static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 3: Font"; //main loop using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //create font from file (generated with tkfont.exe) SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //resize if form was resized if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string font.DrawString("Hello SharpDX", 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Current Time " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0, 32, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); font.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //Init textured cube int[] indices = new int[] { 0,1,2,0,2,3, 4,6,5,4,7,6, 8,9,10,8,10,11, 12,14,13,12,15,14, 16,18,17,16,19,18, 20,21,22,20,22,23 }; TexturedVertex[] vertices = new[] { ////TOP new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), //BOTTOM new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), //LEFT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,1)), //RIGHT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,1)), //FRONT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), //BACK new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,1)) }; //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 5: Texture"; SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //Init font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //Init Mesh SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.Create<TexturedVertex>(device, vertices, indices); //Init shader from file SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 12, 0) }); //Create constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Matrix>(); //Create texture from file ShaderResourceView texture = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device.Device, "../../texture.bmp"); fpsCounter.Reset(); //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //apply shader shader.Apply(); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //set texture device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1, 1000); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, 10, -30), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 1000.0F); Matrix WVP = world * view * projection; device.UpdateData<Matrix>(buffer, WVP); //draw mesh mesh.Draw(); //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); texture.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 13: Geometry Instancing"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //load model from wavefront obj file SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.CreateNormalMappedFromObj(device, "../../../Models/dog/dog.obj"); //init shader with normal map illumination SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL_instancing.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TANGENT", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 24, 0), new InputElement("BINORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 36, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 48, 0), new InputElement("INSTANCEPOSITION",0,Format.R32G32B32_Float,0,1,InputClassification.PerInstanceData,1) }); SharpShader shaderStandard = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL_standard.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TANGENT", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 24, 0), new InputElement("BINORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 36, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 48, 0) }); //create instance buffer data List<Vector3> positions = new List<Vector3>(); for (int z = 0; z < 100; z++) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { positions.Add(new Vector3(i * 80 - 400, j * 80 - 400, z * 80 - 400)); } } } SharpInstanceBuffer<Vector3> instanceBuffer = new SharpInstanceBuffer<Vector3>(device, positions.ToArray()); //init constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Data>(); //init frame counter fpsCounter.Reset(); //to active normal mapping bool instancing = true; int instanceCount = 5000; form.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.I: instancing = true; break; case Keys.D: instancing = false; break; case Keys.Up: instanceCount += 100; if (instanceCount >= 10000) instanceCount = 10000; break; case Keys.Down: instanceCount -= 100; if (instanceCount < 0) instanceCount = 0; break; } }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1F, 50000.0F); //set camera position and target Vector3 from = new Vector3(0, 70, -1000); Vector3 to = new Vector3(0, 50, 0); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(from, to, Vector3.UnitY); //light direction Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -1); lightDirection.Normalize(); if (instancing) { //Instancing rendering loop //set world matrix Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F); Data sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, viewProjection = view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), viewDirection = new Vector4(Vector3.Normalize(from - to), 1) }; //apply shader shader.Apply(); //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, sceneInformation); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //draw mesh mesh.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, mesh.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(1, mesh.SubSets[i].NormalMap); instanceBuffer.DrawInstance(instanceCount, mesh.SubSets[i].IndexCount, mesh.SubSets[i].StartIndex); } } else { //non instancing //apply shader shaderStandard.Apply(); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //prepare mesh mesh.Begin(); for (int j = 0; j < instanceCount; j++) { //set world matrix Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F) * Matrix.Translation(positions[j]); Data sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, viewProjection = view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), viewDirection = new Vector4(Vector3.Normalize(from - to), 1) }; //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, sceneInformation); //draw mesh for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, mesh.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(1, mesh.SubSets[i].NormalMap); mesh.Draw(i); } } } //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); if (instancing) font.DrawString("Instancing On: Press D to use standard rendering. See FPS", 0, 30, Color.White); else font.DrawString("Instancing Off: Press I to use Instancing. See FPS", 0, 30, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press up and down to change count ", 0, 60, Color.White); font.DrawString("Count: " + instanceCount, 0, 90, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); shader.Dispose(); shaderStandard.Dispose(); instanceBuffer.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //Init textured cube int[] indices = new int[] { 0,1,2,0,2,3, 4,6,5,4,7,6, 8,9,10,8,10,11, 12,14,13,12,15,14, 16,18,17,16,19,18, 20,21,22,20,22,23 }; TexturedVertex[] vertices = new[] { ////TOP new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), //BOTTOM new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), //LEFT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,1)), //RIGHT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,1)), //FRONT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), //BACK new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,1)) }; //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 14: Output Stream"; SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //Init font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //Init Mesh SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.Create<TexturedVertex>(device, vertices, indices); //Init shader from file SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 12, 0) }); //output stream element declaration StreamOutputElement[] soDeclaration = new StreamOutputElement[] { new StreamOutputElement(){SemanticName="POSITION",ComponentCount=3}, new StreamOutputElement(){SemanticName="TEXCOORD",ComponentCount=2} }; const int streamOutputVertexSize = 20; //bytes (3 floats for position, 2 floats for texcoord) //output shader SharpShader shaderOutput = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS_O", GeometryShaderFunction = "GS_O", GeometrySO = soDeclaration }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 12, 0) }); //declare 2 output buffer to switch between them //one will contain the source and the other will be the target of the rendeinrg SharpOutputBuffer outputBufferA = new SharpOutputBuffer(device, 100000); SharpOutputBuffer outputBufferB = new SharpOutputBuffer(device, 100000); //Create constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Matrix>(); //Create texture from file ShaderResourceView texture = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device.Device, "../../texture.bmp"); fpsCounter.Reset(); //for updating bool update = true; Vector3 nextPosition = new Vector3(); form.KeyUp += (sender, e) => { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Up: update = true; nextPosition += new Vector3(0, 10, 0); break; case Keys.Down: update = true; nextPosition += new Vector3(0, -10, 0); break; case Keys.A: update = true; nextPosition += new Vector3(-10, 0, 0); break; case Keys.D: update = true; nextPosition += new Vector3(10, 0, 0); break; case Keys.W: update = true; nextPosition += new Vector3(0, 0, 10); break; case Keys.S: update = true; nextPosition += new Vector3(0, 0, -10); break; } }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //set texture device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture); //update output buffer only when needed if (update) { //switch buffer var t = outputBufferA; outputBufferA = outputBufferB; outputBufferB = t; //apply shader shaderOutput.Apply(); //start drawing on output buffer outputBufferA.Begin(); //draw the other output buffer as source device.UpdateData<Matrix>(buffer, Matrix.Identity); outputBufferB.Draw(streamOutputVertexSize); //draw the mesh to add it to buffer device.UpdateData<Matrix>(buffer, Matrix.Translation(nextPosition)); //draw mesh mesh.Draw(); //end rendering on buffer outputBufferA.End(); //stop updating update = false; } //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1, 1000); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, 50, -100), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.Identity; Matrix WVP = world * view * projection; device.UpdateData<Matrix>(buffer, WVP); //stream shader.Apply(); //draw all buffer every frame outputBufferA.Draw(streamOutputVertexSize); //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press WASD, Up, Down to move cube", 0, 30, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); texture.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } int[] indices = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).ToArray(); List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) { vertices.Add(new Vector3(i - 5, j - 5, 5 - z) * 12); } } } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 8: Geometry Shader"; SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); //number of cube int count = 1000; using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.Create<Vector3>(device, vertices.ToArray(), indices); SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS", GeometryShaderFunction = "GS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0) }); Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Data>(); ShaderResourceView texture = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device.Device, "../../"); fpsCounter.Reset(); form.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Up: if (count < 1000) count++; break; case Keys.Down: if (count > 0) count--; break; } }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply state device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //apply shader shader.Apply(); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.GeometryShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //set texture device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1, 10000); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(10, 20, -100), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 1000.0F); Data matrices = new Data() { World = world, ViewProj = view * projection }; device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, matrices); //draw mesh mesh.DrawPoints(count); //begin drawing text device.DeviceContext.GeometryShader.Set(null); font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Cube Count: " + count, 0, 30, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press Up and Down to change number", 0, 60, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 18: Skin Animation"; SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); //number of cube int count = 1000; using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //Input layout for Skinning Mesh InputElement[] description = new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION",0,SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float,0,0), new InputElement("NORMAL",0,SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float,12,0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD",0,SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32_Float,24,0), new InputElement("BINORMAL",0,SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float,32,0), new InputElement("TANGENT",0,SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float,44,0), new InputElement("JOINT",0,SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float,56,0), new InputElement("WEIGHT",0,SharpDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float,72,0), }; SharpShader staticShader = new SharpShader(device, "../../Basic.hlsl", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VSMain", PixelShaderFunction = "PSMain" }, description); SharpShader skinShader = new SharpShader(device, "../../BasicSkin.hlsl", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VSMain", PixelShaderFunction = "PSMain" }, description); Buffer11 lightBuffer = skinShader.CreateBuffer<Vector4>(); string path = @"../../../Models/Troll/"; SharpModel model = new SharpModel(device, ColladaImporter.Import(path + "troll.dae")); foreach (Geometry g in model.Geometries) { if (g.IsAnimated) g.Shader = skinShader; else g.Shader = staticShader; g.Material.DiffuseTexture = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device.Device, path + g.Material.DiffuseTextureName); g.Material.NormalTextureName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(g.Material.DiffuseTextureName) + ""; g.Material.NormalTexture = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device.Device, path + g.Material.NormalTextureName); } fpsCounter.Reset(); form.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.Up: if (count < 1000) count++; break; case Keys.Down: if (count > 0) count--; break; } }; int lastTick = Environment.TickCount; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply state device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1, 10000); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, -100, 50), new Vector3(0, 0, 50), Vector3.UnitZ); Matrix world = Matrix.Identity; float angle = 0.2F; Vector3 light = new Vector3((float)Math.Sin(angle), (float)Math.Cos(angle), 0); light.Normalize(); device.UpdateData<Vector4>(lightBuffer, new Vector4(light, 1)); device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(2, lightBuffer); float animationTime = (Environment.TickCount - lastTick) / 1000.0F; if (animationTime >= model.Animations.First().Duration) { lastTick = Environment.TickCount; animationTime = 0; } model.SetTime(animationTime); model.Draw(device, new SkinShaderInformation() { Trasform = world * view * projection, World = world }); font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Skinning Animation With Collada", 0, 30, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 9: Normal Mapping"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //load model from wavefront obj file SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.CreateNormalMappedFromObj(device, "../../../Models/dog/dog.obj"); //init shader with normal map illumination SharpShader shaderNormal = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL_normal.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TANGENT", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 24, 0), new InputElement("BINORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 36, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 48, 0) }); //Init shader with standard illumination SharpShader shaderStandard = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL_standard.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TANGENT", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 24, 0), new InputElement("BINORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 36, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 48, 0) }); //init constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shaderNormal.CreateBuffer<Data>(); //init frame counter fpsCounter.Reset(); //Used for parallax mapping float bias = 0.005f; //to active normal mapping bool normalMap = true; form.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A) bias += 0.005f; else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.S) bias -= 0.005f; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.N) normalMap = true; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D) normalMap = false; }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1F, 1000.0F); //set camera position and target Vector3 from = new Vector3(0, 70, -150); Vector3 to = new Vector3(0, 50, 0); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(from, to, Vector3.UnitY); //set world matrix Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F); //light direction Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -1); lightDirection.Normalize(); Data sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), viewDirection = new Vector4(Vector3.Normalize(from - to), 1), bias = new Vector4(bias, 0, 0, 0) }; //apply shader if (normalMap) shaderNormal.Apply(); else shaderStandard.Apply(); //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, sceneInformation); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //draw mesh mesh.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, mesh.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(1, mesh.SubSets[i].NormalMap); mesh.Draw(i); } //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press N or D to switch mode: ", 0, 20, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press A or S to change bias: " + bias, 0, 40, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); shaderNormal.Dispose(); shaderStandard.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 10: Render Target"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //load model from wavefront obj file SharpMesh dogMesh = SharpMesh.CreateNormalMappedFromObj(device, "../../../Models/dog/dog.obj"); SharpMesh cubeMesh = SharpMesh.CreateFromObj(device, "../../../Models/cube.obj"); //init shader SharpShader phongShader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TANGENT", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 24, 0), new InputElement("BINORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 36, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 48, 0) }); SharpShader renderTargetShader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL_RT.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 24, 0) }); //render target SharpRenderTarget target = new SharpRenderTarget(device, 512, 512, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); //init constant buffer Buffer11 phongConstantBuffer = phongShader.CreateBuffer<PhongData>(); Buffer11 renderTargetConstantBuffer = phongShader.CreateBuffer<RenderTargetData>(); //init frame counter fpsCounter.Reset(); //effect inside shader int mode = 0; form.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.D1: mode = 0; break; case Keys.D2: mode = 1; break; case Keys.D3: mode = 2; break; case Keys.D4: mode = 3; break; } }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //BEGIN RENDERING TO TEXTURE target.Apply(); target.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1F, 1000.0F); Vector3 from = new Vector3(0, 70, -150); Vector3 to = new Vector3(0, 50, 0); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(from, to, Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F); //light direction Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -1); lightDirection.Normalize(); PhongData sceneInformation = new PhongData() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), }; //apply shader phongShader.Apply(); //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<PhongData>(phongConstantBuffer, sceneInformation); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, phongConstantBuffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, phongConstantBuffer); //draw mesh dogMesh.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < dogMesh.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, dogMesh.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(1, dogMesh.SubSets[i].NormalMap); dogMesh.Draw(i); } //RENDERING TO DEVICE //Set original targets device.SetDefaultTargers(); //apply shader renderTargetShader.Apply(); Matrix WVP = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F) * Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(7, 10, -13), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY) * projection; device.UpdateData<RenderTargetData>(renderTargetConstantBuffer, new RenderTargetData() { worldViewProjection = WVP, data = new Vector4(mode, 0, 0, 0) }); //clear color device.Clear(Color.Black); renderTargetShader.Apply(); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, renderTargetConstantBuffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, renderTargetConstantBuffer); //set target device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, target.Resource); cubeMesh.Draw(); //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press 1 To 4 to change Effect", 0, 30, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); dogMesh.Dispose(); cubeMesh.Dispose(); phongConstantBuffer.Dispose(); renderTargetConstantBuffer.Dispose(); phongShader.Dispose(); renderTargetShader.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 17: Query"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //load model from wavefront obj file SharpMesh earth = SharpMesh.CreateFromObj(device, "../../../Models/planets/earth.obj"); SharpMesh moon = SharpMesh.CreateFromObj(device, "../../../Models/planets/moon.obj"); //init shader SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 24, 0) }); //init constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Data>(); Query pipelineQuery = new Query(device.Device, new QueryDescription() { Flags = QueryFlags.None, Type = QueryType.PipelineStatistics }); QueryDataPipelineStatistics stats = new QueryDataPipelineStatistics(); //init frame counter fpsCounter.Reset(); int lastX = 0; float currentAngle = 200; form.MouseMove += (sender, e) => { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { currentAngle += (lastX - e.X); } lastX = e.X; }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //apply shader shader.Apply(); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1F, 1000.0F); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, 0, -250), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.Translation(0, 0, 200) * Matrix.RotationY(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(currentAngle)); //light direction Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -1); lightDirection.Normalize(); Data sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1) }; //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, sceneInformation); //draw mesh moon.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < moon.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, moon.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); moon.Draw(i); } //begin analizing device.DeviceContext.Begin(pipelineQuery); world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F); sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1) }; //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, sceneInformation); //draw mesh earth.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < earth.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, earth.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); earth.Draw(i); } //end analizing device.DeviceContext.End(pipelineQuery); //get result while (!device.DeviceContext.GetData<QueryDataPipelineStatistics>(pipelineQuery, AsynchronousFlags.None, out stats)) { } //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("Earth Stats : FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); //print earth stats font.DrawString("Earth Stats : Rotate Moon To Cover Earth " , 0, 30, Color.White); font.DrawString(string.Format("Primitive Count: {0}", stats.IAPrimitiveCount), 0, 60, Color.White); font.DrawString(string.Format("Vertex Count Count: {0}", stats.IAVerticeCount), 0, 90, Color.White); font.DrawString(string.Format("Vertex Shader Execution: {0}", stats.VSInvocationCount), 0, 120, Color.White); font.DrawString(string.Format("Pixel Shader Execution: {0}", stats.PSInvocationCount), 0, 150, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); earth.Dispose(); moon.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); pipelineQuery.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 15: Toon Shading With Multiple Render Target"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //load model from wavefront obj file SharpMesh dogMesh = SharpMesh.CreateFromObj(device, "../../../Models/dog/dog.obj"); //quad SharpMesh quad = SharpMesh.CreateQuad(device); //init shader SharpShader firstPass = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 24, 0) }); //second pass SharpShader secondPass = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS_QUAD", PixelShaderFunction = "PS_QUAD" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), }); //render target SharpRenderTarget target = new SharpRenderTarget(device, form.ClientSize.Width, form.ClientSize.Height, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); //render target SharpRenderTarget target2 = new SharpRenderTarget(device, form.ClientSize.Width, form.ClientSize.Height, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); //toon texture ShaderResourceView bandTexture = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device.Device, "../../../Models/band.bmp"); //init constant buffer Buffer11 toonConstantBuffer = firstPass.CreateBuffer<ToonData>(); //init frame counter fpsCounter.Reset(); //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); //render target target.Dispose(); target = new SharpRenderTarget(device, form.ClientSize.Width, form.ClientSize.Height, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); //render target target2.Dispose(); target2 = new SharpRenderTarget(device, form.ClientSize.Width, form.ClientSize.Height, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //BEGIN RENDERING TO TEXTURE (MULTIPLE) device.ApplyMultipleRenderTarget(target, target2); target.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); target2.Clear(Color.Black); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1F, 1000.0F); Vector3 from = new Vector3(0, 70, -150); Vector3 to = new Vector3(0, 50, 0); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(from, to, Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F); //light direction Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -1); lightDirection.Normalize(); ToonData sceneInformation = new ToonData() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), cameraPosition = new Vector4(from, 1) }; //apply shader firstPass.Apply(); //set toon band texture device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(1, bandTexture); //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<ToonData>(toonConstantBuffer, sceneInformation); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, toonConstantBuffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, toonConstantBuffer); //draw mesh dogMesh.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < dogMesh.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, dogMesh.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); dogMesh.Draw(i); } //RENDERING TO DEVICE //Set original targets device.SetDefaultTargers(); //apply shader secondPass.Apply(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.Black); secondPass.Apply(); //set target device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, target.Resource); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(1, target2.Resource); quad.Draw(); //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); dogMesh.Dispose(); quad.Dispose(); toonConstantBuffer.Dispose(); firstPass.Dispose(); secondPass.Dispose(); bandTexture.Dispose(); target.Dispose(); target2.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 7: Loading Obj File"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //load model from wavefront obj file SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.CreateFromObj(device, "../../../Models/car/car.obj"); //init shader SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 24, 0) }); //init constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Data>(); //init frame counter fpsCounter.Reset(); //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //apply shader shader.Apply(); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1F, 1000.0F); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, 10, -30), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 1000.0F); //light direction Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -1); lightDirection.Normalize(); Data sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1) }; //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, sceneInformation); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //draw mesh mesh.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, mesh.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); mesh.Draw(i); } //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 6: Rasterizer & Alphablending"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //init mesh int[] indices = new int[] { 0,1,2,0,2,3, 4,6,5,4,7,6, 8,9,10,8,10,11, 12,14,13,12,15,14, 16,18,17,16,19,18, 20,21,22,20,22,23 }; TexturedVertex[] vertices = new[] { ////TOP new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), //BOTTOM new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), //LEFT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,1)), //RIGHT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,1)), //FRONT new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,5),new Vector2(0,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,5),new Vector2(1,1)), //BACK new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,5,-5),new Vector2(0,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,5,-5),new Vector2(1,0)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(5,-5,-5),new Vector2(1,1)), new TexturedVertex(new Vector3(-5,-5,-5),new Vector2(0,1)) }; SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.Create<TexturedVertex>(device, vertices, indices); //init shader SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 12, 0) }); //init constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Matrix>(); //load Shader Resouce View from file //it contains texture for using inside shaders ShaderResourceView texture = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(device.Device, "../../"); //init frame rate counter fpsCounter.Reset(); //keyboard event //change depth and rasterizer state form.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.W: device.SetWireframeRasterState(); device.SetDefaultBlendState(); break; case Keys.S: device.SetDefaultRasterState(); break; case Keys.D1: device.SetDefaultBlendState(); break; case Keys.D2: device.SetBlend(BlendOperation.Add, BlendOption.InverseSourceAlpha, BlendOption.SourceAlpha); break; case Keys.D3: device.SetBlend(BlendOperation.Add, BlendOption.SourceAlpha, BlendOption.InverseSourceAlpha); break; case Keys.D4: device.SetBlend(BlendOperation.Add, BlendOption.SourceColor, BlendOption.InverseSourceColor); break; case Keys.D5: device.SetBlend(BlendOperation.Add, BlendOption.SourceColor, BlendOption.DestinationColor); break; } }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply state device.UpdateAllStates(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); //apply shader shader.Apply(); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); //set texture device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, texture); //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; //projection matrix Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1, 1000); //view matrix (camera) Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, 10, -40), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY); //world matrix Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 1000.0F); Matrix worldViewProjection = world * view * projection; //set world view projection matrix inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Matrix>(buffer, worldViewProjection); //draw mesh mesh.Draw(); //Second Mesh world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 1000.0F) * Matrix.Translation(5, 0, -15); worldViewProjection = world * view * projection; //refresh constant buffer device.UpdateData<Matrix>(buffer, worldViewProjection); //draw second mesh mesh.Draw(); //Third Mesh world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 1000.0F) * Matrix.Translation(-5, 0, -15); worldViewProjection = world * view * projection; //refresh constant buffer device.UpdateData<Matrix>(buffer, worldViewProjection); //draw third mesh mesh.Draw(); //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press W for wireframe, S for solid", 0, 30, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press From 1 to 5 for Alphablending", 0, 60, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); texture.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } int[] indices = new int[] { 0,1,2,3,4,5 }; Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[]{ new Vector3(-50, 0, 50), new Vector3(50, 0, 50), new Vector3(50, 0, -50), new Vector3(-50, 0, 50), new Vector3(50, 0, -50), new Vector3(-50, 0, -50) }; //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 11: Tesselation"; SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //Init font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //Init mesh SharpMesh mesh = SharpMesh.Create<Vector3>(device, vertices, indices); //Init shader SharpShader shader = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS", GeometryShaderFunction = "GS", HullShaderFunction = "HS", DomainShaderFunction = "DS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), }); //create constant buffer Buffer11 buffer = shader.CreateBuffer<Data>(); fpsCounter.Reset(); //tessellation value int nFactor = 1; form.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up) nFactor++; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down && nFactor > 1) nFactor--; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.W) device.SetWireframeRasterState(); if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F) device.SetDefaultRasterState(); }; //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //clear color device.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); device.UpdateAllStates(); float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(MathUtil.Pi / 3.0F, ratio, 1, 1000); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(0, 30, -80), new Vector3(), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 2000.0F); Matrix WVP = world * view * projection; device.UpdateData<Data>(buffer, new Data() { world = world, viewProj = view * projection, factor = new Vector4(nFactor, nFactor, 0, 0) }); device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.GeometryShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.HullShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); device.DeviceContext.DomainShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, buffer); shader.Apply(); //draw mesh as patch mesh.DrawPatch(SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.PatchListWith3ControlPoints); //remove unused shader shader.Clear(); //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); font.DrawString("Tessellation Factor: " + nFactor, 0, 30, Color.White); font.DrawString("Press Up And Down to change Tessellation Factor,W and S to switch to wireframe ", 0, 60, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); mesh.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); shader.Dispose(); } }
static void Main() { if (!SharpDevice.IsDirectX11Supported()) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("DirectX11 Not Supported"); return; } //render form RenderForm form = new RenderForm(); form.Text = "Tutorial 16: Environment Mapping"; //frame rate counter SharpFPS fpsCounter = new SharpFPS(); using (SharpDevice device = new SharpDevice(form)) { //load font SharpBatch font = new SharpBatch(device, ""); //load model from wavefront obj file SharpMesh teapot = SharpMesh.CreateFromObj(device, "../../../Models/teapot.obj"); //init shader SharpShader cubeMapPass = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS", GeometryShaderFunction = "GS", PixelShaderFunction = "PS" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 24, 0) }); //second pass SharpShader standard = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS_SECOND", PixelShaderFunction = "PS_SECOND" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 24, 0) }); //second pass SharpShader reflection = new SharpShader(device, "../../HLSL.txt", new SharpShaderDescription() { VertexShaderFunction = "VS_SECOND", PixelShaderFunction = "PS_REFLECTION" }, new InputElement[] { new InputElement("POSITION", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 0, 0), new InputElement("NORMAL", 0, Format.R32G32B32_Float, 12, 0), new InputElement("TEXCOORD", 0, Format.R32G32_Float, 24, 0) }); //render target SharpCubeTarget cubeTarget = new SharpCubeTarget(device, 512, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm); //init constant buffer Buffer11 dataConstantBuffer = cubeMapPass.CreateBuffer<Data>(); //init frame counter fpsCounter.Reset(); //main loop RenderLoop.Run(form, () => { //Resizing if (device.MustResize) { device.Resize(); font.Resize(); } //apply states device.UpdateAllStates(); //MATRICES //set transformation matrix float ratio = (float)form.ClientRectangle.Width / (float)form.ClientRectangle.Height; //90° degree with 1 ratio Matrix projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 2.0F, 1, 1F, 10000.0F); //camera Vector3 from = new Vector3(0, 30, 70); Vector3 to = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Matrix view = Matrix.LookAtLH(from, to, Vector3.UnitY); Matrix world = Matrix.Translation(0, 0, 50) * Matrix.RotationY(Environment.TickCount / 1000.0F); //light direction Vector3 lightDirection = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -1); lightDirection.Normalize(); //six axis Matrix view1 = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(), new Vector3(1, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix view2 = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(), new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix view3 = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), -Vector3.UnitZ); Matrix view4 = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(), new Vector3(0, -1, 0), Vector3.UnitZ); Matrix view5 = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(), new Vector3(0, 0, 1), Vector3.UnitY); Matrix view6 = Matrix.LookAtLH(new Vector3(), new Vector3(0, 0, -1), Vector3.UnitY); //BEGIN RENDERING TO CUBE TEXTURE cubeTarget.Apply(); cubeTarget.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); Data sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), cameraPosition = new Vector4(from, 1), mat1 = world * view1 * projection, mat2 = world * view2 * projection, mat3 = world * view3 * projection, mat4 = world * view4 * projection, mat5 = world * view5 * projection, mat6 = world * view6 * projection }; //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(dataConstantBuffer, sceneInformation); //apply shader cubeMapPass.Apply(); //apply constant buffer to shader device.DeviceContext.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, dataConstantBuffer); device.DeviceContext.GeometryShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, dataConstantBuffer); device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, dataConstantBuffer); //draw mesh teapot.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < teapot.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, teapot.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); teapot.Draw(i); } //RENDERING TO DEVICE //Set original targets device.SetDefaultTargers(); //clear color device.Clear(Color.Blue); //apply shader standard.Apply(); //set target device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(1, cubeTarget.Resource); projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(3.14F / 3.0F, ratio, 1, 10000.0F); sceneInformation = new Data() { world = world, worldViewProjection = world * view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), cameraPosition = new Vector4(from, 1), mat1 = world * view1 * projection, mat2 = world * view2 * projection, mat3 = world * view3 * projection, mat4 = world * view4 * projection, mat5 = world * view5 * projection, mat6 = world * view6 * projection }; //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(dataConstantBuffer, sceneInformation); //room teapot.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < teapot.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, teapot.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); teapot.Draw(i); } //apply shader reflection.Apply(); sceneInformation = new Data() { world = Matrix.Identity, worldViewProjection = view * projection, lightDirection = new Vector4(lightDirection, 1), cameraPosition = new Vector4(from, 1), mat1 = Matrix.Identity, mat2 = Matrix.Identity, mat3 = Matrix.Identity, mat4 = Matrix.Identity, mat5 = Matrix.Identity, mat6 = Matrix.Identity }; //write data inside constant buffer device.UpdateData<Data>(dataConstantBuffer, sceneInformation); //draw mesh teapot.Begin(); for (int i = 0; i < teapot.SubSets.Count; i++) { device.DeviceContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, teapot.SubSets[i].DiffuseMap); teapot.Draw(i); } //begin drawing text font.Begin(); //draw string fpsCounter.Update(); font.DrawString("FPS: " + fpsCounter.FPS, 0, 0, Color.White); //flush text to view font.End(); //present device.Present(); }); //release resource font.Dispose(); teapot.Dispose(); dataConstantBuffer.Dispose(); cubeMapPass.Dispose(); standard.Dispose(); reflection.Dispose(); cubeTarget.Dispose(); } }