コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for FreeTypeFont based fonts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontName">The name that the font will use within the CEGUI system.</param>
        /// <param name="pointSize">
        /// Specifies the point size that the font is to be rendered at.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="antiAliased">
        /// Specifies whether the font should be rendered using anti aliasing.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fontFilename">
        /// The filename of an font file that will be used as the source for
        /// glyph images for this font.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroup">
        /// The resource group identifier to use when loading the font file
        /// specified by \a font_filename.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="autoScaled">
        /// Specifies whether the font imagery should be automatically scaled to
        /// maintain the same physical size (which is calculated by using the
        /// native resolution setting).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nativeRes">
        /// The native resolution value. This is only significant when  auto scaling is enabled.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="specificLineSpacing">
        /// If specified (non-zero), this will be the line spacing that we will
        /// report for this font, regardless of what is mentioned in the font file
        /// itself.
        /// </param>
        public FreeTypeFont(string fontName, float pointSize,
                            bool antiAliased, string fontFilename,
                            string resourceGroup,
                            AutoScaledMode autoScaled,
                            Sizef nativeRes,
                            float specificLineSpacing)
            : base(fontName, Font_xmlHandler.FontTypeFreeType, fontFilename,
                   resourceGroup, autoScaled, nativeRes)
            d_specificLineSpacing = specificLineSpacing;
            d_ptSize      = pointSize;
            d_antiAliased = antiAliased;
            d_fontFace    = null;
            d_kerningMode = KerningMode.Default;

            if (ft_usage_count == 0)
                _library = new Library();


            .LogEvent(String.Format("Successfully loaded {0} glyphs", d_cp_map.Count), LoggingLevel.Informative);

コード例 #2
ファイル: BitmapImage.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 /// <param name="texture"></param>
 /// <param name="pixelArea"></param>
 /// <param name="pixelOffset"></param>
 /// <param name="autoScaled"></param>
 /// <param name="nativeResolution"></param>
 public BitmapImage(string name, Texture texture,
                    Rectf pixelArea, Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 pixelOffset,
                    AutoScaledMode autoScaled, Sizef nativeResolution)
     : base(name, pixelOffset, pixelArea, autoScaled, nativeResolution)
     _texture = texture;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Notify the ImageManager that the display size may have changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">
 /// Size object describing the display resolution
 /// </param>
 public void NotifyDisplaySizeChanged(Sizef size)
     foreach (var i in d_images)
コード例 #4
 public static Rectf AsAbsolute(URect r, Sizef @base, bool pixelAlign = true)
     return(new Rectf(AsAbsolute(r.d_min.d_x, @base.Width, pixelAlign),
                      AsAbsolute(r.d_min.d_y, @base.Height, pixelAlign),
                      AsAbsolute(r.d_max.d_x, @base.Width, pixelAlign),
                      AsAbsolute(r.d_max.d_y, @base.Height, pixelAlign)));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Function used to notify the Cursor of changes in the display size.
        /// You normally would not call this directly; rather you would call the
        /// function System::notifyDisplaySizeChanged and that will then call this
        /// function for you.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newSize">
        /// Size object describing the new display size in pixels.
        /// </param>
        public void NotifyDisplaySizeChanged(Sizef newSize)
            UpdateGeometryBuffersClipping(new Rectf(Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2.Zero, newSize));

            // invalidate to regenerate geometry at (maybe) new size
            d_cachedGeometryValid = false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Font.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the native resolution for this Font
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">
        /// Size object describing the new native screen resolution for this Font.
        /// </param>
        public void SetNativeResolution(Sizef size)
            d_nativeResolution = size;

            // re-calculate scaling factors & notify images as required
コード例 #7
        protected void RecomputeMultiClickAbsoluteTolerance()
            var displaySize = System.GetSingleton().GetRenderer().GetDisplaySize();

            d_mouseButtonMultiClickAbsoluteTolerance = new Sizef(
                d_mouseButtonMultiClickTolerance.Width * displaySize.Width,
                d_mouseButtonMultiClickTolerance.Height * displaySize.Height);
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the class that the display size of the renderer has changed so that
 /// the window can adapt to the new display size accordingly.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rendererDisplaySize">
 /// The new display size.
 /// </param>
 public virtual void NotifyDisplaySizeChanged(Sizef rendererDisplaySize)
     //If we use autoscaling of any sort we must update the scaled size and offset
     if (d_autoScaled != AutoScaledMode.Disabled)
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Notify the FontManager that display size may have changed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">
 /// Size object describing the display resolution
 /// </param>
 public void NotifyDisplaySizeChanged(Sizef size)
     // notify all attached Font objects of the change in resolution
     foreach (var value in ObjectRegistry.Values)
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the autoscale native resolution of this Image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nativeResolution">
        /// The  autoscale native resolution of this Image.
        /// </param>
        public void SetNativeResolution(Sizef nativeResolution)
            d_nativeResolution = nativeResolution;

            if (d_autoScaled != AutoScaledMode.Disabled)
コード例 #11
ファイル: MouseCursor.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
        /// <summary>
        /// Function used to notify the MouseCursor of changes in the display size.
        /// You normally would not call this directly; rather you would call the
        /// function System::notifyDisplaySizeChanged and that will then call this
        /// function for you.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newSize">
        /// Size object describing the new display size in pixels.
        /// </param>
        public void NotifyDisplaySizeChanged(Sizef newSize)
            var screenArea = new Rectf(Vector2f.Zero, newSize);


            // invalidate to regenerate geometry at (maybe) new size
            d_cachedGeometryValid = false;
コード例 #12
        // implementation of base interface
        public override void Format(Window refWnd, Sizef areaSize)

            for (var i = 0; i < d_renderedString.GetLineCount(); ++i)
                d_offsets.Add(areaSize.Width - d_renderedString.GetPixelSize(refWnd, i).Width);
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates only the scaled offset values according to the new display size of the renderer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rendererDisplaySize"></param>
        protected void UpdateScaledOffset(Sizef rendererDisplaySize)
            // TODO: ...
            //glm::vec2 scaleFactors;
            //ComputeScalingFactors(d_autoScaled, rendererDisplaySize, d_nativeResolution, scaleFactors.x, scaleFactors.y);

            var scaleFactors = ComputeScalingFactors(d_autoScaled, rendererDisplaySize, d_nativeResolution);

            d_scaledOffset = d_pixelOffset * scaleFactors;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates only the scaled size values according to the new display size of the renderer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rendererDisplaySize"></param>
        protected void UpdateScaledSize(Sizef rendererDisplaySize)
            // TODO: ...
            //glm::vec2 scaleFactors;
            //ComputeScalingFactors(d_autoScaled, rendererDisplaySize, d_nativeResolution, scaleFactors.x, scaleFactors.y);

            var scaleFactors = ComputeScalingFactors(d_autoScaled, rendererDisplaySize, d_nativeResolution);

            d_scaledSize = new Sizef(d_imageArea.Size.Width * scaleFactors.X,
                                     d_imageArea.Size.Height * scaleFactors.Y);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the size of the RenderingWindow in pixels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">
        /// Size object that describes the desired size of the RenderingWindow, in
        /// pixels.
        /// </param>
        public void SetSize(Sizef size)
            // URGENT FIXME: Isn't this in the hands of the user?

            /*d_size.d_width = PixelAligned(size.d_width);
             * d_size.d_height = PixelAligned(size.d_height);*/
            d_size          = size;
            d_geometryValid = false;

コード例 #16
ファイル: FntFont.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
        public override void NotifyDisplaySizeChanged(Sizef size)
            Image.ComputeScalingFactors(d_autoScaled, size, d_nativeResolution, out d_horzScaling, out d_vertScaling);

            if (d_autoScaled != AutoScaledMode.Disabled)

                OnRenderSizeChanged(new FontEventArgs(this));
コード例 #17
        // XML parsing helper functions.
        private void ElementImagesetStart(XMLAttributes attributes)
            // get name of the imageset.
            string name = attributes.GetValueAsString(ImagesetNameAttribute);

            // get name of the imageset.
            s_imagesetType = attributes.GetValueAsString(ImagesetTypeAttribute, ImageTypeAttributeDefault);
            // get texture image filename
            string filename = attributes.GetValueAsString(ImagesetImageFileAttribute);
            // get resource group to use for image file.
            string resource_group = attributes.GetValueAsString(ImagesetResourceGroupAttribute);

            var logger = System.GetSingleton().Logger;

            logger.LogEvent("[ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:");
            logger.LogEvent("[ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: " + name);
            logger.LogEvent("[ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: " + filename);
            logger.LogEvent("[ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: " +
                            (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resource_group) ? "(Default)" : resource_group));


            var renderer = System.GetSingleton().GetRenderer();

            // if the texture already exists,
            if (renderer.IsTextureDefined(name))
                .LogEvent("[ImageManager] WARNING: Using existing texture: " + name);
                s_texture = renderer.GetTexture(name);
                // create texture from image
                s_texture = renderer.CreateTexture(name, filename,
                                                       ? d_imagesetDefaultResourceGroup
                                                       : resource_group);

            // set native resolution for imageset
            s_nativeResolution = new Sizef(attributes.GetValueAsFloat(ImagesetNativeHorzResAttribute, 640),
                                           attributes.GetValueAsFloat(ImagesetNativeVertResAttribute, 480));

            // set auto-scaling as needed
            s_autoScaled =
                PropertyHelper.FromString <AutoScaledMode>(attributes.GetValueAsString(ImagesetAutoScaledAttribute,
コード例 #18
         * \brief
         *  Constructor for Pixmap type fonts.
         * \param font_name
         *  The name that the font will use within the CEGUI system.
         * \param imageset_filename
         *  The filename of an imageset to load that will be used as the source for
         *  glyph images for this font.  If \a resource_group is the special value
         *  of "*", this parameter may instead refer to the name of an already
         *  loaded Imagset.
         * \param resource_group
         *  The resource group identifier to use when loading the imageset file
         *  specified by \a imageset_filename.  If this group is set to the special
         *  value of "*", then \a imageset_filename instead will refer to the name
         *  of an existing Imageset.
         * \param auto_scaled
         *  Specifies whether the font imagery should be automatically scaled to
         *  maintain the same physical size (which is calculated by using the
         *  native resolution setting).
         * \param native_horz_res
         *  The horizontal native resolution value.  This is only significant when
         *  auto scaling is enabled.
         * \param native_vert_res
         *  The vertical native resolution value.  This is only significant when
         *  auto scaling is enabled.

        public PixmapFont(string font_name, string imageset_filename,
                          string resource_group,
                          AutoScaledMode auto_scaled,
                          Sizef native_res)
            : base(font_name, Font_xmlHandler.FontTypePixmap, imageset_filename, resource_group, auto_scaled, native_res
            d_origHorzScaling = 1.0f;
            d_imagesetOwner   = false;


コード例 #19
        public override Sizef GetPixelSize(Window refWnd)
            var fnt = GetEffectiveFont(refWnd);

            var psz = new Sizef(d_padding.d_min.X + d_padding.d_max.X,
                                d_padding.d_min.Y + d_padding.d_max.Y);

            if (fnt != null)
                psz.Width  += fnt.GetTextExtent(d_text);
                psz.Height += fnt.GetFontHeight();

コード例 #20
         * \brief
         *  Creates a Pixmap type font.
         * \param font_name
         *  The name that the font will use within the CEGUI system.
         * \param imageset_filename
         *  The filename of an imageset to load that will be used as the source for
         *  glyph images for this font.  If \a resource_group is the special value
         *  of "*", this parameter may instead refer to the name of an already
         *  loaded Imagset.
         * \param resource_group
         *  The resource group identifier to use when loading the imageset file
         *  specified by \a imageset_filename.  If this group is set to the special
         *  value of "*", then \a imageset_filename instead will refer to the name
         *  of an existing Imageset.
         * \param auto_scaled
         *  Specifies whether the font imagery should be automatically scaled to
         *  maintain the same physical size (which is calculated by using the
         *  native resolution setting).
         * \param native_horz_res
         *  The horizontal native resolution value.  This is only significant when
         *  auto scaling is enabled.
         * \param native_vert_res
         *  The vertical native resolution value.  This is only significant when
         *  auto scaling is enabled.
         * \param action
         *  One of the XMLResourceExistsAction enumerated values indicating what
         *  action should be taken when a Font with the specified name
         *  already exists.
         * \return
         *  Reference to the newly create Font object.
        public Font CreatePixmapFont(string font_name,
                                     string imageset_filename,
                                     string resource_group,
                                     AutoScaledMode auto_scaled,
                                     Sizef native_res,
                                     XMLResourceExistsAction action)
            Logger.LogInsane("Attempting to create Pixmap font '" + font_name + "' using imageset file '" + imageset_filename + "'.");

            // create new object ahead of time
            Font @object = new PixmapFont(font_name, imageset_filename, resource_group, auto_scaled, native_res);

            // return appropriate object instance (deleting any not required)
            return(DoExistingObjectAction(font_name, @object, action));
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Update string formatting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcWindow"></param>
        /// <param name="size">
        /// The pixel size of the component.
        /// </param>
        public void UpdateFormatting(Window srcWindow, Sizef size)
            var font = GetFontObject(srcWindow);

            // exit if we have no font to use.
            if (font == null)
                throw new InvalidRequestException("Window doesn't have a font.");

            var rs = _renderedString;

            // do we fetch text from a property
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_textPropertyName))
                // fetch text & do bi-directional reordering as needed
                string visual;
                var logicalToVisual = new List <int>();
                var visualToLogical = new List <int>();
                _bidiVisualMapping.ReorderFromLogicalToVisual(srcWindow.GetProperty(_textPropertyName), out visual, logicalToVisual, visualToLogical);
                visual = srcWindow.GetProperty(_textPropertyName);
                // parse string using parser from Window.
                _renderedString = srcWindow.GetRenderedStringParser().Parse(visual, font, null);
                rs = _renderedString;
            // do we use a static text string from the looknfeel
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetTextVisual()))
                // parse string using parser from Window.
                _renderedString = srcWindow.GetRenderedStringParser().Parse(GetTextVisual(), font, null);
            // do we have to override the font?
            else if (font != srcWindow.GetFont())
                _renderedString = srcWindow.GetRenderedStringParser().Parse(srcWindow.GetTextVisual(), font, null);
            // use ready-made RenderedString from the Window itself
                rs = srcWindow.GetRenderedString();

            SetupStringFormatter(srcWindow, rs);
            _formattedRenderedString.Format(srcWindow, size);
コード例 #22
        protected Image(string name,
                        Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 pixelOffset,
                        Rectf imageArea,
                        AutoScaledMode autoScaled,
                        Sizef nativeResolution)
            d_name             = name;
            d_pixelOffset      = pixelOffset;
            d_imageArea        = imageArea;
            d_autoScaled       = autoScaled;
            d_nativeResolution = nativeResolution;
            d_scaledSize       = Sizef.Zero;
            d_scaledOffset     = Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2.Zero;

            // force initialisation of the autoscaling fields.
コード例 #23
        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers, Rectf destArea, Rectf? clipArea, bool clippingEnabled)
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, destArea, clipArea, clippingEnabled, new ColourRect(0xffffffff));

        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers, Rectf destArea, Rectf? clipArea, bool clippingEnabled,
        //                   ColourRect multiplicationColours)
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, destArea, clipArea, clippingEnabled, multiplicationColours, 1f);

        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers, Rectf destArea, Rectf? clipArea, bool clippingEnabled,
        //                   ColourRect multiplicationColours, float alpha)
        //    var renderSettings = new ImageRenderSettings(destArea, clipArea, clippingEnabled, multiplicationColours, alpha);
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, renderSettings);

        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers, Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 position)
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, position, null);

        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers, Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 position,
        //                   Rectf? clipArea)
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, position, clipArea, false);
        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers,
        //    Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 position,
        //                   Rectf? clipArea, bool clippingEnabled)
        //    var renderSettings = new ImageRenderSettings(new Rectf(position, GetRenderedSize()), clipArea, clippingEnabled);
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, renderSettings);

        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers,
        //                   Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 position,
        //                   Rectf? clipArea,
        //                   bool clippingEnabled,
        //                   ColourRect colours,
        //                   float alpha = 1.0f)
        //    var renderSettings = new ImageRenderSettings(new Rectf(position, GetRenderedSize()), clipArea, clippingEnabled, colours, alpha);
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, renderSettings);

        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers,
        //                   Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 position,
        //                   Sizef size,
        //                   Rectf? clipArea = null,
        //                   bool clippingEnabled = false)
        //    var renderSettings = new ImageRenderSettings(new Rectf(position, size), clipArea, clippingEnabled);
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, renderSettings);

        //public void Render(List<GeometryBuffer> imageGeometryBuffers,
        //                   Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2 position,
        //                   Sizef size,
        //                   Rectf? clipArea,
        //                   bool clippingEnabled,
        //                   ColourRect colours,
        //                   float alpha = 1.0f)
        //    var renderSettings = new ImageRenderSettings(new Rectf(position, size), clipArea, clippingEnabled, colours, alpha);
        //    Render(imageGeometryBuffers, renderSettings);


        /// <summary>
        /// Helper able to compute scaling factors for auto scaling
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <param name="displaySize"></param>
        /// <param name="nativeDisplaySize"></param>
        /// <param name="xScale"></param>
        /// <param name="yScale"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is mostly for internal use, unless you know what you are doing,
        /// please don't touch this method!
        /// </remarks>
        public static void ComputeScalingFactors(AutoScaledMode mode,
                                                 Sizef displaySize,
                                                 Sizef nativeDisplaySize,
                                                 out float xScale,
                                                 out float yScale)
            if (mode == AutoScaledMode.Disabled)
                xScale = 1.0f;
                yScale = 1.0f;
            else if (mode == AutoScaledMode.Vertical)
                xScale = displaySize.Height / nativeDisplaySize.Height;
                yScale = xScale;
            else if (mode == AutoScaledMode.Horizontal)
                xScale = displaySize.Width / nativeDisplaySize.Width;
                yScale = xScale;
            else if (mode == AutoScaledMode.Min)
                xScale = global::System.Math.Min(displaySize.Width / nativeDisplaySize.Width,
                                                 displaySize.Height / nativeDisplaySize.Height);
                yScale = xScale;
            else if (mode == AutoScaledMode.Max)
                xScale = global::System.Math.Max(displaySize.Width / nativeDisplaySize.Width,
                                                 displaySize.Height / nativeDisplaySize.Height);
                yScale = xScale;
            else if (mode == AutoScaledMode.Both)
                xScale = displaySize.Width / nativeDisplaySize.Width;
                yScale = displaySize.Height / nativeDisplaySize.Height;
                xScale = 0f;
                yScale = 0f;
                global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid AutoScaledMode");
コード例 #24
ファイル: FntFont.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
        private void UpdateFont(Sizef displaySize)
            var factor = (d_autoScaled != AutoScaledMode.Disabled ? d_horzScaling : 1.0f) / d_origHorzScaling;

            d_ascender     = 0;
            d_descender    = 0;
            d_height       = 0;
            d_maxCodepoint = 0;

            foreach (var i in d_cp_map)
                if (i.Key > d_maxCodepoint)
                    d_maxCodepoint = i.Key;

                var fntGlyph = (FntGlyph)i.Value;
                fntGlyph.SetAdvance(fntGlyph.OriginalAdvance * d_horzScaling);

                var img = i.Value.GetImage();

                var bi = img as BitmapImage;
                if (bi != null)

                if (img.GetRenderedOffset().Y < d_ascender)
                    d_ascender = img.GetRenderedOffset().Y;
                if (img.GetRenderedSize().Height + img.GetRenderedOffset().Y > d_descender)
                    d_descender = img.GetRenderedSize().Height + img.GetRenderedOffset().Y;

            d_ascender  = -d_ascender;
            d_descender = -d_descender;
            d_height    = d_ascender - d_descender;

            d_origHorzScaling = d_autoScaled != AutoScaledMode.Disabled ? d_horzScaling : 1.0f;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Font.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="typeName"></param>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="autoScaled"></param>
        /// <param name="nativeRes"></param>
        protected Font(string name, string typeName, string filename, string resourceGroup, AutoScaledMode autoScaled, Sizef nativeRes)
            d_name             = name;
            d_type             = typeName;
            d_filename         = filename;
            d_resourceGroup    = resourceGroup;
            d_ascender         = 0;
            d_descender        = 0;
            d_height           = 0;
            d_autoScaled       = autoScaled;
            d_nativeResolution = nativeRes;
            d_maxCodepoint     = 0;
            d_glyphPageLoaded  = null;


            var size = System.GetSingleton().GetRenderer().GetDisplaySize();

            Image.ComputeScalingFactors(d_autoScaled, size, d_nativeResolution, out d_horzScaling, out d_vertScaling);
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for Cursor objects
        /// </summary>
        public Cursor()
            d_indicatorImage        = null;
            d_defaultIndicatorImage = null;
            d_position            = Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2.Zero;
            d_visible             = true;
            d_customSize          = new Sizef(0.0f, 0.0f);
            d_customOffset        = Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2.Zero;
            d_cachedGeometryValid = false;

            var screenArea = new Rectf(Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2.Zero,

            // default constraint is to whole screen

                            ? s_initialPosition
                            : new Lunatics.Mathematics.Vector2(screenArea.Width / 2f, screenArea.Height / 2f));
コード例 #27
ファイル: System.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
        /// <summary>
        /// Notification function to be called when the main display changes size.
        /// Client code should call this function when the host window changes size,
        /// or if the display resolution is changed in full-screen mode.
        /// Calling this function ensures that any other parts of the system that
        /// need to know about display size changes are notified.  This affects
        /// things such as the Cursor default constraint area, and also the
        /// auto-scale functioning of Imagesets and Fonts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="new_size">
        /// Size object describing the new display size in pixels.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function will also fire the System::EventDisplaySizeChanged event.
        /// </remarks>
        public void NotifyDisplaySizeChanged(Sizef new_size)
            // notify other components of the display size change


            // Fire event
            var handler = DisplaySizeChanged;

            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, new DisplayEventArgs(new_size));

            Logger.LogEvent("Display resize:" +
                            " w=" + PropertyHelper.ToString(new_size.Width) +
                            " h=" + PropertyHelper.ToString(new_size.Height));
コード例 #28
ファイル: MouseCursor.cs プロジェクト: xdinos/SDL2Experiments
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for MouseCursor objects
        /// </summary>
        public MouseCursor()
            d_cursorImage         = null;
            d_defaultCursorImage  = null;
            d_position            = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
            d_visible             = true;
            d_geometry            = System.GetSingleton().GetRenderer().CreateGeometryBuffer();
            d_customSize          = new Sizef(0.0f, 0.0f);
            d_customOffset        = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
            d_cachedGeometryValid = false;

            var screenArea = new Rectf(Vector2f.Zero, System.GetSingleton().GetRenderer().GetDisplaySize());


            // default constraint is to whole screen

                            ? s_initialPosition
                            : new Vector2f(screenArea.Width / 2, screenArea.Height / 2));
コード例 #29
        // TODO: Destructor.
        // TODO: ~RenderedStringWordWrapper(){DeleteFormatters();}

        // implementation of base interface

        // TODO: specialised version of format used with Justified text
        public override void Format(Window refWnd, Sizef areaSize)

            var lstring = new RenderedString();
            var rstring = new RenderedString(d_renderedString);

            T frs;

            for (var line = 0; line < rstring.GetLineCount(); ++line)
                float rsWidth;
                while ((rsWidth = rstring.GetPixelSize(refWnd, line).Width) > 0)
                    // skip line if no wrapping occurs
                    if (rsWidth <= areaSize.Width)

                    // split rstring at width into lstring and remaining rstring
                    rstring.Split(refWnd, line, areaSize.Width, lstring);
                    //frs = _constructor(new RenderedString(lstring));
                    frs = new T();
                    frs.SetRenderedString(new RenderedString(lstring));
                    frs.Format(refWnd, areaSize);
                    line = 0;

            // last line.
            //frs = _constructor(new RenderedString(rstring));
            frs = new T();
            frs.SetRenderedString(new RenderedString(rstring));
            frs.Format(refWnd, areaSize);
コード例 #30
         * \brief
         *  Creates a FreeType type font.
         * \param font_name
         *  The name that the font will use within the CEGUI system.
         * \param point_size
         *  Specifies the point size that the font is to be rendered at.
         * \param anti_aliased
         *  Specifies whether the font should be rendered using anti aliasing.
         * \param font_filename
         *  The filename of an font file that will be used as the source for
         *  glyph images for this font.
         * \param resource_group
         *  The resource group identifier to use when loading the font file
         *  specified by \a font_filename.
         * \param auto_scaled
         *  Specifies whether the font imagery should be automatically scaled to
         *  maintain the same physical size (which is calculated by using the
         *  native resolution setting).
         * \param native_horz_res
         *  The horizontal native resolution value.  This is only significant when
         *  auto scaling is enabled.
         * \param native_vert_res
         *  The vertical native resolution value.  This is only significant when
         *  auto scaling is enabled.
         * \param action
         *  One of the XMLResourceExistsAction enumerated values indicating what
         *  action should be taken when a Font with the specified name
         *  already exists.
         * \return
         *  Reference to the newly create Font object.
        public Font CreateFreeTypeFont(string font_name,
                                       float point_size,
                                       bool anti_aliased,
                                       string font_filename,
                                       string resource_group,
                                       AutoScaledMode auto_scaled,
                                       Sizef native_res,
                                       XMLResourceExistsAction action = XMLResourceExistsAction.XREA_RETURN)
            Logger.LogInsane("Attempting to create FreeType font '" + font_name + "' using font file '" +
                             font_filename + "'.");

            // create new object ahead of time
            var @object = new FreeTypeFont(font_name, point_size, anti_aliased, font_filename, resource_group, auto_scaled, native_res, 0f);

            // return appropriate object instance (deleting any not required)
            return(DoExistingObjectAction(font_name, @object, action));
            throw new InvalidRequestException("CEGUI was compiled without freetype support.");