodes and the dummy neurons.
            IActivationFunction inputFunction = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("ModuleInputNeuron");
            List<long> inputDummies = new List<long>(func.InputCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < func.InputCount; i++) {

                //we are calling nextinnovationID, this is the place for WIN!
                //in reality, win should know the activation function as well, but that's not currently implemented

                //here we create a new node, and two new connections
                //we don't send in a genomeID here, so we get it set for us!
                //do we need to inform it of the activation function? I think so?
                node = win.createWINNode(new PropertyObject() { { WINNode.SNodeString, NeuronType.Hidden.ToString()}});

                NeuronGene newNeuronGene = new NeuronGene(node.UniqueID, NeuronType.Hidden, inputFunction);

                long sourceId = potentialInputs[Utilities.Next(potentialInputs.Count)].InnovationId;
                long targetId = newNeuronGene.InnovationId;


                //aha! we must call the innovationID again, we check against win

                //we don't send in any uniqueIDs so they are generated for us, and we update our idGen object
                connection = win.createWINConnection(
                    WINConnection.ConnectionWithProperties(sourceId, targetId), idGen);

                // Create a new connection with a new ID and add it to the Genome.
                ConnectionGene newConnectionGene = new ConnectionGene(connection.UniqueID, connection.SourceID, connection.TargetID,
                    (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0

                // Register the new connection with NewConnectionGeneTable.
                ConnectionEndpointsStruct connectionKey = new ConnectionEndpointsStruct(sourceId, targetId);
                NewConnectionGeneTable.Add(connectionKey, newConnectionGene);

                // Add the new gene to this genome. We have a new ID so we can safely append the gene to the end
                // of the list without risk of breaking the innovation ID order.

            // Choose outputs uniformly at random, with replacement.
            // Create dummy neurons to represent the module's outputs.
            // Create connections between the output nodes and the dummy neurons.
            IActivationFunction outputFunction = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("ModuleOutputNeuron");
            List<long> outputDummies = new List<long>(func.OutputCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < func.OutputCount; i++) {

                node = win.createWINNode(new PropertyObject() { { WINNode.SNodeString, NeuronType.Hidden.ToString() } });

                NeuronGene newNeuronGene = new NeuronGene(node.UniqueID, NeuronType.Hidden, outputFunction);

                long sourceId = newNeuronGene.InnovationId;
                long targetId = potentialOutputs[Utilities.Next(potentialOutputs.Count)].InnovationId;


                connection = win.createWINConnection(
                   WINConnection.ConnectionWithProperties(sourceId, targetId), idGen);

                // Create a new connection with a new ID and add it to the Genome.
                ConnectionGene newConnectionGene = new ConnectionGene(connection.UniqueID, connection.SourceID, connection.TargetID,
                   (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0

                    //new ConnectionGene(idGen.NextInnovationId, sourceId, targetId,
                    //(Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0);

                // Register the new connection with NewConnectionGeneTable.
                ConnectionEndpointsStruct connectionKey = new ConnectionEndpointsStruct(sourceId, targetId);
                NewConnectionGeneTable.Add(connectionKey, newConnectionGene);

                // Add the new gene to this genome. We have a new ID so we can safely append the gene to the end
                // of the list without risk of breaking the innovation ID order.

            // Pick a new ID for the new module and create it.
            // Modules do not participate in history comparisons, so we will always create a new innovation ID.
            // We can change this here if it becomes a problem.

            //TODO: Paul check win conditions here
            //this is confusing from a WIN perspective, I don't know if I'm going to support modules
            //I can create a generic NextInnovationID object, but don't know if it's worth it

            ModuleGene newModule = new ModuleGene(idGen.NextInnovationId, func, inputDummies, outputDummies);
コード例 #11
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        private void Mutate_AddConnection(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGen, Hashtable NewConnectionGeneTable)
            // We are always guaranteed to have enough neurons to form connections - because the input/output neurons are
            // fixed. Any domain that doesn't require input/outputs is a bit nonsensical!

            // Make a fixed number of attempts at finding a suitable connection to add.

            {	// At least 2 neurons, so we have a chance at creating a connection.

                WINManager win = WINManager.SharedWIN;
                WINConnection connection;

                for(int attempts=0; attempts<5; attempts++)
                    // Select candidate source and target neurons. Any neuron can be used as the source. Input neurons
                    // should not be used as a target
                    int srcNeuronIdx;
                    int tgtNeuronIdx;

                    /* Here's some code for adding connections that attempts to avoid any recursive conenctions
                     * within a network by only linking to neurons with innovation id's greater than the source neuron.
                     * Unfortunately this doesn't work because new neurons with large innovations ID's are inserted
                     * randomly through a network's topology! Hence this code remains here in readyness to be resurrected
                     * as part of some future work to support feedforward nets.
            //					if(ea.NeatParameters.feedForwardOnly)
            //					{
            //						/* We can ensure that all networks are feedforward only by only adding feedforward connections here.
            //						 * Feed forward connections fall into one of the following categories.  All references to indexes
            //						 * are indexes within this genome's neuronGeneList:
            //						 * 1) Source neuron is an input or hidden node, target is an output node.
            //						 * 2) Source is an input or hidden node, target is a hidden node with an index greater than the source node's index.
            //						 * 3) Source is an output node, target is an output node with an index greater than the source node's index.
            //						 *
            //						 * These rules are easier to understand if you understand how the different types if neuron are arranged within
            //						 * the neuronGeneList array. Neurons are arranged in the following order:
            //						 *
            //						 * 1) A single bias neuron is always first.
            //						 * 2) Experiment specific input neurons.
            //						 * 3) Output neurons.
            //						 * 4) Hidden neurons.
            //						 *
            //						 * The quantity and innovationID of all neurons within the first 3 categories remains fixed throughout the life
            //						 * of an experiment, hence we always know where to find the bias, input and output nodes. The number of hidden nodes
            //						 * can vary as ne nodes are created, pruned away or perhaps dropped during crossover, however they are always arranged
            //						 * newest to oldest, or in other words sorted by innovation idea, lowest ID first.
            //						 *
            //						 * If output neurons were at the end of the list with hidden nodes in the middle then generating feedforward
            //						 * connections would be as easy as selecting a target neuron with a higher index than the source neuron. However, that
            //						 * type of arrangement is not conducive to the operation of other routines, hence this routine is a little bit more
            //						 * complicated as a result.
            //						 */
            //						// Ok, for a source neuron we can pick any neuron except the last output neuron.
            //						int neuronIdxCount = neuronGeneList.Count;
            //						int neuronIdxBound = neuronIdxCount-1;
            //						// Generate count-1 possibilities and avoid the last output neuron's idx.
            //						srcNeuronIdx = (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * neuronIdxBound);
            //						if(srcNeuronIdx>inputBiasOutputNeuronCountMinus2) srcNeuronIdx++;
            //						// Now generate a target idx depending on what type of neuron srcNeuronIdx is pointing to.
            //						if(srcNeuronIdx<inputAndBiasNeuronCount)
            //						{	// Source is a bias or input neuron. Target can be any output or hidden neuron.
            //							tgtNeuronIdx = inputAndBiasNeuronCount + (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * (neuronIdxCount-inputAndBiasNeuronCount));
            //						}
            //						else if(srcNeuronIdx<inputBiasOutputNeuronCount)
            //						{	// Source is an output neuron, but not the last output neuron. Target can be any output neuron with an index
            //							// greater than srcNeuronIdx.
            //							tgtNeuronIdx = (inputAndBiasNeuronCount+1) + (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * ((inputBiasOutputNeuronCount-1)-srcNeuronIdx));
            //						}
            //						else
            //						{	// Source is a hidden neuron. Target can be any hidden neuron after srcNeuronIdx or any output neuron.
            //							tgtNeuronIdx = (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * ((neuronIdxBound-srcNeuronIdx)+outputNeuronCount));
            //							if(tgtNeuronIdx<outputNeuronCount)
            //							{	// Map to an output neuron idx.
            //								tgtNeuronIdx += inputAndBiasNeuronCount;
            //							}
            //							else
            //							{
            //								// Map to one of the hidden neurons after srcNeuronIdx.
            //								tgtNeuronIdx = (tgtNeuronIdx-outputNeuronCount)+srcNeuronIdx+1;
            //							}
            //						}
            //					}

            //					// Source neuron can by any neuron. Target neuron is any neuron except input neurons.
            //					srcNeuronIdx = (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * neuronGeneList.Count);
            //					tgtNeuronIdx = inputAndBiasNeuronCount + (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * (neuronGeneList.Count-inputAndBiasNeuronCount));
            //                  NeuronGene sourceNeuron = neuronGeneList[srcNeuronIdx];
            //                  NeuronGene targetNeuron = neuronGeneList[tgtNeuronIdx];

                    // Find all potential inputs, or quit if there are not enough.
                    // Neurons cannot be inputs if they are dummy input nodes of a module.
                    NeuronGeneList potentialInputs = new NeuronGeneList();
                    foreach (NeuronGene n in neuronGeneList) {
                        if (!(n.ActivationFunction is ModuleInputNeuron)) {
                    if (potentialInputs.Count < 1)

                    // Find all potential outputs, or quit if there are not enough.
                    // Neurons cannot be outputs if they are dummy input or output nodes of a module, or network input or bias nodes.
                    NeuronGeneList potentialOutputs = new NeuronGeneList();
                    foreach (NeuronGene n in neuronGeneList) {
                        if (n.NeuronType != NeuronType.Bias && n.NeuronType != NeuronType.Input
                                && !(n.ActivationFunction is ModuleInputNeuron)
                                && !(n.ActivationFunction is ModuleOutputNeuron)) {
                    if (potentialOutputs.Count < 1)

                    NeuronGene sourceNeuron = potentialInputs[Utilities.Next(potentialInputs.Count)];
                    NeuronGene targetNeuron = potentialOutputs[Utilities.Next(potentialOutputs.Count)];

                    // Check if a connection already exists between these two neurons.
                    long sourceId = sourceNeuron.InnovationId;
                    long targetId = targetNeuron.InnovationId;

                    if(!TestForExistingConnection(sourceId, targetId))
                        // Check if a matching mutation has already occured on another genome.
                        // If so then re-use the connection ID.
                        ConnectionEndpointsStruct connectionKey = new ConnectionEndpointsStruct(sourceId, targetId);
                        ConnectionGene existingConnection = (ConnectionGene)NewConnectionGeneTable[connectionKey];
                        ConnectionGene newConnectionGene;
                            //WIN HAS ARRIVED, BITCH
                            //create our newest conncetion, noting the source,target and weight
                            connection = win.createWINConnection(
                   WINConnection.ConnectionWithProperties(sourceId, targetId), idGen);

                            // Create a new connection with a new ID and add it to the Genome.
                            newConnectionGene = new ConnectionGene(connection.UniqueID, connection.SourceID, connection.TargetID,
                                 (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 4.0) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 8.0);

                            //newConnectionGene =
                                //new ConnectionGene(idGen.NextInnovationId, sourceId, targetId,
                                //(Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/4.0) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/8.0);

                            // Register the new connection with NewConnectionGeneTable.
                            NewConnectionGeneTable.Add(connectionKey, newConnectionGene);

                            // Add the new gene to this genome. We have a new ID so we can safely append the gene to the end
                            // of the list without risk of breaking the innovation ID order.
                            //TODO: WIN should note the mutation in weight from previous connection
                            //WIN AIN'T HERE YET, DAWG. Nothing new being created, just adjusted weights -- which we'll need to note, but not yet

                            // Create a new connection, re-using the ID from existingConnection, and add it to the Genome.
                            newConnectionGene = new ConnectionGene(existingConnection.InnovationId, sourceId, targetId,
                                (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/4.0) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/8.0);

                            // Add the new gene to this genome. We are re-using an ID so we must ensure the connection gene is
                            // inserted into the correct position (sorted by innovation ID).


            // We couldn't find a valid connection to create. Instead of doing nothing lets perform connection
            // weight mutation.
コード例 #12
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        void buildBodyExamples()
            //we need to create random genomes, then save their generated bodies!
            NeatParameters np = new NeatParameters();
            IdGenerator idGen = new IdGenerator();


            Random r = new Random();

            JObject root = new JObject();
            JObject meta = new JObject();

            JArray genomeArray = new JArray();

            //how many random input tests?
            int genomeCount = 20;

            meta.Add("genomeCount", genomeCount);
            meta.Add("weightRange", HyperNEATParameters.weightRange);

            NeatGenome seed = EvolutionManager.SharedEvolutionManager.getSeed();

            int tEmpty = 0;
            int emptyCount = genomeCount/4;

            for (int n = genomeArray.Count; n < genomeCount; n = genomeArray.Count)

                //create our genome
                var inputCount = r.Next(4) + 3;
                var outputCount = r.Next(3) + 1;
                //radnom inputs 3-6, random outputs 1-3
                var genome = GenomeFactory.CreateGenomePreserveID(seed, idGen);//np, idGen, inputCount, outputCount, 1);

                Hashtable nodeHT = new Hashtable();
                Hashtable connHT = new Hashtable();

                //mutate our genome
                for (int m = 0; m < 20; m++)
                    ((NeatGenome)genome).Mutate(np, idGen, nodeHT, connHT);

                //now turn genome into a network
                var network = genome.Decode(null);

                //turn network into JSON, and save as the network object
                //genomeJSON.Add("network", JObject.FromObject(network));

                //now we need a body
                bool isEmptyBody;
                //convert to body object
                var bodyObject = simpleCom.simpleExperiment.genomeIntoBodyObject(genome, out isEmptyBody);

                if ((isEmptyBody && tEmpty++ < emptyCount) || (!isEmptyBody))
                    //create object and add body info to it, then save it in our array
                    JObject genomeJSON = new JObject();

                    genomeJSON.Add("genome", JObject.FromObject(genome, new JsonSerializer() { ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore }));
                    genomeJSON.Add("network", JObject.FromObject(network, new JsonSerializer() { ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore }));
                    //save our body object from test
                    genomeJSON.Add("body", JObject.FromObject(bodyObject));
                    genomeJSON.Add("isEmpty", isEmptyBody.ToString());

                    //finally, we add our network json to the body array



            //add our networks, and add our meta information
            root.Add("genomeCount", genomeArray.Count);
            root.Add("genomes", genomeArray);
            root.Add("meta", meta);

            //and away we go! Let's save to file!
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("testgenomebodies.json"))
コード例 #13
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        void generateSampleCPPNs()
            NeatParameters np = new NeatParameters();
            IdGenerator idGen = new IdGenerator();


            Random r = new Random();

            JObject root = new JObject();
            JObject meta = new JObject();

            JArray networkArray = new JArray();

            //how many random input tests?
            int testCount = 100;
            int networkCount = 20;

            meta.Add("networkCount", networkCount);
            meta.Add("sampleCount", testCount);

            Console.WriteLine("All Networks start will run:" + networkCount * testCount);

            for (int n = 0; n < networkCount; n++)
                Console.WriteLine("Network start:" + n);

                JObject networkJSON = new JObject();
                //create our genome
                var inputCount = r.Next(4) + 3;
                var outputCount = r.Next(3) + 1;
                //radnom inputs 3-6, random outputs 1-3
                var genome = GenomeFactory.CreateGenome(np, idGen, inputCount, outputCount, 1);

                Console.WriteLine("Genoem created:" + n);

                Hashtable nodeHT = new Hashtable();
                Hashtable connHT = new Hashtable();

                //mutate our genome
                for (int m = 0; m < 20; m++)
                    ((NeatGenome)genome).Mutate(np, idGen, nodeHT, connHT);
                    Console.WriteLine("Mutation done: " + m);

                Console.WriteLine("Mutations done:" + n);

                //now turn genome into a network
                var network = genome.Decode(null);

                Console.WriteLine("genome decoded:" + n);

                //turn network into JSON, and save as the network object
                networkJSON.Add("network", JObject.FromObject(network));

                JArray inputsAndOutputs = new JArray();

                Console.WriteLine("starting tests:" + n);

                for (var t = 0; t < testCount; t++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Test " + t + " :" + "for" + n);
                    JArray inputSamples = new JArray();
                    JArray outputSamples = new JArray();

                    Console.WriteLine("Testclear " + t + " :" + "for" + n);

                    //var saveInputs = new float[inputCount];

                    for (int ins = 0; ins < inputCount; ins++)
                        //inputs from -1,1
                        var inF = (float)(2 * r.NextDouble() - 1);
                        //saveInputs[ins] = inF;
                        network.SetInputSignal(ins, inF);
                        //add our random input

                    Console.WriteLine("Testrecursive next" + t + " :" + "for" + n);

                    //run our network, and save the response

                    Console.WriteLine("recursive done " + t + " :" + "for" + n);

                    //var saveOuts = new float[outputCount];

                    for (var outs = 0; outs < outputCount; outs++)
                        //saveOuts[outs] = network.GetOutputSignal(outs);
                        //keep our outputs in an output array

                    //for (var outs = 0; outs < outputCount; outs++)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("Difference in activation: " + Math.Abs(network.GetOutputSignal(outs) - saveOuts[outs]));

                    Console.WriteLine("test reached past outputs " + t + " :" + "for" + n);

                    JObject test = new JObject();
                    test.Add("inputs", inputSamples);
                    test.Add("outputs", outputSamples);
                    Console.WriteLine("Ins/outs done " + t + " :" + "for" + n);


                Console.WriteLine("tests ended:" + n);

                //we add our inputs/outs for this json network
                networkJSON.Add("tests", inputsAndOutputs);

                //finally, we add our network json to the network array

                Console.WriteLine("Network finished:" + n);


            Console.WriteLine("All newtorks finished, cleaning up");

            //add our networks, and add our meta information
            root.Add("networks", networkArray);
            root.Add("meta", meta);

            //and away we go! Let's save to file!

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("testgenomes.json"))
コード例 #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a GenomeList. This can be used to construct a new Population object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evolutionAlgorithm"></param>
		/// <param name="inputNeuronCount"></param>
		/// <param name="outputNeuronCount"></param>
		/// <param name="length"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static GenomeList CreateGenomeList(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, int inputNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount, float connectionProportion, int length, bool neatBrain=false)
			GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();
			for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
				genomeList.Add(CreateGenome(neatParameters, idGenerator, inputNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount, connectionProportion, neatBrain));

			return genomeList;
コード例 #15
ファイル: GenomeFactory.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        public static IGenome CreateGenomePreserveID(IGenome seedGenome, IdGenerator idGenerator)
            NeatGenome newGenome = new NeatGenome((NeatGenome)seedGenome, idGenerator.NextGenomeId);

            // Reset the connection weights

            //in this particular instance, we would take a snapshot of the genome AFTER mutation for WIN purposes. But we don't track genomes yet
            foreach (ConnectionGene connectionGene in newGenome.ConnectionGeneList)
                connectionGene.Weight += (0.1 - Utilities.NextDouble() * 0.2);

            return newGenome;
コード例 #16
ファイル: GenomeFactory.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        public static IGenome CreateGenomePreserveID(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, int inputNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount, float connectionProportion)
            IActivationFunction actFunct;
            NeuronGene neuronGene; // temp variable.
            NeuronGeneList inputNeuronGeneList = new NeuronGeneList(); // includes bias neuron.
            NeuronGeneList outputNeuronGeneList = new NeuronGeneList();
            NeuronGeneList neuronGeneList = new NeuronGeneList();
            ConnectionGeneList connectionGeneList = new ConnectionGeneList();

            int nodeCount = 0;

            WINManager win = WINManager.SharedWIN;

            // IMPORTANT NOTE: The neurons must all be created prior to any connections. That way all of the genomes
            // will obtain the same innovation ID's for the bias,input and output nodes in the initial population.
            // Create a single bias neuron.
            //TODO: DAVID proper activation function change to NULL?
            actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn");
            //neuronGene = new NeuronGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronType.Bias, actFunct);
            WINNode neuronNode = win.findOrInsertNodeWithProperties(idGenerator,
                WINNode.NodeWithProperties(nodeCount++, NeuronType.Bias)

            neuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, neuronNode.UniqueID, NeuronGene.INPUT_LAYER, NeuronType.Bias, actFunct);

            // Create input neuron genes.
            actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn");
            for (int i = 0; i < inputNeuronCount; i++)
                //TODO: DAVID proper activation function change to NULL?
                //neuronGene = new NeuronGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronType.Input, actFunct);
                neuronNode = win.findOrInsertNodeWithProperties(idGenerator, WINNode.NodeWithProperties(nodeCount++, NeuronType.Input));

                neuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, neuronNode.UniqueID, NeuronGene.INPUT_LAYER, NeuronType.Input, actFunct);

            // Create output neuron genes.
            //actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn");
            for (int i = 0; i < outputNeuronCount; i++)
                actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("BipolarSigmoid");
                //actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetRandomActivationFunction(neatParameters);
                //TODO: DAVID proper activation function
                //neuronGene = new NeuronGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronType.Output, actFunct);
                neuronNode = win.findOrInsertNodeWithProperties(idGenerator, WINNode.NodeWithProperties(nodeCount++, NeuronType.Output));

                neuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, neuronNode.UniqueID, NeuronGene.OUTPUT_LAYER, NeuronType.Output, actFunct);

            int currentConnCount = 0;
            WINConnection winConn;
            // Loop over all possible connections from input to output nodes and create a number of connections based upon
            // connectionProportion.
            foreach (NeuronGene targetNeuronGene in outputNeuronGeneList)
                foreach (NeuronGene sourceNeuronGene in inputNeuronGeneList)
                    // Always generate an ID even if we aren't going to use it. This is necessary to ensure connections
                    // between the same neurons always have the same ID throughout the generated population.
                    //PAUL NOTE:
                    //instead of generating and not using and id, we use the target and connection properties to uniquely identify a connection in WIN
                    //uint connectionInnovationId = idGenerator.NextInnovationId;

                    if (Utilities.NextDouble() < connectionProportion)
                        // Ok lets create a connection.
                        //first we search or create the winconnection object
                        winConn = win.findOrInsertConnectionWithProperties(idGenerator,
                            WINConnection.ConnectionWithProperties(currentConnCount, sourceNeuronGene.InnovationId, targetNeuronGene.InnovationId));

                        //our winconn will have our innovationID, and our weight like normal
                        //this will also respect the idgenerator, since it gets sent in as well, for legacy purposes
                        connectionGeneList.Add(new ConnectionGene(winConn.UniqueID,
                            (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0)
                            //(Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0));  // Weight 0 +-5


            //WIN will eventually be in control of all the genomes that are created as well, but not quite yet!
            //TODO: WIN should be generating genomeIDs explicitly

            // Don't create any hidden nodes at this point. Fundamental to the NEAT way is to start minimally!
            return new NeatGenome(idGenerator.NextGenomeId, neuronGeneList, connectionGeneList, inputNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount);
コード例 #17
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        /// <summary>
        /// We define a simple neuron structure as a neuron that has a single outgoing or single incoming connection.
        /// With such a structure we can easily eliminate the neuron and shift it's connections to an adjacent neuron.
        /// If the neuron's non-linearity was not being used then such a mutation is a simplification of the network
        /// structure that shouldn't adversly affect its functionality.
        /// </summary>
        private void Mutate_DeleteSimpleNeuronStructure(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGen, Hashtable NewConnectionGeneTable)
            //TODO: WIN acknowledge deletion of neurongene
            // We will use the NeuronConnectionLookupTable to find the simple structures.

            // Build a list of candidate simple neurons to choose from.
            ArrayList simpleNeuronIdList = new ArrayList();

            foreach(NeuronConnectionLookup lookup in neuronConnectionLookupTable.Values)
                // If we test the connection count with <=1 then we also pick up neurons that are in dead-end circuits,
                // RemoveSimpleNeuron is then able to delete these neurons from the network structure along with any
                // associated connections.
                // All neurons that are part of a module would appear to be dead-ended, but skip removing them anyway.
                if (lookup.neuronGene.NeuronType == NeuronType.Hidden
                            && !(lookup.neuronGene.ActivationFunction is ModuleInputNeuron)
                            && !(lookup.neuronGene.ActivationFunction is ModuleOutputNeuron) ) {
                    if((lookup.incomingList.Count<=1) || (lookup.outgoingList.Count<=1))

            // Are there any candiate simple neurons?
            {	// No candidate neurons. As a fallback lets delete a connection.

            // Pick a simple neuron at random.
            int idx = (int)Math.Floor(Utilities.NextDouble() * simpleNeuronIdList.Count);
            long neuronId = (long)simpleNeuronIdList[idx];
            RemoveSimpleNeuron(neuronId, neatParameters, idGen, NewConnectionGeneTable);
コード例 #18
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a default minimal genome that describes a NN with the given number of inputs and outputs.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static IGenome CreateGenome(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, int inputNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount, int outputsPerPolicy, float connectionProportion)
            IActivationFunction actFunct;
			NeuronGene neuronGene; // temp variable.
			NeuronGeneList inputNeuronGeneList = new NeuronGeneList(); // includes bias neuron.
			NeuronGeneList outputNeuronGeneList = new NeuronGeneList();
			NeuronGeneList neuronGeneList = new NeuronGeneList();
			ConnectionGeneList connectionGeneList = new ConnectionGeneList();

			// IMPORTANT NOTE: The neurons must all be created prior to any connections. That way all of the genomes
			// will obtain the same innovation ID's for the bias,input and output nodes in the initial population.
			// Create a single bias neuron.
            //TODO: DAVID proper activation function change to NULL?
            actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn");
            //neuronGene = new NeuronGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronType.Bias, actFunct);
            neuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronGene.INPUT_LAYER, NeuronType.Bias, actFunct);

			// Create input neuron genes.
            actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn");
			for(int i=0; i<inputNeuronCount; i++)
                //TODO: DAVID proper activation function change to NULL?
                //neuronGene = new NeuronGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronType.Input, actFunct);
                neuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronGene.INPUT_LAYER, NeuronType.Input, actFunct);

			// Create output neuron genes. 
            //actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn");
			for(int i=0; i<outputNeuronCount; i++)
                actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("BipolarSigmoid");
                //actFunct = ActivationFunctionFactory.GetRandomActivationFunction(neatParameters);
                //TODO: DAVID proper activation function
                //neuronGene = new NeuronGene(idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronType.Output, actFunct);
                neuronGene = new NeuronGene(null, idGenerator.NextInnovationId, NeuronGene.OUTPUT_LAYER, NeuronType.Output, actFunct);

			// Loop over all possible connections from input to output nodes and create a number of connections based upon
			// connectionProportion.
			foreach(NeuronGene targetNeuronGene in outputNeuronGeneList)
				foreach(NeuronGene sourceNeuronGene in inputNeuronGeneList)
					// Always generate an ID even if we aren't going to use it. This is necessary to ensure connections
					// between the same neurons always have the same ID throughout the generated population.
					uint connectionInnovationId = idGenerator.NextInnovationId;

					if(Utilities.NextDouble() < connectionProportion)
					{	// Ok lets create a connection.
						connectionGeneList.Add(	new ConnectionGene(connectionInnovationId, 
							(Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange ) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0));  // Weight 0 +-5

            // Don't create any hidden nodes at this point. Fundamental to the NEAT way is to start minimally!
            // Schrum: Added outputsPerPolicy: If outputsPerPolicy == outputNeuronCount, then behaves like default NEAT
            return new NeatGenome(idGenerator.NextGenomeId, neuronGeneList, connectionGeneList, inputNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount, outputsPerPolicy);
コード例 #19
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        private void RemoveSimpleNeuron(long neuronId, NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGen, Hashtable NewConnectionGeneTable)
            WINManager win = WINManager.SharedWIN;
            //WINNode node;
            WINConnection connection;
            // Create new connections that connect all of the incoming and outgoing neurons
            // that currently exist for the simple neuron.
            NeuronConnectionLookup lookup = (NeuronConnectionLookup)neuronConnectionLookupTable[neuronId];
            foreach(ConnectionGene incomingConnection in lookup.incomingList)
                foreach(ConnectionGene outgoingConnection in lookup.outgoingList)
                    if(TestForExistingConnection(incomingConnection.SourceNeuronId, outgoingConnection.TargetNeuronId))
                    {	// Connection already exists.

                    // Test for matching connection within NewConnectionGeneTable.
                    ConnectionEndpointsStruct connectionKey = new ConnectionEndpointsStruct(incomingConnection.SourceNeuronId,
                    ConnectionGene existingConnection = (ConnectionGene)NewConnectionGeneTable[connectionKey];
                    ConnectionGene newConnectionGene;

                        // No matching connection found. Create a connection with a new ID.

                        //create our newest conncetion, noting the source,target and weight
                        connection = win.createWINConnection(
               WINConnection.ConnectionWithProperties(incomingConnection.SourceNeuronId, outgoingConnection.TargetNeuronId), idGen);

                        // Create a new connection with a new ID and add it to the Genome.
                        newConnectionGene = new ConnectionGene(connection.UniqueID, connection.SourceID, connection.TargetID,
                             (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange / 2.0

                        //newConnectionGene = new ConnectionGene(idGen.NextInnovationId,
                        //    incomingConnection.SourceNeuronId,
                        //    outgoingConnection.TargetNeuronId,
                        //    (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0);

                        // Register the new ID with NewConnectionGeneTable.
                        NewConnectionGeneTable.Add(connectionKey, newConnectionGene);

                        // Add the new gene to the genome.
                        //WIN should acknowledge change in individual here

                        // Matching connection found. Re-use its ID.
                        newConnectionGene = new ConnectionGene(existingConnection.InnovationId,
                            (Utilities.NextDouble() * neatParameters.connectionWeightRange) - neatParameters.connectionWeightRange/2.0);

                        // Add the new gene to the genome. Use InsertIntoPosition() to ensure we don't break the sort
                        // order of the connection genes.


            // Delete the old connections.
            foreach(ConnectionGene incomingConnection in lookup.incomingList)

            foreach(ConnectionGene outgoingConnection in lookup.outgoingList)
                // Filter out recurrent connections - they will have already been
                // deleted in the loop through 'lookup.incomingList'.
                if(outgoingConnection.TargetNeuronId != neuronId)

            // Delete the simple neuron - it no longer has any connections to or from it.
コード例 #20
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a GenomeList. This can be used to construct a new Population object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="evolutionAlgorithm"></param>
		/// <param name="inputNeuronCount"></param>
		/// <param name="outputNeuronCount"></param>
		/// <param name="length"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
        // Schrum: Added outputsPerPolicy
        public static GenomeList CreateGenomeList(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, int inputNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount, int outputsPerPolicy, float connectionProportion, int length)
			GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();
			for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
                // Schrum: Added outputsPerPolicy
				genomeList.Add(CreateGenome(neatParameters, idGenerator, inputNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount, outputsPerPolicy, connectionProportion));

			return genomeList;
コード例 #21
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        public IGenome CreateOffspring_Asexual(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGen, Hashtable newNeuronTable, Hashtable newConnectionTable)
            // Make an exact copy this Genome.
            NeatGenome offspring = new NeatGenome(this, idGen.NextGenomeId);

            // Mutate the new genome.
            //WIN acknowledges any connection or node mutations, but doesn't save any other mutations
            offspring.Mutate(neatParameters, idGen, newNeuronTable, newConnectionTable);

            return offspring;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: coastwise/HyperSharpNEAT
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string folder = "";
            NeatGenome seedGenome = null;
            string filename = null;
            string shape = "triangle";
            bool isMulti = false;

            for (int j = 0; j < args.Length; j++)
                if(j <= args.Length - 2)
                    switch (args[j])
                        case "-seed": filename = args[++j];
                            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to use seed from file " + filename);
                        case "-folder": folder = args[++j];
                            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to output to folder " + folder);
                        case "-shape": shape = args[++j];
                            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to do experiment with shape " + shape);
                        case "-multi": isMulti = Boolean.Parse(args[++j]);
                            Console.WriteLine("Experiment is heterogeneous? " + isMulti);

                    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
                    seedGenome = XmlNeatGenomeReaderStatic.Read(document);
                catch (Exception e)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Problem loading genome. \n" + e.Message);

            double maxFitness = 0;
            int maxGenerations = 1000;
            int populationSize = 150;
            int inputs = 4;
            IExperiment exp = new SkirmishExperiment(inputs, 1, isMulti, shape);
            StreamWriter SW;
            SW = File.CreateText(folder + "logfile.txt");
            XmlDocument doc;
            FileInfo oFileInfo;
            IdGenerator idgen;
            EvolutionAlgorithm ea;
            if (seedGenome == null)
                idgen = new IdGenerator();
                ea = new EvolutionAlgorithm(new Population(idgen, GenomeFactory.CreateGenomeList(exp.DefaultNeatParameters, idgen, exp.InputNeuronCount, exp.OutputNeuronCount, exp.DefaultNeatParameters.pInitialPopulationInterconnections, populationSize)), exp.PopulationEvaluator, exp.DefaultNeatParameters);

                idgen = new IdGeneratorFactory().CreateIdGenerator(seedGenome);
                ea = new EvolutionAlgorithm(new Population(idgen, GenomeFactory.CreateGenomeList(seedGenome, populationSize, exp.DefaultNeatParameters, idgen)), exp.PopulationEvaluator, exp.DefaultNeatParameters);
            for (int j = 0; j < maxGenerations; j++)
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                if (ea.BestGenome.Fitness > maxFitness)
                    maxFitness = ea.BestGenome.Fitness;
                    doc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlGenomeWriterStatic.Write(doc, (NeatGenome)ea.BestGenome);
                    oFileInfo = new FileInfo(folder + "bestGenome" + j.ToString() + ".xml");

                    // This will output the substrate, uncomment if you want that
                    /* doc = new XmlDocument();
                     XmlGenomeWriterStatic.Write(doc, (NeatGenome) SkirmishNetworkEvaluator.substrate.generateMultiGenomeModulus(ea.BestGenome.Decode(null),5));
                     oFileInfo = new FileInfo(folder + "bestNetwork" + j.ToString() + ".xml");

                Console.WriteLine(ea.Generation.ToString() + " " + ea.BestGenome.Fitness + " " + (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt)));
                //Do any post-hoc stuff here

                SW.WriteLine(ea.Generation.ToString() + " " + (maxFitness).ToString());


            doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlGenomeWriterStatic.Write(doc, (NeatGenome)ea.BestGenome, ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("NullFn"));
            oFileInfo = new FileInfo(folder + "bestGenome.xml");

コード例 #23
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        public IGenome CreateOffspring_Sexual(NeatParameters np, IdGenerator idGen, IGenome parent)
            NeatGenome otherParent = parent as NeatGenome;
            if (otherParent == null)
                return null;

            // Build a list of connections in either this genome or the other parent.
            CorrelationResults correlationResults = CorrelateConnectionGeneLists(connectionGeneList, otherParent.connectionGeneList);
            Debug.Assert(correlationResults.PerformIntegrityCheck(), "CorrelationResults failed integrity check.");

            //----- Connection Genes.
            // We will temporarily store the offspring's genes in newConnectionGeneList and keeping track of which genes
            // exist with newConnectionGeneTable. Here we ensure these objects are created, and if they already existed
            // then ensure they are cleared. Clearing existing objects is more efficient that creating new ones because
            // allocated memory can be re-used.

            // Key = connection key, value = index in newConnectionGeneList.
            if (newConnectionGeneTable == null)
            {	// Provide a capacity figure to the new Hashtable. The offspring will be the same length (or thereabouts).
                newConnectionGeneTable = new Hashtable(connectionGeneList.Count);
            //TODO: No 'capacity' constructor on CollectionBase. Create modified/custom CollectionBase.
            // newConnectionGeneList must be constructed on each call because it is passed to a new NeatGenome
            // at construction time and a permanent reference to the list is kept.
            newConnectionGeneList = new ConnectionGeneList(ConnectionGeneList.Count);

            // A switch that stores which parent is fittest 1 or 2. Chooses randomly if both are equal. More efficient to calculate this just once.
            byte fitSwitch;
            if (Fitness > otherParent.Fitness)
                fitSwitch = 1;
            else if (Fitness < otherParent.Fitness)
                fitSwitch = 2;
            {	// Select one of the parents at random to be the 'master' genome during crossover.
                if (Utilities.NextDouble() < 0.5)
                    fitSwitch = 1;
                    fitSwitch = 2;

            bool combineDisjointExcessFlag = Utilities.NextDouble() < np.pDisjointExcessGenesRecombined;

            // Loop through the correlationResults, building a table of ConnectionGenes from the parents that will make it into our
            // new [single] offspring. We use a table keyed on connection end points to prevent passing connections to the offspring
            // that may have the same end points but a different innovation number - effectively we filter out duplicate connections.
            int idxBound = correlationResults.CorrelationItemList.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < idxBound; i++)
                CreateOffspring_Sexual_ProcessCorrelationItem((CorrelationItem)correlationResults.CorrelationItemList[i], fitSwitch, combineDisjointExcessFlag, np);

            //----- Neuron Genes.
            // Build a neuronGeneList by analysing each connection's neuron end-point IDs.
            // This strategy has the benefit of eliminating neurons that are no longer connected too.
            // Remember to always keep all input, output and bias neurons though!
            NeuronGeneList newNeuronGeneList = new NeuronGeneList(neuronGeneList.Count);

            // Keep a table of the NeuronGene ID's keyed by ID so that we can keep track of which ones have been added.
            // Key = innovation ID, value = null for some reason.
            if (newNeuronGeneTable == null)
                newNeuronGeneTable = new Hashtable(neuronGeneList.Count);

            // Get the input/output neurons from this parent. All Genomes share these neurons, they do not change during a run.
            idxBound = neuronGeneList.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < idxBound; i++)
                if (neuronGeneList[i].NeuronType != NeuronType.Hidden)
                    newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(neuronGeneList[i]));
                    newNeuronGeneTable.Add(neuronGeneList[i].InnovationId, null);
                {	// No more bias, input or output nodes. break the loop.

            // Now analyse the connections to determine which NeuronGenes are required in the offspring.
            // Loop through every connection in the child, and add to the child those hidden neurons that are sources or targets of the connection.
            idxBound = newConnectionGeneList.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < idxBound; i++)
                NeuronGene neuronGene;
                ConnectionGene connectionGene = newConnectionGeneList[i];
                if (!newNeuronGeneTable.ContainsKey(connectionGene.SourceNeuronId))
                    //TODO: DAVID proper activation function
                    // We can safely assume that any missing NeuronGenes at this point are hidden heurons.
                    neuronGene = this.neuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(connectionGene.SourceNeuronId);
                    if (neuronGene != null)
                        newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(neuronGene));
                        newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(otherParent.NeuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(connectionGene.SourceNeuronId)));
                    //newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(connectionGene.SourceNeuronId, NeuronType.Hidden, ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("SteepenedSigmoid")));
                    newNeuronGeneTable.Add(connectionGene.SourceNeuronId, null);

                if (!newNeuronGeneTable.ContainsKey(connectionGene.TargetNeuronId))
                    //TODO: DAVID proper activation function
                    // We can safely assume that any missing NeuronGenes at this point are hidden heurons.
                    neuronGene = this.neuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(connectionGene.TargetNeuronId);
                    if (neuronGene != null)
                        newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(neuronGene));
                        newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(otherParent.NeuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(connectionGene.TargetNeuronId)));
                    //newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(connectionGene.TargetNeuronId, NeuronType.Hidden, ActivationFunctionFactory.GetActivationFunction("SteepenedSigmoid")));
                    newNeuronGeneTable.Add(connectionGene.TargetNeuronId, null);

            // Determine which modules to pass on to the child in the same way.
            // For each module in this genome or in the other parent, if it was referenced by even one connection add it and all its dummy neurons to the child.
            List<ModuleGene> newModuleGeneList = new List<ModuleGene>();

            // Build a list of modules the child might have, which is a union of the parents' module lists, but they are all copies so we can't just do a union.
            List<ModuleGene> unionParentModules = new List<ModuleGene>(moduleGeneList);
            foreach (ModuleGene moduleGene in otherParent.moduleGeneList)
                bool alreadySeen = false;
                foreach (ModuleGene match in unionParentModules)
                    if (moduleGene.InnovationId == match.InnovationId)
                        alreadySeen = true;
                if (!alreadySeen)

            foreach (ModuleGene moduleGene in unionParentModules)
                // Examine each neuron in the child to determine whether it is part of a module.
                foreach (List<long> dummyNeuronList in new List<long>[] { moduleGene.InputIds, moduleGene.OutputIds })
                    foreach (long dummyNeuronId in dummyNeuronList)
                        if (newNeuronGeneTable.ContainsKey(dummyNeuronId))
                            goto childHasModule;

                continue; // the child does not contain this module, so continue the loop and check for the next module.
            childHasModule: // the child does contain this module, so make sure the child gets all the nodes the module requires to work.

                // Make sure the child has all the neurons in the given module.
                newModuleGeneList.Add(new ModuleGene(moduleGene));
            foreach (List<long> dummyNeuronList in new List<long>[] { moduleGene.InputIds, moduleGene.OutputIds })
                    foreach (long dummyNeuronId in dummyNeuronList)
                        if (!newNeuronGeneTable.ContainsKey(dummyNeuronId))
                            newNeuronGeneTable.Add(dummyNeuronId, null);
                            NeuronGene neuronGene = this.neuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(dummyNeuronId);
                            if (neuronGene != null)
                                newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(neuronGene));
                                newNeuronGeneList.Add(new NeuronGene(otherParent.NeuronGeneList.GetNeuronById(dummyNeuronId)));

            // TODO: Inefficient code?

            //PAUL: WIN should go here some more!
            //in the future, we're going to call out to WIN to create our NeatGenome for us, where it will save it
            //TODO: WIN calls for sexual reproduction

            // newConnectionGeneList is already sorted because it was generated by passing over the list returned by
            // CorrelateConnectionGeneLists() - which is always in order.
            return new NeatGenome(idGen.NextGenomeId, newNeuronGeneList, newModuleGeneList, newConnectionGeneList, inputNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount);
コード例 #24
 public void initializeEvolution(int populationSize)
     logOutput = new StreamWriter(outputFolder + "logfile.txt");
     IdGenerator idgen = new IdGenerator();
     ea = new EvolutionAlgorithm(new Population(idgen, GenomeFactory.CreateGenomeList(experiment.DefaultNeatParameters, idgen, experiment.InputNeuronCount, experiment.OutputNeuronCount, experiment.OutputsPerPolicy, experiment.DefaultNeatParameters.pInitialPopulationInterconnections, populationSize)), experiment.PopulationEvaluator, experiment.DefaultNeatParameters);
コード例 #25
ファイル: NeatGenome.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        /// <summary>
        /// Paul: Modified the mutation function to take in the required objects, instead of Evolution Algorithm.
        /// This way, mutation isn't tied to a large EA object, but can still function without issue. Useful for interactive evolution framework.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="neatParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="idGen"></param>
        /// <param name="genomeHashtable"></param>
        /// <param name="connectionHashTable"></param>
        public void Mutate(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGen, Hashtable genomeHashtable, Hashtable connectionHashTable)
            // Determine the type of mutation to perform.
            double[] probabilities = new double[]

            int outcome = RouletteWheel.SingleThrow(probabilities);

                case 0:
                    //basic support by WIN, but doesn't acknowledge weight changes
                    Mutate_AddNode(neatParameters, idGen, genomeHashtable);
                case 1:
                    //currently not totally supported by WIN
                    Mutate_AddModule(neatParameters, idGen, connectionHashTable);
                case 2:
                    //WIN basic support, doesn't acknowledge weight changes
                    Mutate_AddConnection(neatParameters, idGen, connectionHashTable);
                case 3:
                    //Doesn't acknowledge weight changes yet
                case 4:
                    //WIN doesn't acknowledge deletion of neurons yet
                    Mutate_DeleteSimpleNeuronStructure(neatParameters, idGen, connectionHashTable);
                case 5:
                    //Win doesn't yet acknowledge the weight changes
コード例 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the EA with a random intial population.
 /// </summary>
 public void initializeEvolution(int populationSize)
     LogOutput = Logging ? new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "log.txt")) : null;
     FinalPositionOutput = FinalPositionLogging ? new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder,"final-position.txt")) : null;
     ArchiveModificationOutput = FinalPositionLogging ? new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "archive-mods.txt")) : null;
     ComplexityOutput = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "complexity.txt"));
     if (FinalPositionLogging)
     IdGenerator idgen = new IdGenerator();
     EA = new EvolutionAlgorithm(new Population(idgen, GenomeFactory.CreateGenomeList(experiment.DefaultNeatParameters, idgen, experiment.InputNeuronCount, experiment.OutputNeuronCount, experiment.DefaultNeatParameters.pInitialPopulationInterconnections, populationSize, SimExperiment.neatBrain)), experiment.PopulationEvaluator, experiment.DefaultNeatParameters);
     EA.outputFolder = OutputFolder;
     EA.neatBrain = NEATBrain;
コード例 #27
ファイル: GenomeFactory.cs プロジェクト: OptimusLime/IESoR
        public static GenomeList CreateGenomeListPreserveIDs(NeatParameters neatParameters, IdGenerator idGenerator, 
            int inputNeuronCount, int outputNeuronCount, float connectionProportion, int length, AssessGenotypeFunction assess)
            GenomeList genomeList = new GenomeList();

            int testCount = 0; int maxTests = 5;

            //for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            while(genomeList.Count < length)
                    IGenome genome = CreateGenomePreserveID(neatParameters, idGenerator, inputNeuronCount, outputNeuronCount, connectionProportion);

                    if (assess != null && assess(genome) && testCount++ < maxTests)
                        //after adding the genome, reset test count
                        testCount = 0;
                    else if (assess == null)
                    else if (testCount >= maxTests)
                        testCount = 0;

            return genomeList;