コード例 #1
ファイル: Helper.cs プロジェクト: MeteTR/LeagueSharp2
		public static void DrawText(Font font, string text, int posX, int posY, Color color)
			Rectangle rec = font.MeasureText(null, text, FontDrawFlags.Center);
			font.DrawText(null, text, posX + 1 + rec.X, posY + 1, Color.Black);
			font.DrawText(null, text, posX + rec.X, posY + 1, Color.Black);
			font.DrawText(null, text, posX - 1 + rec.X, posY - 1, Color.Black);
			font.DrawText(null, text, posX + rec.X, posY - 1, Color.Black);
			font.DrawText(null, text, posX + rec.X, posY, color);
コード例 #2
        public void Draw()
            if (Font == null || Font.IsDisposed || Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed || Height < 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Message))

            //using (Font)
                Font?.DrawText(null, Message, X, Y, Color);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ModeDraw.cs プロジェクト: yashine59fr/PortAIO
 public static void DrawText(Font aFont, String aText, int aPosX, int aPosY, SharpDX.Color aColor)
     aFont.DrawText(null, aText, aPosX + 2, aPosY + 2, aColor != SharpDX.Color.Black ? SharpDX.Color.Black : SharpDX.Color.White);
     aFont.DrawText(null, aText, aPosX, aPosY, aColor);
コード例 #4
ファイル: DXHookD3D9.cs プロジェクト: nefarius/Direct3DHook
 private void DrawText(Font font, Vector2 pos, string text, ColorBGRA color)
     font.DrawText(null, text, new Rectangle((int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, 0, 0),
         SharpDX.Direct3D9.FontDrawFlags.NoClip, color);
コード例 #5
ファイル: CommonGeometry.cs プロジェクト: Esk0r/LeagueSharp
 public static void DrawText(Font vFont, string vText, float vPosX, float vPosY, ColorBGRA vColor, bool shadow = false)
     if (shadow)
         vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)vPosX + 2, (int)vPosY + 2, SharpDX.Color.Black);
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)vPosX, (int)vPosY, vColor);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of capturing from the render target of the Direct3D9 Device (or DeviceEx)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        void DoCaptureRenderTarget(Device device, string hook)

                    #region Screenshot Request
                // Single frame capture request
                if (this.Request != null)
                    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

                        using (Surface renderTargetTemp = device.GetRenderTarget(0))
                            int width, height;

                            // TODO: If resizing the captured image is required it can be adjusted here
                            //if (renderTargetTemp.Description.Width > 1280)
                            //    width = 1280;
                            //    height = (int)Math.Round((renderTargetTemp.Description.Height * (1280.0 / renderTargetTemp.Description.Width)));
                                width = renderTargetTemp.Description.Width;
                                height = renderTargetTemp.Description.Height;

                            // First ensure we have a Surface to the render target data into
                            if (_renderTarget == null)
                                // Create offscreen surface to use as copy of render target data
                                using (SwapChain sc = device.GetSwapChain(0))
                                    _renderTarget = Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain(device, width, height, sc.PresentParameters.BackBufferFormat, Pool.SystemMemory);

                            // Create our resolved surface (resizing if necessary and to resolve any multi-sampling)
                            using (Surface resolvedSurface = Surface.CreateRenderTarget(device, width, height, renderTargetTemp.Description.Format, MultisampleType.None, 0, false))
                                // Resize from Render Surface to resolvedSurface
                                device.StretchRectangle(renderTargetTemp, resolvedSurface, TextureFilter.None);

                                // Get Render Data
                                device.GetRenderTargetData(resolvedSurface, _renderTarget);

                        if (Request != null)
                        // We have completed the request - mark it as null so we do not continue to try to capture the same request
                        // Note: If you are after high frame rates, consider implementing buffers here to capture more frequently
                        //         and send back to the host application as needed. The IPC overhead significantly slows down 
                        //         the whole process if sending frame by frame.
                        Request = null;
                    DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
                    this.DebugMessage(hook + ": Capture time: " + (end - start).ToString());


                if (this.Config.ShowOverlay)
                    #region Draw frame rate

                    // TODO: font needs to be created and then reused, not created each frame!
                    using (SharpDX.Direct3D9.Font font = new SharpDX.Direct3D9.Font(device, new FontDescription()
                                        Height = 16,
                                        FaceName = "Arial",
                                        Italic = false,
                                        Width = 0,
                                        MipLevels = 1,
                                        CharacterSet = FontCharacterSet.Default,
                                        OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default,
                                        Quality = FontQuality.Antialiased,
                                        PitchAndFamily = FontPitchAndFamily.Default | FontPitchAndFamily.DontCare,
                                        Weight = FontWeight.Bold

                        if (this.FPS.GetFPS() >= 1)
                            font.DrawText(null, String.Format("{0:N0} fps", this.FPS.GetFPS()), 5, 5, SharpDX.Color.Red);

                        if (this.TextDisplay != null && this.TextDisplay.Display)
                            font.DrawText(null, this.TextDisplay.Text, 5, 25, new SharpDX.ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, (byte)Math.Round((Math.Abs(1.0f - TextDisplay.Remaining) * 255f))));

            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #7
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: MaybeMars/SharpDX-Samples
        static void Main()
            var form = new RenderForm("SharpDX - Direct3D9 Font Sample");
            int width = form.ClientSize.Width;
            int height = form.ClientSize.Height;
            var device = new Device(new Direct3D(), 0, DeviceType.Hardware, form.Handle, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, new PresentParameters(width, height) { PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.One });

            // Initialize the Font
            FontDescription fontDescription = new FontDescription()
                Height = 72,
                Italic = false,
                CharacterSet = FontCharacterSet.Ansi,
                FaceName = "Arial",
                MipLevels = 0,
                OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.TrueType,
                PitchAndFamily = FontPitchAndFamily.Default,
                Quality = FontQuality.ClearType,
                Weight = FontWeight.Bold

            var font = new Font(device, fontDescription);

            var displayText = "Direct3D9 Text!";

            // Measure the text to display
            var fontDimension = font.MeasureText(null, displayText, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), FontDrawFlags.Center | FontDrawFlags.VerticalCenter);

            int xDir = 1;
            int yDir = 1;

            RenderLoop.Run(form, () =>
                device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);

                // Make the text boucing on the screen limits
                if ((fontDimension.Right + xDir) > width)
                    xDir = -1;
                else if ((fontDimension.Left + xDir) <= 0)
                    xDir = 1;

                if ((fontDimension.Bottom + yDir) > height)
                    yDir = -1;
                else if ((fontDimension.Top + yDir) <= 0)
                    yDir = 1;

                fontDimension.Left += (int)xDir;
                fontDimension.Top += (int)yDir;
                fontDimension.Bottom += (int)yDir;
                fontDimension.Right += (int)xDir;

                // Draw the text
                font.DrawText(null, displayText, fontDimension, FontDrawFlags.Center | FontDrawFlags.VerticalCenter, Color.White);

コード例 #8
 public static void DrawText(Font font, String text, int posX, int posY, Color color)
     Rectangle rec = font.MeasureText(null, text, FontDrawFlags.Center);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX + 1 + rec.X, posY + 1, SharpColor.White);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: ActionCrafted/EnsoulScript
 public static void DrawFontTextScreen(Font vFont, string vText, float vPosX, float vPosY, ColorBGRA vColor)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)vPosX, (int)vPosY, vColor);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: limurk/EnsageSharp-3
        private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args)
            if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice9 == null || !(Menu.Item("Hide/Show").GetValue <bool>()))
            if (_isPressedFirst == false)

            //textFont.DrawText(null, ".", 1417, 817, SharpDX.Color.Yellow); //For Testing Purposes
            //Game.PrintMessage("<font color='#00aaff'>" + String.Format("{0, -2} | {1, -4} | {2, -3}% | {3, -4}", p.ID, mmr, wr, role), MessageType.ChatMessage);

            List <Player> players = ObjectManager.GetEntities <Player>().Where(x => x.Team != Team.Observer).ToList();

            if (_isDisplayedFirst)
                //Panel Positions.
                int textPosX = 1435 + Menu.Item("BarPosX").GetValue <Slider>().Value;
                int textPosY = 850 + Menu.Item("BarPosY").GetValue <Slider>().Value;
                int horDist  = 60;
                int boxDist  = 15; //Distance of Box
                int vertDist = hText;

                textFont.DrawText(null, "MMR | WIN % | BEST HERO", textPosX, textPosY - vertDist, SharpDX.Color.White);
                SharpDX.Color textColor = SharpDX.Color.White;

                foreach (Player player in players)
                    //Player Color.
                    SharpDX.Color playerColor = SelectColor(player.Id);
                    string        mmr;
                    string        wr;
                    string        bestHero;

                    if (player.Team == Team.Radiant)
                        //Radiant text position.
                        Vector2 startPosMMRR  = new Vector2(textPosX, textPosY + player.TeamSlot * vertDist);
                        Vector2 startPosWRR   = new Vector2(textPosX + 1 * horDist, textPosY + player.TeamSlot * vertDist);
                        Vector2 startPosRoleR = new Vector2(textPosX + 2 * horDist, textPosY + player.TeamSlot * vertDist);

                        if (BestHeroesDict.TryGetValue(player.PlayerSteamId, out bestHero))
                            //Console.WriteLine(BestHeroesDict[p.PlayerSteamId ][0]);
                            textFont.DrawText(null, bestHero, (int)startPosRoleR.X, (int)startPosRoleR.Y, textColor);

                        if (MMRDict.TryGetValue(player.PlayerSteamId, out mmr))
                            textFont.DrawText(null, "🔲", (int)startPosMMRR.X - boxDist, (int)startPosMMRR.Y, playerColor);
                            textFont.DrawText(null, mmr, (int)startPosMMRR.X, (int)startPosMMRR.Y, textColor);

                        if (WinRateDict.TryGetValue(player.PlayerSteamId, out wr))
                            textFont.DrawText(null, wr + "%", (int)startPosWRR.X, (int)startPosWRR.Y, textColor);

                    else if (player.Team == Team.Dire)
                        //Dire text position.
                        Vector2 startPosMMRD  = new Vector2(textPosX + 5 * horDist, textPosY + player.TeamSlot * vertDist);
                        Vector2 startPosWRD   = new Vector2(textPosX + 6 * horDist, textPosY + player.TeamSlot * vertDist);
                        Vector2 startPosRoleD = new Vector2(textPosX + 7 * horDist, textPosY + player.TeamSlot * vertDist);

                        if (BestHeroesDict.TryGetValue(player.PlayerSteamId, out bestHero))
                            //Console.WriteLine(BestHeroesDict[p.PlayerSteamId ][0]);
                            textFont.DrawText(null, bestHero, (int)startPosRoleD.X, (int)startPosRoleD.Y, textColor);

                        if (MMRDict.TryGetValue(player.PlayerSteamId, out mmr))
                            textFont.DrawText(null, "🔲", (int)startPosMMRD.X - boxDist, (int)startPosMMRD.Y, playerColor);
                            textFont.DrawText(null, mmr, (int)startPosMMRD.X, (int)startPosMMRD.Y, textColor);

                        if (WinRateDict.TryGetValue(player.PlayerSteamId, out wr))
                            textFont.DrawText(null, wr + "%", (int)startPosWRD.X, (int)startPosWRD.Y, textColor);

コード例 #11
        public static void DrawFontTextMap(Font vFont, string vText, Vector3 Pos, ColorBGRA vColor)
            var wts = Drawing.WorldToScreen(Pos);

            vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)wts[0], (int)wts[1], vColor);
コード例 #12
ファイル: MenuDrawHelper.cs プロジェクト: CjShu/PortAIOCommon
 /// <summary>
 ///     Draws an arrow.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">
 ///     The string.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="position">
 ///     The position.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="item">
 ///     The item.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="color">
 ///     The color.
 /// </param>
 internal static void DrawArrow(string s, Vector2 position, MenuItem item, Color color)
     DrawBox(position, item.Height, item.Height, Color.FromArgb(0, 37, 53), 1, color);
     Font.DrawText(null, s, new Rectangle((int)(position.X), (int)item.Position.Y, item.Height, item.Height), FontDrawFlags.VerticalCenter | FontDrawFlags.Center, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 255));
コード例 #13
        public static void DrawText(Font font, String text, int posX, int posY, Color color)
            Rectangle rec = font.MeasureText(null, text, FontDrawFlags.Center);

            font.DrawText(null, text, posX + 1 + rec.X, posY + 1, SharpColor.White);
コード例 #14
        void DoCaptureRenderTarget(Device device, string hook)

                #region Screenshot Request
                // Single frame capture request
                //if (this.Request != null)
                //    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                //    try
                //    {

                //        using (Surface renderTargetTemp = device.GetRenderTarget(0))
                //        {
                //            int width, height;

                //            // TODO: If resizing the captured image is required it can be adjusted here
                //            //if (renderTargetTemp.Description.Width > 1280)
                //            //{
                //            //    width = 1280;
                //            //    height = (int)Math.Round((renderTargetTemp.Description.Height * (1280.0 / renderTargetTemp.Description.Width)));
                //            //}
                //            //else
                //            {
                //                width = renderTargetTemp.Description.Width;
                //                height = renderTargetTemp.Description.Height;
                //            }

                //            // First ensure we have a Surface to the render target data into
                //            if (_renderTarget == null)
                //            {
                //                // Create offscreen surface to use as copy of render target data
                //                using (SwapChain sc = device.GetSwapChain(0))
                //                {
                //                    _renderTarget = Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain(device, width, height, sc.PresentParameters.BackBufferFormat, Pool.SystemMemory);
                //                }
                //            }

                //            // Create our resolved surface (resizing if necessary and to resolve any multi-sampling)
                //            using (Surface resolvedSurface = Surface.CreateRenderTarget(device, width, height, renderTargetTemp.Description.Format, MultisampleType.None, 0, false))
                //            {
                //                // Resize from Render Surface to resolvedSurface
                //                device.StretchRectangle(renderTargetTemp, resolvedSurface, TextureFilter.None);

                //                // Get Render Data
                //                device.GetRenderTargetData(resolvedSurface, _renderTarget);
                //            }
                //        }

                //        if (Request != null)
                //            ProcessRequest();
                //    }
                //    finally
                //    {
                //        // We have completed the request - mark it as null so we do not continue to try to capture the same request
                //        // Note: If you are after high frame rates, consider implementing buffers here to capture more frequently
                //        //         and send back to the host application as needed. The IPC overhead significantly slows down
                //        //         the whole process if sending frame by frame.
                //        Request = null;
                //    }
                //    DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
                //    this.DebugMessage(hook + ": Capture time: " + (end - start).ToString());


                if (this.Config.ShowOverlay)
                    #region Draw frame rate

                    // TODO: font needs to be created and then reused, not created each frame!
                    using (SharpDX.Direct3D9.Font font = new SharpDX.Direct3D9.Font(device, new FontDescription()
                        Height = 16,
                        FaceName = "Arial",
                        Italic = false,
                        Width = 0,
                        MipLevels = 1,
                        CharacterSet = FontCharacterSet.Default,
                        OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default,
                        Quality = FontQuality.Antialiased,
                        PitchAndFamily = FontPitchAndFamily.Default | FontPitchAndFamily.DontCare,
                        Weight = FontWeight.Bold
                        if (this.FPS.GetFPS() >= 1)
                            font.DrawText(null, String.Format("{0:N0} fps", this.FPS.GetFPS()), 5, 5, SharpDX.Color.Red);

                        font.DrawText(null, this.ProcessLoad.Text, 5, 20, SharpDX.Color.Red);

                        if (this.TextDisplay != null && this.TextDisplay.Display)
                            font.DrawText(null, this.TextDisplay.Text, 5, 25, new SharpDX.ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, (byte)Math.Round((Math.Abs(1.0f - TextDisplay.Remaining) * 255f))));

            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #15
 static void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args)
     if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed || !Menu.Item("enabled").GetValue <bool>())
         if (Sprite.IsDisposed)
         moveSpeed = Menu.Item("moveVal").GetValue <Slider>().Value;
         if (Menu.Item("drawHUD").GetValue <bool>())
             Sprite.Draw(HUD, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 255), null, new Vector3(-startX, -startY, 0));
         int  newX     = startX + 13;
         int  newY     = startY + 25;
         bool trackAll = Menu.Item("trackAll").GetValue <bool>();
         var  heroes   = trackAll ? ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(hero => hero.IsValid && hero.IsEnemy) : ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Hero>().Where(hero => CCHeros.HasChampion(hero.ChampionName) && hero.IsValid && hero.IsEnemy);
         foreach (Obj_AI_Hero hero in heroes)
             CCHero ccHero = CCHeros.GetChampion(hero.ChampionName);
             if (trackAll || ccHero.CCSpells.SpellSlots.Length != 0)
                 Sprite.Draw(ccHero.Icon, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 255), null, new Vector3(-newX, -newY, 0));
             if (ccHero.CCBuff != null)
                 newX += 32 + 5;
                 BuffInstance buff = null;
                 buff = hero.Buffs.First(x => x.Name == ccHero.CCBuff.Name);
                 if (buff != null)
                     Sprite.Draw(ccHero.CCBuff.BuffIcon, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 255), null, new Vector3(-newX, -newY, 0));
                     Sprite.Draw(ccHero.CCBuff.BuffIcon, new ColorBGRA(255, 55, 55, 255), null, new Vector3(-newX, -newY, 0));
             if (trackAll || ccHero.CCSpells.SpellSlots.Length != 0)
                 SpellSlot[] spellSlots = trackAll ? new SpellSlot[] { SpellSlot.Q, SpellSlot.W, SpellSlot.E, SpellSlot.R } : ccHero.CCSpells.SpellSlots;
                 foreach (SpellSlot spellSlot in spellSlots)
                     newX += 32 + 5;
                     string slot         = spellSlot.ToString();
                     bool   notAvailable = (hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(spellSlot).State == SpellState.NotLearned ||
                                            hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(spellSlot).State == SpellState.NoMana);
                     float expires      = hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(spellSlot).CooldownExpires - Game.Time;
                     float smallExpires = (float)Math.Round(expires, 1);
                     Text.DrawText(null, slot, newX, newY, notAvailable ? new ColorBGRA(33, 33, 33, 255) : expires <= 0 ? new ColorBGRA(0, 255, 0, 255) : new ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, 255));
                     if (smallExpires > 0)
                         SmallText.DrawText(null, smallExpires.ToString(), newX, newY - 3, new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 255));
             newX  = startX + 13;
             newY += 32 + 7;
     catch (Exception ex)
         Game.PrintChat("Sprite Exception: " + ex.Message);
コード例 #16
ファイル: OKTWdraws.cs プロジェクト: julianu37/LeagueRepo
 public static void DrawFontTextMap(Font vFont, string vText, Vector3 Pos, ColorBGRA vColor)
     var wts = Drawing.WorldToScreen(Pos);
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)wts[0] , (int)wts[1], vColor);
コード例 #17
ファイル: DXHookD3D9.cs プロジェクト: Kriosym/JungleTimers
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of capturing from the render target of the Direct3D9 Device (or DeviceEx)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"></param>
        void DoCaptureRenderTarget(Device device, string hook)
                #region Screenshot Request

                // Single frame capture request
                if (this.Request != null)
                    DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

                        using (Surface renderTargetTemp = device.GetRenderTarget(0))
                            int width, height;

                            // TODO: If resizing the captured image is required it can be adjusted here
                            //if (renderTargetTemp.Description.Width > 1280)
                            //    width = 1280;
                            //    height = (int)Math.Round((renderTargetTemp.Description.Height * (1280.0 / renderTargetTemp.Description.Width)));
                                width = renderTargetTemp.Description.Width;
                                height = renderTargetTemp.Description.Height;

                            // First ensure we have a Surface to the render target data into
                            if (_renderTarget == null)
                                // Create offscreen surface to use as copy of render target data
                                using (SwapChain sc = device.GetSwapChain(0))
                                    _renderTarget = Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain(device, width, height,
                                        sc.PresentParameters.BackBufferFormat, Pool.SystemMemory);

                            // Create our resolved surface (resizing if necessary and to resolve any multi-sampling)
                            using (
                                Surface resolvedSurface = Surface.CreateRenderTarget(device, width, height,
                                    renderTargetTemp.Description.Format, MultisampleType.None, 0, false))
                                // Resize from Render Surface to resolvedSurface
                                device.StretchRectangle(renderTargetTemp, resolvedSurface, TextureFilter.None);

                                // Get Render Data
                                device.GetRenderTargetData(resolvedSurface, _renderTarget);

                        if (Request != null)
                        // We have completed the request - mark it as null so we do not continue to try to capture the same request
                        // Note: If you are after high frame rates, consider implementing buffers here to capture more frequently
                        //         and send back to the host application as needed. The IPC overhead significantly slows down
                        //         the whole process if sending frame by frame.
                        Request = null;
                    DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
                    this.DebugMessage(hook + ": Capture time: " + (end - start).ToString());


                if (this.Config.ShowOverlay)

                    // SHIT

                    #region Draw frame rate

                    // TODO: font needs to be created and then reused, not created each frame!

                    using (var font = new SharpDX.Direct3D9.Font(device, new FontDescription()
                        Height = 26,
                        FaceName = "Quartz MS",
                        Italic = false,
                        Width = 0,
                        MipLevels = 1,
                        CharacterSet = FontCharacterSet.Default,
                        OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default,
                        Quality = FontQuality.Antialiased,
                        PitchAndFamily = FontPitchAndFamily.Default | FontPitchAndFamily.DontCare,
                        Weight = FontWeight.Normal

                    // Make a Texture from a file...
                    using (FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream(@"baronbutton.png", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
                    { mytexStream = SharpDX.Direct3D9.Texture.FromStream(device, myFileStream); }

                        Sprite spritezor = new SharpDX.Direct3D9.Sprite(device);
                        var baronPos = new Vector3(1476, 812, 0);
                        spritezor.Draw(mytexStream, new ColorBGRA(0xffffffff), null, null, baronPos);

                        // Display always...
                        if (this.Config.TestThisShit != 0)
                            // Draw sprite...

                            // Oritinal Text before sprites worked...
                            //font.DrawText(null, "Timer 1", 5, 10, SharpDX.Color.Lime);

                        // Display on Timer...
                        if (this.TextDisplay != null && this.TextDisplay.Display)
                            font.DrawText(null, this.TextDisplay.Text, 1477, 870, new SharpDX.ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, 255));
                            // Alternate font for timers pulsed with alpha fading between ticks...
                            // font.DrawText(null, this.TextDisplay.Text, 5, 25, new SharpDX.ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, (byte)Math.Round((Math.Abs(1.0f - TextDisplay.Remaining) * 255f))));

                        /* DXHookD3D9 Original statements to draw the FPS...
                        if (this.FPS.GetFPS() >= 1)
                           font.DrawText(null, String.Format("{0:N0} fps", this.FPS.GetFPS()), 5, 5, SharpDX.Color.Red);
                        if (this.TextDisplay != null && this.TextDisplay.Display)
                           font.DrawText(null, this.TextDisplay.Text, 5, 25, new SharpDX.ColorBGRA(255, 0, 0, (byte)Math.Round((Math.Abs(1.0f - TextDisplay.Remaining) * 255f))));


            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #18
ファイル: BaseUlt.cs プロジェクト: sadnecc/CHportcn
        private void Drawing_OnDraw(EventArgs args)
            if (!getCheckBoxItem(Menu, "showRecalls") || Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed)

            bool indicated = false;

            float fadeout = 1f;
            int   count   = 0;

            foreach (EnemyInfo enemyInfo in EnemyInfo.Where(x =>
                                                            x.Player.IsValid <AIHeroClient>() &&
                                                            x.RecallInfo.ShouldDraw() &&
                                                            !x.Player.IsDead && //maybe redundant
                                                            x.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown() > 0).OrderBy(x => x.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown()))
                if (!enemyInfo.RecallInfo.LockedTarget)
                    fadeout = 1f;
                    Color color = Color.White;

                    if (enemyInfo.RecallInfo.WasAborted())
                        fadeout = enemyInfo.RecallInfo.GetDrawTime() / (float)enemyInfo.RecallInfo.FADEOUT_TIME;
                        color   = Color.Yellow;

                    DrawRect(BarX, BarY, (int)(Scale * enemyInfo.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown()), BarHeight, 1, Color.FromArgb((int)(100f * fadeout), Color.White));
                    DrawRect(BarX + Scale * enemyInfo.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown() - 1, BarY - SeperatorHeight, 0, SeperatorHeight + 1, 1, Color.FromArgb((int)(255f * fadeout), color));

                    Text.DrawText(null, enemyInfo.Player.ChampionName, (int)BarX + (int)(Scale * enemyInfo.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown() - (float)(enemyInfo.Player.ChampionName.Length * Text.Description.Width) / 2), (int)BarY - SeperatorHeight - Text.Description.Height - 1, new ColorBGRA(color.R, color.G, color.B, (byte)(color.A * fadeout)));
                    if (!indicated && enemyInfo.RecallInfo.EstimatedShootT != 0)
                        indicated = true;
                        DrawRect(BarX + Scale * enemyInfo.RecallInfo.EstimatedShootT, BarY + SeperatorHeight + BarHeight - 3, 0, SeperatorHeight * 2, 2, Color.Orange);

                    DrawRect(BarX, BarY, (int)(Scale * enemyInfo.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown()), BarHeight, 1, Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Red));
                    DrawRect(BarX + Scale * enemyInfo.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown() - 1, BarY + SeperatorHeight + BarHeight - 3, 0, SeperatorHeight + 1, 1, Color.IndianRed);

                    Text.DrawText(null, enemyInfo.Player.ChampionName, (int)BarX + (int)(Scale * enemyInfo.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown() - (float)(enemyInfo.Player.ChampionName.Length * Text.Description.Width) / 2), (int)BarY + SeperatorHeight + Text.Description.Height / 2, new ColorBGRA(255, 92, 92, 255));


             * Show in a red rectangle right next to the normal bar the names of champs which can be killed (when they are not recalling yet)
             * Requires calculating the damages (make more functions!)
             * var BaseUltableEnemies = EnemyInfo.Where(x =>
             *  x.Player.IsValid<AIHeroClient>() &&
             *  !x.RecallInfo.ShouldDraw() &&
             *  !x.Player.IsDead && //maybe redundant
             *  x.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown() > 0 && x.RecallInfo.LockedTarget).OrderBy(x => x.RecallInfo.GetRecallCountdown());*/

            if (count > 0)
                if (count != 1) //make the whole bar fadeout when its only 1
                    fadeout = 1f;

                DrawRect(BarX, BarY, BarWidth, BarHeight, 1, Color.FromArgb((int)(40f * fadeout), Color.White));

                DrawRect(BarX - 1, BarY + 1, 0, BarHeight, 1, Color.FromArgb((int)(255f * fadeout), Color.White));
                DrawRect(BarX - 1, BarY - 1, BarWidth + 2, 1, 1, Color.FromArgb((int)(255f * fadeout), Color.White));
                DrawRect(BarX - 1, BarY + BarHeight, BarWidth + 2, 1, 1, Color.FromArgb((int)(255f * fadeout), Color.White));
                DrawRect(BarX + 1 + BarWidth, BarY + 1, 0, BarHeight, 1, Color.FromArgb((int)(255f * fadeout), Color.White));
コード例 #19
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: hhhmmm2/SAwareness
 public static void DrawText(Font font, String text, int posX, int posY, Color color)
     if (font == null || font.IsDisposed)
         throw new SharpDXException("");
     Rectangle rec = font.MeasureText(null, text, FontDrawFlags.Center);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX + 1 + rec.X, posY, Color.Black);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX + 1 + rec.X, posY + 1, Color.Black);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX + rec.X, posY + 1, Color.Black);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX - 1 + rec.X, posY, Color.Black);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX - 1 + rec.X, posY - 1, Color.Black);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX + rec.X, posY - 1, Color.Black);
     font.DrawText(null, text, posX + rec.X, posY, color);
コード例 #20
ファイル: DXHookD3D9.cs プロジェクト: nefarius/Direct3DHook
 private void DrawText(Font font, Vector2 pos, string text, ColorBGRA color)
     font.DrawText(null, text, new Rectangle((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 0, 0),
                   SharpDX.Direct3D9.FontDrawFlags.NoClip, color);
コード例 #21
        private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args)
            if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed || Game.Mode != GameMode.Running)
                if (Sprite.IsDisposed)
                if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolnexus")
                    foreach (Lolnexus.Infoloading infoloading in Lolnexus.Ranksloading.ToList())
                        var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator {
                            Unit = infoloading.herohandle
                        X = (int)indicator.Position.X;
                        Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y;
                        var startX = X + 50;
                        var startY = Y - 60;
                        if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue <bool>())
                            Text.DrawText(null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank));

                        if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue <bool>())
                                null, "KDA: " + infoloading.kda,
                                startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 15, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank));

                if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolskill")
                    foreach (LolSkill.Infoloading infoloading in LolSkill.Ranksloading.ToList())
                        var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator {
                            Unit = infoloading.herohandle
                        X = (int)indicator.Position.X;
                        Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y;
                        var startX = X + 50;
                        var startY = Y - 60;
                            null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2,
                            startY + 6, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank));

                if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "opgg")
                    foreach (OPGGLIVE.Info info in OPGGLIVE.Ranks)
                        var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator {
                            Unit = info.herohandle
                        X = (int)indicator.Position.X;
                        Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y;
                        var startX = X + 50;
                        var startY = Y - 70;
                        if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue <bool>())
                                null, info.Ranking, startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 5,
                        if (Misc.Config.Item("enablewinratio").GetValue <bool>())
                                null, "Ranked: " + info.rankedwinrate + " (" + info.rankedwins + " wins)",
                                startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 20, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking));
                        if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue <bool>())
                                null, "Champ: " + info.champwinrate + " (" + info.kda + " KDA)",
                                startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 35, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking));

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(@"Error drawing text overheads " + e);
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        ///     OnDraw event, specifies a drawing callback which is after IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene and before
        ///     IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="basePosition">
        ///     The base position
        /// </param>
        public override void OnDraw(Vector2 basePosition)
            if (this.IsVisible)
                basePosition.X += this.hideOffsetX;



                    new Vector2(basePosition.X - (this.Width / 2f), basePosition.Y),
                    new Vector2(basePosition.X - (this.Width / 2f), basePosition.Y + this.HeaderHeight)
                    new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, 255 / 2));

                if (this.IsOpen || this.DrawBodyHeight > 0 || this.DrawFooterHeight > 0)
                        new Vector2(basePosition.X - (this.Width / 2f), basePosition.Y + this.HeaderHeight),
                        new Vector2(
                            basePosition.X - (this.Width / 2f),
                            basePosition.Y + this.HeaderHeight + this.DrawBodyHeight)
                        new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, (byte)(255 / 1.5f)));
                        new Vector2(
                            basePosition.X - (this.Width / 2f),
                            basePosition.Y + this.HeaderHeight + this.DrawBodyHeight),
                        new Vector2(
                            basePosition.X - (this.Width / 2f),
                            basePosition.Y + this.HeaderHeight + this.DrawFooterHeight + this.DrawBodyHeight)
                        new ColorBGRA(0, 0, 0, (byte)(255 / 1.25f)));


                HeaderFont.DrawText(Sprite, this.Header, this.GetHeaderRectangle(basePosition), 0, this.HeaderTextColor);

                var rectangle = this.GetBodyRectangle(basePosition);
                if (this.IsOpen || rectangle.Height > 0)
                    for (var i = 0; i < this.LinesList.Count; ++i)
                        var lineRectangle = rectangle;
                        lineRectangle.Y      += BodyFont.Description.Height * i;
                        lineRectangle.Height -= BodyFont.Description.Height * i;

                        BodyFont.DrawText(Sprite, this.LinesList[i], lineRectangle, 0, this.BodyTextColor);

                var matrix = Sprite.Transform;

                if (this.Icon != NotificationIconType.None && this.IconTexture != null && !this.IconTexture.IsDisposed)
                    Sprite.Transform = Matrix.Translation(basePosition.X - this.IconOffset, basePosition.Y + 0.5f, 0);
                    Sprite.Draw(this.IconTexture, this.IconColor);

                if (HideTexture != null && !HideTexture.IsDisposed)
                    Sprite.Transform = Matrix.Scaling(0.7f, 0.7f, 0f)
                                       * Matrix.Translation(
                        basePosition.X - this.Width + 5f,
                        basePosition.Y + this.HeaderHeight + this.BodyHeight + 1.5f,
                        new SharpDX.Rectangle(0, 0, HideBitmap.Width, (int)this.DrawFooterHeight));

                Sprite.Transform = matrix;

コード例 #23
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: FireBuddy/olaf
 public static void DrawFont(Font vFont, string vText, float jx, float jy, ColorBGRA jc)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)jx, (int)jy, jc);
コード例 #24
ファイル: ModeDraw.cs プロジェクト: Dekryptor/Port-1
 public static void DrawText(Font aFont, String aText, int aPosX, int aPosY, SharpDX.Color aColor)
     aFont.DrawText(null, aText, aPosX + 2, aPosY + 2, aColor != SharpDX.Color.Black ? SharpDX.Color.Black : SharpDX.Color.White);
     aFont.DrawText(null, aText, aPosX, aPosY, aColor);
コード例 #25
ファイル: Utils.cs プロジェクト: Jackie-Tian/ll
 public static void DrawText(Font vFont, String vText, int vPosX, int vPosY, Color vColor)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, vPosX + 2, vPosY + 2, vColor != Color.Black ? Color.Black : Color.White);
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, vPosX, vPosY, vColor);
コード例 #26
 private static void DrawFont(Font vFont, string vText, float vPosX, float vPosY, ColorBGRA vColor)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)vPosX, (int)vPosY, vColor);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: NEWDITTO/EnsageSharp
 public static void DrawShadowText(string stext, int x, int y, Color color, Font f)
     f.DrawText(null, stext, x + 1, y + 1, Color.Black);
     f.DrawText(null, stext, x, y, color);
コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired when everything has been drawn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">[PermaShow] - MenuItem not supported</exception>
        private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args)
            if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed)

            if (!placetosave.Item("enablepermashow").GetValue <bool>())


            var halfwidth = 0.96f * (PermaShowWidth / 2);

            var baseposition = new Vector2(BoxPosition.X - halfwidth, BoxPosition.Y);

            var boxx = BoxPosition.X + (PermaShowWidth / 2) - (SmallBoxWidth / 2);

            foreach (var permaitem in PermaShowItems)
                var index  = PermaShowItems.IndexOf(permaitem);
                var boxpos = new Vector2(boxx,
                                         baseposition.Y + (Text.Description.Height * 1.2f * index));
                var endpos  = new Vector2(BoxPosition.X + (PermaShowWidth / 2), baseposition.Y + (Text.Description.Height * 1.2f * index));
                var itempos = new Vector2(baseposition.X, baseposition.Y + (Text.Description.Height * 1.2f * index));

                int textpos = (int)(endpos.X - (SmallBoxWidth / 1.2f));

                switch (permaitem.Item.ValueType)
                case MenuValueType.Boolean:
                    DrawBox(boxpos, permaitem.Item.GetValue <bool>());
                    Text.DrawText(null, permaitem.DisplayName + ":",
                                  (int)itempos.X, (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);
                    Text.DrawText(null, permaitem.Item.GetValue <bool>().ToString(),
                                  textpos, (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);

                case MenuValueType.Slider:
                    Text.DrawText(null, permaitem.DisplayName + ":",
                                  (int)itempos.X, (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);
                    Text.DrawText(null, permaitem.Item.GetValue <Slider>().Value.ToString(),
                                  textpos, (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);

                case MenuValueType.KeyBind:
                    DrawBox(boxpos, permaitem.Item.GetValue <KeyBind>().Active);
                                  permaitem.DisplayName + " [" + Utils.KeyToText(permaitem.Item.GetValue <KeyBind>().Key) + "] :", (int)itempos.X, (int)itempos.Y,

                                  permaitem.Item.GetValue <KeyBind>().Active.ToString(), textpos, (int)(boxpos.Y),

                case MenuValueType.StringList:
                                  permaitem.DisplayName + ":",
                                  (int)itempos.X, (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);
                    var dimen = Text.MeasureText(sprite, permaitem.Item.GetValue <StringList>().SelectedValue);
                    Text.DrawText(null, permaitem.Item.GetValue <StringList>().SelectedValue,
                                  (int)(textpos + dimen.Width < endpos.X ? textpos : endpos.X - dimen.Width), (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);

                case MenuValueType.Integer:
                    Text.DrawText(null, permaitem.DisplayName + ":",
                                  (int)itempos.X, (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);
                    Text.DrawText(null, permaitem.Item.GetValue <int>().ToString(),
                                  textpos, (int)itempos.Y, permaitem.Color);

                case MenuValueType.None:

                    throw new Exception("[PermaShow] - MenuItem not supported");
コード例 #29
        static void Main()
            var worldSize = new Size2(1024, 768);
            var renderSize = new Size2(1920, 1080);
            const bool windowed = true;

            const int numParticles = 1000000;
            const int numEmitters = 5;
            const int budget = numParticles / numEmitters;

            var form = new RenderForm("Mercury Particle Engine - SharpDX.Direct3D9 Sample")
                Size = new System.Drawing.Size(renderSize.Width, renderSize.Height)

            var direct3d = new Direct3D();
            var device = new Device(direct3d, 0, DeviceType.Hardware, form.Handle, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, new PresentParameters(renderSize.Width, renderSize.Height) { PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate, Windowed = windowed });

            var view = new Matrix(
                1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
                0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            var proj = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(worldSize.Width * -0.5f, worldSize.Width * 0.5f, worldSize.Height * 0.5f, worldSize.Height * -0.5f, 0f, 1f);
            var wvp = Matrix.Identity * view * proj;

            var emitters = new Emitter[numEmitters];

            for (int i = 0; i < numEmitters; i++)
                emitters[i] = new Emitter(budget, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600), Profile.BoxFill(worldSize.Width, worldSize.Height))
                    Parameters = new ReleaseParameters
                        Colour = new Colour(220f, 0.7f, 0.1f),
                        Opacity = 1f,
                        Quantity = budget,
                        Speed = 0f,
                        Scale = 1f,
                        Rotation = 0f,
                        Mass = new RangeF(8f, 12f)
                    BlendMode = BlendMode.Add,
                    ReclaimInterval = 600f

                emitters[i].Modifiers.Add(new DragModifier
                    DragCoefficient = .47f,
                    Density         = .15f
                }, 15f);
                emitters[i].Modifiers.Add(new VortexModifier
                    Position = Coordinate.Origin,
                    Mass = 200f,
                    MaxSpeed = 1000f
                }, 30f);
                emitters[i].Modifiers.Add(new VelocityHueModifier
                    StationaryHue = 220f,
                    VelocityHue = 300f,
                    VelocityThreshold = 800f
                }, 15f);
                emitters[i].Modifiers.Add(new ContainerModifier
                            RestitutionCoefficient = 0.75f,
                            Position = Coordinate.Origin,
                            Width    = worldSize.Width,
                            Height   = worldSize.Height
                        }, 30f);
                emitters[i].Modifiers.Add(new MoveModifier(), 60f);

            var renderer = new PointSpriteRenderer(device, budget)
            //                EnableFastFade = true

            var texture = Texture.FromFile(device, "Pixel.dds");

            var fontDescription = new FontDescription
                Height         = 16,
                FaceName       = "Consolas",
                PitchAndFamily = FontPitchAndFamily.Mono,
                Quality        = FontQuality.Draft

            var font = new Font(device, fontDescription);

            var totalTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var updateTimer = new Stopwatch();
            var renderTimer = new Stopwatch();

            var totalTime = 0f;

            foreach (var emitter in emitters)

            float updateTime = 0f;

            RenderLoop.Run(form, () =>
                    // ReSharper disable AccessToDisposedClosure
                    var frameTime = ((float)totalTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) - totalTime;
                    totalTime = (float)totalTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

                    var mousePosition = form.PointToClient(RenderForm.MousePosition);

                        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            var mouseVector = new Vector3(mousePosition.X, mousePosition.Y, 0f);
                            var unprojected = Vector3.Unproject(mouseVector, 0, 0, renderSize.Width, renderSize.Height, 0f, 1f, wvp);

                            Parallel.ForEach(emitters, emitter => ((VortexModifier)emitter.Modifiers.ElementAt(1)).Position = new Coordinate(unprojected.X, unprojected.Y));

                            Parallel.ForEach(emitters, emitter => emitter.Update(frameTime));
                            updateTime = (float)updateTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;
                        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.Black, 1f, 0);

                            for (int i = 0; i < numEmitters; i++)
                                renderer.Render(emitters[i], wvp, texture);
                            var renderTime = (float)renderTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

                            var totalUpdateTime = 0f;
            //	                        foreach (var time in _updateTimes)
            //	                        {
            //		                        totalUpdateTime += time;
            //	                        }
            //	                        totalUpdateTime /= _updateTimes.Count;
            //							if(_updateTimes.Count > 100)
            //								_updateTimes.RemoveAt(0);

                            font.DrawText(null, String.Format("Time:        {0}", totalTimer.Elapsed), 0, 0, Color.White);
                            font.DrawText(null, String.Format("Particles:   {0:n0}", emitters[0].ActiveParticles * numEmitters), 0, 16, Color.White);
                            font.DrawText(null, String.Format("Update:      {0:n4} ({1,8:P2})", updateTime, updateTime / 0.01666666f), 0, 32, Color.White);
                            font.DrawText(null, String.Format("Render:      {0:n4} ({1,8:P2})", renderTime, renderTime / 0.01666666f), 0, 48, Color.White);


                    if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.Escape))
            // ReSharper restore AccessToDisposedClosure

コード例 #30
ファイル: AssassinManager.cs プロジェクト: wade1990/PortAIO
 public static void DrawText(Font vFont, String vText, float vPosX, float vPosY, SharpDX.ColorBGRA vColor)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)vPosX, (int)vPosY, vColor);
コード例 #31
ファイル: OKTWdraws.cs プロジェクト: julianu37/LeagueRepo
 public static void DrawFontTextScreen(Font vFont, string vText, float vPosX, float vPosY, ColorBGRA vColor)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)vPosX, (int)vPosY, vColor);
コード例 #32
 public static void DrawFont(Font vFont, string vText, float jx, float jy, ColorBGRA jc)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)jx, (int)jy, jc);
コード例 #33
 public static void DrawText(Font vFont, String vText, float vPosX, float vPosY, SharpDX.ColorBGRA vColor)
     vFont.DrawText(null, vText, (int)vPosX, (int)vPosY, vColor);
コード例 #34
 public static void DrawText(Font fuente, String text, float posx, float posy, SharpDX.ColorBGRA color)
     fuente.DrawText(null, text, (int)posx, (int)posy, color);