コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: jiatingxiu/SharedMemory
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int    size = 900 * 720 * 2;
            string name = "SharedMemoryTest";

            data = new byte[size];

            var buf = new SharedMemory.CircularBuffer(name);

            bufW = new SharedMemory.CircularBuffer(name + "W");
            int i = 0;


            while (true)
                data[0] = (byte)Console.ReadKey().Key;
                int result = buf.Write(data);


                Console.WriteLine("========================" + data[0]);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: rstonkus/SharedMemory
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to start client");


            Console.WriteLine("Open existing shared memory circular buffer");
            using (SharedMemory.CircularBuffer theClient = new SharedMemory.CircularBuffer("TEST"))
                Console.WriteLine("Buffer {0} opened, NodeBufferSize: {1}, NodeCount: {2}", theClient.Name, theClient.NodeBufferSize, theClient.NodeCount);

                long bufferSize = theClient.NodeBufferSize;
                byte[] writeDataProof;
                byte[] writeData = new byte[bufferSize];

                List<byte[]> dataList = new List<byte[]>();

                // Generate data for integrity check
                for (var j = 0; j < 256; j++)
                    var data = new byte[bufferSize];
                    for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        data[i] = (byte)((i + j) % 255);

                int skipCount = 0;
                long iterations = 0;
                long totalBytes = 0;
                long lastTick = 0;
                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                int threadCount = 0;
                Action reader = () =>
                    int myThreadIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref threadCount);
                    int linesOut = 0;
                    bool finalLine = false;
                    for (; ; )
                        int amount = theClient.Read(writeData, 100);
                        //int amount = theClient.Read<byte>(writeData, 100);

                        if (amount == 0)
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref skipCount);
                            // Only check data integrity for first thread
                            if (threadCount == 1)
                                bool mismatch = false;

                                writeDataProof = dataList[((int)Interlocked.Read(ref iterations)) % 255];
                                for (var i = 0; i < writeDataProof.Length; i++)
                                    if (writeData[i] != writeDataProof[i])
                                        mismatch = true;
                                        Console.WriteLine("Buffers don't match!");

                                if (mismatch)

                            Interlocked.Add(ref totalBytes, amount);

                            Interlocked.Increment(ref iterations);

                        if (threadCount == 1 && Interlocked.Read(ref iterations) > 500)
                            finalLine = true;

                        if (myThreadIndex < 3 && (finalLine || sw.ElapsedTicks - lastTick > 1000000))
                            lastTick = sw.ElapsedTicks;
                            Console.WriteLine("Read: {0}, Wait: {1}, {2}MB/s", ((double)totalBytes / 1048576.0).ToString("F0"), skipCount, (((totalBytes / 1048576.0) / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) * 1000).ToString("F2"));
                            if (finalLine || (myThreadIndex > 1 && linesOut > 10))

                Console.WriteLine("Testing data integrity (high CPU, low bandwidth)...");

                skipCount = 0;
                iterations = 0;
                totalBytes = 0;
                lastTick = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Testing data throughput (low CPU, high bandwidth)...");
#if NET40Plus                
                Task c1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                Task c2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                Task c3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                //Task c4 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => { reader(); });
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => { reader(); });
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => { reader(); });
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: songqiang-fork/DayDayUp
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to start client");


            Console.WriteLine("Open existing shared memory circular buffer");
            using (SharedMemory.CircularBuffer theClient = new SharedMemory.CircularBuffer("TEST"))
                Console.WriteLine("Buffer {0} opened, NodeBufferSize: {1}, NodeCount: {2}", theClient.Name, theClient.NodeBufferSize, theClient.NodeCount);

                long   bufferSize = theClient.NodeBufferSize;
                byte[] writeDataProof;
                byte[] writeData = new byte[bufferSize];

                List <byte[]> dataList = new List <byte[]>();

                // Generate data for integrity check
                for (var j = 0; j < 256; j++)
                    var data = new byte[bufferSize];
                    for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        data[i] = (byte)((i + j) % 255);

                int       skipCount  = 0;
                long      iterations = 0;
                long      totalBytes = 0;
                long      lastTick   = 0;
                Stopwatch sw         = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                int    threadCount = 0;
                Action reader      = () =>
                    int  myThreadIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref threadCount);
                    int  linesOut      = 0;
                    bool finalLine     = false;
                    for (; ;)
                        int amount = theClient.Read(writeData, 100);
                        //int amount = theClient.Read<byte>(writeData, 100);

                        if (amount == 0)
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref skipCount);
                            // Only check data integrity for first thread
                            if (threadCount == 1)
                                bool mismatch = false;

                                writeDataProof = dataList[((int)Interlocked.Read(ref iterations)) % 255];
                                for (var i = 0; i < writeDataProof.Length; i++)
                                    if (writeData[i] != writeDataProof[i])
                                        mismatch = true;
                                        Console.WriteLine("Buffers don't match!");

                                if (mismatch)

                            Interlocked.Add(ref totalBytes, amount);

                            Interlocked.Increment(ref iterations);

                        if (threadCount == 1 && Interlocked.Read(ref iterations) > 500)
                            finalLine = true;

                        if (myThreadIndex < 3 && (finalLine || sw.ElapsedTicks - lastTick > 1000000))
                            lastTick = sw.ElapsedTicks;
                            Console.WriteLine("Read: {0}, Wait: {1}, {2}MB/s", ((double)totalBytes / 1048576.0).ToString("F0"), skipCount, (((totalBytes / 1048576.0) / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) * 1000).ToString("F2"));
                            if (finalLine || (myThreadIndex > 1 && linesOut > 10))

                Console.WriteLine("Testing data integrity (high CPU, low bandwidth)...");

                skipCount  = 0;
                iterations = 0;
                totalBytes = 0;
                lastTick   = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Testing data throughput (low CPU, high bandwidth)...");
#if NET40Plus
                Task c1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                Task c2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                Task c3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                //Task c4 = Task.Factory.StartNew(reader);
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => { reader(); });
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => { reader(); });
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => { reader(); });
コード例 #4
ファイル: RpcBuffer.cs プロジェクト: wjdz99/SharedMemory
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a new RpcBuffer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The unique channel name. This is the name to be shared between the master/slave pair. Each pair must have a unique value.</param>
        /// <param name="bufferCapacity">Master only: Maximum buffer capacity. Messages will be split into packets that fit this capacity (including a packet header of 64-bytes). The slave will use the same size as defined by the master</param>
        /// <param name="protocolVersion">ProtocolVersion.V1 = 64-byte header for each packet</param>
        /// <param name="bufferNodeCount">Master only: The number of nodes in the underlying circular buffers, each with a size of <paramref name="bufferCapacity"/></param>
        public RpcBuffer(string name, int bufferCapacity = 50000, RpcProtocol protocolVersion = RpcProtocol.V1, int bufferNodeCount = 10)
            if (bufferCapacity < 256) // min 256 bytes
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bufferCapacity), "cannot be less than 256 bytes");

            if (bufferCapacity > 1024 * 1024) // max 1MB
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bufferCapacity), "cannot be larger than 1MB");

            Statistics = new RpcStatistics();

            masterMutex = new Mutex(true, name + "SharedMemory_MasterMutex", out bool createdNew);

            if (createdNew && masterMutex.WaitOne(500))
                instanceType = InstanceType.Master;
                instanceType = InstanceType.Slave;
                if (masterMutex != null)
                    masterMutex = null;

            switch (protocolVersion)
            case RpcProtocol.V1:
                this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion;
                protocolLength       = FastStructure.SizeOf <RpcProtocolHeaderV1>();
                Statistics.ProtocolOverheadPerPacket = protocolLength;

            this.bufferCapacity  = bufferCapacity;
            this.bufferNodeCount = bufferNodeCount;
            if (instanceType == InstanceType.Master)
                WriteBuffer = new CircularBuffer(name + "_Slave_SharedMemory_MMF", bufferNodeCount, this.bufferCapacity);
                ReadBuffer  = new CircularBuffer(name + "_Master_SharedMemory_MMF", bufferNodeCount, this.bufferCapacity);
                ReadBuffer           = new CircularBuffer(name + "_Slave_SharedMemory_MMF");
                WriteBuffer          = new CircularBuffer(name + "_Master_SharedMemory_MMF");
                this.bufferCapacity  = ReadBuffer.NodeBufferSize;
                this.bufferNodeCount = ReadBuffer.NodeCount;

            this.msgBufferLength = Convert.ToInt32(this.bufferCapacity) - protocolLength;

            Task.Run(() =>
                switch (protocolVersion)
                case RpcProtocol.V1:
コード例 #5
ファイル: DllCommunication.cs プロジェクト: killvxk/OSPE
        public static void StartPacketReaderMMF()
            int nodeBufferSize = sizeof(byte) * _pktMmfBufferSize;

            SharedMemory.CircularBuffer packetMMF;
            if (!CheckMMFileExists(_pktMmfName))
                packetMMF = new SharedMemory.CircularBuffer(_pktMmfName, _pktMmfNodeCount, nodeBufferSize);
                packetMMF = new SharedMemory.CircularBuffer(_pktMmfName);

            byte[] writtenData = new byte[_pktMmfBufferSize];

            //int threadCount = 0;
            Action reader = () =>
                //int myThreadIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref threadCount);
                //Output.outMsgBox("Started thread {0}: ", threadCount);

                for (; ;)
                    //var t1 = Environment.TickCount; Debug.WriteLine("packetMMF.Read(writtenData) {0}", ID);
                    //var t2 = Environment.TickCount; if (t2-t1 > 0) Debug.WriteLine("ANTES de packetMMF.Read {0} - diff: {1}", ID, t2-t1);

                    //The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
                    int amount = packetMMF.Read(writtenData, 0, -1);

                    //var t3 = Environment.TickCount; if (t3 - t2 > 0) Debug.WriteLine("DESPUES de server.Read {0} - diff: {1}", ID, t3 - t2);

                    if (amount == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Read 0 bytes from queue!");

                    Output.outString("Read data: {0}", BitConverter.ToString(writtenData));

                    // PacketInfo HEADER
                    var packetInfo = new PacketInfo();

                    var piSize = Marshal.SizeOf(packetInfo);
                    var piData = new byte[piSize];

                    // Reads the piSize bytes corresponding to the packetInfo
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(writtenData, 0, piData, 0, piSize);

                    // Converts the bytes to a packetInfo
                    IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(piSize);
                    Marshal.Copy(piData, 0, ptr, piSize);
                    packetInfo = (PacketInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, packetInfo.GetType());

                    var cSize = packetInfo.Size;
                    var cData = new byte[cSize];

                    // Packet size can not be bigger than buffer size
                    Debug.Assert(cSize < _pktMmfBufferSize);

                    Buffer.BlockCopy(writtenData, piSize, cData, 0, cSize);

                    PacketManager.PacketReceived(packetInfo, ref cData);

                    //var t4 = Environment.TickCount; if (t4- t3 > 0) Debug.WriteLine("DESPUES de PacketManager.PacketReceived {0} - diff: {1}", ID, t4 - t3);

            // Start reader thread
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => { reader(); });
コード例 #6
ファイル: DllCommunication.cs プロジェクト: killvxk/OSPE
        public static void WriteCommandToCmdMMF(ServerCodes sc, byte[] data = null, UInt16 newLength = 0, ushort socketId = 0)
            int mmfWriteTimeout = 1000;

            byte[] writtenData;

            if (sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_INJECTPACKET)
                 |   ServerCode   |  SocketID   |   newLength     |                   Packet                  |
                 |    1-byte      |   2-bytes   |    2-bytes      |---------------     data      -------------|
                 |------------------------------------    writtenData   --------------------------------------|
                writtenData    = new byte[1 + 2 + 2 + newLength];
                writtenData[0] = (byte)sc;
                Array.Copy(FilterManager.StructToBytes(socketId), 0, writtenData, 1, 2);
                Array.Copy(FilterManager.StructToBytes(newLength), 0, writtenData, 3, 2);
                Array.Copy(data, 0, writtenData, 5, newLength);
            else if (sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_STARTFILTERING)
                 |   ServerCode   |  FilterCount   |             Filter Data                     |
                 |    1-byte      |   1-byte       |-----------------Data------------------------|
                 |------------------------   writtenData  ---------------------------------------|
                writtenData    = new byte[FilterManager.FILTERINBYTESSIZE * FilterManager.GetActiveFilterCount() + 2]; // Minimo:  SizeOf(Filter) * cantActivos + 2
                writtenData[0] = (byte)sc;
                writtenData[1] = (byte)FilterManager.GetActiveFilterCount();
                byte[] bytes = FilterManager.ConvertFilterListToBytes();
                Array.Copy(bytes, 0, writtenData, 2, FilterManager.FILTERINBYTESSIZE * FilterManager.GetActiveFilterCount());
            else if (sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_SETPACKET)
                 |   ServerCode   |  newLength    |             Packet Data                          |
                 |    1-byte      |   2-bytes     |-----------------Data-----------------------------|
                 |-------------------------------------   writtenData    ----------------------------|
                writtenData    = new byte[1 + 2 + newLength];
                writtenData[0] = (byte)sc;
                Array.Copy(FilterManager.StructToBytes(newLength), 0, writtenData, 1, 2);
                Array.Copy(data, 0, writtenData, 3, newLength);
            else if (sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_LOADDLLEX)
                 |   ServerCode   |           fileName string        |
                 |    1-byte      |----------  string.Length --------|
                 |-------------------   writtenData    --------------|
                writtenData    = new byte[1 + Settings.DLLEx.Length];
                writtenData[0] = (byte)sc;
                Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Settings.DLLEx), 0, writtenData, 1, Settings.DLLEx.Length);
            else if (sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_STARTCAPTURE ||
                     sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_STOPCAPTURE ||
                     sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_STOPFILTERING ||
                     sc == ServerCodes.SCODE_UNLOADDLLEX)
                writtenData    = new byte[1];
                writtenData[0] = (byte)sc;
                throw new NotImplementedException("ServerCode " + (int)sc + " NOT IMPLEMENTED");

            // Spawneamos un thread que puede esperar el mmfWriteTimeout para escribir el comando
            //int threadCount = 0;

            //int myThreadIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref threadCount);

            if (CheckMMFileExists(_cmdMmfName))
                cmdMMF = new SharedMemory.CircularBuffer(_cmdMmfName);
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ERROR, MMF does not exists!"); // No esta el archivo

            //The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
            int amount = cmdMMF.Write(writtenData, 0, mmfWriteTimeout);

            if (amount == 0)
                throw new Exception("Write 0 bytes to command MMF!");

            //Output.outString("Write data: {0}", BitConverter.ToString(writtenData));