Model state variables for single pole balancing task.
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the provided IBlackBox.
        /// </summary>
        public FitnessInfo Evaluate(IBlackBox box)

            // Initialise state.
            SinglePoleStateData state = new SinglePoleStateData();

            state._poleAngle = SixDegrees;

            // Run the pole-balancing simulation.
            int timestep = 0;

            for (; timestep < _maxTimesteps; timestep++)
                // Provide state info to the black box inputs (normalised to +-1.0).
                box.InputSignalArray[0] = state._cartPosX / _trackLengthHalf;    // cart_pos_x range is +-trackLengthHalfed. Here we normalize it to [-1,1].
                box.InputSignalArray[1] = state._cartVelocityX / 0.75;           // cart_velocity_x is typically +-0.75
                box.InputSignalArray[2] = state._poleAngle / TwelveDegrees;      // pole_angle is +-twelve_degrees. Values outside of this range stop the simulation.
                box.InputSignalArray[3] = state._poleAngularVelocity;            // pole_angular_velocity is typically +-1.0 radians. No scaling required.

                // Activate the network.

                // Calculate state at next timestep given the black box's output action (push left or push right).
                SimulateTimestep(state, box.OutputSignalArray[0] > 0.5);

                // Check for failure state. Has the cart run off the ends of the track or has the pole
                // angle gone beyond the threshold.
                if ((state._cartPosX < -_trackLengthHalf) || (state._cartPosX > _trackLengthHalf) ||
                    (state._poleAngle > _poleAngleThreshold) || (state._poleAngle < -_poleAngleThreshold))

            if (timestep == _maxTimesteps)
                _stopConditionSatisfied = true;

            // The controller's fitness is defined as the number of timesteps that elapse before failure.
            double fitness = timestep;

            return(new FitnessInfo(fitness, fitness));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a state update for the next timestep using current model state and a single 'action' from the
        /// controller. The action specifies if the controller is pushing the cart left or right. Note that this is a binary
        /// action and therefore full force is always applied to the cart in some direction. This is the standard model for
        /// the single pole balancing task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">Model state.</param>
        /// <param name="action">push direction, left(false) or right(true). Force magnitude is fixed.</param>
        private void SimulateTimestep(SinglePoleStateData state, bool action)
            //float xacc,thetaacc,force,costheta,sintheta,temp;
            double force    = action ? ForceMag : -ForceMag;
            double cosTheta = Math.Cos(state._poleAngle);
            double sinTheta = Math.Sin(state._poleAngle);
            double tmp      = (force + (PoleMassLength * state._poleAngularVelocity * state._poleAngularVelocity * sinTheta)) / TotalMass;

            double thetaAcc = ((Gravity * sinTheta) - (cosTheta * tmp))
                              / (Length * (FourThirds - ((MassPole * cosTheta * cosTheta) / TotalMass)));

            double xAcc = tmp - ((PoleMassLength * thetaAcc * cosTheta) / TotalMass);

            // Update the four state variables, using Euler's method.
            state._cartPosX            += TimeDelta * state._cartVelocityX;
            state._cartVelocityX       += TimeDelta * xAcc;
            state._poleAngle           += TimeDelta * state._poleAngularVelocity;
            state._poleAngularVelocity += TimeDelta * thetaAcc;
            state._action = action;