コード例 #1
        public void TestBasePackNamespace()
            BaseDatapack      datapack = new DatapackTestClass("a folder path", "pack");
            BasePackNamespace space    = new NamespaceTestClass(datapack, "namespace");

            Assert.AreEqual(datapack, space.Datapack, "datapack is not getting set by the constructor");
            Assert.AreEqual("namespace", space.Name, "name is not getting set by the constructor");
            new BaseFileTestClass1(space, "file3", BaseFile.WriteSetting.Auto).Dispose();

            //test none setup pack
            space = new NamespaceTestClass();
            Assert.IsFalse(space.IsSetup, "Empty constructor was called so it shouldn't have been setup already");
            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => _ = space.Name, "Name didn't throw exception even though it isn't setup");
            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => _ = space.Datapack, "Datapack didn't throw exception even though it isn't setup");

            space.Setup(datapack, "namespace2");
            Assert.IsTrue(space.IsSetup, "Setup has been called so it should have been setup");
            Assert.AreEqual(datapack, space.Datapack, "datapack is not getting set by bysetup");
            Assert.AreEqual("namespace2", space.Name, "name is not getting set by setup");
コード例 #2
        public void TestGetPath()
            BasePackNamespace pack = new NamespaceTestClass(new DatapackTestClass("a folder path", "pack"), "namespace");

            Assert.AreEqual("a folder path/pack/data/namespace/", pack.GetPath());
コード例 #3
        public void TestIsSettingSet()
            BasePackNamespace pack = new NamespaceTestClass(new DatapackTestClass("a folder path", "pack"), "namespace");

            Assert.IsTrue(pack.IsSettingSet(NamespaceSettings.GetSettings().FunctionGroupedCommands()), "Failed to detect that the setting is set");
            Assert.IsFalse(pack.IsSettingSet(NamespaceSettings.GetSettings().GenerateNames()), "Failed to detect that the setting isn't set");
コード例 #4
        public void TestDispose()
            BasePackNamespace space = new NamespaceTestClass(new DatapackTestClass("a folder path", "pack"), "namespace");

            Assert.IsFalse(space.Disposed, "namespace shouldn't have been disposed yet");
            Assert.IsFalse(space.GetFile("test2", "file1") !.Disposed, "namespace isn't disposed yet and the file shouldn't be disposed yet");
            Assert.IsTrue(((NamespaceTestClass)space).RandomValue, "AfterDispose didn't run");
            Assert.IsTrue(space.Disposed, "namespace should have been disposed");
            Assert.IsTrue(space.GetFile("test2", "file1") !.Disposed, "namespace is disposed and the file should be disposed");

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => new BaseFileTestClass1(space, "afile", BaseFile.WriteSetting.Auto), "Shouldn't be able to add more files since namespace is disposed");
コード例 #5
        public void TestGetFile()
            BasePackNamespace pack = new NamespaceTestClass(new DatapackTestClass("a folder path", "pack"), "namespace");

            Assert.AreEqual("file1", pack.GetFile("test1", "file1") !.FileId, "GetFile failed to get the file with the correct name");
            Assert.AreEqual(BaseFile.WriteSetting.OnDispose, pack.GetFile("test1", "file1") !.Setting, "GetFile failed to get the file of the correct type");
            Assert.AreEqual("file2", pack.GetFile("test1", "file2") !.FileId, "GetFile failed to get the other file with the other name");
            Assert.AreEqual(BaseFile.WriteSetting.Auto, pack.GetFile("test2", "file1") !.Setting, "GetFile failed to get the file of the other type");

            //test exception on extra file with same name and same type
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => new BaseFileTestClass1(pack, "file1", BaseFile.WriteSetting.Auto), "Adding 2 files with the same name and same type should cast an exception");
            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => pack.GetFile("test2", "file3"), "should not be able to get locked file");