private static int Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Mosa.Tool.Disassembler.Intel.Disassembler []"); Console.WriteLine("Copyright 2016. New BSD License."); Console.WriteLine("Written by Phil Garcia ([email protected])"); Console.WriteLine(); if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: Disassembler -offset <offset> -address <address> -o <output file> <source file>"); Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: Missing arguments"); return -1; } try { var options = new Options(); options.LoadArguments(args); // Need a new instance of translator every time as they aren't thread safe var translator = new IntelTranslator(); // Configure the translator to output instruction addresses and instruction binary as hex translator.IncludeAddress = true; translator.IncludeBinary = true; var code2 = File.ReadAllBytes(options.InputFile); var code = new byte[code2.Length]; for (ulong i = options.FileOffset; i < (ulong)code2.Length; i++) { code[i - options.FileOffset] = code2[i]; } //using (var disasm = new SharpDisasm.Disassembler(code, ArchitectureMode.x86_32, options.StartingAddress, true, Vendor.Any, options.FileOffset)) using (var disasm = new SharpDisasm.Disassembler(code, ArchitectureMode.x86_32, options.StartingAddress, true, Vendor.Any)) { using (var dest = File.CreateText(options.OutputFile)) { foreach (var instruction in disasm.Disassemble()) { var inst = translator.Translate(instruction); dest.WriteLine(inst); if (options.Length != 0 && instruction.PC > options.StartingAddress + options.Length) break; } } } return 0; } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.ToString()); return -1; } }
private void GenerateASMFile() { // Need a new instance of translator every time as they aren't thread safe var translator = new IntelTranslator(); // Configure the translator to output instruction addresses and instruction binary as hex translator.IncludeAddress = true; translator.IncludeBinary = true; var asmfile = Path.Combine(Options.DestinationDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Options.SourceFile) + ".asm"); var textSection = Linker.LinkerSections[(int)SectionKind.Text]; var map = new Dictionary<ulong, string>(); foreach (var symbol in Linker.Symbols) { if (map.ContainsKey(symbol.VirtualAddress)) continue; map.Add(symbol.VirtualAddress, symbol.Name); } uint multibootHeaderLength = MultibootHeaderLength; ulong startingAddress = textSection.VirtualAddress + multibootHeaderLength; uint fileOffset = textSection.FileOffset + multibootHeaderLength; uint length = textSection.Size; var code2 = File.ReadAllBytes(CompiledFile); var code = new byte[code2.Length]; for (ulong i = fileOffset; i < (ulong)code2.Length; i++) { code[i - fileOffset] = code2[i]; } using (var disasm = new SharpDisasm.Disassembler(code, ArchitectureMode.x86_32, startingAddress, true, Vendor.Any)) { using (var dest = File.CreateText(asmfile)) { if (map.ContainsKey(startingAddress)) { dest.WriteLine("; " + map[startingAddress]); } foreach (var instruction in disasm.Disassemble()) { var inst = translator.Translate(instruction); dest.WriteLine(inst); if (map.ContainsKey(instruction.PC)) { dest.WriteLine("; " + map[instruction.PC]); } if (instruction.PC > startingAddress + length) break; } } } }