public override string GetCode(BootMenu menu) { var code = ""; code += "INCLUDE /boot/syslinux/theme.cfg\n"; code += "MENU title " + menu.Title.RemoveAccent() + "\n"; if (menu.MainMenu) { code += "TIMEOUT 100\n"; } else { code += "### MENU START\n" + "LABEL mainmenu\n" + "MENU LABEL " + Strings.MainMenu.RemoveAccent() + "\n" + "KERNEL /boot/syslinux/vesamenu.c32\n" + "APPEND /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg\n" + "### MENU END\n"; } menu.Items.ForEach(x => code += GetCode(x)); return(code); }
public override string GetCode(BootMenu menu) { var code = ""; //code += "color magenta/white white/magenta black/white black/white\n"; if (noback) { code += $"graphicsmode -1 {Resolution.Width} {Resolution.Height} 32\n"; } else { code += "splashimage /boot/grub4dos/sharpboot.xpm.lzma\n"; } if (menu.MainMenu) { code += "timeout 100\n\n"; } else { code += "title " + Strings.MainMenu.RemoveAccent().Trim() + "\nconfigfile /menu.lst\n\n"; } menu.Items.ForEach(x => code += GetCode(x)); return(code); }
public override string GetCode(BootMenu menu) { var code = ""; code += "insmod ntfs\n"; code += "insmod exfat\n"; code += "insmod fat\n"; code += "loadfont /boot/grub/unicode.pf2\n"; code += "insmod all_video\n"; code += $"set gfxmode={Resolution.Width}x{Resolution.Height}\n"; code += "insmod gfxterm\n"; code += "terminal_output gfxterm\n"; code += "insmod png\n"; code += "background_image /boot/grub/sharpboot.png\n"; code += "\n"; menu.Items.ForEach(x => code += GetCode(x)); return(code); }
public static string GetCode(BootMenu menu, Size res = default(Size)) { var code = ""; code += "insmod ntfs\n"; code += "insmod exfat\n"; code += "insmod fat\n"; code += "loadfont /boot/grub/unicode.pf2\n"; code += "insmod all_video\n"; code += "set gfxmode=" + (res == default(Size) ? "auto" : $"{res.Width}x{res.Height}") + "\n"; code += "insmod gfxterm\n"; code += "terminal_output gfxterm\n"; code += "insmod png\n"; code += "background_image /boot/grub/sharpboot.png\n"; code += "\n"; menu.Items.ForEach(x => code += GetCode(x)); return(code); }
public override string GetCode(BootMenu menu) { var code = ""; code += "INCLUDE /boot/syslinux/theme.cfg\n"; code += "MENU title " + menu.Title.RemoveAccent() + "\n"; if (menu.MainMenu) code += "TIMEOUT 100\n"; else code += "### MENU START\n" + "LABEL mainmenu\n" + "MENU LABEL " + Strings.MainMenu.RemoveAccent() + "\n" + "KERNEL /boot/syslinux/vesamenu.c32\n" + "APPEND /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg\n" + "### MENU END\n"; menu.Items.ForEach(x => code += GetCode(x)); return code; }
public void Generate() { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(Settings.Default.Lang); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(Settings.Default.Lang); var f = Program.GetTemporaryDirectory(); lblStatus.Text = Strings.Init; Thread.Sleep(1000); var ext = new SevenZipExtractor(); var isodir = _usb ? OutputFilepath : Path.Combine(f, "iso"); if (_usb) { // format if ( MessageBox.Show(Strings.FormatWillErase.Replace(@"\n", "\n"), "SharpBoot", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) { abort = true; return; } var tries = 1; while (true) { if (tries == 5) { MessageBox.Show(Strings.FormatError, "SharpBoot", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); abort = true; return; } ChangeProgress(0, 100, Strings.Formatting); var askform = new AskPath(); askform.SetTextMode(Text, Strings.VolumeLabel, string.Concat(Title.Where(char.IsLetter))); var volumeLabel = ""; if (askform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { volumeLabel = askform.FileName; } else { abort = true; return; } uint res = 1; if ((res = Utils.FormatDrive(OutputFilepath.Substring(0, 2), filesystem, label: volumeLabel)) == 0) { ChangeProgress(100, 100, Strings.Formatting); break; } else { switch (res) { case 3: MessageBox.Show(Strings.NeedAdmin, "SharpBoot", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); abort = true; return; case 2: abort = true; return; } if ( MessageBox.Show(Strings.FormatError, "SharpBoot", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Cancel) { abort = true; return; } } tries++; } } if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } var sylp = Path.Combine(isodir, "boot", bloader.FolderName); bloader.WorkingDir = sylp; bloader.Resolution = Res; if (!Directory.Exists(sylp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(sylp); } var isoroot = Path.Combine(isodir, "images"); var mkisofsexe = Path.Combine(f, "mkisofs", "mkisofs.exe"); var archs = Path.Combine(f, "arch"); Directory.CreateDirectory(archs); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(archs, "basedisk.7z"), Resources.basedisk); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(archs, "bloader.7z"), bloader.Archive); if (!_usb) { File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(archs, "mkisofs.7z"), Resources.mkisofs); } ChangeProgress(0, 100, Strings.ExtractBaseDisk + " 1/6"); ext.Extract(Path.Combine(archs, "basedisk.7z"), isodir); ChangeProgress(10, 100, Strings.ExtractBaseDisk + " 2/6"); ext.Extract(Path.Combine(archs, "bloader.7z"), isodir); if (bloader is Syslinux) { var theme = new SyslinuxTheme { Resolution = Res, noback = IsoBackgroundImage == "$$NONE$$" }; ChangeProgress(20, 100, Strings.ExtractBaseDisk + " 3/6"); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(sylp, "theme.cfg"), theme.GetCode()); if (Program.UseCyrillicFont) { File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(sylp, "cyrillic_cp866.psf"), Resources._866_8x16); } } if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } Image img = null; ChangeProgress(30, 100, Strings.ExtractBaseDisk + " 4/6"); if (IsoBackgroundImage == "") { var ms = new MemoryStream(Resources.sharpboot); img = Image.FromStream(ms); } else if (IsoBackgroundImage != "$$NONE$$") { img = Image.FromFile(IsoBackgroundImage); } ChangeProgress(35, 100, Strings.ExtractBaseDisk + " 5/6"); bloader.SetImage(img, Res); ChangeProgress(45, 100, Strings.ExtractBaseDisk + " 6/6"); if (!_usb) { ChangeProgress(50, 100, Strings.Extracting.FormatEx("Mkisofs")); ext.Extract(Path.Combine(archs, "mkisofs.7z"), Path.Combine(f, "mkisofs")); } ChangeProgressBar(60, 100); Program.SafeDel(archs); if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } // copier les fichiers dans le rep temporaire ChangeProgress(0, Images.Count, Strings.CopyISOfiles); for (var i = 0; i < Images.Count; i++) { var current = Images[i].FilePath; ChangeProgress(i, Images.Count, string.Format(Strings.Copying, Path.GetFileName(current))); while (!Directory.Exists(isoroot)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(isoroot); } for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) { try { XCopy.Copy(current, Path.Combine(isoroot, Path.GetFileName(current)), true, true, (o, pce) => { ChangeProgressBar(pce.ProgressPercentage, 100); }); break; } catch { } } } ChangeProgressBar(0, CustomFiles.Count); for (var i = 0; i < CustomFiles.Count; i++) { var current = CustomFiles.ToList()[i]; var local = current.Key; var remote = current.Value; if (remote.StartsWith("/")) { remote = remote.Substring(1); } ChangeProgress(i, CustomFiles.Count, string.Format(Strings.Copying, Path.GetFileName(local))); while (!Directory.Exists(isodir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(isodir); } for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) { try { XCopy.Copy(local, Path.Combine(isodir, remote), true, true, (o, pce) => { ChangeProgressBar(pce.ProgressPercentage, 100); }); break; } catch { } } } if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } ChangeProgress(0, Categories.Count, Strings.GenMenus); var main = new BootMenu(Title, true); main.Items.Add(new BootMenuItem(Strings.BootFromHDD.RemoveAccent(), Strings.BootFromHDD.RemoveAccent(), EntryType.BootHDD)); var ii = 0; //var itype = new Func<string, EntryType>(fn => Path.GetExtension(fn).ToLower() == ".img" ? EntryType.IMG : EntryType.ISO); if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } foreach (var c in Categories) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c)) { ChangeProgress(ii, Categories.Count, Strings.GenMainMenu); Images.Where(x => x.Category == c).All(x => { main.Items.Add(new BootMenuItem(x.Name.RemoveAccent(), x.Description.RemoveAccent(), x.EntryType, x.FilePath, false, x.CustomCode)); return(true); }); } else { ChangeProgress(ii, Categories.Count, string.Format(Strings.GenMenu, c)); var t = new BootMenu(c, false); Images.Where(x => x.Category == c).All(x => { t.Items.Add(new BootMenuItem(x.Name.RemoveAccent(), x.Description.RemoveAccent(), x.EntryType, x.FilePath, false, x.CustomCode)); return(true); }); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(sylp, Utils.CRC32(c)) + bloader.FileExt, bloader.GetCode(t), Program.GetEnc()); main.Items.Add(new BootMenuItem(c, c, EntryType.Category, Utils.CRC32(c), false)); } ii++; if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } } if (bloader is Syslinux) { File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(sylp, "syslinux.cfg"), bloader.GetCode(main), Program.GetEnc()); } else if (bloader is Grub4DOS) { File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(isodir, "menu.lst"), bloader.GetCode(main)); } else if (bloader is Grub2) { File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(sylp, "grub.cfg"), bloader.GetCode(main)); } if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } if (_usb) { ChangeProgress(23, 100, string.Format(Strings.InstallingBoot, bloader.DisplayName, OutputFilepath)); bloader.Install(OutputFilepath); GenF(f); } else { // TODO: Implement working progress printing (I can't get OutputDataReceived to work on my computer) ChangeProgress(23, 100, Strings.CreatingISO); Thread.Sleep(500); var p = new Process { StartInfo = { UseShellExecute = false, FileName = mkisofsexe /*RedirectStandardOutput = true, * RedirectStandardError = true*/ } }; p.StartInfo.Arguments += " " + bloader.CmdArgs + " -publisher \"SharpBoot\" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -r -J -b " + bloader.BinFile; p.StartInfo.Arguments += " -o \"" + OutputFilepath + "\" \"" + isodir + "\""; p.EnableRaisingEvents = true; /*var a = new Action<object, DataReceivedEventArgs>((o, args) => MessageBox.Show(args.Data)); * * p.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(a); * p.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(a);*/ bool exitCaught = false; p.Exited += delegate { exitCaught = true; GenF(f); }; Thread.Sleep(500); if (bwkISO.CancellationPending) { abort = true; return; } ChangeProgress(33, 100, string.Format(Strings.Extracting, "Mkisofs")); int iter = 0; while (true) { if (iter == 5) { MessageBox.Show("Extraction of Mkisofs failed after: 5 attempts. Aborting."); abort = true; return; } if (!File.Exists(mkisofsexe)) { if (!Directory.Exists(archs)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(archs); } File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(archs, "mkisofs.7z"), Resources.mkisofs); ext.Extract(Path.Combine(archs, "mkisofs.7z"), Path.Combine(f, "mkisofs")); } else { break; } Thread.Sleep(500); iter++; } try { p.Start(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } /*p.BeginOutputReadLine(); * * using (var reader = p.StandardOutput) * { * while (!reader.EndOfStream) * { * var o = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); * var pp = o.Substring(1, 5).Trim(); * var d = decimal.Parse(pp); * if (o[0] == ' ' && o[3] == '.' && o[6] == '%') * { * ChangeProgress(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(d, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)), 100, Strings.CopyISOfiles + "\t" + pp + "%"); * } * } * }*/ if (!p.HasExited) { p.WaitForExit(2000); } Thread.Sleep(500); if (!exitCaught) { GenF(f); } } Program.SupportAccent = false; ext.Close(); }
public override string GetCode(BootMenu menu) { var code = ""; code += $"set gfxmode={Resolution.Width}x{Resolution.Height}\n"; code += "insmod video_bochs\ninsmod video_cirrus\ninsmod png\n"; code += "background_image /win32-loader/sharpboot.png\n"; menu.Items.ForEach(x => code += GetCode(x)); return code; }
public override string GetCode(BootMenu menu) { var code = ""; //code += "color magenta/white white/magenta black/white black/white\n"; if (noback) code += $"graphicsmode -1 {Resolution.Width} {Resolution.Height} 32\n"; else code += "splashimage /boot/grub4dos/sharpboot.xpm.lzma\n"; if (menu.MainMenu) { code += "timeout 100\n\n"; } else code += "title " + Strings.MainMenu.RemoveAccent().Trim() + "\nconfigfile /menu.lst\n\n"; menu.Items.ForEach(x => code += GetCode(x)); return code; }
public abstract string GetCode(BootMenu menu);