コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Fites a regression decision tree using a set presorted indices for each feature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="observations"></param>
        /// <param name="targets">the original targets</param>
        /// <param name="residuals">the residuals for each boosting iteration</param>
        /// <param name="predictions">the current predictions</param>
        /// <param name="orderedElements">jagged array of sorted indices corresponding to each features</param>
        /// <param name="inSample">bool array containing the samples to use</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GBMTree Learn(F64Matrix observations, double[] targets, double[] residuals, double[] predictions,
                             int[][] orderedElements, bool[] inSample)
            var rootValues   = m_loss.InitSplit(targets, residuals, inSample);
            var bestConstant = rootValues.BestConstant;

            if (m_loss.UpdateLeafValues())
                bestConstant = m_loss.UpdatedLeafValue(bestConstant,
                                                       targets, predictions, inSample);

            var root = new GBMNode()
                FeatureIndex  = -1,
                SplitValue    = -1,
                LeftError     = rootValues.Cost,
                RightError    = rootValues.Cost,
                LeftConstant  = bestConstant,
                RightConstant = bestConstant,
                SampleCount   = rootValues.Samples

            var nodes = new List <GBMNode> {

            var queue = new Queue <GBMTreeCreationItem>(100);

            queue.Enqueue(new GBMTreeCreationItem {
                Values = rootValues, InSample = inSample, Depth = 1

            var featureCount      = observations.ColumnCount;
            var allFeatureIndices = Enumerable.Range(0, featureCount).ToArray();

            if (m_featuresPrSplit == 0)
                m_featuresPrSplit = featureCount;

            var featuresPrSplit = new int[m_featuresPrSplit];

            Array.Copy(allFeatureIndices, featuresPrSplit, featuresPrSplit.Length);

            var nodeIndex = 0;

            var splitResults = new ConcurrentBag <GBMSplitResult>();

            while (queue.Count > 0)

                var parentItem     = queue.Dequeue();
                var parentInSample = parentItem.InSample;

                var isLeaf = (parentItem.Depth >= m_maximumTreeDepth);

                var initBestSplit = new GBMSplit
                    Depth         = parentItem.Depth,
                    FeatureIndex  = -1,
                    SplitIndex    = -1,
                    SplitValue    = -1,
                    Cost          = double.MaxValue,
                    LeftConstant  = -1,
                    RightConstant = -1

                if (allFeatureIndices.Length != featuresPrSplit.Length)
                    Array.Copy(allFeatureIndices, featuresPrSplit, featuresPrSplit.Length);

                if (!m_runParallel)
                    foreach (var i in featuresPrSplit)
                        FindBestSplit(observations, residuals, targets, predictions, orderedElements,
                                      parentItem, parentInSample, i, splitResults);
                else // multi-threaded search for best split
                    var workItems = new ConcurrentQueue <int>();
                    foreach (var i in featuresPrSplit)

                    Action findSplit = () => SplitWorker(observations, residuals, targets, predictions, orderedElements, parentItem,
                                                         parentInSample, workItems, splitResults);

                    var workers = new List <Action>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)

                    var rangePartitioner = Partitioner.Create(workers, true);
                    // Loop over the partitions in parallel.
                    Parallel.ForEach(rangePartitioner, (work, loopState) => work());

                var bestSplitResult = new GBMSplitResult {
                    BestSplit = initBestSplit, Left = GBMSplitInfo.NewEmpty(), Right = GBMSplitInfo.NewEmpty()
                if (splitResults.Count != 0)
                    // alternative to for finding bestsplit. gives slightly different results. probably due to order.
                    //GBMSplitResult result;
                    //while (splitResults.TryTake(out result))
                    //    if (result.BestSplit.Cost < bestSplitResult.BestSplit.Cost)
                    //    {
                    //        bestSplitResult = result;
                    //    }
                    bestSplitResult = splitResults.OrderBy(r => r.BestSplit.Cost).First();

                    var node = bestSplitResult.BestSplit.GetNode();

                    SetParentLeafIndex(nodeIndex, parentItem);
                    isLeaf = isLeaf || (bestSplitResult.BestSplit.CostImprovement < m_minimumInformationGain);

                    if (!isLeaf)
                        var leftInSample   = new bool[parentInSample.Length];
                        var rightInSample  = new bool[parentInSample.Length];
                        var featureIndices = orderedElements[bestSplitResult.BestSplit.FeatureIndex];

                        for (int i = 0; i < parentInSample.Length; i++)
                            if (i < bestSplitResult.BestSplit.SplitIndex)
                                leftInSample[featureIndices[i]] = parentInSample[featureIndices[i]];
                                rightInSample[featureIndices[i]] = parentInSample[featureIndices[i]];

                        if (m_loss.UpdateLeafValues())
                            node.LeftConstant = m_loss.UpdatedLeafValue(node.LeftConstant,
                                                                        targets, predictions, leftInSample);

                            node.RightConstant = m_loss.UpdatedLeafValue(node.RightConstant,
                                                                         targets, predictions, rightInSample);

                        var depth = parentItem.Depth + 1;

                        queue.Enqueue(new GBMTreeCreationItem
                            Values   = bestSplitResult.Left.Copy(NodePositionType.Left),
                            InSample = leftInSample,
                            Depth    = depth,
                            Parent   = node

                        queue.Enqueue(new GBMTreeCreationItem
                            Values   = bestSplitResult.Right.Copy(NodePositionType.Right),
                            InSample = rightInSample,
                            Depth    = depth,
                            Parent   = node
                        if (m_loss.UpdateLeafValues())
                            var leftInSample   = new bool[parentInSample.Length];
                            var rightInSample  = new bool[parentInSample.Length];
                            var featureIndices = orderedElements[bestSplitResult.BestSplit.FeatureIndex];

                            for (int i = 0; i < parentInSample.Length; i++)
                                if (i < bestSplitResult.BestSplit.SplitIndex)
                                    leftInSample[featureIndices[i]] = parentInSample[featureIndices[i]];
                                    rightInSample[featureIndices[i]] = parentInSample[featureIndices[i]];

                            node.LeftConstant = m_loss.UpdatedLeafValue(node.LeftConstant,
                                                                        targets, predictions, leftInSample);

                            node.RightConstant = m_loss.UpdatedLeafValue(node.RightConstant,
                                                                         targets, predictions, rightInSample);

            return(new GBMTree(nodes));
コード例 #2
        void FindBestSplit(F64Matrix observations, double[] residuals, double[] targets, double[] predictions, int[][] orderedElements,
                           GBMTreeCreationItem parentItem, bool[] parentInSample, int featureIndex, ConcurrentBag <GBMSplitResult> results)
            var bestSplit = new GBMSplit
                Depth         = parentItem.Depth,
                FeatureIndex  = -1,
                SplitIndex    = -1,
                SplitValue    = -1,
                Cost          = double.MaxValue,
                LeftConstant  = -1,
                RightConstant = -1,
                SampleCount   = parentItem.Values.Samples

            var bestLeft  = GBMSplitInfo.NewEmpty();
            var bestRight = GBMSplitInfo.NewEmpty();

            var left  = GBMSplitInfo.NewEmpty();
            var right = parentItem.Values.Copy(NodePositionType.Right);

            var orderedIndices = orderedElements[featureIndex];
            var j = NextAllowedIndex(0, orderedIndices, parentInSample);

            // No allowed sample or valid split left.
            if (j >= orderedIndices.Length || orderedIndices.Length == 1)

            var currentIndex = orderedIndices[j];

            m_loss.UpdateSplitConstants(ref left, ref right, targets[currentIndex], residuals[currentIndex]);

            var previousValue = observations.At(currentIndex, featureIndex);

            while (right.Samples > 0)
                j            = NextAllowedIndex(j + 1, orderedIndices, parentInSample);
                currentIndex = orderedIndices[j];
                var currentValue = observations.At(currentIndex, featureIndex);

                if (Math.Min(left.Samples, right.Samples) >= m_minimumSplitSize)
                    if (previousValue != currentValue)
                        var cost = left.Cost + right.Cost;
                        if (cost < bestSplit.Cost)
                            bestSplit.FeatureIndex    = featureIndex;
                            bestSplit.SplitIndex      = j;
                            bestSplit.SplitValue      = (previousValue + currentValue) * .5;
                            bestSplit.LeftError       = left.Cost;
                            bestSplit.RightError      = right.Cost;
                            bestSplit.Cost            = cost;
                            bestSplit.CostImprovement = parentItem.Values.Cost - cost;
                            bestSplit.LeftConstant    = left.BestConstant;
                            bestSplit.RightConstant   = right.BestConstant;

                            bestLeft  = left.Copy();
                            bestRight = right.Copy();

                m_loss.UpdateSplitConstants(ref left, ref right, targets[currentIndex], residuals[currentIndex]);
                previousValue = currentValue;

            if (bestSplit.FeatureIndex != -1)
                results.Add(new GBMSplitResult {
                    BestSplit = bestSplit, Left = bestLeft, Right = bestRight